608 research outputs found

    Market entry plan for Trung Nguyen Coffee Company in Finnish market

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    Currently, Vietnam is the second biggest coffee exporter in the world after Brazil, and Finland stands out as one of the highest coffee consuming countries in the world. Therefore, market expansion into Finland has much potential and looks promising for Vietnam’s coffee industry exporters. Trung Nguyen Coffee Corporation has been used as a case study in this thesis to reflect the situation. The aim of this thesis is to explore the opportunities and threats, when the company targets Finnish market. In order to gain this achievement, the study will utilize PEST model, Porter’s Five Forces model, Value Chain model, and Entry modes for overall assessment of the entry into Finish market. Based on the results acquired through the business environment, the study will design a business plan for the entry of the coffee market destination accordingly. In the end of the research, it is safe to conclude that it is potentially possible for Trung Nguyen Coffee Corporation to enter the Finnish market

    Interview with Mai-Linh Hong

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    Mai-Linh Hong is a Vietnamese American woman, she was born in Vietnam and grew up near Washington D.C. Hong is an author, editor, and Assistant Professor of Literature at UC Merced. Prior to joining the Auntie Sewing Squad, she ran an Etsy shop and its proceeds went to anti-racist and feminist organizations. As an Auntie, she actively donates masks but is also currently co-editing the Auntie Sewing Squad’s new book.https://digitalcommons.csumb.edu/auntiesewing_interviews/1040/thumbnail.jp

    Entrepreneurship in indie app development: A case study on a Vietnamese indie mobile developer

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    This paper is a single case study aimed to explore the entrepreneurial process of a Vietnamese indie mobile developer in a real-life context during a three-year period. From the perspective of an insider, the researcher has kept track of the process through various observations, discourses and open interviews with this developer as well as through his personal narratives. By presenting and analysing this intensive case study with a narrative approach, the research sheds light on how a particular Vietnamese indie developer developed his projects and turned them into a promising source of income. The main focus of the study is to understand how an indie developer made a business from his apps, identify the challenges facing him, and the qualities he possesses in order to progress as a mobile application entrepreneur. This case study also contributes to a deeper understanding of technology entrepreneurship in a developing nation and makes way for further research into mobile application entrepreneurship

    \u27\u27Get Your Asphalt Off My Ancestors!\u27\u27: Reclaiming Richmond\u27s African Burial Ground

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    By treating spatial conflict as one way communities wrestle with the memory and legacy of slavery, this article unites critical landscape analysis, a tool of legal geography, with legal and cultural analysis and recent scholarship on African American reparations. A slave cemetery lay beneath a parking lot in Shockoe Bottom, a neighborhood of downtown Richmond that was once a major slave-trading hub. In recent years, controversy arose over the site’s use, generating racially charged local debate and two failed lawsuits seeking to preserve the site. This article examines the significance of the African Burial Ground controversy by analyzing its symbolic, discursive, spatial, and legal dimensions. Although the law ostensibly protects ancestral graves from desecration, it demands that a plaintiff demonstrate biological descent from the interred in order to make a claim; as this case demonstrates, standing is denied to those whose family histories were obliterated by slavery. I argue that the plaintiff’s lack of standing before the law, which is rooted in slavery, cannot be separated from other, social and political forms of illegitimacy historically inscribed upon African Americans. Here, claims of desecration were relegated to the political arena, where redress was possible but subject to the vagaries of local, state, and national racial politics. Community activists, unable to protect the Burial Ground through the force of the law, instead mobilized the spectacle of the law, and achieved a surprising out-of-court resolution to the conflict

    The relationship between board gender diversity and firm risk-taking among the S&P 500 firms

