22 research outputs found

    Electrical properties of epoxy composites based on carbon black

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    In this work, AC electrical properties of epoxy composites based on carbon black (CB) were determined depending on the loading of filler. The measurements were carried out within a frequency range 20 Hz – 1 MHz. The loading of carbon black was 0–5 wt.% in composites. The conductivity increased when increasing the content of carbon black and the maximum values were observed at 5 wt.% CB. The maximum value of permittivity was at 0.75 wt.% CB and it can be considered as percolation threshold

    Modern possibilities of urorectal fistula laparoscopic fistuloplasty

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    The aim was to study the laparoscopic fistuloplasty possibility of the urorectal fistula (URF) that has occured after the rectal resectionin patient with colon cancer and to determine the ways to improve the results of the treatment for this complication. Patient N., 60 y. o., underwent the successful laparoscopic fistuloplasty of the URF that has occurred after surgical treatment for colon cancer and adjuvant polychemotherapy. The minimally invasive fistuloplasty is possible and has a good tolerability even in patients with oncopathology after extended pelvic surgical treatment and chemotherapy. Due to the operation specific this kind of surgery should be performed only in center with high laparoscopic and pelvic surgery experience

    Application of Biocompatible Noble Metal Film Materials to Medical Implants: TiNi Surface Modification

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    Recently, film materials based on the combination of noble metals have showed promising results for surface modification of medical implants, allowing both to improve biocompatibility and to acquire the increased antibacterial effect. An important challenge here is to combine the developed coating morphology, which is favorable for biological response, with a high protective function, which, on the contrary, requires a compact coating microstructure. In this work, we aimed to solve this problem with respect to the TiNi implant material. We have tested two types of compact thin sublayers: Iridium (Ir’), formed by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD), and gold (Au), formed by physical vapor deposition (PVD). Subsequently these sublayers were coated with a developed-columnar-iridium (Ir) by MOCVD. Features of the microstructure, chemical and phase composition of all these film materials were studied using powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The changes in the characteristics of TiNi martensitic transformation due to MOCVD experiments were also studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The biocompatibility of Ir’/TiNi, Au/TiNi, Ir/Ir’/TiNi, Ir/Au/TiNi samples was assessed by cytoxicity testing (Man-1 cells) and measuring of nickel content in the biological extracts. The application of both sublayers effectively reduces the release of nickel, which was previously shown for Ir/TiNi samples. This prevents the toxic effect. Note that the Ir’ sublayer better protects against nickel release, while the Au sublayer promotes cell proliferation

    Наш опыт медицинского онлайн образования во время войны

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    В статті викладені методичні розробки щодо викладання медичних дисциплін онлайн під час війни. Досвід кафедри променевоі діагностики, терапіі, радіаціиноі медицини та онкологіі Одеського національного медичного університету демонструє, що незважаючи на всі обмеження дистанціиного навчання, воно може бути не лише цікавим, а й ефективним. Використання сучасних технологій в освітньому процесі, акцент на лекціях провідних наукових співробітників кафедри з великим клінічним досвідом, онлайн демонстрація хірургічних втручань та симуляційний онлайн-пацієнт, надання студентам можливості самостійно виконувати проекти – все це дозволяє адаптуватися студентам та продовжувати освітніи процес в умовах повномасштабного вторгнення.The article describes methodological developments in teaching medical disciplines online during the war. The experience of the department of radiodiagnostics, therapy, radiation medicine and oncology of Odesa National Medical University shows that despite all the limitations of distance learning, it can be not only interesting, but also effective. The use of modern technologies in the educational process, an emphasis on lectures by leading scientific staff of the department with extensive clinical experience, an online demonstration of surgical interventions and a simulated online patient, giving students the opportunity to independently carry out projects – all this allows students to adapt and continue the educational process in the conditions of a full-scale invasion.В статье изложены методические разработки по преподаванию медицинских дисциплин онлайн во время войны. Опыт кафедры лучевой диагностики, терапии, радиационной медицины и онкологии Одесского национального медицинского университета демонстрирует, что, несмотря на все ограничения дистанционного обучения, оно может быть не только интересным, но и эффективным. Использование современных технологий в образовательном процессе, акцент на лекциях ведущих научных сотрудников кафедры с большим клиническим опытом, онлайн демонстрация хирургических вмешательств и симуляционный онлайн пациент, предоставление студентам возможности самостоятельно выполнять проекты – все это позволяет адаптироваться студентам и продолжать образовательный процесс в условиях полномасштабного вторжения