69 research outputs found

    Synthesis of Nafion-sio2 Membrane Nanocomposite Using Sol-gel Method

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    In this research, the activity to produce Nafion-SiO2 composite membranes has been done by dispersion and sol-gel methods. Parameters under consideration are weight ratio of SiO2/Nafion, the solvent kind and its effect to physico-chemical properties of the composite membrane. The dispersion method was done by mixing 5 % Nafion solution with SiO2 particles, while the sol-gel method was conducted by mixing 5 % Nafion with Tetraethoxyorthosilicate (TEOS) solution as a source of SiO2 then heated at 80 °C to 120 °C for 6 hours to produce a 70 μm thick membrane film. The physico-chemical and electrochemical characterization are performed to identify its microstructure and chemical structure using a Scanning Electron Microscope-Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (SEM-EDAX) and Fourier Transform - Infra Red (FT-IR) Spectroscopy respectively. The result showed that the composite membranes produced using sol-gel method have homogenous structure, in which Si component bound to Nafion polymer matrix. It can be concluded that the sol-gel method is successfully applied to produce a homogeneous Nafion-SiO2 composite membrane, which can be expected to habe a better characteristic than the pure Nafion and may substitute the Nafion membrane as proton exchange membrane fuel cell

    Application of the Nanocomposite Membrane as Electrolyte of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell

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    Hydrogen fuel cells proton exchangemembrane fuel cell (PEMFC) is currently still in development and commercialization. Several barriers to the commercialization of these Nafion membrane as electrolyte is its very sensitive to humidity fluctuation. Nafion must be modified by making a composite Nafion-SiO2-HPA to increase electrolyte resistance against humidity fluctuations during the cell used. Research carried out by mixing Nafion solution with Tetra Ethoxy Ortho Silicate (TEOS) and conductive materials is phosphotungstic acid (PWA) by varying the ratio of Nafion, TEOS and PWA. The membrane is produced by heating a mixture of Nafion, TEOS and PWA by varying the evaporation temperature, time and annealing temperature to obtain the transparentmembrane. The resultingmembrane was analyzed its physical, chemical and electrochemical properties by applying the membrane as electrolyte of PEMFC at various humidity and temperature of operation. The results showed that at low temperatures (30-90) °C and high humidity at 100 %RH, pure Nafion membrane is better than composite membrane (Nafion-SiO2-PWA), but at low humidity condition composite membrane is better than the pure Nafion membrane. It can be concluded that the compositemembranes of (Nafion-SiO2-PWA) can be used as electrolyte of PEMFC operated at low humidity (40 %RH) and temperature between (30-90) °C


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    Covid 19 is a highly contagious respiratory disease caused by the new corona virus. Covid 19 was first discovered in Indonesia in March 2020 and significantly increase. Covid 19 has resulted in restrictions on various social activities, the implementation of the school system and working from home to the closure of tourist attractions and shopping centers, etc.  As a result, Indonesia's economy is getting worse. Spraying disinfectants at homes and public facilities is one way to prevent the spread of the corona virus.  The purpose of this activity is to provide counseling on how to make disinfectants to break the chain of spread of the corona virus. This activity was carried out in June 2021 which was attended by representatives of several members of the PRTB youth group in Gagaksipat village, Ngemplak, Boyolali. This PKM activity was carried out using several methods, including the lecture method when delivering material about how to make disinfectants, the practical method of making disinfectants and spraying disinfectants into people's homes. This service activity was well received by the participants because after the counseling was carried out, members of the youth group (PRTB) could make disinfectant and apply it for spraying color houses

    Peluang dan Tantangan Komersialisasi Biodisel-Review

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    Hydrogen is one of the environmentally friendly fuel, however hydrogen is not always available due to continuously increasing energy demand and fossil fuel availability become more limited. Gap between demand and supply is essential to find alternative fuels. Biodiesel could be a substituent for fossil fuels, especially for hydrogen. Biodiesel could be made by mixing vegetable oils or fats with fossil fuel with a ratio of (5-20) wt.% however in a long time effect of this mixture can damage the engine. To overcome the problem, biodiesel can be synthesized via transesterification of oil and alcohol with the aid of acid or base catalyst to produce glycerol and FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Ester). Challenges faced for the commercialization of biodiesel among others, (1) expensive raw material (edible oil), (2) reaction time and separation of the relatively long time (minimum 15 hours), (3) the use of acid catalysts still leaves the problem of corrosion and corrosion of machine tools and pollution to the environment by the catalyst. To make biodiesel competitive in the market, used oil (waste cooking oils, WCO), agricultural waste, and recent studies using microalgae could be used as source of biodiesel production. To shorten the reaction time, reaction was carried out using ultrasonic reactor technology and to minimize environmental pollution to use the solid catalyst. This paper will summarize on the adoption of latest technologies in producing biodiesel from used frying oil and microalgae

