197 research outputs found

    Nature value of the environment in Poland and its protection

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    Published in: Natural environment of Poland and its protection in Łódź University Geographical Research, edited by E. Kobojek and T.Marsza

    Minimum wage and youth unemployment in local labor markets in Poland

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    A revised and updated version of this working paper is published in the journal: ROCZNIKI KOLEGIUM ANALIZ EKONOMICZNYCH, KOLEGIUM ANALIZ EKONOMICZNYCHThe aim of the paper is to analyze the impact of minimum wage on youth unemployment (less than 25 years old) in local (NUTS4) labor markets in Poland. The results show that minimum wage in Poland significantly affects youth unemployment in local labor markets in Poland. The higher is the minimum to average wage ratio on local labor market, the higher is the share of youth unemployed in total unemployment. The fact that youths are the group which is disproportionally affected by minimum wage increases is confirmed by low and/or insignificant value of the parameter by minimum to average wage ratio for other, older groups of workers

    Does minimum wage reduce youth employment on regional labour markets in Poland?

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    A revised and updated version of this working paper is published by Taylor & Francis in the journal:Emerging Markets Finance and Trade Volume 52, 2016 - Issue 9The main aim of the paper was to verify whether the changes in minimum to average wage ratio in Poland negatively affected youth (15-24 years old) employment rate. Moreover we tried to answer the question if this impact differs among regions. We analysed a model where changes in youth employment rate were the function of changes in minimum to average wage ratio as well as other (demand and supply) variables. The analyses were conducted on 16 Polish NUTS2 regions in 1999-2012. The analyses conducted in the paper showed that when we estimated the average impact of changes in minimum to average wage ratio on changes in youth employment rate the parameter was not significant. Changes in youth employment were driven mostly by changes in business cycle and in school enrolment ratio. After having checked for the regional variation of the determination of the youths’ employment rate we found that the impact of minimum on employment differed significantly among regions, both in terms of size and sign. The regions where youth employment rates were negatively affected in the whole period by changes in minimum to average wage ratio were the rural, less developed districts of Poland (Lubelskie and Podkarpackie). The results of our analyses indicate in regions with low productivity and low average wages the level of unique minimum wage may be too high. Low youth employment rates in those regions in Poland may not only result from insufficient aggregate demand but also from relatively high costs of employing young workers

    Lektorat języka polskiego w Uniwersytecie im. Cyryla i Metodego w Wielkim Tymowie - Bułgaria

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    Zadanie pt. Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    EU-Australia trade relations-current stage and future challenges

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    Wobec zastoju negocjacji na forum WTO priorytetem dla UE stały się dwustronne umowy handlowe. W przedstawionej w 2015 r. nowej strategii handlowej i inwestycyjnej EU “Trade for All” wyraźnie podkreślono znaczenie Australii jako bliskiego partnera Europy, podzielającego europejskie wartości oraz odgrywającego ważną rolę zarówno w regionie Azji Pacyfi ku, jak i na forach wielostronnych. Zapisy tej strategii stały się punktem wyjścia do podjęcia konkretnych działań w zakresie pełniejszego uregulowania stosunków handlowych EU z Australią w postaci przyszłej wszechstronnej FTA. Ponadto, bieżąca sytuacja w handlu światowym (związana m.in. z amerykańskim protekcjonizmem) powoduje, że UE dąży do pogłębiania współpracy z innymi, bardziej przewidywalnymi partnerami handlowymi. Planowana umowa przyczyni się zatem do pobudzenia wzajemnej wymiany, co jest szczególnie ważne w świetle podpisanych już przez Australię umów FTA z innymi państwami, w tym także kluczowymi partnerami UE. Nie bez znaczenia pozostaje również kwestia Brexit’u. Słowa kluczowe: Australia, FTA, handel międzynarodowy, regionalizm handlowy, UEFaced with a visible stagnation in negotiations within the WTO, the EU prioritized bilateral trade agreements. In the EU’s newly-developed trade and investment strategy from 2015 named “Trade for All”, Australia’s signifi cance as Europe’s close partner sharing European values and playing an important role both in the Pacifi c region and multilateral forums was clearly emphasized. The main assumptions of this strategy have become the starting point for taking more specifi c actions in the fi eld of regulating trade relations between the EU and Australia in the form of the forthcoming “comprehensive and high-quality FTA.” Moreover, the current climate in the world trade (connected with e.g. American protectionism) is the cause of the EU’s interest in developing partnership with other, more predictable trade partners. Hence, the agreement planned by the EU would contribute to the stimulation of reciprocal exchange, which is of great importance bearing in mind Australia’s successfully signed FTAs with other countries, including those with EU’s key partners. Finally, the question of Brexit is not without signifi cance in this context. Key words: Australia, EU, FTA, international trade, trade regionalis

