594 research outputs found

    Deep learning regression for inverse quantum scattering

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    In this work we study the inverse quantum scattering via deep learning regression, which is implemented via a Multilayer Perceptron. A step-by-step method is provided in order to obtain the potential parameters. A circular boundary-wall potential was chosen to exemplify the method. Detailed discussion about the training is provided. A investigation with noisy data is presented and it is observed that the neural network is useful to predict the potential parameters

    Intense slow beams of bosonic potassium isotopes

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    We report on an experimental realization of a two-dimensional magneto-optical trap (2D-MOT) that allows the generation of cold atomic beams of 39K and 41K bosonic potassium isotopes. The high measured fluxes up to 1.0x10^11 atoms/s and low atomic velocities around 33 m/s are well suited for a fast and reliable 3D-MOT loading, a basilar feature for new generation experiments on Bose-Einstein condensation of dilute atomic samples. We also present a simple multilevel theoretical model for the calculation of the light-induced force acting on an atom moving in a MOT. The model gives a good agreement between predicted and measured flux and velocity values for our 2D-MOT.Comment: Updated references, 1 figure added, 10 pages, 9 figure

    High speed sCMOS-based oblique plane microscopy applied to the study of calcium dynamics in cardiac myocytes

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    blique plane microscopy (OPM) is a form of light sheet microscopy that uses a single high numerical aperture microscope objective for both fluorescence excitation and collection. In this paper, measurements of the relative collection efficiency of OPM are presented. An OPM system incorporating two sCMOS cameras is then introduced that enables single isolated cardiac myocytes to be studied continuously for 22 seconds in two dimensions at 667 frames per second with 960 × 200 pixels and for 30 seconds with 960 × 200 × 20 voxels at 25 volumes per second. In both cases OPM is able to record in two spectral channels, enabling intracellular calcium to be studied via the probe Fluo-4 AM simultaneously with the sarcolemma and transverse tubule network via the membrane dye Cellmask Orange. The OPM system was then applied to determine the spatial origin of spontaneous calcium waves for the first time and to measure the cell transverse tubule structure at their point of origin. Further results are presented to demonstrate that the OPM system can also be used to study calcium spark parameters depending on their relationship to the transverse tubule structure

    Conversão Termoquímica em Leito Fixo: Características, Modelagem e Implementação do Solver biomassgasificationFoam

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    Os processos de conversão termoquímica são meios para converter os sólidos em portadores de energia mais convenientes (carvão), ou transformá-los em combustíveis líquidos e gasosos, ou ainda em calor ou outros produtos diversos. Muitos estudos vêm sendo realizados com o objetivo de tornar os processos termoquímicos mais eficientes e economicamente viáveis. A aplicação dos modelos de Dinâmica dos Fluidos Computacional (CFD) ajuda a otimizar o projeto e a operação dos reatores termoquímicos, como os de leito fixo. Os softwares de CFD gratuitos oferecem uma ferramenta econômica para a realização desses estudos. Um desses softwares que vem ganhando destaque é o OpenFOAM. Foi publicado recentemente um solver para o OpenFOAM chamado biomassGasificationFoam, para a simulação da gaseificação de biomassa em leito fixo. Neste trabalho foi feita uma avaliação do solver biomassGasificationFoam e das bibliotecas auxiliares que o acompanham, para generalizar a sua aplicabilidade em diversos processos de conversão termoquímica de sólidos em leito fixo. Seus modelos de transporte de calor e massa em um meio poroso reativo foram verificados e validados com testes propostos, equações analíticas e experimentos. Detalhes do código foram alterados e melhorias foram implementadas. Identificou-se uma superestimação do processo de difusão das espécies gasosas, causada por uma hipótese adotada na equação de conservação dessas espécies. O modelo cinético se mostrou adequado para processos de decomposição térmica do sólido onde a ordem da reação é unitária. Porém, esse modelo não se mostrou tão adequado para reações homogêneas do sólido onde a ordem da reação é diferente de um e para reações heterogêneas. No conjunto, o biomassGasificationFoam apresenta um potencial interessante, uma ferramenta útil para a simulação de diversos processos de conversão termoquímica de sólidos em leito fixo. Por fim, foram fornecidas informações sobre o software OpenFOAM e, principalmente, sobre o biomassGasificationFoam, com o intuito de servir como documentação para auxiliar futuros usuários interessados no seu uso

    Changes in anthropometric, biochemical, hematological, hormonal and cardiac markers in a group of late-adult amateur cyclist, afet continuous and prolonged exercise on an uncontrolled diet