    Upaya guru dalam pembinaan akhlak di Smp N 1 Tbt Satap Penumangan Kecamatan Tulang Bawang Tengah Kabupaten Tulang Bawang Barat

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    Guru adalah komponen penting didalam pendidikan. Guru terlibat langsung dalam proses pendidikan dan pembentukan karakter dan aklak siswa. Mengingat perkembangan akhlak siswa yang saat ini semakin memprihatinkan, sebagaimana munculnya banyak keluhan dari orang tua tentang anak yang sulit diatur. serta sering tidak menghiraukan orang tua bahkan justru lebih mementingkan bermain daripada belajar. Dari hasil pengamatan pra survey yang penulis lakukan di SMPN I TBT SATAP PENUMANGAN Kecamatan Tulang Bawang Barat Kabupaten Tulang Bawang Barat, penulis menemukan sebuah permasalahan tentang penangan pembinaan Akhlak yang dilakukan oleh guru untuk para siswa di SMPN I TBT SATAP PENUMANGAN. Melihat hal tersebut penulis merasa tertarik untuk melakukan pengamatan lebih jauh tentang bagaimana upaya penanaman pendidikn akhlak yang dilakukan oleh guru terhadap anak di SMPN I TBT SATAP PENUMANGAN, Oleh karena hal tersebut maka Fokus penelitian dalam penulisan tesis ini adalah, 1) Bagaimana perencanaan yang dilakukan guru dalam pembinaaan akhlak?. 2) Bagaimana proses dalam, pembinaan akhlak? 3)Bagaimana kendala yang dihadapi guru dalam pembinaan akhlak siswa di SMPN I TBT SATAP PENUMANGAN Kecamatan Tulang Bawang Barat Kabupaten Tulang Bawang BaratRawajitu Utara. 4) Bagaimana solusi dalam menghadapi kendala pembinaan akhlak siswa di SMPN I TBT SATAP PENUMANGAN Kecamatan Tulang Bawang Barat Kabupaten Tulang Bawang BaratRawajitu Utara?. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan, dan termasuk penelitian kwalitatif, Berdasarkan pembahasannya termasuk penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan study kasus. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi partisipan, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analis data dilakukan mulai dari reduksi data, penyajian data, dan menarik kesimpulan. Untuk menguji keabsahan data dilakukan perpanjangan kehadiran, triangulasi, pembahasan teman sejawat, dan klarifikasi dengan informan. Pembahasan hasil penelitian, 1) Perencanaan yang dilakukan guru dalam pembinaan akhlak siswa di SMPN I TBT SATAP PENUMANGAN Kecamatan Tulang Bawang Barat. 2) Proses yang digunakan oleh guru dalam pembinaan akhlak adalah Menggunakan metode pembiasaan, dengan membiasakan berakhlak terpuji Menggunakan metode keteladanan, Menggunakan metode ganjaran dan hukuman yakni, memberikan hadiah kepada yang berbuat baik dan memberikan sanksi kepada yang berbuat kejelekan. Menggunakan metode ceramah, dengan jalan memberikan penuturan dan penerangan secara lisan kepada siswa 3) Kendala yang dihadapi guru dalam pembinaan akhlak siswa, a) terbatasnya pengawasan dari pihak madrasah, b) kurangnya kesadaran siswa c) pengaruh lingkungan d) pengaruh tayangan televisi 4) solusi dari kendala pembinaan akhlak siswa a) untuk mengatasi kurangnya pengawasan dari guru, maka pihak guru agama memberikan pendidikan kesadaran. Dan memberikan hikmah keteladanan kepada para siswa.. b) untuk mengatasi pengaruh lingkungan dan tayangan televisi guru menekankan kepada pergaulan siswa agar bergaul dengan anak - anak baik dan membatasi tayangan televisi yang dilakukan oleh orang tua Kata Kunci: Upaya pembinaan Aklak sisw

    Separation of Mineral from Brown Algae Extract using Micro Filtration (MF) and Ultra Filtration (UF) Membrans – Review

