376 research outputs found

    Interview with Maria Luisa Zamudio-Mainou, Class of 2004 and 2016

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    Oral history interview with Illinois State University alum Dr. Maria Luisa Zamudio-Mainou, Class of 2004 and 2016. The interview was conducted by Milner Library student employee Rexton Jones on July 10, 2023. In the interview Zamudio-Mainou, formerly the executive director of the National Center for Urban Education at ISU, reflects on her educational and professional journey. Born and raised in Tampico, Mexico, she pursued an undergraduate education in her hometown before transitioning to a career in banking. In 2000, she moved to Bloomington-Normal to study English at ISU, eventually shifting into the Foreign Languages department’s literature and culture graduate program. After a year at ISU, a job opened up in the College of Education’s bilingual education program and Zamudio-Mainou found herself working with some 250 Spanish-speaking teachers from across Latin America. This sparked an interest in education, eventually leading her to pursue a PhD in higher education administration at the university. In addition to the difficulty of learning English, Zamudio-Mainou also had to contend with cultural differences in the U.S. and the isolation of often being the only Latina in the room. She found a mentor in her graduate advisor and the director of the College of Education’s bilingual program, George Torres, with whom she would later collaborate on future grant projects. Zamudio-Mainou has held multiple positions during her decades-long career at ISU, including working on a grant transitioning paraprofessionals into becoming certified teachers. She also engaged in teaching multicultural education courses and coordinating study abroad programs. Zamudio-Mainou\u27s dual roles provided her with a unique perspective, allowing her to work closely with underrepresented students while navigating administrative responsibilities. Reflecting on her accomplishments, she finds pride in witnessing her students\u27 success and graduation.https://ir.library.illinoisstate.edu/aoh/1060/thumbnail.jp

    Amplifier for optimal reflection Coefficient of ultrasound transducer: A study of op amp based circuits for ultrasound transducers, targeted for low reflection Coefficient, high gain, and low noise

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    Reverberation is defined as equally-spaced, bright linear echoes resulting from reflection from specular-type interfaces. They are provoked by the acoustic Impedance change between the tissue and transducer front surface. B. Angelsen developed a mathematical approach to correct this ultrasound artifact by coupling the ultrasound transducer with an ideal electrical load in order to obtain zero reflection coefficients on the transducer from face [1]. However, when analyzing Impedance spectroscopy this approach cannot be achieved by using passive electronics in most simulated cases. Active impedance may be seen as a trend to improve image quality. This research therefore implements and simulates methods for active impedance synthesis [5] and applies Particle Swarm Optimization to the proposed electronics. Finally, the simulations are compared through a LAB experiment


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    The basic aim of this paper was to identify and analyze the conceptions of learning in students studying Educational Psychology at the National University of Comahue and the University of Flores at Comahue. This study was carried out at different times during their undergraduate training under the respective curricula. It employs the ideas developed before and during college, which guides the construction of various conceptions of learning

    Monte Carlo study of the interfacial adsorption of the Blume-Capel model

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    We investigate the scaling of the interfacial adsorption of the two-dimensional Blume-Capel model using Monte Carlo simulations. In particular, we study the finite-size scaling behavior of the interfacial adsorption of the pure model at both its first- and second-order transition regimes, as well as at the vicinity of the tricritical point. Our analysis benefits from the currently existing quite accurate estimates of the relevant (tri)critical-point locations. In all studied cases, the numerical results verify to a level of high accuracy the expected scenarios derived from analytic free-energy scaling arguments. We also investigate the size dependence of the interfacial adsorption under the presence of quenched bond randomness at the originally first-order transition regime (disorder-induced continuous transition) and the relevant self-averaging properties of the system. For this ex-first-order regime, where strong transient effects are shown to be present, our findings support the scenario of a non-divergent scaling, similar to that found in the original second-order transition regime of the pure model.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, version published in Phys. Rev. E. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1610.0822

    Biologic and Molecular Properties of LMP1: CTARs, Strains, and Beyond

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    Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a ubiquitous human herpesvirus that is associated with the development of lymphoid and epithelial malignancies including Hodgkin lymphoma (HD), post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD), nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC), and others. Latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) is the EBV oncogene as it is necessary for EBV-mediated transformation of B-lymphocytes and can itself transform rodent fibroblasts. LMP1 has a short amino-terminal cytoplasmic end, 6 transmembrane domains, and a long carboxyl-terminal cytoplasmic tail that contains the two signaling domains, the carboxyl-terminal activation regions 1 and 2 (CTAR1 and CTAR2). Through CTAR1 and CTAR2, LMP1 activates several signaling pathways including NF[kappa]B, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) pathways. In this study, CTAR1 was shown to be necessary for Rat-1 fibroblast transformation and activation of the PI3K-Akt pathway, whereas CTAR2 was dispensable. LMP1-mediated rodent fibroblast transformation did not require I[kappa]B[alpha]-dependent activation of NF[kappa]B. Seven sequence variants of LMP1 have been identified: Alaskan, B95.8, China 1, China 2, Med+, Med-, and NC. The frequency of detection of these variants differs in various EBV-associated malignancies from different geographic regions. In this study, all the sequence variants were demonstrated to transform Rat-1 fibroblasts, induce increased motility of human foreskin keratinocytes, induce homotypic adhesion of BJAB cells and activate the PI3K-Akt signaling pathway. The Alaskan, China 1 and Med+ variants had limited binding to the E3 ubiquitin ligase component HOS and enhanced NF[kappa]B signaling. These findings indicate that the signature amino acid changes of the LMP1 variants do not hinder or significantly enhance their in vitro transforming potential or signaling properties. Finally, dominant negative forms of TRAF2 and TRAF3 inhibited LMP1-mediated transformation of rodent fibroblasts. Activation of PI3K-Akt signaling and deregulation of cell-cycle markers were mapped to the TRAF-binding site and residues between CTAR1 and CTAR2. Activation of the MEK1/2-ERK1/2 signaling pathway through the TRAF-binding site was required for LMP1-induced transformation of rodent fibroblasts. These findings identify a signaling pathway that is uniquely activated by CTAR1

