474 research outputs found


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    Effects of enzyme pretreatment on the properties of fast-growing poplar APMP pulp were evaluated. Compared with the unpretreated pulp, the beatabilities of the pulp that had been pretreated by enzymes were improved significantly, such as a decrease of Canadian Standard Freeness (CSF) in the range of 25 mL to 55 mL, a decrease of PFI mill revolutions from 1000r to 5500r, and a decrease of beating energy consumption from 12.5% to 22.0%. The values of brightness, breaking length, tearing index, bursting index, and folding number of the pulp pretreated by cellulase were improved by 1.2%ISO, 23.7%, 14.8%, 14.6%, and 50% respectively, while that of the pulp pretreated by xylanase were respectively improved by 2.1%ISO, 16.8%, 8.8%, 8.9%, and 25%. The optimal enzyme dosages were 25 IU•g-1 and 25IU•g-1 for cellulase and xylanase, respectively. Fibre quality analysis results showed that the fibre length of pretreated pulp increased partly, fibre width and fines content decreased, fibres torsion increased, and fibre bonding got stronger. X-ray diffractometer analysis indicated that the degree of crystallinity of fibres increased after the enzyme pretreatment

    Unified covariant treatment of hyperfine splitting for heavy and light mesons

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    This paper aims at proving the fundamental role of a relativistic formulation for quarkonia models. We present a completely covariant description of a two-quark system interacting by the Cornell potential with a Breit term describing the hyperfine splitting. Using an appropriate procedure to calculate the Breit correction, we find heavy meson masses in excellent agreement with experimental data. Moreover, also when applied to light quarks and even taking average values of the running coupling constant, we prove that covariance properties and hyperfine splitting are sufficient to explain the light mesons spectrum and to give a very good agreement with the data.Comment: 4 page

    Financing of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Control Program in Banda Aceh City

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    Background: From January to June 2017, the number of DHF cases in Banda Aceh City reached 216 cases with the incidence Rate of 89.5%. To suppress the increase in the cases, the Health Office of Banda Aceh and its staff has conducted control activities, but the number of DHF cases is difficult to reduce. It is therefore necessary to conduct this study to assess the relationship between the availability of DHF control programs and the number of DHF cases in Banda Aceh City. Methods: This observational was done using a case-control study design. The number of samples was 76 cases in four selected health centers with a case-control ratio of 1:1. For data collection, it was conducted in July until August 2017. Results: The results show that the reduction in funding of DHF disease control programs was associated with an increase in the number of DHF cases in Banda Aceh City (p = 0.005, OR = 2.49 at 95% CI; 1.23 - 5.06). Conclusion: Inadequate financing can increase the number of DHF cases in Banda Aceh City

    Invisibility in billiards

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    The question of invisibility for bodies with mirror surface is studied in the framework of geometrical optics. We construct bodies that are invisible/have zero resistance in two mutually orthogonal directions, and prove that there do not exist bodies which are invisible/have zero resistance in all possible directions of incidence

    Pengendalian Persediaan Bahan Baku Menggunakan Metode Min-max Stock di PT. Panca USAha Palopo Plywood

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghindari kelebihan dan kekurangan bahan baku dengan menghitung besarnya persediaan bahan baku di PT. Panca Usaha Palopo Plywood. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi kasus yang bersifat kualitatif yang berguna menerapkan solusi pada masalah terkini. Data penelitian ini diperoleh dari dari data pertahun Perusahaan dengan pihak terkait. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa standar pelaksanaan dan pengelolaan persediaan bahan baku telah sesuai dengan standar yang telah ditentukan Perusahaan. Peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa PT. Panca Usaha Palopo Plywood cukup efisien, efektif, dan ekonomis namun masih terdapat kelemahan-kelemahan dalam kegiatan dalam pengelolaan persediaan bahan baku Perusahaan seperti kurangnya pemahaman karyawan akan peraturan mengenai tindakan disiplin yang ada, kurangnya kepuasan karyawan, terhadap sikap Perusahaan dalam pemberian kompensasi, serta pemesanan bahan baku yang tidak teratur sehingga mengakibatkan penumpukan di gudang.dan sebaliknya kekurangan stock digudang, pengelolaan persediaan bahan baku