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    Abstract: Purpose: to describe and compare the main biochemical and hematological parameters, markers of cardiac and stress suffering (cortisol), in an amateur group of 8 late-adult cyclists (average age 60.9 years s.d. 4.1 years) before and after a continuous bicycle course of 9 days with an actual duration of 7 days and a daily average of 103.5 Km (total of 725 km) on an uncontrolled diet. Results: body weight, BMI, systolic and diastolic pressure did not vary significantly in pre- and post-cycling performance (p> 0.05). There was no significant change in the pre- and post-red blood cell count in the hemochromocytometric hematological parameters (p = 0.57), while hemoglobin values decreased significantly after pedaling (p = 0.03), as did the average cellular hemoglobin values and the average cell concentration of hemoglobin (p = 0.002 and p = 0.0006, respectively). The number of platelets, white blood cells, the absolute number of neutrophils, lymphocytes, eosinophils, basophils and monocytes, and the percentage of neutrophils, eosinophilic lymphocytes, basophils and monocytes did not change significantly (p> 0.05). With regard to basic biochemistry, there was no significant variation in the values of glucose, urea, creatinine, alanine amino transferase, alkaline phosphatase, cholinesterase and creatinine kinase (p> 0.05). Aspartate amino transferase was found to be significantly greater after pedaling (p = 0.03). The values of albumin, total proteins, lactate dehydrogenase, total calcium, inorganic phosphorus, total magnesium, total iron, sodium and potassium were statistically non-significant between pre and post phases. The lipid profile, total cholesterol, triglycerides, lipases, HDL and LDL were also statistically non-significant even if HDL values increased on average after cycling performance (before 48.9 \ub1 9.5 and after 53.8 \ub1 12.4) while LDL values decreased on average (before 118.5 \ub1 28.8 and after 101.6 \ub1 10.3). In the hormone-labeling and vitamin group, ferritin was statistically non-significant. Pre and post changes in the stress hormone cortisol, PSA, vitamin B12 and natriuretic B-type NT-proBNP peptide were statistically non-significant. Instead, folate decreased significantly following the cycling performance (p = 0.017). In protein biochemistry, apolipoprotein A1 was statistically significant (p = 0.038) increasing after pedaling, while apolipoprotein B, C-reactive protein and transferrin were statistically non-significant. CK MB mass and troponin I in the cardiac markers did not undergo significant changes between pre and post phases. Conclusions: despite the small size of the chosen sample, parameters analyzed between pre and post continuous physical effort lead to the conclusion and confirmation of many data in the literature and, that is, that sporting activity conducted in an important way can improve the biochemical/functional state and, therefore, the health of practising subjects even in late adults and/or the elderly. This could postpone physical psychic decline caused by the natural progression of years

    Unravelling cellular mechanisms of stem cell senescence: An aid from natural bioactive molecules

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    Cellular senescence plays a role in the onset of age-related pathologies and in the loss of tissue homeostasis. Natural compounds of food or plants exert an important antioxidant activity, counteracting the formation of harmful free radicals. In the presence of an intense stressing event, cells activate specific responses to counteract senescence or cell death. In the present paper, we aimed at evaluating the levels of expression of specific markers of senescence, in order to demonstrate that extracts from Myrtus Communis L. can prevent premature senescence in ADSCs exposed to oxidative stress. Cells were cultured in the presence of Myrtus extracts for 12–24 and 48 h and then incubated with H2O2 to induce senescence. We then evaluated the expression of senescence-related markers p16, p19, p21, p53, TERT, c-Myc, and the senescence-associated β-Galactoidase activity. Our results showed that pre-treatment with Myrtus extracts protects cells from premature senescence, by regulating the cell cycle, and inducing the expression of TERT and c-Myc. These findings suggest a potential application of these natural compounds in the prevention and treatment of various diseases, counteracting premature senescence and preserving tissue functions

    Risk-Informed design process of the IRIS reactor

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    Westinghouse is currently conducting the pre-application licensing of the International Reactor Innovative and Secure (IRIS). The design philosophy of the IRIS has been based on the concept of Safety-by-DesignTM and within this framework the PSA is being used as an integral part of the design process. The basis for the PSA contribution to the design phase of the reactor is the close iteration between the PSA team and the design and safety analysis team. In this process the design team is not only involved in the initial phase of providing system information to the PSA team, allowing in this way the identification of the high risk scenarios, but it is also receiving feedback from the PSA team that suggests design modification aimed at reaching risk-related goals. During the first iteration of this process, the design modifications proposed by the PSA team allowed reducing the initial estimate of Core Damage Frequency (CDF) due to internal events from 2E-6/ry to 2E-8/ry. Since the IRIS design is still in a development phase, a number of assumptions have to be confirmed when the design is finalized. Among key assumptions are the success criteria for both the accident sequences analyzed and the systems involved in the mitigation strategies. The PSA team developed the initial accident sequence event trees according to the information from the preliminary analysis and feasibility studies. A recent coupling between the RELAP and GOTHIC codes made possible the actual simulation of all LOCA sequences identified in the first draft of the Event Trees. Working in close coordination, the PSA and the safety analysis teams developed a matrix case of sequences not only with the purpose of testing the assumed success criteria, but also with the perspective of identifying alternative sequences developed mainly by relaxing the extremely conservative assumptions previously made. The results of these simulations, bounded themselves with conservative assumptions on the Core Damage definition, suggested two new versions of the LOCA Event Tree with two possible configurations of the Automatic Depressurization System. The new CDF has been evaluated for both configurations and the design team has been provided with an additional and risk-related perspective that will help choosing the design alternative to be implemented

    Stem cells and physical energies: can we really drive stem cell fate?

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    Adult stem cells are undifferentiated elements able to self-renew or differentiate to maintain tissue integrity. Within this context, stem cells are able to divide in a symmetric fashion, feature characterising all the somatic cells, or in an asymmetric way, which leads daughter cells to different fates. It is worth highlighting that cell polarity have a critical role in regulating stem cell asymmetric division and the proper control of cell division depends on different proteins involved in cell development, differentiation and maintenance of tissue homeostasis. Moreover, the interaction between cells and the extracellular matrix are crucial in influencing cell behavior, included in terms of mechanical properties as cytoskeleton plasticity and remodelling, and membrane tension. Finally, the activation of specific transcriptional program and epigenetic modifications contributes to cell fate determination, through modulation of cellular signalling cascades. It is well known that physical and mechanical stimuli are able to influence biological systems, and in this context, the effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) have already shown a considerable role, even though there is a lack of knowledge and much remains to be done around this topic. In this review, we summarize the historical background of EMFs applications and the main molecular mechanism involved in cellular remodelling, with particular attention to cytoskeleton elasticity and cell polarity, required for driving stem cell behavior