122 research outputs found

    Prejudice toward outgroups as a Strategy to Deal with Mortality Threat: Simple Reaction with a Complex Foundation

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    Prejudice and stereotypes are two negative phenomena influencing our everyday lives. Current theory proposes that they are the effects of death cues acting mainly subconsciously, causing a potential for anxiety and provoking to defend our beliefs and maintain self-esteem. Although numerous studies have confirmed the relation between mortality salience and negative attitudes toward outgroups, moderators of this relation drew less attention so far. The following paper proposes three factors to consider: need for closure, religiosity and death attitude of an individual. Previous research as well as predictions based on the Terror Management Theory let us presume that each of them acting differently may play a significant role in shaping stereotyped and prejudiced cognition. An in-depth study shall add to further exploration of the mechanisms of stereotyping and prejudice toward outgroups

    Stan podaży szkoleń antykryzysowych w latach 2009–2010

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    Na skutek kryzysu ekonomicznego, w roku 2009 odnotowany został szereg działań mających na celu zapobieganie jego skutkom. Wśród takich działań znalazły się liczne szkolenia, których nazwy sugerowały ich antykryzysowy charakter. W związku z tym autorzy przeprowadzili badania polegające na analizie dostępnych ofert. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiona została obecna sytuacja na rynku ofert szkoleń w zakresie szkoleń antykryzysowych oraz analiza zmian, jakie zaszły w tym obszarze na przestrzeni ostatniego roku.As a result of economic crisis in 2009 a series of measures to prevent its effects was recorded. Among such measures was a number of trainings which names suggested their anti-crisis nature. Therefore, the authors conducted a study involving the analysis of available job posts. The article presents the current situation on the market of the anti-crisis room trainings and the analysis of the changes that took place within the scope of the last year.Вследствие экономического кризиса, в 2009 году было отмечено ряд действий, целью которых являлось предотвращение его последствий. Среди таких действий была также организация разнообразных курсов антикризисного характера. В связи с этим авторы провели исследования анализирующие доступные предложения. В статье представлены имеющиеся на рынке предложения курсов антикризисного толка и дан анализ изменений происходящих в этом направлении в течении последнего года

    „Monitoruję więc jestem… zdrowszy”. Konsekwencje dynamicznego rozwoju self-trackingu dla zdrowia

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    The article presents the issue, which is still little-known in Poland, and relates to monitoring one’s health using self-tracking applications and devices. Based on the narrative literature review, numerous positive and negative consequences of self-monitoring of health have been identified. It has been shown that the development of technology has had an impact on changing the understanding of the term “healthcare”, which now must take into account the fact that patients become experts of their bodies as they can measure different aspects of it. The article also discusses the concept of “self-tracking culture”, indicating that its actors are not only members of the Quantified Self social movement, but also doctors, health care institutions and even some employers. In the article the distinction between “voluntary” and “recommended” self-tracking is made. The sociological interpretations of the phenomenon of self-tracking were also presented. Finally, potential areas of sociological research concerning this phenomenon are shown.Artykuł prezentuje wciąż mało rozpoznaną w Polsce problematykę związaną z monitorowaniem własnego zdrowia przy pomocy aplikacji i urządzeń do self-trackingu. Na podstawie dokonanego narracyjnego przeglądu literatury zidentyfikowane zostały liczne zarówno pozytywne, jak i negatywne konsekwencje samodzielnego dokonywania przez ludzi rozmaitych pomiarów związanych ze zdrowiem. Pokazano, że rozwój technologii ma wpływ na zmianę rozumienia terminu „opieka zdrowotna”, które musi wziąć pod uwagę to, że pacjenci dzięki dokonywanym pomiarom stają się ekspertami swojego organizmu. Artykuł omawia także pojęcie „kultury self-tracking”, wskazując, że jej aktorami są już nie tylko członkowie ruchu społecznego Quantified Self, ale również lekarze, instytucje opieki zdrowotnej, a nawet niektórzy pracodawcy. Wprowadzone zostaje rozróżnienie na self-tracking dokonywany „z własnych chęci” oraz „odgórnie zalecony”. Przestawione zostały także socjologiczne interpretacje zjawiska self-tracking. W zakończeniu pokazano potencjalne obszary badań socjologicznych dotyczące tego zjawiska

