314 research outputs found

    Isogeometric analysis of plane-curved beams

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    A curved beam element based on the Timoshenko model and non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS) interpolation both for geometry and displacements is presented. Such an element can be used to suitably analyse plane-curved beams and arches. Some numerical results will explore the effectiveness and accuracy of this novel method by comparing its performance with those of some accurate finite elements proposed in the technical literature, and also with analytical solutions: for the cases where such closed-form solutions were not available in the literature, they have been computed by exact integration of the governing differential equations. It is shown that the presented element is almost insensitive to both membrane- and shear-locking, and that such phenomena can be easily controlled by properly choosing the number of elements or the NURBS degree

    Non-parabolic intergranular barriers in tin oxide and gas sensing

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    Chemoresistive properties of crystalline solids strongly depend on the concentration of stoichiometric defects. In the case of tin oxide, oxygen vacancies are a case in point of such kind of defects. We address the problem of band bending and Schottky barrier formation in tin oxide. We approached the problem of charged native defects, oxygen vacancies, in a metal oxide in equilibrium with an oxygen containing ambient under three equivalent points of view. We focused on the non-parabolic barriers character that form at intergrains. Implications in gas sensing are discussed.Fil: Aldao, Celso Manuel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Mar del Plata. Instituto de InvestigaciĂłn en Ciencia y TecnologĂ­a de Materiales (i); ArgentinaFil: MalagĂą, C.. University of Ferrara; Itali

    Overview of Gas Sensors Focusing on Chemoresistive Ones for Cancer Detection

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    The necessity of detecting and recognizing gases is crucial in many research and application fields, boosting, in the last years, their continuously evolving technology. The basic detection principle of gas sensors relies on the conversion of gas concentration changes into a readable signal that can be analyzed to calibrate sensors to detect specific gases or mixtures. The large variety of gas sensor types is here examined in detail, along with an accurate description of their fundamental characteristics and functioning principles, classified based on their working mechanisms (electrochemical, resonant, optical, chemoresistive, capacitive, and catalytic). This review is particularly focused on chemoresistive sensors, whose electrical resistance changes because of chemical reactions between the gas and the sensor surface, and, in particular, we focus on the ones developed by us and their applications in the medical field as an example of the technological transfer of this technology to medicine. Nowadays, chemoresistive sensors are, in fact, strong candidates for the implementation of devices for the screening and monitoring of tumors (the second worldwide cause of death, with ~9 million deaths) and other pathologies, with promising future perspectives that are briefly discussed as well

    Diameter-dependent elastic properties of carbon nanotube-polymer composites: Emergence of size effects from atomistic-scale simulations

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    We propose a computational procedure to assess size effects in nonfunctionalized single-walled carbon nanotube (CNT)-polymer composites. The procedure upscales results obtained with atomistic simulations on a composite unit cell with one CNT to an equivalent continuum composite model with a large number of CNTs. Molecular dynamics simulations demonstrate the formation of an ordered layer of polymer matrix surrounding the nanotube. This layer, known as the interphase, plays a central role in the overall mechanical response of the composite. Due to poor load transfer from the matrix to the CNT, the reinforcement effect attributed to the CNT is negligible; hence the interphase is regarded as the only reinforcement phase in the composite. Consequently, the mechanical properties of the interface and the CNT are not derived since their contribution to the elastic response of the composite is negligible. To derive the elastic properties of the interphase, we employ an intermediate continuum micromechanical model consisting of only the polymer matrix and a three-dimensional fiber representing the interphase. The Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio of the equivalent fiber, and therefore of the interphase, are identified through an optimization procedure based on the comparison between results from atomistic simulations and those obtained from an isogeometric analysis of the intermediate micromechanical model. Finally, the embedded reinforcement method is employed to determine the macroscopic elastic properties of a representative volume element of a composite with various fiber volume fractions and distributions. We then investigate the role of the CNT diameter on the elastic response of a CNT polymer composite; our simulations predict a size effect on the composite elastic properties, clearly related to the interphase volume fraction

    ArchNURBS: NURBS-Based Tool for the Structural Safety Assessment of Masonry Arches in MATLAB

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    A new approach toward a fully computer-aided design (CAD) integrated structural analysis of arched masonry structures is proposed and a new MATLAB-based computational tool, named ArchNURBS, is developed. It is addressed to professionals dealing with the restoration or structural rehabilitation of historical constructions, who need to assess the safety of masonry arches under assigned load distributions. By using it, they can easily produce estimates of the carrying capacity of curved masonry members, and specifically arches of arbitrary shape. A CAD environment, which is very popular among professionals, can be employed to provide a nonuniform rational B-splines (NURBS) representation of arch geometry. On the basis of this representation, it is possible to perform both an elastic isogeometric analysis and a limit analysis of the structure up to the collapse load. Moreover, the developed tool is devised for handling the presence of fiber-reinforced polymers reinforcement strips at the extrados and/or intrados. This allows for the design of properly dimensioned reinforcement and its verification according to current building codes. The entire procedure relies upon a sound theoretical background. ArchNURBS is going to be freely distributed as an open-source project (http://sourceforge.net/projects/archnurbs/)

    Reproducibility and Repeatability Tests on (SnTiNb)O2 Sensors in Detecting ppm-Concentrations of CO and Up to 40% of Humidity: A Statistical Approach