    Design, construction, programming and monitoring of a testbench for brushless motors

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    This document explains how to develop successfully a testbench for brushless motors connected wireless to a PC to analyze the data. This dissertation involves all the development and implementation of all the parts of the final prototype, including workarounds and redesigns. It also includes all the technical information to reproduce such prototype and all the software and source code necessary for the toolAquest document explica com desenvolupar satisfactoriament una bancada de proves per a motors de tipo brushless connectada sense fils a un PC per al analisi de dades. Aquesta memoria inclou tot el desenvolupament i la implementació de totes les parts del prototip final, incloent tots els workarounds i redissenys. També conté tota la informació tecnica per reproduir el montatge del prototip i tot el codi font del software desenvolupat per a la eina de visualitzacióEste documento explica cómo desarrollar satisfactoriamente una bancada de pruebas para motores de tipo brushless conectada inalámbricamente a un PC para el análisis de datos. Esta memoria incluye todo el desarrollo y la implementación de todas las partes del prototipo final, incluyendo todos los workarounds y rediseños. También contiene toda la información técnica para reproducir el montaje del prototipo y todo el código fuente del software desarrollado para la herramienta de visualizació

    Reporting of adverse events of treatment interventions in multiple myeloma: an overview of systematic reviews

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    The present study is an overview of systematic reviews focusing on adverse events of antimyeloma treatments. It provides a systematic description of adverse events as they are reported in the systematic reviews as well as a critical appraisal of included reviews. We conducted a comprehensive literature search in the most widely used electronic databases looking for systematic reviews that had an adverse event of an antimyeloma treatment intervention as primary outcome. Two independent reviewers conducted selection of included studies and data extraction on predesigned online forms and assessed study quality using AMSTAR 2. Overall corrected covered area (CCA) was calculated to examine the overlap of primary studies across systematic reviews. After screening eligible studies, 23 systematic reviews were included in this overview. Seven reviews with overall CCA of 14.7% examined cardiovascular adverse events of different drugs, including immunomodulatory drugs and proteasome inhibitors (mainly carfilzomib). Nine focused on infections, presenting with overall CCA of 5.8%, each one focused on a different drug or drug class. Three studied thromboembolism in patients treated either with lenalidomide, any immunomodulatory drug, or with daratumumab and had an overall CCA equal to 1.5%. Four more reviews focused on bortezomib-associated neurotoxicity, carfilzomib-associated renal toxicity, or second primary malignancies as an adverse event of lenalidomide or anti-CD38 monoclonal antibody treatment. The quality of included studies as judged by AMSTAR 2 was mostly critically low. Absence of a priori registered protocol and formal assessment of risk of bias of included primary studies were the most common shortcomings. Reporting of antimyeloma drug-associated toxicity is supported by multiple systematic reviews; nevertheless, methodological quality of existing reviews is mostly low

    El papel de la respuesta inmune en el desarrollo y progresión de la osteoartritis

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    La Osteoartritis (OA) es una patología crónica y de etiología multifactorial que tiene una gran prevalencia en caballos, animales de compañía y humanos. Aunque conocemos la gran importancia clínica y económica de esta enfermedad, la comprensión de su patogenia aún está en desarrollo. Actualmente se considera que el sistema inmune juega un papel muy importante en la regulación y perpetuación de la inflamación articular de bajo grado, que resulta finalmente en la destrucción del cartílago y afección de estructuras adyacentes. Por ello, el objetivo de este Trabajo Fin de Grado es realizar una revisión bibliográfica sobre la implicación de la respuesta inmune en la fisiopatogenia de la OA equina, y establecer su relación con posibles biomarcadores y dianas terapéuticas. Es necesario cambiar el paradigma de que el sistema inmune se encarga únicamente de la defensa del organismo frente a agentes infecciosos, y empezar a comprender el papel que ejerce la respuesta inmune en la osteoartritis y otros procesos. Estudiar la etiopatogenia de la OA es esencial tanto para para poder desarrollar sistemas de diagnóstico temprano mediante el uso de biomarcadores, que abarquen además la monitorización y respuesta al tratamiento, como para relacionar los procesos que tienen lugar con posibles dianas terapéuticas. De esta forma, los nuevos avances terapéuticos buscan desarrollar tratamientos desde un abordaje multimodal de todos los tejidos implicados, además de lograr terapias individualizadas según las características y fenotipos de cada paciente.<br /