    Anaerobic co-digestion of pear residues and sewage sludge using a CSTR digester. Influence of the feed procedure

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    Anaerobic co-digestion of pear residues with sewage sludge is feasible. Important differences are obtained from the two feed regimes tested, with better results for the so-called continuous feed. The organic loading rate (OLR) is the important parameter for the methane productionUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Towards FIB-SEM Based Simulation of Pore-Scale Diffusion in SCR Catalyst Layers

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    The diffusivity in the upper Cu-Chabazite layer of a dual layer ammonia oxidation catalyst with a lower Pt layer was investigated. In a first step, the pore structure of the upper Cu-Chabazite catalyst layer was determined by Focused Ion Beam-Scanning Electron Microscopy (FIB-SEM) slice&view tomography. From the FIB-SEM data the 3D pore structure of the catalyst was reconstructed and diffusion simulations were performed on the reconstructed pore geometry, resulting in an estimated effective diffusivity of Deff_{eff}/Dgas_{gas} = 0.31. To validate the FIB-SEM derived estimates of the diffusivity, measurements of CO oxidation on the dual layer catalyst were performed, where the CO was oxidized in the lower Pt-layer while the upper SCR layer served as an inactive diffusion barrier. In this way, the effective diffusivity can be determined from the measured CO conversion. An effective diffusion coefficient of Deff_{eff}/Dgas_{gas} = 0.11 was obtained from the CO oxidation measurements, three times lower than the value obtained from the FIB-SEM data, but in line with previous literature data for the effective diffusivity in monolith washcoat layers. Additional NH3_{3} oxidation experiments were performed on the dual layer catalyst. The results were well reproduced by a reactor model applying the effective diffusion coefficient obtained by the CO oxidation experiments. The origin of this apparent inconsistency is currently not understood and requires further investigation

    Effect of NaHCO3 addition on the anaerobic co-digestion of fruit and vegetable waste and sewage sludge performance

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    Digestion of FVW residues with sewage sludge is feasible as long as the FVW to sludge ratio fed to the batch digester is not too large. The pH is the main variable determining the reactor performance and can be controlled by NaHCO3 addition.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech


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    Pengetahuan tentang kesehatan reproduksi sangat diperlukan oleh remaja, hal ini dilakukan untuk mencegah bias pendidikan seks maupun pengetahuan tentang kesehatan reproduksi. Tujuan  penelitian ini  untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat pengetahuan remaja tentang kesehatan reproduksi di SMPN Haliwen. Desain penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode deskriptif murni. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa-siswi kelas VII di SMPN Haliwen yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi sebanyak 126  sampel. Alat pengumpul data  adalah instrumen berupa kuesioner. Data yang telah diolah selanjutnya dilakukan analisa menggunakan analisa univariat. Hasil penelitian  menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata usia responden adalah 14,12 tahun  (95%CI : 13,94-14,29), usia termuda 12 tahun dan tertua 16 tahun. Jenis kelamin merata untuk semua responden yaitu 50% untuk   laki-laki   dan   50%   untuk   perempuan.   Tingkat   pengetahuan   tentang kesehatan reproduksi adalah baik yaitu sebesar 84,9% (107 orang), cukup 14,3 % (18 orang), dan kurang 0,8% (1 orang). Disimpulkan bahwa Tingkat pengetahuan remaja tentang kesehatan reproduksi di SMPN Haliwen sudah masuk dalam kategori baik. Oleh karena itu diharapkan agar siswa-siswi dapat menjalankan peran dan fungsi reproduksi dengan baik
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