627 research outputs found

    Anomaly detection in Multivariate Temporal Data for Vessels Abnormal Behaviour Detection

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    The growing number of deployed data mining systems leverage the interest in temporal data anomaly detection. From cyber-security or finance to heart-diseases detection, unexpected data often incorporate critical information that must be analysed. Data anomalies have long been studied from an univariate perspective where only one data dimension changes over time. Few works have been dedicated to multivariate anomaly detection. In this work we provide a comprehensive and structured analysis of the main definitions, state-of-art methods and approaches focusing multivariate temporal data anomaly detection. Our research focus on dealing with variable length data series with millions of samples and multiple feature categories, either static or dynamic, real or categorical valued. We describe a case-study in the maritime domain investigating the unusual spatio-temporal behaviour of commercial vessels and experiment over two open datasets and one got from the MARISA H2020 Project1

    Plataforma para visualização de dados clínicos baseada em software open source

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    Healthcare providers are faced with the challenge of going through large amounts of data in search of answers to complex questions. On top of that, medical sta typically don't have database knowledge, and so, it is necessary to provide them with tools that allows the visualization of reports, charts and dashboards, without having to interact or even see query languages, ideally on the same platforms where data is generated. Embedding Business Intelligence (BI) has emerged as a possible solution to this issue, providing end-user with tools that enables them to explore data in a simpli ed way. Thus, the application where the solution was embedded not only is enhanced, but the necessity for data analysis stand-alone tools is eliminated. This thesis starts by analyzing if integrating a BI solution into medical platforms is plausible, by presenting the main characteristics of clinical data, followed by an overview of the state of the art on open-source Business Intelligence software. Then, a solution proposal is presented where the development of an embedded solution is pragmatically addressed. Finally, case studies where the integration of the work developed was integrated will be presented, in order to evaluate its applicability and integrability.Os profissionais de saúde enfrentam constantemente o desafio de analisar grandes quantidades de dados médicos na procura de respostas para questões complexas. Além disso, estes profissionais não têm conhecimentos de linguagens para consultas de bases de dados. Portanto, é necessário providenciar aos profissionais de saúde ferramentas que lhes permitam visualizar relatórios, gráficos e dashboards, sem que seja necessário interagir com linguagens de consulta, idealmente nas plataformas onde os dados são gerados. Integrar soluções de Business Intelligence (BI) em aplicações já existentes surge como uma possível solução para este problema, providenciando recursos aos utilizadores finais que lhes permitam explorar dados de uma forma simplificada. Deste modo, não só é valorizada a aplicação onde ocorre a integração, como é eliminada a necessidade de plataformas destacadas para análise de dados. Esta dissertação começa por analisar se a integração de soluções BI na área da saúde é viável, apresentando as principais caracteristicas de dados clínicos, bem como um estado de arte das soluções Business Intelligence existentes. De seguida, é apresentada uma proposta de solução, onde o desenvolvimento de uma solução integrável é detalhadamente descrito. Por fim, serão apresentados casos de estudo onde a integração do trabalho desenvolvido ocorreu, de forma a avaliar a sua aplicabilidade e integrabilidade.Mestrado em Engenharia Informátic

    Looking for efective ways of achieving and sustaining Business-IT Alignment

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    Aligning Business and Information Technologies strategies has been a subject studied for a long time. Despite all the efforts, achieving and sustaining Business-IT alignment remains a challenge requiring even more agility nowadays to keep up with the competition in a turbulent organizational environment. Past contributions are uncovered in this paper calling particular attention to the development of Enterprise Architecture as a way of addressing this challenge. However, this should be a process to be carried out in the most effective ways looking especially at time and costs. Having proposed frameworks as a point of departure to reflect on the ways they may or may not work in practice, a dialogical action research is proposed for this work involving a close interaction with consultant companies. The resulting improved expertise both from the researcher and practitioners involved should allow for the identification of the most effective ways of achieving and sustaining Business-IT alignment.(undefined

