427 research outputs found

    Ungedrucktes von Franz Kafka = Unpublished by Franz Kafka : An introduction

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    This is the first translation of Brod\u2019s text which was originally published on the weekly newspaper \u201cDie Zeit\u201d on 22.10.1965. This edition, compared with the one in \u201cThe Prague Circle\u201d (1966), also presents a new translation of Kafka\u2019s only known aesthetical fragment of 1906 upon the experience of beauty and novelty, two elements which play a salient role in the whole of his narrative. Brod\u2019s suggestions as well as Kafka\u2019s counterarguments encompass the process of knowledge thus developing peculiar points of view upon subjectivity and creative processes. German-Jewish Cultural Studies and Philosophy; German Literature; Psychoanalytic Literary Criticism; Intermediality and Intertextuality are here to be reckoned wit

    Die Affeninsel di Robert Musil : letteratura e antropogenesi

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    Drawing on Lewin\u2019s topological psychology as well as on K\uf6hler\u2019s insight learning theory the article deals with "Monkey Island". The short poetic prose presents a study on conflicting group dynamics in a small artificial island in Villa Borghese, inhabited by monkeys and apes. The article analyses inter-, intragroup behaviour and compares it with Bion\u2019s basic assumptions as a result of including a protomental system besides Lewin\u2019s organisational development. Along with the experimental setting "Monkey Island" also represents individuality as conflicting with group functioning so that the persecutor\u2019s isolation is investigated as expression of individual creativity. His gaze sweeping over Rome after killing one of the helpless simians of the ditch can be connected with Musil\u2019s experiences as a child, whose family idyll was interrupted by the presence of a stranger disputing his mother\u2019s affection. Alongside the holistic perspective of Gestalt Musil's family experience gave him insight into the extent to which mind is inter-mind, self is inter-self. The translation of evidence-based theories into practice, now included in current research in embodied cognition, provided greatest opportunities for Musil becoming a writer. His literature is anthropogenetic inasmuch as it allows the reader to gain insight into human nature. The uniqueness of his oeuvre results in a persistent intertwining of ethics and aesthetics representing interaction between the individual and the environment in constant pursuit of coexistence

    Tra poesia e psicoanalisi: Note sull'opera di Durs Grünbein

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    Tra \u201cCorporeal Turn\u201d e modelli biocognitivi la poesia e la psicoanalisi non cessano di testimoniare quanto la conoscenza umana sia sovradeterminata dalla dimensione fantasmatica che informa ritmo, stile e strategie retoriche dell\u2019animale umano. La poesia e la psicoanalisi trasgrediscono i limiti della comunicazione autoconsapevole per cercare la complessit\ue0 in modi e forme di espressione alternativi. Poesia e psicoanalisi mostrano una profonda sfiducia nel nominare, concettualizzare e definire e promuovono una conoscenza che elude dominio, padronanza e controllo mediante la ricerca di \u201cun altro dire\u201d. Questa indagine sulla resistenza della psicoanalisi e della poesia al discorso attuale si sviluppa alla luce della produzione lirica e saggistica di Durs Gr\ufcnbein, uno dei massimi poeti tedeschi contemporanei. L\u2019opera di Gr\ufcnbein, che ha trascorso pi\uf9 di 20 anni nella Germania orientale, dove \ue8 nato, esplora i processi creativi che presiedono al poetico ed emergono nella vita quotidiana, ogniqualvolta l'individuo si liberi dall'imposizione di categorie predeterminate. Concentrandosi sulle potenzialit\ue0 in gioco nei processi inconsci, Durs Gr\ufcnbein indaga la frammentariet\ue0 del mondo, la fragilit\ue0 e la precariet\ue0 della vita creando oggetti poetici, le cui caratteristiche prosodiche, stilistiche, retoriche rinviano agli oggetti internalizzati della psicoanalisi. Anche il concetto freudiano di Bahnung viene chiamato in causa nella ricerca sui processi creativi qui indagati.Between Corporeal Turn and biocognitive models poetry and psychoanalysis do not cease to draw attention to the crucial importance of language in order to show that human knowledge is overdetermined with phantasmatic dimensions, which do express themselves in words, rythm and rhetorical strategies. Poetry and psychoanalysis transgress the limits of selfconscious communication and grow in complexity and alternative modes of expression by showing deep distrust in naming, conceptualising and defining, thus enhancing a knowledge which obviates mastery. This account of the inextricability of psychoanalysis and poetry is worked out in a reading of the lyrical and essaystic production of Durs Gr\ufcnbein, one of the most eminent contemporary German poets. The works of the poet, who spent more then 20 years in East-Germany, where he was born, explore the creative processes that preside over poetic production and emerge in everyday life, whenever the individual breaks free from the imposition of preconceived categories thwarting human emotions and feelings. Focusing upon the creative potentialities at stake in unconscious processes, Gr\ufcnbein investigates the fragmentariness of our world, the fragility and precariousness of life in order to represent the impingement of \u201cBeing\u201d on prosodic and stylistic features inspired by poetic objects, whose shapes and motion of words on the page can be compared with the internalised objects of psychoanalysis. Freud\u2019s concept of Bahnung will also act as a beacon for navigating the creative strategies developed by Gr\ufcnbein\u2019s production in coping with internal objects and projective identifications

