101 research outputs found

    Pollen grains as allergenic environmental factors : new approach to the forecasting of the pollen concentration during the season

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    Introduction and objectives. It is important to monitor the threat of allergenic pollen during the whole season, because of practical application in allergic rhinitis treatment, especially in the specific allergen immunotherapy. The aim of the study was to propose the forecast models predicting the pollen occurrence in the defined pollen concentration categories related to the patient exposure and symptom intensity. Material and methods. The study was performed in Cracow (southern Poland), pollen data were collected using the volumetric method in 1991–2012. For all independent variables (meteorological elements) and the daily pollen concentrations the running mean for periods: 2-, 3-, 4-, 5-, 6- and 7 days before the predicted day were calculated. The multinomial logistic regression was used to find the relation between the probability of the pollen concentration occurrence in the selected categories and meteorological elements and pollen concentration in days preceding the predicted daily concentration. The models were constructed for each taxon using data in 1991–2011 (without 1992 and 1996 due to missing data in these years) and 1998–2011 pollen seasons. Results. The days classified among the lowest category (0–10 PG/m3 ) (pollen grains/m3 of air) dominated for all the studied taxa. The percentage of the obtained predictions of the pollen occurrence fluctuated between 35–78% which is a sufficient value of model predictions. Considering the studied taxon, the best model accuracy was obtained for models forecasting Betula pollen concentration (both data series), and Poaceae (both data series). Conclusions. The application of the recommended threshold values during the predictive models construction seems to be really useful to estimate the real threat of allergen exposure. It was indicated that the polynomial logistic regression models could be a practical tool for effective forecasting in biological monitoring of pollen exposure

    Pollen grains as allergenic environmental factors – new approach to the forecasting of the pollen concentration during the season

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    [b]introduction and objectives[/b]. It is important to monitor the threat of allergenic pollen during the whole season, because of practical application in allergic rhinitis treatment, especially in the specific allergen immunotherapy. The aim of the study was to propose the forecast models predicting the pollen occurrence in the defined pollen concentration categories related to the patient exposure and symptom intensity. [b]material and methods[/b]. The study was performed in Cracow (southern Poland), pollen data were collected using the volumetric method in 1991–2012. For all independent variables (meteorological elements) and the daily pollen concentrations the running mean for periods: 2-, 3-, 4-, 5-, 6- and 7 days before the predicted day were calculated. The multinomial logistic regression was used to find the relation between the probability of the pollen concentration occurrence in the selected categories and meteorological elements and pollen concentration in days preceding the predicted daily concentration. The models were constructed for each taxon using data in 1991–2011 (without 1992 and 1996 due to missing data in these years) and 1998–2011 pollen seasons. [b]results.[/b] The days classified among the lowest category (0–10 PG/m[sup] 3[/sup] ) (pollen grains/m 3 of air) dominated for all the studied taxa. The percentage of the obtained predictions of the pollen occurrence fluctuated between 35–78% which is a sufficient value of model predictions. Considering the studied taxon, the best model accuracy was obtained for models forecasting Betula pollen concentration (both data series), and Poaceae (both data series). [b]conclusions[/b]. The application of the recommended threshold values during the predictive models construction seems to be really useful to estimate the real threat of allergen exposure. It was indicated that the polynomial logistic regression models could be a practical tool for effective forecasting in biological monitoring of pollen exposure

    Arkadia Północy. Mity eddaiczne w „Lilli Wenedzie” i „Królu-Duchu” Juliusza Słowackiego