    The organizational competences model: a contribution for business-IT alignment

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    Business-IT alignment has consistently ranked in the top five IT management concerns for almost a decade now. Despite a considerable research since the 90s, business-IT alignment still remains a challenge even more in turbulent organizational environments requiring business strategy to be more frequently examined and changed. We need effective ways to achieve and sustain alignment between the information systems and technology strategy and the business strategy so organizations become more flexible and agile. Enterprise architecture may be one of those effective ways particularly when developed under a business process management approach. Looking into a consulting practice that has adopted such approach, this research highlights the role of one particular model, the organizational competences model, in the clarification of the strategy and in the development of the enterprise architecture for a wine regulatory commission, the organization that was used as a case study

    Dialogical action research for better enterprise architecture implementation

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    Business-IT alignment has been studied for quite some time but it is still a key concern for IT executives. Traditional approaches may have been successful in the past, as researchers have been studying business-IT alignment concerning its impact on organizational performance or its antecedents. However, the question remains: “how to provide an easy and quick way of achieving and sustaining Business-IT alignment?” Enterprise Architecture implementation under a Business Process Management approach may be a useful way of looking into good practices to achieve and sustain business-IT alignment. This work emphasizes the adoption of Dialogical Action Research as an adequate methodology to improve theoria and praxis for a better enterprise architecture implementation. Supported on reflective one-on-one dialogues between researcher and practitioner, dialogical action research acknowledges the important role and contributions of the latter for enterprise architecture implementation when compared with the modest contributions from academia. Emerging from many years of practice, a particular praxis is under examination in this work particularly regarding the development of an organizational competences model considered as an important piece for enterprise architecture implementation. Such model fosters the discussion of the business strategy while making clear the interrelations among competences and more explicit the business model. From a dialogical action research, as work is carried out, recommendations will be issued to improve consulting praxis and inform theoria while solving real world problems in the course of enterprise architecture implementation at municipalities.This work is supported by FEDER funding through the Competitiveness Factors Operational Programme – COMPETE and national funding through FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology under the project FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-022674

    Access to information, and concerns, myths and truths about food safety during the COVID-19 pandemic: an overview of the Portuguese population

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    The COVID-19 pandemic raised questions and concerns about the possibility of the virus being transmitted through food, as the virus was found in sewage, shrimps and packages of frozen food. During the first wave of COVID-19, concerns about the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 through food arose. As the number of cases began to increase rapidly, so did the availability of information regarding the virus and ways to prevent infection. A significant portion of this information was disseminated by the media and the general public. Identifying and understanding the main doubts and concerns about food hygiene and safety raised by the Portuguese population during the first wave of COVID-19 is important in order to understand whether these issues have influenced their practices and what lessons can be learnt for food safety and hygiene education. The aims of this work were (1) to understand the doubts and concerns of the Portuguese population regarding food safety and hygiene during the first wave of COVID-19, and how these issues were clarified, (2) to analyze the population’s opinion on food/hygiene myths and truths related to the transmission and prevention of the infection, and (3) to understand how the first wave of COVID-19 may have influenced the population’s practices linked to food handling and consumption. The main doubts of the respondents were related to food handling (41.6%) and the possibility of transmission of COVID-19 through food (17%). Television was the main source of information used to clarify these doubts (32.9%), followed by a guideline issued by the Directorate-General of Health (30.7%). However, most respondents (50.9%) said that they had only found answers to some of their questions. Most respondents reported washing and disinfecting hands before (85% and 63.4%, respectively) and after (73.8% and 57.3%, respectively) the handling and organization of food purchases. Most respondents did not believe the myths about COVID-19 and food safety, but this depended on their level of education. Some practices may have changed as a result of the pandemic, particularly with regard to washing and disinfecting hands and food, as well as kitchen hygiene.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Erosões localizadas junto de pilares simples: efeito do diâmetro relativo do sedimento na profundidade de equilibrio de cavidades de erosão