    Durs Grünbein a Milano nel trentennale della caduta del muro di Berlino : Anima poetica, europea, cosmopolita

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    Thirty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall and three quarters of a century after the Ventotene Manifesto Durs Gr\ufcnbein visits Milan, where he reads from his newest works and holds the very meaningful speech Mailand, der Bahnhof, die Freiheit dealing with freedom, responsibility and the ethics of literature. Starting from the presence of civil commitment in the works of the most distinguished contemporary German author, who experienced \u201cdie Mauer\u201d and the consequences of the Iron Curtain, the present essay investigates how Gr\ufcnbein\u2019s poetry and essaystic production result in a source of inspiration for the civil society. Through the performative power of Gr\ufcnbein\u2019s words and rhetorical strategies the reader is confronted with an intellectual well aware of the problems of his time, whose poetry shows a bracing sense of political reality without neglecting formal aspect

    ... AUCH KEINERLEI : inserti freudiani in un testo celaniano

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    Celan scrive ...AUCH KEINERLEI il 7 maggio 1967 durante un ricovero nel reparto psichiatrico di Jean Delay, pioniere della psicofarmacologia nonch\ue9 umanista di vaglia. Costruita intorno a Jenseits des Lustprinzips di Freud la poesia chiude sul lessema francese \u2018Cama\uefeu\u2019. Combinati secondo montaggi e cesure strofiche peculiari dell\u2019ultima stagione celaniana, i prelievi dal testo di Freud compongono un paesaggio di parole che tratteggia lo stato mentale di chi, dinanzi al bianco su bianco dell\u2019eccidio della propria gente, intaglia versi nella lingua della madre. L\u2019idioletto, che Celan imprime nella Germania bundesrepubblicana, mantiene la sua peculiarit\ue0 di incistamento grazie alla polisemia di \u2018Cama\uefeu\u2019, significante vettore analizzato alla luce del Neutre di Barthes come quel terzo in grado di mettere fuori gioco \uabl\u2019arroganza della lingua\ubb. La mancata lettura della dieresi (Cama\uefeu) da parte di alcuni critici assume valenza interpretativa per la ricezione del corpus celaniano. Il tr\ue9ma del francese produce iato, raccoglie negli interstizi del linguaggio la presenza pneumatica di un popolo cancellato dall\u2019arroganza assimilativa degli Umlaute.Celan wrote \u2026. AUCH KEINERLEI on 7 May 1967, while committed to the mental institution Sainte Anne after having attempted suicide. The chair of the clinic was the pioneer of psychopharmacology and writer Jean Delay, who encouraged the poet no to give up reading and writing. The article begins by close-reading a few passages from Freud\u2019s Beyond The Pleasure Principle which are reframed to construct the linguistic landscape of the poem, where the only French word in the compound noun \uabrepetition compulsion- / Cama\uefeu\ubb shows Celan\u2019s creative resources. At stake is here the effort to produce verses in German, Auschwitz notwithstanding. Celan\u2019s poem achieves its critique of Germany through an immanent form of montage and unencompassed wordsmithing. The final part of the article asks how we might describe Celan\u2019s poetics of nominating the void of nationalsocialism drawing upon Barthes\u2019s late reflections on Neuter, poetry and the arrogance of language, before concluding with an interpretation of the diacritics tr\ue9ma in \u2018Cama\uefeu\u2019 counterposed to the assimilating \u2018Umlaute\u2019 of German \u2018Unworte\u2019 which annihilated Eastern European Jews, their origins, their mother tongue

    Franz Kafka : Un frammento trascurato

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    The present Issue of the Academic Journal Materiali di Estetica is devoted to the only one known epistemic Fragment Franz Kafka expressly dedicated to aesthetical questions. Max Brod found it and edited it for the first time in 1965 in the newspaper Die Zeit. The translation we present after 45 years from the one published in the volume Confessioni e diari (1972) is also the first which emends the Italian \u201cpsicologico\u201d of 1972 instead of the original \u201cphysiological\u201d, an oversight which greatly influences the reception of Kafka\u2019s thought and ideas. Also the concise introduction and comments, with which Brod accompanies his friend\u2019s remarks in 1965, are here translated for the first time. In the Fragment Kafka contrasts and counters Brod\u2019s equivalence of beauty as novelty and, conversely, novelty as beauty. We have gathered scholars of international prestige and fame in order to investigate Kafka\u2019s arguments and style, to analyse them thoroughly and unreservedly, paying due attention to pages which have been forgotten and overlooked in Kafkian studies