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    Niniejsza praca jest skróconą wersją rozprawy doktorskiej, napisanej pod kierunkiem Profesora Mikołaja Sokołowskiego, obronionej w 2011 roku w Instytucie Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk. Przychylnymi jej Recenzentami byli Profesor Maria Kalinowska (Uniwersytet im. Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu) i Profesor Jacek Brzozowski (Uniwersytet Łódzki). Wszystkim składam serdeczne podziękowania. Bardzo dziękuję również Profesorowi Markowi Zaleskiemu prowadzącemu w IBL PAN seminarium doktoranckie. Jego oceny, sugestie, wskazówki – czynione zawsze w miłej i sympatycznej atmosferze – stanowiły dla mnie zachętę do dalszej pracy badawczej. Niech mi będzie wolno także bardzo gorąco podziękować Profesorowi Andrzejowi Dąbrówce (IBL PAN) i Profesorowi Jarosławowi Ławskiemu (Uniwersytet w Białymstoku), których życzliwa opinia i cenne uwagi wpłynęły na ostateczny kształt tej rozprawy oraz przygotowanie jej do druku. Na koniec chcę jeszcze podkreślić, że możliwość publikacji doktoratu w serii Czarnego Romantyzmu jest nie tylko spełnieniem moich marzeń, ale także napawa mnie radością i dumą, że prezentowana tu książka znajdzie się w dostojnym towarzystwie innych, oferowanych przez to wydawnictwo, prac naukowych.The purpose of my thesis – Arcadia of the North. The Edda Myths in “Lilla Weneda” and “Król-Duch” of Juliusz Słowacki – is to present the disintegration of the traditionally perceived topos of Arcadia in the late period of Słowacki’s writings Lilla Weneda and Król-Duch, as well as creating the specific shape of this topos that I call after Herder the Arcadia of the North. I relate this category of the Arcadia of the North with the mythology of the North. My research is to establish whether the transformation of the arcadic topos took place under the influence of the visualisation of the mythology of the North. The thesis is of micro-linguistic character because within the poetic language, the far going metamorphosis of Słowacki’s paraphrases are taken from mainly poetic Edda. I introduce the methodology of the American researcher Margaret Schlauch, who tried to trace the influence of different versions of Edda (Polish, French, German and Latin) on Słowacki’s writings. The conclusions she arrived at, inspired me for further an analysis in this subject. The benefit my research brings is to answer the traditionally posed question: What kind of versions of Edda, especially poetic Edda Słowacki might have been acquainted with, and which of these versions he might adapt and transform in his writings. The first part of my thesis is entitled The Poetry of Słowacki and Mythology of the North. It also depicts the way Słowacki brought about the fragmentation of mythology of the North, what means he has broken it into pieces. The first chapter is entitled The Shape of Poetic Visions of Słowacki Created under the Influence of Völuspá Lied. There I compared the poetic language of Słowacki with the poetic language of eddaic Völuspá lied. What is more, I took different versions of the eddaic texts: Latin, mainly by Resenius, Polish by Lelewel, French by Mallet, German by Majer and worked on them simultaneously. I carried out a thorough research to find out whether Słowacki used the translations of the above mentioned authors or rather based on the original Edda text found in Latin language, which appeared to be also the source for other translators working on Edda. In the second chapter – The Linguistic Connections of “Lilla Weneda” with the Scaldic Poem “Krákumál” – the comparative linguistic analysis has been carried out of Słowacki’s drama with the scaldic poem“Krákumál”. The latter which is translated into Latin is the only version most faithful to the original written in Icelandic language. The second part of my thesis is entitled Romantic Shape of Arkadia. It presents the way fragmentation of mythology of the North done by Słowacki influenced and decomposed the Arcadian topos. Otherwords, the vision of Arcadia of the South has been transformed into the Arcadia of the North. The first chapter interpreting Lilla Weneda is entitled “Lilla Weneda” as a Puer-Senex Myth. In my assessment this drama is not only the illustration of the myth of the conquest, what means the destruction of the Arcadia of the past and construction of its future vision. The Lilla Weneda is simply one of the versions of Ragnarök – the overhelming catastrophy of the North. In the second chapter of the second part of my thesis – entitled “Król-Duch” the Romantic Saga – I carried out research to find the elements of the Scandinavian saga. My comprehension of the concept of saga comprises not only stories called sagen but also a tale of the complicated and complex family relationships. The elements of saga make the Arcadia of the North the Arcadia – the community of men, where the heritage is passed over only in a masculine line from a king over to a king. Interpreting the poetic project of Słowacki I fully realise that in the process of formation of this male community in Król-Duch also significant role is played by women, the feminine characters in this poem.Dzieła, t. V: Król-Duch, red. i oprac. J. Krzyżanowski, wyd. I, Wrocław 1949; wyd. II, Wrocław 1952; wyd. III, Wrocław 1959.Dzieła, t. VII: Dramaty: Balladyna, Mazepa, Lilla Weneda, red. J. Krzyżanowski, oprac. M. Grabowska, wyd. I, Wrocław 1949; wyd. II, Wrocław 1952; wyd. III, Wrocław 1959.Dzieła, t. X: Zawisza Czarny, Agezylausz, Walter Stadion, Samuel Zborowski, Książę Michał Twerski, [fragment przekładu] Makbeta, red. J. Krzyżanowski, oprac. Z. Libera, wyd. I, Wrocław 1949; wyd. II, Wrocław 1952; wyd. III, Wrocław 1959.Dzieła, t. XIII: Listy do matki, oprac. Z. Krzyżanowska, Listy do krewnych, przyjaciół i znajomych (1820–1849), red. J. Krzyżanowski, oprac. J. Pelc, wyd. I, Wrocław 1949; wyd. II, Wrocław 1952; wyd. III, Wrocław 1959.Dzieła wszystkie, t. IV: Balladyna, Mazepa, Do Autora Irydiona list II – gi, Lilla Weneda, List do Aleksandra H., Ułamek z greckiej podróży, Grób Agamemnona], red. [wstęp] J. Kleiner, bibliografię oprac. W. Hahn, wyd. I, Lwów 1924; wyd. II, Wrocław 1953.Dzieła wszystkie, t. XVI: Król-Duch. Rapsody nie wydane za życia poety. Tekst główny, red. J. Kleiner i W. Floryan, oprac. J. Kuźniar, wyd. II, Wrocław 1972.Dzieła wszystkie, t. XVII: Król-Duch. Opracowania odmienne rapsodów I–IV, red. J. Kleiner i W. Floryan, oprac. J. Kuźniar, wyd. II, Wrocław 1975.Korespondencja Juliusza Słowackiego, t. I-II, oprac. E. Sawrymowicz, Wrocław – Warszawa – Kraków, 1962–1963.Król-Duch. Teksty, t. I, ułożył i komentarzem opatrzył J. G. Pawlikowski, Lwów 1925.Raptularz 1843–1849, oprac. M. 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    „Porozumieć się ze światem…” – Stefania Baczyńska w swoich powojennych listach

