394 research outputs found


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    Este estudo foi realizado para avaliar a eficácia da parede celular de Saccharomyces cerevisiae (PCSC) como inibidor dos efeitos tóxicos da aflatoxina em frangos de corte de 1 a 42 dias de idade. Foram utilizados 320 frangos distribuídos em quatro tratamentos com quatro repetições de 20 aves cada: T1- controle; T2 0.1% PCSC; T3 500 ppb de aflatoxina; T4 0.1% PCSC + 500 ppb de aflatoxina. Os parâmetros avaliados foram consumo de ração; ganho de peso; conversão alimentar; peso relativo de fígado, rins e bursa de Fabricius. O nível de Aflatoxina da dieta afetou (P0,05) outros parâmetros de desempenho aos 21 e 42 dias de idade. A PCSC melhorou a conversão alimentar das aves expostas ou não à aflatoxina aos 42 dias de idade. A aflatoxina e/ou PCSC da dieta não afetaram o peso relativo dos órgãos avaliados. Não foram observadas interações entre aflatoxina e PCSC. Os resultados demonstram que, nos níveis utilizados no presente estudo, a aflatoxina não causa efeitos deletérios às aves em condições experimentais. Abstract This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of cell wall of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (CWSC) as an inhibitor of the toxic effects of aflatoxin in broilers from 1 to 42 days of age. A total of 320 broilers were distributed in four treatments with four replicates of 20 birds each: T1- control; T2 0.1% CWSC; T3 500 ppb of aflatoxin; T4 0.1% CWSC + 500 ppb of aflatoxin. The parameters evaluated were feed intake; weight gain, feed conversion; relative weights of liver, kidneys and bursa of Fabricius. Although aflatoxin has decreased (P0.05) other performance parameters when the birds were at 21 and 42 days of age. The CWSC improved the feed conversion of birds exposed or not to aflatoxin at 42 days of age. The aflatoxin and / or CWSC in the diet did not affect the relative weight of evaluated organs. No interaction between CWSC and dietary aflatoxin was found. These results demonstrate that, at the levels given in this study, aflatoxin do not cause deleterious effects in the performance of broilers when in experimental conditions

    Efeito da adição de óleo na dieta de frangos sobre características físicas da ração.

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    No presente trabalho foi avaliado o efeito de níveis crescentes de adição de óleo de soja em dietas de frangos de corte sobre as características físicas da ração. Os trata mentos foram compostos por cinco níveis de inclusão de óleo:T1 ?1,74%; T2 ?2,87%; T3?4,01%; T4?5,15%; T5?6,28%.Estas dietas foram submetidas à peletização em equipamento CPM. Antes e após a produção foram coletadas cinco amostras por tratamento e analisadas em relação à características físicas. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso com cinco tratamentos e cinco repetições. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias foram comparadas pelo este t-Student, ao nível de 5%. Foram testados contrastes polinomiais e geradas as equações de regressão. Considerando os níveis de óleo como bloco, foram realizadas as comparações entre as rações fareladas e peletizadas. A peletização reduziu 23% na densidade da ração em relação à farelada. A peletização da dieta aumentou a umidade da ração, reduziu a densidade e diminui o ângulo de repouso. A adição de óleo reduziu o comprimento do pelete, reduziu a densidade da ração farelada, peletizada e da unidade do pelete e aumentou o ângulo de repouso tanto das dietas fareladas quanto peletizadas. This study evaluated the effect of increasing soybean oil levels on feed physical characteristics in broiler diets. The treatments consisted of five oil levels; T1 ?1.74 %, T2 ?2.87 %; T3 ?4.01%, T4 ?5.15%; T5 ?6.28 %. These diets were pelletized with CPM equipment. Before and after pelleting five samples per treatment were collected. Samples were cooled and analyzed for hardness and durability of the pellet and the percentage of fines. The experimental design was completely randomized with five treatments and five replicates. Data were submitted to analysis of variance and means were compared by t-Student Test at 5% level. Polynomial contrasts were also tested and generated regression equations. Assuming oil levels as block, it were performed comparisons between mash and pelleted diets. The pelleting reduced 23% in the feed density comparing to mash. Pelleting diets resulted in an increased of feed moisture, density reduction and decrease of angle of repose. The oil inclusion reduced the pellet length , reduced both mash and pelleted feed density, reduced pellet unitdensity and increased the angle of repose of mash and pellet feed

    Effect of extrusion on the trypsin inhibitors activity and digestibility of the raw soybean in dogs determined by the regression, substitution, and difference methods.