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    Brown algae (Phaeophyta) contain active compounds such as carbohydrates, proteins, phenolics, fats, pigments, vitamins and minerals. The mineral content of brown algae is around 8% to 40% consisting of cations Na+, K+, Mg++, Fe++, Zn++, Mn++ and heavy metals. Bioactive brown algae has many benefits, including Fucoidan as a cancer drug. The barrier of using Fucoidan as a medicine is its high mineral content. Therefore, the minerals must be separated. The extraction process of brown algae using various methods has been carried out with the aim of isolating the active component of Fucoidan that is free from minerals that will be an obstacle in utilizing the active component. This paper will describe some of the latest methods of extracting the active ingredients of brown algae and mineral separation processes using Micro Filtration (MF) and Ultra Filtration (UF) membrane. MF and UF membrane can separate small molecules such as cations (minerals) that can pass through the membrane so that macromolecules such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, pigments, phenolics and vitamins can be separated from minerals and active ingredients in the absence of minerals can be obtained. The purpose of this paper is to provide research directions in the exploration of the active ingredients of brown algae for pharmaceutical and cosmetic applications without side effects caused by high metal or mineral content above the threshold value in brown algae extracts


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    APLIKASI MEMBRAN NANOKOMPOSIT SEBAGAI ELEKTROLIT SEL BAHAN BAKAR HIDROGEN PADA PROTON EXCHANGE MEMBRANE FUEL CELL. Sel bahan bakar hidrogen jenis Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) saat ini masih dalam pengembangan dan komersialisasi. Beberapa hambatan komersialisasi di antaranya membran Nafion sebagai elektrolit sangat sensitif terhadap kelembaban. Maka Nafion harus dimodifikasi dengan cara membuat komposit Nafion-SiO2-HPA dengan tujuan meningkatkan ketahanan elektrolit terhadap fluktuasi kelembaban selama sel digunakan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mencampur larutan Nafion dengan tetra etoksi orto silikat (TEOS) dan bahan konduktif phosphotungstic acid (PWA) dengan memvariasi perbandingan Nafion, TEOS dan PWA. Membran dihasilkan dengan cara memanaskan campuran Nafion, TEOS dan PWA dengan memvariasi suhu penguapan, waktu dan suhu annealing sehingga didapatkan membran dengan penampakan transparan. Membran yang dihasilkan dianalisis terhadap sifat fisika, kimia dan sifat elektrokimia dengan mengaplikasikan membran sebagai elektrolit PEMFC pada berbagai kelembaban dan suhu operasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada suhu rendah 30 oC hingga 90 oC dan kelembaban tinggi (100 %RH), membran Nafion murni lebih baik dibandingkan membran komposit Nafion-SiO2-PWA, tetapi pada kelembaban rendah membran komposit lebih baik dibanding membran Nafion murni dan dapat disimpulkan bahwa membran komposit Nafion-SiO2-PWA dapat menggantikan peranan membran Nafion murni sebagai elektrolit PEMFC yang beroperasi pada kelembaban rendah (40 %RH) dan suhu di antara 30 oC hingga 90 oC

    The Characteristic of Heat Pump Dehumidifier Drier in the Drying of Red Chili (Capsium Annum L)

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    Preservation of agricultural products have a very important to avoid the dropped of selling price when the harvest season arrives. Agricultural products are perishable because of high water content approximately 80 % which if the moisture content above 10% encourages proliferation of spoilage microorganisms in the material and cause the short shelf life. One way that has been done to preserve agricultural products such as red Chili is dried using direct sunlight. Weakness of the sun drying can not reduce the water content to below 10% so spoilage microorganisms can live and breed, cause the short self life. Drying using Heat Pump Humidification Technology (HPD) is one solution to overcome the disadvantages of the direct sun drying. HPD can reduce the moisture content up to or below 10% will increase the self life and make easier to crush and to produce a Chili powder. The purpose of this study to determine the appropriate mathematical model of the drying phenomena. The constant of the model equations are determined by Sum Square Error (SSE). Before being dried Chilies dipped in hot water to remove the wax. PHD is used as an air dehumidifier that circulate in the dryer. Humidity difference causes the displacement of water from the Chilies to dry air and lower the moisture content of Chili. Moisture content of Chili every 5 minutes is analyzed using gravimetric method. The results showed that the texture of the Chili is very fragile with a moisture content of less than 10% and in the best conditions, the moisture content of Chili is 6:35 wt%. From the research found that the appropriate model is Lewis model and the constant of the models obtained (k = 0.0056). Due to the moisture content of the product below 10 wt%, PHD can be considered as an agricultural product dryer. Keywords — Chili, drying, heat pump, hp

    Produksi Biodisel dari Minyak Jelantah Menggunakan Katalis Asam padat (Nafion/SiO2)

