460 research outputs found

    Coincident multi-point observations of the E- and F- region decametre-scale plasma waves at high latitudes

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    Presented is an extensive analysis of the E-region backscatter observed at magnetic latitudes 75°-80°N by the PolarDARN component of the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN). The statistical occurrence characteristics of the short-range echoes reveal significant differences from those of the auroral and sub-auroral SuperDARN radars

    Long-term Changes in Community of Planktonic Algae of the Northeastern Black Sea (2005-2011)

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    Phytoplankton dynamics in bays and open waters of the northeastern Black Sea was studied in 2005-2011. Species composition comprised 11 classes and 210 species including 19 potentially toxic species and 5 new records for the study area. The maximum species richness was found among dinoflagellates (96 species) and diatoms (78); other major taxonomic groups were represented by a small number of species (2 to 10). The highest abundance of planktonic algae was observed in the Novorossiysk port waters (5.1x105 cells/ L; 1.08 g/m3). Algal abundance and biomass in the bays of Anapa, Gelendzhik and Tuapse were 2 to 5 times less than in the bay of Novorossiysk. Smallcelled mesosaprobic species of diatoms (Skeletonema, Leptocylindrus, Thalassionema and Chaetoceros), euglenophyceans (Eutreptia lanowii), cyanobacteria (Lyngbya and Oscillatoria) and mixotrophic dinoflagellates (Gymnodinium, Heterocapsa, Gyrodinium and Prorocentrum) were found in the bays. Abundance and biomass in the open sea in front of the bays were 1.5-2 times higher than those observed within the bays. The minimum abundance and biomass were observed in the open sea (5.4x104 cells/L, 0.28 g/m3) and the Kerch Strait (9.8x104 cells/L, 0.186 g/m3). In these areas the most significant part of the population (34-40% of phytoplankton abundance) was composed of the nanoplanktonic prymnesiophycean Emiliania huxleyi, the large-celled diatoms Proboscia alata and Pseudosolenia calcar-avis and dinoflagellates of the genus Protoperidinium (up to 45% of phytoplankton biomass)

    On the SuperDARN cross polar cap potential saturation effect

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    Variation of the cross polar cap potential (CPCP) with the interplanetary electric field (IEF), the merging electric field <I>E<sub>KL</sub></I>, the Polar Cap North (PCN) magnetic index, and the solar wind-magnetosphere coupling function <I>E<sub>C</sub></I> of Newell et al. (2007) is investigated by considering convection data collected by the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) in the Northern Hemisphere. Winter and summer observations are considered separately. All variations considered show close to linear trend at small values of the parameters and tendency for the saturation at large values. The threshold values starting from which the non-linearity was evident were estimated to be IEF*~<I>E<sub>KL</sub></I>*~3 mV/m, PCN*~3–4, and <I>E<sub>C</sub></I>*~1.5×10<sup>4</sup>. The data indicate that saturation starts at larger values of the above parameters and reaches larger (up to 10 kV) saturation levels during summer. Conclusions are supported by a limited data set of simultaneous SuperDARN observations in the Northern (summer) and Southern (winter) Hemispheres. It is argued that the SuperDARN CPCP saturation levels and the thresholds for the non-linearity to be seen are affected by the method of the CPCP estimates

    HF echo types revisited: aspect angle attenuation effects

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    Observations of high-velocity SAPS-like flows with the King Salmon SuperDARN radar

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    In this study, a focused investigation of the potential for the King Salmon (KS) SuperDARN HF radar to monitor high-velocity flows near the equatorial edge of the auroral oval is undertaken. Events are presented with line-of-sight velocities as high as 2km/s, observed roughly along the L-shell. Statistically, the enhanced flows are shown to be typical for the dusk sector (16:00–23:00 MLT), and the average velocity in this sector is larger (smaller) for winter (summer) conditions. It is also demonstrated that the high-velocity flows can be very dynamical with more localized enhancements existing for just several minutes. These short-lived enhancements occur when the luminosity at the equatorial edge of the auroral oval suddenly decreases during the substorm recovery phase. The short-lived velocity enhancements can be established because of proton and ion injections into the inner magnetosphere and low conductance of the ionosphere and not because of enhanced tail reconnection. This implies that some KS velocity enhancements have the same origin as subauroral polarization streams (SAPS)

    First E region observations of mesoscale neutral wind interaction with auroral arcs

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    We report the first observations of E region neutral wind fields and their interaction with auroral arcs at mesoscale spatial resolution during geomagnetically quiet conditions at Mawson, Antarctica. This was achieved by using a scanning Doppler imager, which can observe thermospheric neutral line-of-sight winds and temperatures simultaneously over a wide field of view. In two cases, the background E region wind field was perpendicular to an auroral arc, which when it appeared caused the wind direction within ∼50 km of the arc to rotate parallel along the arc, reverting to the background flow direction when the arc disappeared. This was observed under both westward and eastward plasma convection. The wind rotations occurred within 7–16 min. In one case, as an auroral arc propagated from the horizon toward the local zenith, the background E region wind field became significantly weaker but remained unaffected where the arc had not passed through. We demonstrate through modeling that these effects cannot be explained by height changes in the emission layer. The most likely explanation seems to be the greatly enhanced ion drag associated with the increased plasma density and localized ionospheric electric field associated with auroral arcs. In all cases, the F region neutral wind appeared less affected by the auroral arc, although its presence is clear in the data