    Internetowe źródła wiedzy jako alternatywa dla komercyjnych form dokształcania pracowników

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    Praca recenzowana / peer-reviewed paperCurrently, the Internet is undisputed leader when it comes to storing and transmitting the media of all sorts of data (vocabulary, science, news) from virtually any field of knowledge. Internet leadership in this area is primarily due to access to the largest distributed database and its search speed and thus the speed of access to specific information. The authors analyzed the possibilities posed by the Internet, as well as their practical use in the process of training employees. It focuses mainly on the theme of information and free access to knowledge was compared with commercial external training.W chwili obecnej Internet jest niekwestiowanym liderem, jeśli chodzi o medium przechowujące i przekazujące wszelkiego rodzaju dane (słownikowe, naukowe, wiadomości, nowości) z praktycznie każdej dziedziny wiedzy. Przodownictwo Internetu w tej dziedzinie spowodowane jest przede wszystkim dostępem do największej rozproszonej bazy danych oraz szybkością jej przeszukiwania a co za tym idzie szybkością dostępu do konkretnej informacji. Autorzy przeanalizowali możliwości, jakie niesie ze sobą Internet, jak również ich wykorzystanie praktyczne w procesie dokształcania pracowników. Skupiono się głównie na tematyce informatycznej, a darmowy dostęp do wiedzy porównano z komercyjnymi szkoleniami zewnętrznymi

    Działania antykryzysowe – analiza ofert szkoleniowych

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    Praca recenzowana / peer-reviewed paperTraining market must react to changing socioeconomic conditions. Changes of these conditions lead to changes in training requirements. In this paper, the authors analyze the so-called anti-crisis training currently off ered by educational organizations in Poland.Rynek szkoleniowy musi reagować na zmieniające się warunki społeczno-ekonomiczne. Zmiany tych warunków prowadzą do zmian w wymogach dotyczących szkolenia. W tym artykule autorzy analizują tzw. szkolenia antykryzysowy obecnie oferowane przez firmy edukacyjne w Polsce

    Brachytherapy in Breast Cancer Treatment: Physical and Biological Aspects

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    This scientific paper focuses on the treatment of breast cancer, one of the most common cancers among women. Despite increased awareness and the popularity of screening tests, statistics indicate a significant rise in incidence. The paper presents breast-conserving treatment methods, including brachytherapy, as a modern technique with promising outcomes. It describes the physical properties of ionizing radiation used in brachytherapy, discussing the photoelectric effect, Compton effect, and the phenomenon of pair production. The paper then delves into the biological effects of ionizing radiation, emphasizing the dependence on the cell cycle phase. It highlights lethal, sublethal, and potentially lethal cellular damage, categorizing the effects of radiation interaction into early and late responses. The discussion transitions to the application of brachytherapy in breast cancer treatment, focusing on various techniques such as LDR, PDR, and HDR. The paper provides a detailed description of brachytherapy's use in breast-conserving treatment, considering contraindications, treatment planning, and Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation (APBI) techniques. The radioisotopes used in brachytherapy are also presented, with special attention to Iridium-192. The physical and practical aspects related to this isotope are discussed, along with other commonly used radioisotopes such as Cesium-137, Cobalt-60, and Strontium-90. The paper concludes with a summary, emphasizing the significance of brachytherapy in breast cancer treatment and outlining its prospects for development. The authors highlight precision and shortened therapy duration