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    Production of biodisel from waste cooking oil (WCO) was performed using a double catalyst Nafion/SiO2 as esterification catalyst and NaOH is used as transesterification catalyst . Study was conducted through three stages:as well as  synthesis of Nafion/SiO2 solid acid catalyst, the synthesis of biodisel using a single catalyst (NaOH) and the synthesis of biodisel using a catalyst (Nafion/SiO2 and NaOH). Solid acid catalyst is made of Nafion 5 wt.% solution and the (Tetra Ethoxy Ortho silicate, TEOS) using solution phase sol-gel method to produce Nafion/SiO2. Furthermore Nafion/SiO2 was applied as esterification catalyst. Esterification reaction conditions at temperatures of 75oC and fixed reaction time of 45 minutes. The reaction is run at three-neck flask equipped with a stirrer, thermometer and cooling water. Products are separated and the upper layer is used as a reactant of transesterification reaction using NaOH catalyst and results biodisel (FAME). Result analysis of physical properties, ie viscosity, density and flash point FAME meets the standard requirements of biodisel. Chemical characterization in the FAME show there are more than six kinds of methyl esters indicate that FAME was formed. The percentage of biodisel that is produced by using dual catalyst is higher compared to using a single catalyst proved that the solid acid catalyst plays an important role in converting the free fatty acid in to ester in the WCO

    Produksi Biodisel dari Minyak Jelantah Menggunakan Katalis Asam padat (Nafion/SiO2

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    Produksi biodisel dari minyak jelantah (Waste Cooking Oil, WCO) telah dilakukan menggunakan katalis ganda yaitu Nafion/SiO2 sebagai katalis reaksi esterifikasi dan NaOH digunakan sebagai katalis transesterifikasi..Penelitian dilakukan melalui tiga tahap yaitu: sintesis katalis asam padat Nafion/SiO2, sintesis biodisel menggunakan katalis tunggal NaOH dan sintesis biodisel menggunakan katalis (Nafion/SiO2 dan NaOH). Katalis asam padat dibuat dari larutan Nafion 5% berat ditambah dengan (Tetra Ethoxy Ortho Silicate, TEOS) menggunakan metode sol-gel fasa larutan menghasilkan katalis padat Nafion/SiO2. Selanjutnya katalis padat Nafion/SiO2 diaplikasikan sebagai katalis reaksi esterifikasi. Kondisi reaksi esterifikasi pada temperature 75oC dan waktu reaksi tetap 45 menit. Reaksi dijalankan di dalam labu leher tiga dilengkapi dengan pengaduk, temometer dan pendingin balik. Hasil reaksi dipisahkan dan lapisan atas digunakan sebagai reaktan reaksi transesterifikasi menggunakan katalis NaOH menghasilkan biodisel (FAME). Hasil analisis sifat fisika, yaitu viskositas, densitas dan titik nyala FAME yang dihasilkan sudah memenuhi standar persyaratan biodisel. Hasil karakterisasi secara kimia menunjukkan di dalam FAME terdapat lebih dari 6 macam metil ester menandakan bahwa FAME sudah terbentuk. Persentase biodisel yang dihasilkan dengan menggunakan katalis ganda lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan menggunakan katalis tunggal membuktikan bahwa katalis asam padat mempunyai peranan penting dalam mengkonversi asam lemak bebas yang ada di dalam WCO. Abstract Production of biodisel from waste cooking oil (WCO) was performed using a double catalyst Nafion/SiO2 as esterification catalyst and NaOH is used as transesterification catalyst . Study was conducted through three stages:as well as synthesis of Nafion/SiO2 solid acid catalyst, the synthesis of biodisel using a single catalyst (NaOH) and the synthesis of biodisel using a catalyst (Nafion/SiO2 and NaOH). Solid acid catalyst is made of Nafion 5 wt.% solution and the (Tetra Ethoxy Ortho silicate, TEOS) using solution phase sol-gel method to produce Nafion/SiO2. Furthermore Nafion/SiO2 was applied as esterification catalyst. Esterification reaction conditions at temperatures of 75oC and fixed reaction time of 45 minutes. The reaction is run at three-neck flask equipped with a stirrer, thermometer and cooling water. Products are separated and the upper layer is used as a reactant of transesterification reaction using NaOH catalyst and results biodisel (FAME). Result analysis of physical properties, ie viscosity, density and flash point FAME meets the standard requirements of biodisel. Chemical characterization in the FAME show there are more than six kinds of methyl esters indicate that FAME was formed. The percentage of biodisel that is produced by using dual catalyst is higher compared to using a single catalyst proved that the solid acid catalyst plays an important role in converting the free fatty acid in to ester in the WCO. Keyword: solid acid, heterogeneous catalyst, WCO, renewable energy, Nafion/SiO2
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