2,411 research outputs found


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    We present a cladistic analysis of all the species of Smallanthus. Six taxa within Rumfordia, Ichthyothere, Acanthospermum and Tridax served as outgroups. We evaluated the monophyly and the relationships between the species of Smallanthus through a maximum parsimony study based on morphological data. The matrix included 31 qualitative characters from floral and vegetative parts of the specimens. We also explored the phylogenetic significance of treating quantitative characters as continuous. Only one most parsimonious tree was obtained. In agreement with previous phylogenetic studies based on molecular data, we recovered a monophyletic Smallanthus. The presence of ray corollas, densely pubescent at the base, was the synapomorphy that defined Smallanthus. Smallanthus microcephalus and two other major clades were recovered. The first clade included S. glabratus, S. fruticosus, S. jelskii and S. pyramidalis, while the second one contained the remaining species of Smallanthus. The analysis recovered one species of Rumfordia as sister to Smallanthus. We present a new combination, Smallanthus cocuyensis, based on morphological analysis of the type specimen

    Acci?n de participaci?n : Comprometidos somos una sola luz

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    74 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLa Acci?n de Participaci?n: Comprometidos Somos una Sola Luz, se construy? con el fin de ser implementada con los Padres de Familia de la Unidad de Preescolar del Colegio Tolimense ubicado en la ciudad de Ibagu?, con el prop?sito de fomentar la participaci?n de las familias en las Escuelas de Formaci?n, que se desarrollan a Nivel Institucional, como respuesta a las necesidades que emergen de la poblaci?n de estudiantes. Para esto se utiliz? la metodolog?a de Investigaci?n Acci?n Participaci?n, como m?todo de trabajo en donde son los propios actores sociales quienes enfocan un trabajo pertinente dentro de la comunidad a la cual pertenecen, siguiendo las afirmaciones de Fals y Rodr?guez (1987) ?Una de las caracter?sticas propias de este m?todo, que lo diferencia de todos los dem?s, es la forma colectiva en que se produce el conocimiento, y la colectivizaci?n de ese conocimiento? (p.18), por ello, se inici? el proceso aplicando una encuesta a 30 familias (poblaci?n muestra) del nivel de Transici?n, obteniendo datos reales sobre los aciertos, desaciertos, dificultades e intereses, que se han presentado en el desarrollo y participaci?n de las Escuelas de Padres. Es de tener en cuenta, que las Escuelas de Padres se implementan en las Instituciones Educativas con el fin de impulsar un pensamiento en com?n, un intercambio de experiencias, una b?squeda de alternativas y soluciones a la problem?tica que se presenta en la formaci?n de los hijos e hijas, la adquisici?n de valores y normas socio-culturales desde la Primera Infancia, la comunicaci?n e integraci?n de los adultos responsables, haciendo eco al criterio de corresponsabilidad que se le asigna a la familia, la sociedad y el Estado, en la formaci?n y garant?a de los derechos de los ni?os, como se establece en el Art?culo 67 de la Constituci?n Pol?tica de Colombia, de ah? la importancia de ?ste Proyecto. Palabras clave: Investigaci?n Acci?n Participaci?n (I.A.P), Escuela de Padres, Padres de Familia, Primera Infancia, corresponsabilidad, Formaci?n.The Participatory Action Comprometidos Somos Una Sola Luz was created with the purpose of being implemented with the Parents of the Preschool Unit at Colegio Tolimense located in the city of Ibagu?, with the purpose of encouraging the participation of families in the Training Schools, which are developed at the Institutional Level in response to the needs that emerge from the student population. According to that, the Participatory Action Research methodology was used as a working method where the social actors themselves focus a relevant work within the community to which they belong, following the statements made by Fals y Rodr?guez (1987): "One of the own characteristics of this method, which makes it different from all others is the collective form in which knowledge is produced, and the collectivization of that knowledge" (p. 18). Therefore, the process was started by applying a survey to 30 families (sample population) of the Transition grade in kindergarten, obtaining real data on the success, failures, difficulties and interests that have been presented in the development and participation of the Parental Schools. It is worth noting that "Parental Training Schools" are implemented in Educational Institutions in order to promote a common thinking, an exchange of experiences, a search for alternatives and solutions to the problems that arise in the process of training boys and girls, the acquisition of values and socio-cultural norms from Early Childhood, the communication and integration of responsible adults, echoing the criterion of co-responsibility that is assigned to family, society and the State in the school training and guarantee of children?s rights, as it is established in Article 67 of the Political Constitution of Colombia, hence, the importance of this Project. Keywords: Participatory Action Research (P.A.R), Parental Training Schools, Parents, Early Childhood, co-responsibility, School Training

    Energia Vital e Vida Após a Morte: Implicações Para a Ciência Cognitiva da Religião