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    The lack of standardized methodologies to evaluate an ingredient?s digestibility in dogs contributes to the poor information about it. This is particularly important in protein sources, such as soybean, because dogs are carnivorous. There has been little investigation on the effect of pet food extrusion on the inactivation of trypsin inhibitors present in raw soybeans (RSB). Because of this, we aimed to evaluate the effect of extrusion on trypsin inhibitors and on the digestibility of RSB by the regression (REG), substitution (SUB), and difference (DIF) methods in dogs. Animals, material and methods: Six adult Beagle dogs were distributed in a Latin square design (6 x 6). The dogs were fed six extruded diets (single screw extruder) with increasing levels of RSB (0, 6, 12, 18, 24, and 30%) for a 5-day adaptation period followed by 5 days of total faecal collection per period (AAFCO, 2004). Trypsin inhibitors activity was determined in the diets before and after extrusion. The coefficients of total tract apparent digestibility (CTTAD) of nutrients and the metabolizable energy (ME) of the RSB were determined by the SUB (Matterson et al., 1965), REG, and DIF methods (Fan and Sauer, 1995). Data were submitted to regression and to analysis of variance and the means were compared by Tukey's test (P0.05). The ether extract CTTAD (0.891 to 0.910) and the ME (18.4 to 19.0 MJ/kg) of the diets increased linearly (P0.05) in the CTTAD and ME predicted by the three methods, nor between the variances of the methods. Conclusion: The single screw extrusion process of diets containing high levels of RSB does not completely inactivate the trypsin inhibitors. However, up to 12% of RSB can be used in extruded diets without compromising protein digestibility and faecal consistency of dogs. Greater inclusion levels of RSB reduce estimative errors of this ingredient digestibility. Although the three methods can be used to predict ingredients digestibility in dogs, the DIF and the SUB methods are more practical than the REG method, considering the utilization of only two diets (reference and test), while the REG method requires at least four diets


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    The inclusion of the conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in food for dogs has been displaying greatpotential, taking into account several benefits in regard to the use of this product. To determine the effect of CLAon the digestibility of the dry matter, nutrients and energy in dogs, two experiments were performed using dogs ofBeagle type, in the age of seven and 15 months, respectively. The experimental diets were isonutritive, justdiffering by the inclusion of CLA, watching for the addition to the control-diet, of an amount of lipids in the form ofchicken fat equivalent to the amount of CLAadded (0.3%), so that the diets were isoenergetic. The coefficients ofapparent digestibility of the dry matter, crude protein, ethereal extract and nitrogen-free extract were not affectedby the inclusion of conjugated linoleic acid, showing that the addition of the product did not interfere with theprocess of digestion of nutrients. In both digestibility experiments, higher values of metabolizable energy wereobserved for the diets with inclusion of CLA(P < 0.01) when compared with the control-diet.A inclusão do ácido linoléico conjugado (CLA) em rações para cães tem apresentado grandepotencial, tendo em vista os vários benefícios relacionados à utilização deste produto. Para determinar o efeitodo CLA sobre a digestibilidade da matéria seca, nutrientes e energia em cães foram realizados dois ensaiosutilizando cães da raça Beagle, com sete e 15 meses de idade. As dietas experimentais eram isonutritivas,diferindo apenas quanto à inclusão de CLA, tomando-se o cuidado de acrescentar à dieta controle umaquantidade de lipídeos na forma de gordura de frango equivalente à quantidade de CLAadicionada (0,3%), paraque as dietas fossem isoenergéticas. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca, proteínabruta, extrato etéreo e extrativos não nitrogenados não foram afetados pela inclusão de ácido linoléicoconjugado, mostrando que a adição do produto não interferiu no processo de digestão dos nutrientes. Emambos os ensaios de digestibilidade, observaram-se valores de energia metabolizável superiores para asdietas com inclusão de CLA(P<0,01) quando comparada com a dieta controle


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    In this trial fertile eggs from two different flocks of breeders (aged 30 and 60 weeks) from the same commercial line were incubated under commercial conditions. After hatching, birds were feather-sexed and selected. Birds were allocated in four groups. Two of these groups were fed just after placement, while the other two were fed only after 12 hours of housed. Blood samples were collected weekly, starting at day one, and antibodies against Newcastle disease, Infectious Bronchitis and Infectious Bursal Disease virus were measured. The effect of these two variables on the local reaction after a subcutaneous injection with an oil vaccine adjuvant, and the presence and severity of macroscopic lesions in the digestive system organs, at 19 and 30 days of age were also evaluated. The 12 hours fasting period had affected negatively only the Newcastle disease virus antibodies titles at 7 days of age. Both variables had no effect on the severity of macroscopic lesions in the respiratory system and in the digestive system at 19 and 30 days old.Neste experimento ovos férteis oriundos de matrizes de uma mesma linhagem genética, mas com idades distintas (30 e 60 semanas), foram incubados sob condições rotineiras. Após a eclosão, as aves foram sexadas, selecionadas, e alocadas em quatro grupos. Dois destes grupos receberam ração logo após o alojamento, enquanto os outros grupos foram submetidos a jejum de 12 horas. Foram realizadas colheitas de sangue no momento do alojamento e semanalmente no decorrer do experimento. Os títulos de anticorpos para as doenças de Newcastle, Gumboro e Bronquite Infecciosa foram avaliados. Também foi avaliado o efeito destas duas variáveis sobre a resposta local à aplicação subcutânea de um veículo vacinal oleoso e sobre a presença e severidade de lesões macroscópicas nos órgãos do sistema digestório aos 19 e 30 dias de idade. Somente os títulos de anticorpos contra a doença de Newcastle, medidos aos sete dias, foram afetados pelo período de jejum de 12 horas. Nem o período de jejum nem a idade de matrizes afetaram a severidade das lesões macroscópicas no sistema respiratório e digestório aos 19 e 30 dias de idade

