Ungedrucktes von Franz Kafka = Unpublished by Franz Kafka : An introduction


This is the first translation of Brod\u2019s text which was originally published on the weekly newspaper \u201cDie Zeit\u201d on 22.10.1965. This edition, compared with the one in \u201cThe Prague Circle\u201d (1966), also presents a new translation of Kafka\u2019s only known aesthetical fragment of 1906 upon the experience of beauty and novelty, two elements which play a salient role in the whole of his narrative. Brod\u2019s suggestions as well as Kafka\u2019s counterarguments encompass the process of knowledge thus developing peculiar points of view upon subjectivity and creative processes. German-Jewish Cultural Studies and Philosophy; German Literature; Psychoanalytic Literary Criticism; Intermediality and Intertextuality are here to be reckoned wit

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