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    Literature investigating people’s concepts of supernatural agency (such as ghosts and deities) points to an intuitive theory of mind underlying such ideas, however, recent studies suggest that intuitive ideas over vital energy could also be involved. The present paper focuses on examining the culture and development of people’s conceptions on vital energy. A search was made using the keyword vital energy targeting literature from Anthropology, Psychology and Cognitive Science. A literature review over this topic was made yielding reflections over the development of vital energy concepts. Results suggest that an intuitive biology, grounded on ideas of biological energy (vital energy), may underlie an understanding of soul, spirit, and supernatural energy. Future empirical studies should target the development of vital energy intuitive theories with different age ranges and cultures.La literatura que investiga las opiniones de la gente sobre agentes sobrenaturales apunta a una teoría de la mente intuitiva detrás de esas ideas, sin embargo, estudios recientes sugieren la presencia de teorías intuitivas acerca de energía vital detrás de estos conceptos. Este artículo se centra en el análisis de la cultura y el desarrollo de las concepciones sobre energía vital. Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica con la palabra clave vital energy revisando literatura procedente de Antropología, Psicología y Ciencias Cognitivas. Se realizó una revisión sobre el tema con consideraciones sobre el desarrollo de las concepciones de energía vital. Los resultados muestran que una biología intuitiva, basada en las ideas de energía biológica (energía vital), puede ser la base de una comprensión del alma, el espíritu y el poder sobrenatural. Futuros estudios empíricos deben investigar el desarrollo de teorías intuitivas sobre energía vital con poblaciones de diferentes edades y culturas.A literatura que investiga conceitos acerca de agentes sobrenaturais apontam para uma teoria da mente intuitiva por trás de tais ideias, no entanto, recentes estudos sugerem a presença de teorias intuitivas acerca da energia vital subjacentes de tais conceitos. O presente artigo centra-se na análise da cultura e desenvolvimento das concepções das pessoas sobre a energia vital. Foi feita uma busca bibliográfica utilizando a palavra-chave vital energy, revisando literatura oriunda da Antropologia, Psicologia e Ciência Cognitiva. Em seguida, foi feita uma revisão sobre o tema tecendo considerações acerca do desenvolvimento das concepções das pessoas sobre a energia vital. Resultados apontam que uma biologia intuitiva, baseada em ideias de energia biológica (energia vital), pode ser a base de uma compreensão de alma, espírito e energia sobrenatural. Estudos empíricos futuros devem investigar o desenvolvimento de teorias intuitivas sobre energia vital com populações de diferentes faixas etárias e culturas

    Impact of Cultural Exposure and Message Framing on Oral Health Behavior: Exploring the Role of Message Memory.

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    BACKGROUND: Health messages are more effective when framed to be congruent with recipient characteristics, and health practitioners can strategically choose message features to promote adherence to recommended behaviors. We present exposure to US culture as a moderator of the impact of gain-frame versus loss-frame messages. Since US culture emphasizes individualism and approach orientation, greater cultural exposure was expected to predict improved patient choices and memory for gain-framed messages, whereas individuals with less exposure to US culture would show these advantages for loss-framed messages. METHODS: 223 participants viewed a written oral health message in 1 of 3 randomized conditions-gain-frame, loss-frame, or no-message control-and were given 10 flosses. Cultural exposure was measured with the proportions of life spent and parents born in the US. At baseline and 1 week later, participants completed recall tests and reported recent flossing behavior. RESULTS: Message frame and cultural exposure interacted to predict improved patient decisions (increased flossing) and memory maintenance for the health message over 1 week; for example, those with low cultural exposure who saw a loss-frame message flossed more. Incongruent messages led to the same flossing rates as no message. Memory retention did not explain the effect of message congruency on flossing. LIMITATIONS: Flossing behavior was self-reported. Cultural exposure may only have practical application in either highly individualistic or collectivistic countries. CONCLUSIONS: In health care settings where patients are urged to follow a behavior, asking basic demographic questions could allow medical practitioners to intentionally communicate in terms of gains or losses to improve patient decision making and treatment adherence

    Utilizing Palm Oil Mill Effluent by Mixing with Dolomite and Chicken Manure to Increase Soybean Production on Tropical Ultisols

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    Utilizing Palm Oil Mill Effluent by Mixing with Dolomite and Chicken Manure to Increase Soybean Production on Tropical Ultisol

    La importancia de la nutrición y los estilos de vida saludables en la infancia y adolescencia

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    Habiendo leído con atención la editorial de la Dra. Marti y el Dr. Martínez acerca de la necesidad imperiosa de actuar de forma inmediata en la alimentación del adolescente, queremos mostrar nuestro máximo acuerdo con los autores cuando urgen a frenar el avance de la obesidad mediante la adquisición de hábitos de vida saludable en edades tempranas de la vida

    Macrophage MerTK promotes profibrogenic cross-talk with hepatic stellate cells via soluble mediators