    Revolutionizing Pneumonia Assessment: Modern Diagnostics and Traditional Scales

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    Introduction and Purpose:   Pneumonia's severity demands a thorough assessment, guided by CRB-65 and CURB-65 scales. This article underscores the crucial role of accurate interpretation and effective use of these scales, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive understanding of pneumonia for proficient severity assessment.  Material and Method:  The article identifies populations disproportionately affected by pneumonia, stressing the necessity of standardized severity assessment due to diverse clinical manifestations. It highlights the importance of accurate diagnosis through the integration of clinical evaluation, imaging, and laboratory tests. While CRB-65 and CURB-65 offer a systematic approach, potential pitfalls are discussed, emphasizing the risk of misinterpretation.  Results: Principles for correct interpretation are outlined, emphasizing holistic evaluation, timely application, and clinical acumen. Common mistakes, including overreliance on scores and incomplete data collection, are identified. The discussion introduces advanced diagnostic techniques like biomarkers and imaging, enhancing severity assessment. Cardiac biomarkers and computed tomography contribute to refined evaluation, aligning with recommendations from renowned organizations.  Conclusion:   The integration of traditional tools with advanced diagnostics signifies a paradigm shift in pneumonia assessment. Emphasizing correct interpretation and avoiding common mistakes ensures a comprehensive approach. Recent research supports advanced diagnostic techniques, aligning with recommendations. The article advocates for continuous education and collaboration among healthcare professionals, contributing to improved patient outcomes and overall healthcare efficacy.

    Intranasal ketorolac and opioid in treatment of acute renal colic

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    The usual treatment of pain in acute renal colic is analgesic in intravenous (IV) route. We tried a rapid, non-painful, non-invasive route of administration using intranasal ketorolac plus fentanyl versus IV standard treatment with non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug plus opioid for the relief of pain in renal colic presenting patients to an Emergency Department (ED). We conducted a prospective nonblinded clinical trial. A sample of 82 adult patients with clinical diagnosis of acute renal colic was included to receive either intravenous ketorolac plus fentanyl or intranasal ketorolac plus fentanyl. Pain score was rated by using a 10 cm visual analogue scale at 0, 30 and 60 minutes after the treatment. Primary outcome was pain reduction. Secondary outcomes were adverse events and rescue treatment. Eighty-two patients were enrolled. The first forty-one patients received intranasal ketorolac plus fentanyl and the second forty-one received intravenous ketorolac plus fentanyl. There were not statistically significant differences in reduction of pain between the two groups at 30 and 60 minutes (P-value at 30=0,225; P-value at 60=0,312) although the trend was in favour of IV group. There were no significant differences between the groups with regard to secondary outcomes (adverse events and rescue treatment). Intranasal ketorolac and fentanyl are equivalent in analgesic effect to intravenous ketorolac and fentanyl treatment for ED patients with acute renal colic and the intranasal treatment can be considered a valid alternative to the standard intravenous treatment

    Understanding of Eosinophilic Esophagitis in Children - A Comprehensive Study on Epidemiology, Clinical Manifestations, Diagnosis and Innovative Treatment Modalities

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    Introduction: In the late 1960s, probable cases of eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) emerged, initially linked to esophageal rings and congenital causes or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Doubts about the GERD association arose due to poor responses to antisecretory therapy. EoE is now a significant pediatric health concern, impacting 1 to 7 cases per 10,000 children. Purpose of the Study: This study aims to comprehensively explore EoE's epidemiology, etiology, subtypes, clinical manifestations, diagnostic methods, and treatment modalities. Materials and Methods: The study employs a cross-sectional analysis of pediatric EoE patients, utilizing endoscopic evaluation and histological assessment. Three distinct EoE subtypes are identified based on pathogenic characteristics. Clinical manifestations, diagnostic methods, and treatments, including endoscopy, are examined. Results: Clinical manifestations span a broad spectrum in the pediatric population. Diagnostic methods include endoscopy, esophageal manometry, impedance-pH monitoring, capsule endoscopy, and string tests. Three distinct EoE subtypes are identified with unique characteristics. Treatment modalities involve dietary management, proton pump inhibitors, topical corticosteroids, biologic therapies, allergen immunotherapy, and endoscopic interventions. Conclusion: Formerly associated with GERD, EoE is now a significant pediatric health concern. The study underscores the importance of comprehensive diagnostic approaches and diverse treatment modalities, including promising biologic therapies and allergen immunotherapy. Understanding these aspects is crucial for effective management and improved outcomes in patients