    Immunohistochemical detection of GFAP and TGF ?1 in C57Bl6 mice during acute vesicular stomatitis virus encephalitis

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    Activation of astrocytes or astrogliosis is a prominent component of the inflammatory response and an indicator of injury in the brain. These astrocytes produce a large array of inflammatory mediators, growth and neuroprotective factors. This study was an investigation from astrocyte (GFAP) response and TGF- ?1 involvement during VSV acute encephalitis using immunohistochemistry to verify relation between astrocytes and TGF-?1. Animals developed symptoms around 6th day after VSV inoculation. Viral proteins were mainly detected at olfactory bulb, ventricular cell layer and disseminated to hippocampus, mesencephalon and diecephalon areas and brain stem. Also at 6th day post inoculation GFAP and TGF-?1 staining was observed in good association with virus-detected areas of brain. However, in mice with severe symptoms we observed reduction in the intensity of GFAP labeling at the same areas where TGF-?1 upregulation was observed. These areas show correlation with areas of necrosis and where are astrocytes with degenerative aspect. We observed TGF-?1 staining in damaged astrocytes, suggesting an effort of those cells in controlling inflammation in acute phase of VSV encephalitis


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    The faecal characteristics of dogs fed three FOS dietary inclusion levels o (0.000, 0.047, or 0.095%) were evaluated. Fifteen adult dogs were used. A completely randomized experimental design, with five days of faeces collection and five dogs per experimental diet was applied, yielding a total of 25 observations per treatment. Diets were offered to the dogs for a 25-day adaptation period, followed by five days of total faeces collection. Means were compared by Tukey-Kramer’s test. The faeces of dogs fed the diet with no FOS presented lower dry matter content and lower faecal score than dogs fed 0.047 or 0.095% FOS, which presented similar faecal characteristics. Faecal pH of dogs supplemented 0.095% FOS was lower than dogs fed 0.047 or 0.000% FOS. Faecal ammonia concentration and faecal output were similar among treatments. The supplementation of 0.095% FOS positively influenced dog faecal quality. Foram avaliadas as características das fezes de cães alimentados com três níveis de inclusão de FOS (0.000; 0.047 e 0.095%) na dieta. Foram utilizados 15 cães adultos da raça Beagle. O experimento seguiu um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com cinco dias de colheita de dados e cinco cães recebendo cada tratamento, totalizando 25 observações por tratamento. As dietas foram oferecidas para os cães por um período de adaptação de 25 dias seguidos de cinco dias de colheita total de fezes. As médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey.  Os cães alimentados com a dieta sem inclusão de FOS apresentaram fezes com menor teor de matéria seca e menor escore em relação aos animais que receberam 0.047 ou 0.095% de FOS na ração, os quais não diferiram entre si. O pH fecal de cães suplementados com 0.095% de FOS foi menor do que o dos cães que receberam 0.047 ou 0.000% de FOS. O teor de amônia faecal e a quantidade de fezes excretadas não diferiram entre os tratamentos. A suplementação com 0.095% de FOS na dieta melhora a qualidade das fezes dos cães

    Tumor de células da granulosa com metástases numa gata

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    The clinical, gross and microscopical features of a granulosa cell tumour in the ovary of a 2-year-old cat are described. This is a rare tumour in cats, moreover because of the animal’s age. It was diagnosed clinically by ultrasound examination. The tumour, a cystic mass in the region of the left ovary, metastasized to the epiplon and lungs. Tumour cells expressed vimentin and were arranged in a diffuse sarcomatous pattern, supported by a fine fibrovascular stroma. The presence of hair loss and repeated oestrus as clinical signs are indicative of orthoendocrine paraneoplastic syndrome, due to excessive oestrogen stimulation. This tumour should be considered in the differential diagnosis of behavioural disturbances in female cats.As características clínicas, macroscópicas e microscópicas de um tumor de células da granulosa no ovário de uma gata de 2 anos de idade são descritas neste trabalho. Essa neoplasia é rara em gatos, principalmente devido à idade apresentada pelo animal. O diagnóstico foi feito clinicamente através de exame ultra-sonográfico. O tumor, uma massa cística na região do ovário esquerdo, metastatizou para o epíploo e para os pulmões. As células tumorais expressaram vimentina e arranjavam-se num padrão sarcomatoso e difuso, sustentado por fino estroma fibrovascular. A presença de sinais clínicos, como perda de pêlos e repetição de estros, é indicativa de síndrome paraneoplásica ortoendócrina, devido à excessiva estimulação estrogênica. A existência desse tipo de tumor deve ser considerada no diagnóstico diferencial de distúrbios comportamentais em gatas