    Gender wage gap by occupational groups in Poland

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyse the gender wage gap in Poland in different occupational groups. The authors aim to investigate how much of the raw differences in wages can be explained by differences in personal characteristics and in which occupational groups the unexplained part of wage gap is the highest. The authors use the individual data from employers’ statistics with detailed information about wages and personal characteristics of workers. The authors use base salaries per hour as the dependent variable. After controlling for differences in the gender composition of occupational groups the authors choose 24 occupational groups at 3-digit level and perform Oaxaca-Blinder two-component decomposition. The authors are the first to analyse the differences in gender wage gap in Poland by occupational groups. Another original contribution is that the wage gap is analysed not for the whole sample but after controlling for the segregation effect. The results indicate that firstly, the raw differences by gender in base wages per hour are smaller than the ones in average wages per hour. Secondly, after controlling for differences in the gender composition of occupational groups the raw wage gap in Poland increases from 6.7% to 10.8%. Thirdly, in most of the analysed occupational groups the differences in characteristics explain only a minor part of the wage gap. The highest share of the unexplained part was among managers and in groups in which the specific vocational skills are required

    El impacto del salario mínimo sobre la ocupación en Polonia

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    The purpose of this paper is to verify the hypothesis that minimum wage might have negative impact on employment in Poland, at least for some workers groups and regions. After having reviewed theoretical literature on minimum wage and having discussed stylized facts on labour market in Poland, the authors define econometric model to check the impact of minimum wage on employment in Poland and then discuss the results. The main conclusions of the study may be summarized as follows: i) minimum wage has had an adverse impact on employment in 1999-2010; ii) the adverse effect of minimum wage on employment has been pronounced for the young workers during the period of substantial increase of the minimum wage (2005-2010), and iii) there is some evidence that a uniform national minimum wage may be particularly harmful to employment in poorest regions.El objetivo de este trabajo es verificar la hipótesis de que el salario mínimo puede tener un impacto negativo sobre el empleo en Polonia, por lo menos para algunos grupos de trabajadores y las regiones. Después de haber revisado la literatura teórica sobre el salario mínimo y de haber discutido los hechos estilizados del mercado de trabajo en Polonia, se especifica y estima un modelo econométrico para cuantificar el impacto del salario mínimo sobre el empleo en Polonia y, a continuación, discutir los resultados. Las principales conclusiones del estudio se pueden resumir de la siguiente manera: i) el salario mínimo ha tenido un impacto negativo sobre el empleo en 1999-2010; ii) el efecto negativo del salario mínimo sobre el empleo ha sido pronunciado para los trabajadores más jóvenes durante el período de aumento sustancial del salario mínimo (2005-2010), y iii) existe cierta evidencia de que un salario mínimo nacional uniforme puede ser particularmente perjudicial para el empleo en las regiones más pobres

    El impacto del salario mínimo sobre la ocupación en Polonia

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    The purpose of this paper is to verify the hypothesis that minimum wage might have negative impact on employment in Poland, at least for some workers groups and regions. After having reviewed theoretical literature on minimum wage and having discussed stylized facts on labour market in Poland, the authors define econometric model to check the impact of minimum wage on employment in Poland and then discuss the results. The main conclusions of the study may be summarized as follows: i) minimum wage has had an adverse impact on employment in 1999-2010; ii) the adverse effect of minimum wage on employment has been pronounced for the young workers during the period of substantial increase of the minimum wage (2005-2010), and iii) there is some evidence that a uniform national minimum wage may be particularly harmful to employment in poorest regions.El objetivo de este trabajo es verificar la hipótesis de que el salario mínimo puede tener un impacto negativo sobre el empleo en Polonia, por lo menos para algunos grupos de trabajadores y las regiones. Después de haber revisado la literatura teórica sobre el salario mínimo y de haber discutido los hechos estilizados del mercado de trabajo en Polonia, se especifica y estima un modelo econométrico para cuantificar el impacto del salario mínimo sobre el empleo en Polonia y, a continuación, discutir los resultados. Las principales conclusiones del estudio se pueden resumir de la siguiente manera: i) el salario mínimo ha tenido un impacto negativo sobre el empleo en 1999-2010; ii) el efecto negativo del salario mínimo sobre el empleo ha sido pronunciado para los trabajadores más jóvenes durante el período de aumento sustancial del salario mínimo (2005-2010), y iii) existe cierta evidencia de que un salario mínimo nacional uniforme puede ser particularmente perjudicial para el empleo en las regiones más pobres

    What do we not know to implement the European Landscape Convention?

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    The European Landscape Convention (ELC) is the first international convention to focus specifically on landscape. Poland signed the ELC on 21 December 2001, ratified in September 2004, and the Convention came into effect on 1 January 2005. Since that moment, however, the ELC implementation efforts in our country have been limited. It is assumed that poor progress in the ELC implementation in Poland has been caused by insufficient knowledge on what the ratification of the ELC implies and requires. The paper aims to explicate a number of key issues and associated questions that can be identified in relation to the implementation process. Of primary importance is the explanation of ELC`s principles, aims and measures, followed by the discussion on and clarification of concepts used in the ELC. The paper may contribute to improvements in the implementation process in Poland by the identification of gaps in the knowledge on the ELC, with a view to stimulate the research in support of the implementation of the European Landscape Convention