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    RENATA MAJEWSKA, dr, absolwentka studiów doktoranckich w Instytucie Badań Literackich Państwowej Akademii Nauk w Warszawie. Polonistka i filolog klasyczny. Jej zainteresowania badawcze obejmują głównie przeobrażenia tradycji antycznej, recepcję średniowiecza i kultury Północy w literaturze polskiego romantyzmu. Autorka szeregu artykułów, w tym: „Lilla Weneda” Juliusza Słowackiego a romantyczna teoria podboju. Problem z lekturą historiozoficzną dzieła (2011) oraz Językowe związki Lilli Wenedy Juliusza Słowackiego ze skaldycznym poematem Krákumál (2013). Wydała książkę: Arkadia Północy. Mity eddaiczne w „Lilli Wenedzie” i „Królu Duchu” Juliusza Słowackiego (Białystok 2013).42343

    Early exposure to thimerosal-containing vaccines and children's cognitive development : a 9-year prospective birth cohort study in Poland

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    The controversial topic of the early exposure to mercury is regarding ethylmercury, which is present in the thimerosal-containing vaccines (TCVs). The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between the early exposure to TCVs and cognitive development in children during the first 9 years of life. The cohort included 318 children vaccinated in an early period (neonatal and up to 6 months) against hepatitis B and diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP) using formulation with or without thimerosal. The children’s development was assessed using the Fagan test (6th month of life), the Bayley Scales of Infant Development (BSID)-II (12th–36th month), the Raven test (5th, 8th year), and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-R) (6th, 7th, 9th year). Results were determined by multivariable linear and logistic regression, adjusted to potential confounders. Children exposed and not exposed to TCVs in the neonatal period had similar outcomes of cognitive-developmental tests; only the results of BSID-II at the 36th month and WISC-R at the 9th year were significantly higher for those exposed to TCVs. Developmental test results in children exposed to TCVs up to the 6th month of life also did not depend on thimerosal dose. Conclusion: TCV administration in early infancy did not affect children’s cognitive development

    Sprawozdanie z badań jakościowych prowadzonych na zlecenie CODN w klasach dwujęzycznych z językiem hiszpańskim w polskich gimnazjach i liceach

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    The paper presents the results of a qualitative study, contained in the evaluative report prepared in 2008 and commissioned by the National In-service Teacher Training Centre [Centralny Ośrodek Doskonalenia Nauczycieli, CODN]), conducted in bilingual classes with Spanish as a second language in Polish junior high schools and high schools. This report highlights the basic features of these classes in which Spanish is taught as a second language, discusses the basic needs, gives an outline of future recommendations as well as proposes some fundamental changes