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    : Nowadays, most medical-diagnostic, environmental monitoring, etc. devices employ sensors whose fabrication reproducibility and response repeatability assessment are crucial. The former consists of large-scale sensor manufacture through a standardized process with almost identical morphology and behavior, while the latter consists of giving the same response upon repeating the same stimulus. The thermo-activated chemoresistive sensors, which change their conductance by interacting with the molecules composing the surrounding gas, are currently employed in many devices: in particular, thick-film (SnTiNb)O2 nanosensors were demonstrated to be particularly suitable in the medical and biological fields. Therefore, a set of thirteen of them, randomly selected from the same screen-printing deposition, were laboratory tested, and the outcomes were statistically analyzed in order to assess their consistency. At first, the working temperature that maximized both the sensor sensitivity and response repeatability was identified. Then, the sensors were subjected to different gas concentrations and humidities at this optimal working temperature. It resulted in the (SnTiNb)O2 nanosensors detecting and discriminating CO concentrations as low as 1 ppm and at high humidity degrees (up to 40%) with high repeatability since the response relative standard error ranged from 0.8 to 3.3% for CO and from 3.6 to 5.4% for water vapor

    Chemoresistive Nanosensors Employed to Detect Blood Tumor Markers in Patients Affected by Colorectal Cancer in a One-Year Follow Up

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    Simple Summary Since colorectal cancer represents one of the most diffused pathologies worldwide, usually lacking specific symptoms, it is crucial to develop and validate innovative low-invasive techniques to detect it. Here, a device based on an array of nanostructured gas sensors has been employed to analyze and discriminate the exhalations of blood samples collected from colorectal cancer-affected patients at different stages of their pre- and post-surgery therapeutic path. The device was clearly able to distinguish between the pre-surgery samples, where the tumor was present, and the one-year post-surgery ones, following the tumor removal. These results raise high hopes for the device's clinical validation and its future use in clinical follow-up protocols, patient health status monitoring, and to detect possible post-treatment relapses. Colorectal cancer (CRC) represents 10% of the annual tumor diagnosis and deaths occurring worldwide. Given the lack of specific symptoms, which could determine a late diagnosis, the research for specific CRC biomarkers and for innovative low-invasive methods to detect them is crucial. Therefore, on the basis of previously published results, some volatile organic compounds (VOCs), detectable through gas sensors, resulted in particularly promising CRC biomarkers, making these sensors suitable candidates to be employed in CRC screening devices. A new device was employed here to analyze the exhalations of blood samples collected from CRC-affected patients at different stages of their pre- and post-surgery therapeutic path, in order to assess the sensor's capability for discriminating among these samples. The stages considered were: the same day of the surgical treatment (T1); before the hospital discharge (T2); after one month and after 10-12 months from surgery (T3 and T4, respectively). This device, equipped with four different sensors based on different metal-oxide mixtures, enabled a distinction between T1 and T4 with a sensitivity and specificity of 93% and 82%, respectively, making it suitable for clinical follow-up protocols, patient health status monitoring and to detect possible post-treatment relapses

    Sensing of gaseous malodors characteristic of landfills and waste treatment plants

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    Abstract. We approached the problem of sensing gaseous pollutants and malodors originating as a result of decomposition of organic compounds via chemoresistive sensors. A set of four screen-printed films based on two types of mixed tin and titanium oxides, mixed tungsten and tin oxides, and zinc oxide has been tested vs. the main gaseous components of malodors. N-butanol was also considered because of its importance as a reference gas in the odorimetric intensity scale. We found that, under proper working conditions, the films can sensitively detect such gases either in dry or in wet environments, within the range of concentrations of interest for their monitoring. We also demonstrated that the array is robust under solicitation by harmful interference gases such as CO, C6H6, NO2 and NO

    Clinical validation results of an innovative non-invasive device for colorectal cancer preventive screening through fecal exhalation analysis

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    Screening is recommended to reduce both incidence and mortality of colorectal cancer. Currently, many countries employ fecal occult blood test (FOBT). In Emilia-Romagna (Italy), since 2005, FOBT immunochemical version (FIT) is performed every two years on people aged between 50 and 69 years. A colonoscopy is then carried out on those who are FIT positive. However, FIT shows approximately 65% false positives (non-tumoral bleedings), leading to many negative colonoscopies. The use of an economic and easy-to-use method to check FOBT-positives will improve screening effectiveness, reducing costs to the national health service. This work illustrates the results of a three-year clinical validation protocol (started in 2016) of a patented device composed of a core of nanostructured gas sensors. This device was designed to identify CRC presence by fecal volatile compounds, with a non-invasive, in vitro and low-cost analysis. Feces are, in fact, affected by tumor-volatile biomarkers, produced by cellular peroxidation and metabolic alterations. The protocol consisted in the analysis of fecal samples of FIT-positive subjects, using colonoscopy as a gold standard. A total of 398 samples were analyzed with machine learning techniques, leading to a sensitivity and specificity of 84.1% and 82.4%, respectively, and a positive predictive value of 72% (25–35% for FIT)

    Devices for Screening and Monitoring of Tumors Based on Chemoresistive Sensors

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    Abstract In this work two devices are presented, named SCENT A1 (A1) and SCENT B1 (B1), composed of chemoresistive sensors. Such devices are capable of discriminating the different compositions of gas mixtures emitted by stools, for colorectal cancer screening (A1), and by blood, for tumors monitoring (B1), according to defined sampling protocols. Results have been acquired by a LabView® software and statistically treated (e.g. quadratic discriminant analysis, QDA) and show to be encouraging with an error of 5% for SCENT A1. Preliminary results of SCENT B1 proved to be promising. Further studies will be carried out for clinically validating the two devices
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