    Effect of Nickel Administration in vivo on the Testicular Structure in Male Mice

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    The aim of this study was to describe the effects of nickel (NiCl2) on murine testicular structure. Experimental animals were injected intraperitoneally with a single dose of 20 mg NiCl2 per kg of body mass (group A, n = 5) and 40 mg NiCl2 per kg b. m. (group B, n = 5). The group without injection (n = 5) was the control (C). Animals were killed 48 hours after administration of nickel. The body mass of animals, the mass of testes and the testes : body mass ratio were not significantly affected. In both experimental groups a significant (p p p < 0.05 - 0.001) after nickel administration. Evaluation of the lumen diameter in the seminiferous tubule showed a significant increase in both experimental groups. The data of the perimeter of seminiferous tubules corresponded with those of the seminiferous tubule diameter. TUNEL assay detected a higher frequency of localized apoptosis in the interstitium of nickel-administered animals compared to control group. Our findings clearly suggest a negative effect of nickel on the structure as well as on the function of the seminferous epithelium at the site of spermatozoa production

    Метод повышения эффективности технологического процесса склейки линз и достоверная оценка выходных контролируемых параметров

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    The use of glued lens components in optical devices improves the image quality of telescopic and photographic lenses or inverting systems by eliminating a number of aberrations, and also reduces light losses in the optical system of the device. The traditional production process of lenses gluing involves the sequential execution of a set of technological operations and takes a significant period of time. The purpose of the research was to improve the accuracy and productivity of the technological process of lenses gluing by improving the optical system of the control and measuring device and automating the operation of lenses optical axes combining by introducing an electronic reference system and mechanisms for micro-movements of optical parts.A technique is proposed for centering of two and three-component optical blocks by an autocollimation flare which provides a matching accuracy of less than 0.5 μm. The possibility of constructive modernization of the classic ST-41 autocollimation microscope with parallel separation of the displayed output information in the visual and television channels is shown. An automated system for controlling of the process of convergence of autocollimation points in the device is proposed. Using software methods an electronic grid template is formed on the monitor screen, onto which images of autocollimation points are projected. The decentering value 2Δe is determined and a corrective control voltage is applied to three stepper motors and pushers for transverse movement of the glued optical part.Specialized software has been developed for automatically bringing the position of the autocollimating crosshair to the center of the measuring scale of the grid based on a combination of two methods of “least squares” and “successive approximation”. Compliance with a number of technological transitions and the accompanying control of geometric parameters make it possible to achieve greater accuracy in determining the eccentricity of the crosshairs of the aligned optical axes of the glued lenses. Применение в оптических приборах склеенных линзовых компонентов позволяет повысить качество изображения телескопических и фотографических объективов или оборачивающих систем за счёт устранения ряда аберраций, а также обеспечивает уменьшение световых потерь в оптической системе прибора. Традиционный производственный процесс склеивания линз предусматривает последовательное выполнение комплекса технологических операций и занимает существенный промежуток времени. Цель исследований заключалась в повышении точности и производительности технологического процесса склейки линз за счёт совершенствования оптической системы контрольно-измерительного прибора и автоматизации операции совмещения оптических осей линз путём введения электронной системы отсчёта и механизмов для микроперемещений оптических деталей.Предложена методика центрирования двух- и трёхкомпонентных оптических блоков по автоколлимационному блику, обеспечивающая точность совмещения менее 0,5 мкм. Показана возможность  конструктивной  модернизации  классического  автоколлимационного  микроскопа СТ-41  с  параллельным  разделением  отображаемой  выходной  информации  в  визуальном  и телевизионном каналах. Предложена автоматизированная система управления процессом сведения автоколлимационных точек в приборе. Программными методами на экране монитора формируется шаблон электронной сетки, на которую проецируются изображения автоколлимационных точек, определяется величина децентричности 2Δe и подаётся корректирующее управляющее напряжение на три шаговых двигателя и толкатели для поперечной подвижки приклеиваемой оптической детали. Разработано специализированное программное обеспечение для автоматического сведения положения автоколлимационного перекрестия в центр измерительной шкалы сетки, основанное на сочетании двух методов – «наименьших квадратов» и «последовательного приближения». Соблюдение ряда технологических переходов и сопутствующий контроль геометрических параметров позволяют добиться большей точности при определении величины эксцентриситета перекрестия совмещаемых оптических осей


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    The results of treatment of 290 patients with chronic post-traumatic instability of the shoulder joint treated for the period 2004–2017 are studied. In accordance with the task, the authors identified 3 clinical variants of post-traumatic instability depending on the prevailing direction of the dislocation. Taking into account the revealed variants, the authors studied their morphogenesis and developed a differentiated tactic and ways of their elimination. The proposed approaches based on the identification and elimination of damages of the rotary-bicepital complex, as well as the developed methods of surgical treatment made it possible to improve the subjective feelings of patients on the OOP scale from 56 [48; 58] to 24 [12; 28] (Me [Q25; Q75]) and indicators of objective evaluation of the function on the Rowe scale from 15 [15; 55] to 75 [75; 100] points.Изучены результаты лечения 290 пациентов с хронической посттравматической нестабильностью плечевого сустава, пролеченных в 2004–2017 гг. В соответствии с поставленной задачей авторами выделены 3 клинических варианта посттравматической нестабильности в зависимости от превалирующего направления дислокации. С учетом выявленных вариантов изучен их морфогенез и разработана дифференцированная тактика и способы их устранения. Предложенные подходы, в основу которых положены выявление и ликвидация повреждений ротаторно-бицепитального комплекса, а также разработанные способы оперативного лечения, позволили улучшить субъективные ощущения пациентов по шкале ООП с 56 [48; 58] до 24 [12; 28] (Me [Q25; Q75]) и показатели объективной оценки функции по шкале Rowe с 15 [15; 55] до 75 [75; 100] баллов