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    This study examines the relationship between board gender diversity and the risk-taking of the S&P500 firms over the period 2004-2017, aiming to solve the question of whether women’s par-ticipation in the boardroom can reduce a firm’s level of risk-taking. The theoretical framework is based on the background of corporate governance systems, the mechanism of the board of directors, and existing related theories including agency theory, re-source dependence theory, and tokenism theory. In the scope of the theoretical framework, we conduct an empirical review on the board gender diversity and risk-taking. The first section pre-sents empirical evidence of the behavioral differences between men and women in the work-place. In the next section, we focus on existing studies on the impact of board gender diversity on corporate governance. The last section goes through different opinions in the discussions about the relationship between gender diversity and firm risk-taking. We apply panel data methodology to conduct the empirical part of the thesis. Board gender di-versity is measured by the presence of female members and their proportion on the board of directors. The proxy for the firm’s risk-taking is the volatility of profitability ratio (ROTA ratio). The regression model is controlled by multiple control variables, including board characteristics and firm performance indicators. Omitted firm characteristics are controlled through firm fixed effects and time fixed effects specifications. We further modify the regressions to address en-dogeneity concerns through two different approaches: lagged dependent variables with fixed effects and Generalized Moment Methods estimators. The models are verified against robust-ness by employing alternative measures of board gender diversity (Blau index and Shannon index for diversity) and alternative proxies of firm risk-taking (volatility of profitability adjusted by in-dustry benchmarks and profitability ratio gap). The findings provide significant evidence that firms having a more gender-diverse board tend to be less risky than others. The presence of at least one woman on board appears to have no im-pact on corporate risk-taking, which might be explained by inappropriate variable choice and the tokenism theory. The dual position of CEO/ chairperson and the board independence level is negatively related to the volatility of profitability, while the higher leverage ratio is linked to the higher riskiness. However, the models perform poorly in addressing potential endogeneity issues and produce questionable results, which implies that the relationship between gender diversity and firm risk-taking is probably far more complicated than we assume

    Reframing the Archive: Vietnamese Refugee Narratives in the Post-9/11 Period

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    This article considers how recent narratives about Vietnamese refugees engage with the Vietnam War’s visual archive, particularly iconic photographs from the war and ensuing “boat people” crisis, and contribute to present-day discourses on American militarism and immigration. The article focuses on two texts, a National Public Radio special series about a US naval ship (2010) and Thanhha Lai’s Inside Out & Back Again (2011), which recounts a Vietnamese child’s refugee passage. By refiguring famous photojournalistic images from the war, the radio series advances a familiar rescue-and-gratitude narrative in which the US military operates as a care apparatus, exemplifying a cultural habit Yến Lê Espiritu dubs the “we-win-even-when-we-lose-syndrome.” Lai’s novel, by contrast, represents a new generation of Vietnamese American texts that find narrative possibilities outside the teleology of the grateful refugee, in part by challenging a hegemonic visual culture that has rendered refugees frequently seen but seldom heard. Refugee narratives stemming from the Vietnam War continue to find an eager audience, as they prime the social imaginary to make sense of the newest US wars; the article concludes by analyzing echoes of the sentimental rescue-and-gratitude narrative in media coverage of the recent Iraq War and its refugees

    Zooplankton from Can Giuoc River in Southern Vietnam

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    In this study, the variables of zooplankton and water quality were investigated in the Can Giuoc River, Southern Vietnam. Zooplankton was monitored in April and September 2015 at 5 sampling sites in the river. Some basic water quality parameters were also tested, including pH, total suspended solid (TSS), dissolved oxygen (DO), biological oxygen demand (BOD5), inorganic nitrogen (NH4+), dissolved phosphorus (PO43-), and coliform. The zooplankton biodiversity indices were applied for the water quality assessment. The results showed that pH ranged from 6.7 to 7.6 during the monitoring. The TSSs were between 34–117 mg/L. The DO and BOD5 were from 0.6 to 3.8 mg/L and from 6.3 to 13.2 mg/L, respectively. The NH4+ and PO43- concentrations ranged from 0.44 to 3.23 and from 0.08 to 1.85 mg/L, respectively. The coliform number was between 9.3x103–9.3x104 MPN/100 mL. The zooplankton analyses showed that there were 31 species of coelenterates, rotatoria, oligochaetes, cladocerans, copepods, ostracods, mysidacea, and 8 larval types. Thereof, the species of copepods were dominant in the species number. The zooplankton density ranged from 9 500 to 23 600 individuals/m3 with the main dominant species of Moina dubia (Cladocera), Thermocyclops hyalinus, Acartia clausi, Oithona similis (Copepoda), and nauplius copepods. The biodiversity index values during the monitoring were from 1.47 to 1.79 characteristic of mesotrophic conditions of the aquatic environment. Besides, the species richness positively correlated with pH, TSS, DO, BOD5, NH4+, PO43-, and coliform, while the zooplankton densities got a positive correlation with DO, BOD5, NH4+, PO43-, and coliform. The results confirmed the advantage of using zooplankton and its indices for water quality assessment