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    A comunicação apresenta os resultados preliminares de ensaios experimentais, sobre erosões localizadas junto a pilares cilíndricos isolados, realizados nos Laboratórios de Hidráulica das Faculdades de Engenharia da Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI) e da Universidade do Porto (FEUP). Nesse âmbito, foram realizados treze ensaios com o objectivo de analisar o efeito do diâmetro relativo do sedimento e da profundidade relativa do escoamento de aproximação na profundidade de equilíbrio das cavidades de erosão normalizada pelo diâmetro do pilar. Os ensaios foram realizados em condições de leito fixo (i.e., sem transporte sólido generalizado) e com durações compreendidas entre 4,1 e 12,9 dias. O conjunto de ensaios foi definido de modo a que a gama de parâmetros utilizada fosse o mais alargada possível, perspectivando, desta forma, tirar conclusões mais abrangentes do que as correspondentes à maioria dos trabalhos existentes neste domínio. As séries temporais do desenvolvimento da profundidade máxima das cavidades de erosão em pilares cilíndricos isolados foram analisadas e tratadas de acordo com metodologia proposta por Lança et al. (2010). Os resultados revelam que há uma forte dependência entre a profundidade de equilíbrio das cavidades de erosão em pilares cilíndricos isolados e o diâmetro relativo do sedimento, confirmando os resultados apresentados por Sheppard et al. (1995; 1999; 2004). Contrariando o instituído por alguma literatura da especialidade de referência, foi observado que a profundidade de equilíbrio das cavidades de erosão normalizada pelo diâmetro do pilar decresce com o diâmetro relativo do sedimento para valores superiores a ~100. Este efeito é possivelmente uma das causas da sobrestimação da profundidade de equilíbrio das cavidades de erosão obtidas através de fórmulas de uso reconhecido e que foram determinadas com base em trabalhos laboratoriais

    Risk communication strategies (on listeriosis) for high-risk groups

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    Background: Most cases of listeriosis are domestically acquired. Although consumers have a key role in its prevention, it is generally agreed that individuals at higher risk have a low awareness of the infection. Scope and approach: A summary of the scientific information on listeriosis awareness among high-risk groups will be presented. Reasons explaining unawareness and potential strategies to communicate with target groups in a manner that can effectively change risk behaviours reducing the burden of listeriosis will be discussed. Key findings and conclusions: Research efforts are needed in particular experimental studies that can identify which communication factors have a causal effect on peoples’ risk behaviour and how these factors influence the processing of information by consumers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Epicurean ethics - "Tetraphármakos" : some inquiries in Portuguese philosophical thought

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    Can we achieve a good life, endure pain and eliminate the fear of death? What is the role of philosophy and the philosopher in the face of practical and speculative concerns? The philosophy of Epicurus (341-270 BC) aims at "the health of the soul" through the rigorous knowledge of the Universe. This article aims at analysing the ethical proposal of the philosopher - his "tetraphármakos" (quadruple remedy to liberate the man). Below, two objections to his thinking are presented: on the one hand, Agostinho da Silva, criticizing Epicurean philosophy as a merely defensive method of pain; on the other hand, the characterization of the Epicurean legacy as unrealizable as a praxis ambition, as proposed by Fernando Pessoa's heteronym, Ricardo Reis.Poderemos alcançar uma vida boa, suportar a dor e eliminar o medo da morte? Qual o papel da filosofia e do filósofo ante inquietudes práticas e especulativas? A filosofia de Epicuro (341-270 a.C.) visa "a saúde da alma" através do rigoroso conhecimento do Universo. O presente artigo procura analisar a proposta ética do filósofo - o seu "tetraphármakos" (quádruplo remédio para libertar o homem). Apresentam-se, seguidamente, duas objeções ao seu pensamento: por um lado, Agostinho da Silva, criticando a filosofia epicurista enquanto método meramente defensivo da dor; e, por outro lado, a caracterização do legado epicureu como irrealizável enquanto ambição práxica, tal como propõe o heterónimo de Fernando Pessoa, Ricardo Reis

    As cidades como espaços de transformação da natalidade na época contemporânea: influência da mobilidade geográfica na regulação da capacidade reprodutiva das populações

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