    Whole-cell pertussis vaccine (DTwP) has no influence on allergic diseases and atopic sensitization in children

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    Introduction: Vaccine opponents indicate that the infant's immune system is inadequately developed to handle multiple vaccines which may overwhelm the immune system, leading to allergic diseases. Aim: To verify the association between the vaccine antigen overload derived from DTwP and the development of atopic sensitization and allergic diseases. Material and methods: Data from an earlier established birth cohort in Krakow, followed up to the 6th year of life were used. Allergic diseases such as eczema, hay fever and asthma were diagnosed by a physician and reported every half a year from the 1st to 6th year of life by the child’s parent. Skin prick tests (SPT) were performed in children at 5 years of age. The data on infants' vaccination were extracted from the physician's records. The status of vaccine antigen exposure was based on different types of vaccines against pertussis (DTwP or DTaP) in a primary course. Results were determined by multiple logistic regression, adjusted to potential confounders. Results: The analyzed population consisted of 234 children: 53.4% - boys and 46.6% - girls. Infants up to the age of 8 months were vaccinated with the primary course against pertussis, with DTwP - 60.7%, DTaP - 32.9% and further 6.4% with a mixed course (DTwP + DTaP). There were no significant relationships between any of vaccination groups and allergic disease and allergen sensitivity in the multiple logistic regression model with adjustment to potential confounders. Conclusions: The exposure to a large number of vaccine antigens derived from DTwP has no influence on the development of allergic diseases and atopic sensitization in children

    The effectiveness of rotavirus vaccine in preventing acute gastroenteritis during rotavirus seasons among Polish children

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    Introduction: Rotavirus is the main etiological cause of intestinal infections in children. Voluntary rotavirus vaccines were included in the Polish vaccination schedule in 2007. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of a completed rotavirus vaccination course in preventing acute gastroenteritis in Polish infants during their first five years of life. Material and methods: This was a retrospective cohort study conducted in Lesser Poland (Malopolska Province). The sample population included a group of 303 children who received the completed rotavirus vaccination course and 303 children not vaccinated against rotavirus. The date of the child’s acute gastroenteritis diagnosis and his or her vaccination history were extracted from the physicians’ records. Each kind of diagnosed acute gastroenteritis during winter-spring rotavirus seasons was treated as the endpoint. The relative risk of having gastrointestinal infection was assessed using the hazard ratio from the Cox proportional hazards regression model. Results: In the examined group, 96 (15.8%) children had winter-spring gastrointestinal infections. In the non-vaccinated children, the cumulative incidence of these infections in the first 5 years of life was 20.8%, whereas in the children vaccinated with Rotarix it was only 10.9%. Those who were vaccinated with Rotarix had a 44% reduction in the risk of a winter-spring acute gastroenteritis infection compared to those not vaccinated with Rotarix (p = 0.005). Birth weight less than 2500 g increased the risk of the infection twofold and also reached statistical significance (p = 0.044). Conclusions: The results showed that Rotarix is effective in preventing acute gastroenteritis in Polish children during rotavirus seasons

    Metformin increases pressure pain threshold in lean women with polycystic ovary syndrome

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    Background: Despite the strong preclinical rationale, there are only very few data considering the utility of metformin as a potential pain therapeutic in humans. The aim of this study was to determine the association between metformin therapy and pressure pain threshold (PPT) in lean women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). We hypothesized that metformin therapy in lean PCOS women increases PPT. Materials and methods: Twenty-seven lean PCOS women with free androgen index phenotype .5 and 18 lean healthy controls were enrolled in the study. Fifteen of the PCOS women were randomly assigned to be treated with metformin 1,500 mg daily for 6 months. PPT and plasma β-endorphin levels were measured in all women at the beginning of the study and after 6 months of observation. Results: We observed an increase in PPT values measured on deltoid and trapezius muscle in the PCOS with metformin group after 6 months of metformin administration (4.81±0.88 kg/cm², P,0.001 on deltoid muscle, and 5.71±1.16 kg/cm² on trapezius muscle). We did not observe any significant changes in PPT values in the PCOS without treatment group and in controls. We did not observe any significant changes in serum β-endorphin levels in any studied groups during the 6-month observation. Conclusion: We conclude that metformin therapy increases PPT in lean PCOS women, without affecting plasma β-endorphin concentration. Our results may suggest the potential role of metformin in pain therapy. We propose that larger, randomized studies on metformin impact on pain perception should be performed