    Eterotassie del Novecento. Dalla mela di Benjamin al pasto di neve di Celan

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    Il presente contributo analizza l\u2019apporto di Walter Benjamin e Paul Celan alla decostruzione dell\u2019immagine idealizzata della civilt\ue0 europea. In quanto scrittori ebreo-tedeschi, essi testimoniano la vivacit\ue0 di un pensiero capace di smascherare i pregiudizi basati su presunzioni ontologiche volte a denegare l\u2019etica. Le istantanee di Benjamin sulla propria infanzia nella Berlino dei primi del Novecento \u2013 antecedenti l\u2019avvento del nazionalsocialismo \u2013 fanno parlare infans nell\u2019adulto che si trova a fronteggiare dolore, sofferenza, miseria morale e materiale. L\u2019impossibilit\ue0 che il desiderio, mille volte formulato, si adempia, consegna al lettore il paradosso di un\u2019assenza tanto onnipresente quanto impossibile da colmare, per la quale non si danno surrogati. Le immagini poetiche e visive della soglia e del passage schiudono spazi in cui la verit\ue0 vacilla e l\u2019inconscio si apre a illuminazioni impreviste. L\u2019orrore senza nome \u2013 seguito al genocidio degli ebrei d\u2019Europa \u2013 insiste nel canzoniere celaniano per dar vita a un corpus poetico in cui serie fonematiche e sequenze segniche sono ossessionate da vuoti, pause, cesure. Si origina cos\uec una particolarissima poetica del ghiaccio e della neve, della pietra e dei detriti che procede per scivolamenti metonimici cortocircuitando l\u2019ordine della ratio occidentale basato sulla metaforicizzazione del reale. Il lettore \ue8 posto pertanto dinanzi alla sua propria impossibilit\ue0 di rappresentare. Gli ultimi lavori di Celan, in qualit\ue0 di superstite chiamato a testimoniare l\u2019intestimoniabile, denunziano il vuoto che abita il cuore dell\u2019autocelebrazione della humanitas in Occidente.This work analyses the contribution of Walter Benjamin and Paul Celan to the deconstruction of the idealized image of European civilization. Their production as German Jewish writers testifies of a view of creative processes able to unmask prejudices based on ontological assumptions resulting in the denial of pivotal ethical questions. The \u201csnapshot-aesthetic\u201d of Benjamin\u2019s childhood in prewar Berlin - before the Nazi seized power in 1933 - confront us with the voice of Infans in the adult man coping with distress, disconsolation, suffering and pain. The unfulfilled images deriving from these enchanting short proses hold the paradox of the omnipresence of a primary, necessary absence without resolving it or finding substitutes. Benjamin\u2019s imagery and imaginary of the threshold and of the \u201cpassage\u201d disclose places where truth falters and unconscious processes shine out producing illuminations. The transference of nameless horror in consequence of the destruction of most European Jews gives rise by Paul Celan to an obsessive attention paid to the shape and sound of words, to the rhythm of verse, to the measure of caesurae and pauses. Celan\u2019s poetics of snow and ice, of drips and stones etches an astonishing, upsetting phonemic, landscape in which rests produced by the sliding down and drifting away of metonymic connexions disclose a lack, a blank, a hole at the very core of European Kultur. Celan\u2019s poetry and poetics \u2013 as a survivor - helps highlighting the paradoxical situation of German speaking Jewish writers, whose working out of traumatic experiences turns out to be particularly tormented, so that the reader is confronted with his own impossibility to represent and metaphorize. Tracing the unfurling of recklessness and collusive criminal negligence of the world in which he had to live, Celan signifies European self-representation of humanitas as hollow and senseless at the core

    Contribution of polymorphic variation of inositol hexakisphosphate kinase 3 (IP6K3) gene promoter to the susceptibility to late onset Alzheimer's disease

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    Maintenance of electric potential and synaptic transmission are energetically demanding tasks that neuronal metabolism must continually satisfy. Inability to fulfil these energy requirements leads to the development of neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer's disease. A prominent feature of Alzheimer's disease is in fact neuronal glucose hypometabolism. Thus understanding the fine control of energetic metabolism might help to understand neurodegenerative disorders. Recent research has indicated that a novel class of signalling molecules, the inositol pyrophosphates, act as energy sensors. They are able to alter the balance between mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and glycolytic flux, ultimately affecting the cellular level of ATP. The neuronal inositol pyrophosphate synthesis relies on the activity of the neuron enriched inositol hexakisphosphate kinase 3 (IP6K3) enzyme. To verify an involvement of inositol pyrophosphate signalling in neurodegenerative disorders, we performed tagging single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis of the IP6K3 gene in patients with familial and sporadic late onset Alzheimer's disease (LOAD). Two SNPs in the 5'-flanking promoter region of the IP6K3 gene were found to be associated with sporadic LOAD. Characterizing the functionality of the two polymorphisms by luciferase assay revealed that one of them (rs28607030) affects IP6K3 promoter activity, with the G allele showing an increased activity. As the same allele has a beneficial effect on disease risk, this may be related to upregulation of IP6K3 expression, with a consequent increase in inositol pyrophosphate synthesis. In conclusion, we provide the first evidence for a contribution of genetic variability in the IP6K3 gene to LOAD pathogenesis
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