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    Background & Aims: Activation of Kupffer cells and recruitment of monocytes are key events in fibrogenesis. These cells release soluble mediators which induce the activation of hepatic stellate cells (HSCs), the main fibrogenic cell type within the liver. Mer tyrosine kinase (MerTK) signaling regulates multiple processes in macrophages and has been implicated in the pathogenesis of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis-related fibrosis. In this study, we explored if MerTK activation in macrophages influences the profibrogenic phenotype of HSCs. Methods: Macrophages were derived from THP-1 cells or differentiated from peripheral blood monocytes towards MerTK+/CD206+/CD163+/CD209- macrophages. The role of MerTK was assessed by pharmacologic and genetic inhibition. HSC migration was determined in Boyden chambers, viability was measured by the MTT assay, and proliferation was evaluated by the BrdU incorporation assay. Results: Gas-6 induced MerTK phosphorylation and Akt activation in macrophages, and these effects were inhibited by UNC569. During polarization, MerTK+/CD206+/CD163+/CD209- macrophages exhibited activation of STAT3, ERK1/2, p38 and increased expression of VEGF-A. Activation of MerTK in THP-1 macrophages induced a secretome which promoted a significant increase in migration, proliferation, viability and expression of profibrogenic factors in HSCs. Similarly, conditioned medium from MerTK+ macrophages induced a significant increase in cell migration, proliferation, STAT3 and p38 phosphorylation and upregulation of IL-8 expression in HSCs. Moreover, conditioned medium from Gas-6-stimulated Kupffer cells induced a significant increase in HSC proliferation. These effects were specifically related to MerTK expression and activity in macrophages, as indicated by pharmacologic inhibition and knockdown experiments. Conclusions: MerTK activation in macrophages modifies the secretome to promote profibrogenic features in HSCs, implicating this receptor in the pathogenesis of hepatic fibrosis. Lay summary: Fibrosis represents the process of scarring occurring in patients with chronic liver diseases. This process depends on production of scar tissue components by a specific cell type, named hepatic stellate cells, and is regulated by interaction with other cells. Herein, we show that activation of MerTK, a receptor present in a population of macrophages, causes the production of factors that act on hepatic stellate cells, increasing their ability to produce scar tissue

    Enhancing chemosensitivity to gemcitabine via RNA interference targeting the catalytic subunits of protein kinase CK2 in human pancreatic cancer cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Pancreatic cancer is a complex genetic disorder that is characterized by rapid progression, invasiveness, resistance to treatment and high molecular heterogeneity. Various agents have been used in clinical trials showing only modest improvements with respect to gemcitabine-based chemotherapy, which continues to be the standard first-line treatment for this disease. However, owing to the overwhelming molecular alterations that have been reported in pancreatic cancer, there is increasing focus on targeting molecular pathways and networks, rather than individual genes or gene-products with a combination of novel chemotherapeutic agents.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Cells were transfected with small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) targeting the individual CK2 subunits. The CK2 protein expression levels were determined and the effect of its down-regulation on chemosensitization of pancreatic cancer cells was investigated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The present study examined the impact on cell death following depletion of the individual protein kinase CK2 catalytic subunits alone or in combination with gemcitabine and the molecular mechanisms by which this effect is achieved. Depletion of the CK2α or -α' subunits in combination with gemcitabine resulted in marked apoptotic and necrotic cell death in PANC-1 cells. We show that the mechanism of cell death is associated with deregulation of distinct survival signaling pathways. Cellular depletion of CK2α leads to phosphorylation and activation of MKK4/JNK while down-regulation of CK2α' exerts major effects on the PI3K/AKT pathway.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Results reported here show that the two catalytic subunits of CK2 contribute differently to enhance gemcitabine-induced cell death, the reduced level of CK2α' being the most effective and that simultaneous reduction in the expression of CK2 and other survival factors might be an effective therapeutic strategy for enhancing the sensitivity of human pancreatic cancer towards chemotherapeutic agents.</p

    Alterations of EGFR, p53 and PTEN that mimic changes found in basal-like breast cancer promote transformation of human mammary epithelial cells

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    Breast cancer can be classified into different molecular subtypes with varying clinical and pathological characteristics. The basal-like breast cancer subtype represents one of the most aggressive and lethal types of breast cancer, and due to poor mechanistic understanding, it lacks targeted therapy. Many basal-like breast cancer patient samples display alterations of established drivers of cancer development, including elevated expression of EGFR, p53 inactivating mutations and loss of expression of the tumor suppressor PTEN; however, their contribution to human basal-like breast cancer pathogenesis remains ill-defined. Using non-transformed human mammary epithelial cells, we set out to determine whether altering EGFR, p53 and PTEN in different combinations could contribute to basal-like breast cancer progression through transformation of cells. Altering PTEN in combination with either p53 or EGFR in contrast to any of the single alterations caused increased growth of transformed colonies in soft agar. Concomitantly modifying all three genes led to the highest rate of cellular proliferation and the greatest degree of anchorage-independent colony formation. Results from our effort to engineer a model of BBC expressing alterations of EGFR, p53 and PTEN suggest that these changes are cooperative and likely play a causal role in basal-like breast cancer pathogenesis. Consideration should be given to targeting EGFR and restoring p53 and PTEN signaling simultaneously as a strategy for treatment of this subtype of breast cancer