28 research outputs found

    Työssä jaksaminen Kotilo ry:ssä

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    Opinnäytetyömme tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa, millaiseksi Kotilo ry:n henkilöstö kokee työssä jaksamisensa sekä mitkä tekijät edistävät ja mitkä tekijät heikentävät työssä jaksamista. Käsitte-lemme työssämme työssä jaksamista työyhteisön, työntekijän ja työn näkökulmasta. Kotilo ry:ssä on tehty tutkimus työssä jaksamisesta vuonna 2001. Toteutimme tutkimuksemme sekä kvantitatiivisella eli määrällisellä että kvalitatiivisella eli laa-dullisella tutkimusmenetelmällä. Keräsimme tutkimusaineiston kyselylomakkeella helmikuussa 2011. Vastausprosentti oli 81 %. Aineiston analysointiin käytimme SPSS-tilasto-ohjelmaa. Avoimet kysymykset käsittelimme sisällönanalyysin avulla. Tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta työssä jaksamisen olevan hyvää Kotilo ry:ssä. Työssä jaksa-mista edistäviä tekijöitä oli vastaajien mielestä enemmän kuin heikentäviä tekijöitä. Mainittakoon näistä edistävistä tekijöistä mm. hyvä esimiestoiminta, työkaverit, työn sopiva määrällinen ja laadullinen kuormitus sekä hyvä ammattitaito. Henkilöstön työssä jaksamista heikensivät huono töiden organisointi, työkavereiden huonot keskinäiset välit ja sen myötä tuleva huono ilmapiiri sekä työntekijöiden henkilökohtaiset tekijät kuten terveysongelmat ja oman elämän negatiiviset asiat. Toivomme tutkimustulosten antavan työkaluja Kotilo ry:n työnjohdolle ja henkilökunnalle entistä paremman työyhteisön luomiseksi.The aim of this study was to examine how the Kotilo ry staff has seen their wellbeing at work and to find out the factors which promote as well as undermine coping with daily tasks. The sub-ject is discussed from the standpoints of the entire work community, every individual worker and the accomplished work itself. A corresponding study was carried out in the year 2001. Quantitative and qualitative research methods were used in this study. Questionnaires were used for collecting data in February 2011. 31 questionnaires were sent, 25 responses received, the response rate being 81 %. SPSS statistical software was used for data analysis and open-ended questions were processed with content analysis. The result demonstrated that the staff is coping well at Kotilo ry – contributing factors were more numerous than debilitating ones. The contributing factors of greatest importance were: good leadership, colleagues, a healthy balance between the quantitative and qualitative expecta-tions on performance and good professional skills. The debilitating factors included poor organi-zation of work, a bad atmosphere due to strained relations between colleagues and personal fac-tors such as illness or problems in private life. We hope that this study manages to provide appropriate tools for the management and employees of Kotilo ry for creating an even better work community

    Organizing and identifying for value innovation in B2B

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    Organizing and Identifying for Value Innovation in B2

    Osa 2: Ympäristöselvitys

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    Tämä yhteenveto koostuu kahdesta osasta: työperäisen altistumisen ja terveysriskin arviointiosasta ja ympäristövaikutusten arviointiosasta

    The innovation inducement impact of environmental regulations on maritime transport: A literature review

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    Maritime transport is facing wide-ranking challenges due to stricter environmental regulations. It has been positioned that these stricter environmental regulations will significantly hamper the competitiveness of the shipping industry and other export/import oriented industries. However, contrasting views, arguing that environmental regulations will, in fact, enhance firms competitiveness by inducing innovation, have also been voiced. Here this issue is examined through a literature review on the innovation inducement impact of environmental regulations (i.e. the Porter Hypothesis), in general, and the economic impacts of environmental regulations (here Annex VI of the MARPOL Convention) as it applies to shipping in Northern Europe, in particular. According to the review, the literature is still inconclusive and lacks a clear consensus on the economic and innovation inducement impacts of environmental regulations on maritime transport. Therefore, the review concludes in suggestions for further studies on the use of marine scrubber systems as an illustrative case study example.</p


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    Teemanumeron esipuhe


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    Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, mitä konsonantteja 2-vuotiaat suomalaislapsettuottavat eri sana-asemissa. Lisäksi tutkittiin sanaston laajuuden yhteyttäkonsonantti-inventaarin kokoon. Aineisto koostui 24 lapsen spontaaneista 15 minuutinmittaisista puhenäytteistä, jotka litteroitiin IPA:a käyttäen. Tulokset osoittivat, että 2-vuotiaiden suomalaislasten konsonantti-inventaarien koossa ja sanaston laajuudessaon suurta variaatiota. Sanaston laajuus korreloi positiivisesti konsonantti-inventaarinkoon kanssa.Avainsanat: Fonologia, konsonantti-inventaari, sanasto, variaatioKeywords: Phonology, consonant inventory, lexicon, variatio

    Large-scale unit commitment under uncertainty: an updated literature survey

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    The Unit Commitment problem in energy management aims at finding the optimal production schedule of a set of generation units, while meeting various system-wide constraints. It has always been a large-scale, non-convex, difficult problem, especially in view of the fact that, due to operational requirements, it has to be solved in an unreasonably small time for its size. Recently, growing renewable energy shares have strongly increased the level of uncertainty in the system, making the (ideal) Unit Commitment model a large-scale, non-convex and uncertain (stochastic, robust, chance-constrained) program. We provide a survey of the literature on methods for the Uncertain Unit Commitment problem, in all its variants. We start with a review of the main contributions on solution methods for the deterministic versions of the problem, focussing on those based on mathematical programming techniques that are more relevant for the uncertain versions of the problem. We then present and categorize the approaches to the latter, while providing entry points to the relevant literature on optimization under uncertainty. This is an updated version of the paper "Large-scale Unit Commitment under uncertainty: a literature survey" that appeared in 4OR 13(2), 115--171 (2015); this version has over 170 more citations, most of which appeared in the last three years, proving how fast the literature on uncertain Unit Commitment evolves, and therefore the interest in this subject

    Tutorial:Speech assessment for multilingual children who do not speak the same language(s) as the speech-language pathologist

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    Purpose: The aim of this tutorial is to support speech language pathologists (SLPs) undertaking assessments of multilingual children with suspected speech sound disorders, particularly children who speak languages that are not shared with their SLP. Method: The tutorial was written by the International Expert Panel on Multilingual Children’s Speech, which comprises 46 researchers (SLPs, linguists, phoneticians, and speech scientists) who have worked in 43 countries and used 27 languages in professional practice. Seventeen panel members met for a 1-day workshop to identify key points for inclusion in the tutorial, 26 panel members contributed to writing this tutorial, and 34 members contributed to revising this tutorial online (some members contributed tomore than 1 task). Results: This tutorial draws on international research evidence and professional expertise to provide a comprehensive overview of working with multilingual children with suspected speech sound disorders. This overview addresses referral, case history, assessment, analysis, diagnosis, and goal setting and the SLP’s cultural competence and preparation for working with interpreters and multicultural support workers and dealing with organizational and government barriers to and facilitators of culturally competent practice. Conclusion: The issues raised in this tutorial are applied in a hypothetical case study of an English-speaking SLP’s assessment of a multilingual Cantonese-and English-speaking 4-year-old boy. Resources are listed throughout the tutorial.Australian Research Council: FT0990588United States Department of Health & Human Services National Institutes of Health (NIH) - USA NIH National Institute on Deafness & Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD