262 research outputs found

    Sunnah dalam Nalar Islam Kontemporer Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd

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    This paper deals with the notion of Sunna according to one of the most leading contemporary Muslim thinkers, Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd. The paper explores both his view concerning the Sunna, and his methodology of how to understand it. The paper discovers that the man does find in the Sunna a kind of flexibility that makes it open for new understanding and application within new context. His conception of the Sunna can be found in his ideas concerning the nature, position, validity and the interpretation of religious text. Given that the Sunna comes only second after the Qur?an, the former must therefore be interpreted in the light of the latter. The paper tries to show that what is interesting about studying Abu Zayd is his view to transform the Islamic religious texts from merely mythological narratives into a logical and living tradition

    Pemikiran G. H. a. Juynboll Tentang Hadis

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    The outsaider studies that represented by the tradition of orientalism or islamism which continues until now are shows the dynamics of the hadith study from time to time. And one of the sect of hadith study that developed in the western wes skeptical sect. To analyze the thought of skeptical sect in the hadith study at western, this paper will discuss the Juynboll thought in hadith and the things that tangent to it which is including explored an attempt the use of the methodology or theory in the Western studies whitin certain limits for the assessment of hadith. A part from the implications and motives that sometimes becomes the background for hadith assessment as seen in the long history of islamic studies (including the hadith in it), a serious challenge from Western scholars to prove the historicity of the hadith is part of the Muslim scholary duty to provide academic and scintific answers, not just a description of the normative-apologist

    The Reception of Islamic Religious Activists (Rohis) on Religious Reading Materials in Sman 48 East Jakarta and SMA Labschool East Jakarta

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    This paper is motivated by some studies that suggest that the majority of students in Jakarta have a narrow and exclusive religious understanding, and tend to agree in a violent action to resolve the problem of religion and morals. This research is a descriptive research that more emphasis on qualitative data analysis and using reception approach. Reception analysis is used in order to describe a religious reading material within religious extra-organization activists, and describes the reception of student activists on the reading material that focuses on interpretation and the motivation of students in selection of reading materials. This research suggests that ROHIS activist in SMAN 48 East Jakarta And SMA Labschool East Jakarta prefers to read some books that the genre were Islamic novels and the books about women, which had simple language, easily understanding, and communicative. Student motivation in choosing reading material is more to support their worship activities, either obligatory or sunnah, that relate to their daily activities

    Self-innovation guru dalam meningkatkan prestasi siswa pada masa pandemi COVID-19

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    The distance learning process during the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in many symptoms experienced by both teachers and students. This becomes the basis for research. The purpose of this study was to explore information related to the practices of teachers in the distance learning process to improve student achievement during the COVID-19 pandemic. The method used in this research is qualitative with a case study approach. The research was conducted in Yogyakarta. Participants in this study were teachers and students. The data collection technique in this study used structured interviews and participatory observation. Research procedures using the Creswell case study model. Data analysis was performed using Atlas.ti software version 8.3. The results of this study provide information that teachers need to improve skills and competencies through self-innovation. The teacher as a center of learning has a direct influence and contribution to student development while studying at home. Students will be able to understand the material well, can always be enthusiastic about learning, and finally, be able to improve achievement even though learning is done remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic. AbstrakProses pembelajaran jarak jauh di masa pandemi COVID-19 mengakibatkan banyak gejala-gejala yang dialami baik oleh guru maupun siswa. Hal ini menjadi dasar dalam penelitian. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menggali informasi terkait praktik-praktik yang dilakukan oleh guru dalam proses pembelajaran jarak jauh untuk meningkatkan prestasi siswa pada masa pandemi COVID-19. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Penelitian dilakukan di Yogyakarta. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah tiga orang guru yang mengajar di Sekolah Dasar Muhammadiyah, Yogyakarta. Teknik pengambilan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan wawancara terstruktur dan observasi partisipatif. Prosedur penelitian dengan menggunakan model studi kasus Creswell. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan Software Atlas.ti versi 8.3. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan informasi bahwa guru perlu meningkatkan keterampilan dan kompetensi melalui self-innovation. Guru sebagai center of learning memiliki pengaruh dan andil secara langsung terhadap perkembangan siswa selama belajar di rumah. Siswa akan mampu memahami materi dengan baik, juga dapat selalu semangat dalam belajar, dan akhirnya mampu untuk dapat meningkatkan prestasi walau pembelajaran dilakukan secara jarak jauh selama pandemi COVID-19

    Analisis Unit Usaha Badan Usaha Milik Desa (Bum Desa) Kategori Berkembang di Kabupaten Banyuwangi

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    The aim of the study was to 1) analyze business units at BUM Desa in Banyuwangi District which were in the Developing Category to become the basis for other BUM Desa in Banyuwangi Regency in order to be able to run business units in accordance with local wisdom in the village referring to experiences that had implemented by villages that have BUM Desa that have developed first; 2) Knowing the management strategy in developing business units in BUM Desa which develops in Banyuwangi Regency. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The results showed that 1) BUM Desa in the developing category has business units that have a Village Market business unit, Department Store, Savings and Loans, Village Canteen, Garbage Transport Services, Hippam, and Online Bank Payment Point (PPOB), Sports Building Management, Clean water / PAM management, PPUB, brick production, all-business cooperative unit, Ijen Home Stay, Ijen Lestari Café, Ijen Tourism Entrance Fee, Village Market (Weekly), Flower Market, Seruni Bathing Pool, Kemping Ground, Hippam, RTH Management / Parking and Management of multi- purpose buildings, Agriculture, Village Markets, Trade, Savings and Loans, Livestock, and Home Industries. 2) The strategy that has been applied to Village- Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) that have been able to develop in their activities, namely specialization, sees village potential and the characteristics of each village that varies. For villages that are close to the tourism sector, the opportunities for welfare of BUMDes can be obtained from tourism development, and strategic rural areas with agricultural potential, then maximized for BUM Desa which is engaged in the agricultural sector

    Research on Marine Sciences under Core University Marine Science Program in the Period of 2001-2005 : The Bibliometrics Approach

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    This research aims to analyze the contribution of collaboration research under Core University Marine Science Program sponsored by Japan Society for Promotion of Sciences (JSPS) over a period of 2001-2005. The data were papers of JSPS seminars. We used co-word technique of bibliometrics methods to identify the research topics. Then we calculated which topics are core and prominence levels based on method of Sujit Battarcharja and Moh’d Taiyab Rashid Khan. In-depth interviews were also carried out to explore problems on Indonesian marine research besides getting confirmation, comments and ideas related to the result of bibliometrics analysis. The informants were experts in marine science from a research institution, a government ministry, and a university. The results of this study could be employed to evaluate the research collaboration program between LIPI and Japanese institutions especially under JSPS program in the future

    Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Guru

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    Perkembangan yang semakin meningkat di era globalisasi dan modernitas seperti saat ini, peningkatan mutu pendidikan dapat menjadi suatu masalah yang urgen. Permasalahan yang timbul dalam lingkup sekolah terkait dengan fungsi dan peranan kepemimpinan kepala sekolah, sehingga diangkat suatu penelitian dengan judul penelitian Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Guru. Teknik pengambilan data yang digunakan yaitu teknik wawancara oleh beberapa orang Kepala Sekolah. Kompetensi merupakan perpaduan dari penguasaan pengetahuan, nilai dan sikap yang direfleksikan dalam kebiasaan berfikir dan bertindak dalam melaksanakan tugas/pekerjaannya. Guru yang mampu menerapkan kompetensi dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran, akan lebih menyenangkan serta membangkitkan minat belajar dan menimbulkan suasana belajar yang aktif dan akhirnya berdampak kepada meningkatnya prestasi siswa. Upaya kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan kompetensi pedagogik dan kompetensi kepribadian guru yaitu dengan mengadakan beberapa program kegiatan pelatihan dan anjuran. Secara umum peningkatan kompetensi yang dilakukan oleh kepala sekolah, bertujuan agar guru menguasai pengelolaan kelas. Adapun 4 komponen utama mengenai kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan kompetensi guru yaitu kinerja tenaga pendidik, peningkatan kompetensi, kualitas pendidikan, dan strategi pemimpi


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    Survival analysis is a statistical procedure that describes a mathematical model that is often applied in various studies, especially in health. One application of survival analysis is to determine the rate of survival and the factors affecting HIV / AIDS sufferers in East Java. HIV / AIDS is a virus that attacks or infects white blood cells, causing a decrease in immune cells. This disease causes a decrease in productivity in the health and economic sectors of a country. Even if the disease continues to increase, the weak economic development will decrease due to the treatment of HIV/AIDS and the risk of death of people infected with the HIV / AIDS virus is getting higher in East Java. In addition to these health and economic quality factors, factors such as residents' knowledge of the disease. By knowing the factors of HIV/AIDS survival rate, mathematical modelling can be done to estimate the duration of the patient's survival power comprehensively and accurately. In this study, we want to find out what factors affect the survival rate of HIV/AIDS using the 3-Parameter Lognormal Survival Link Function model in which the method of parameter estimation used is the Bayesian MCMC-Gibbs Sampling method. The best models is the 3-parameter lognormal survival with frailty that is normally distributed and factors affect the survival rate of HIV/AIDS is education (X3), marital status (X5), Stadium of the patient (X8), adherence of therapy (X10), opportunistic infection (X11) and risk factor of infection (X13). Analisis survival merupakan suatu prosedur statistika yang menjelaskan model matematis yang seringkali diaplikasikan dalam berbagai penelitian, terutama di bidang kesehatan. Salah satu penerapan dari analisis survival adalah untuk mengetahui laju bertahan hidup dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penderita HIV/AIDS di Jawa Timur. Penyakit HIV/AIDS adalah virus yang menyerang atau menginfeksi sel darah putih yang menyebabkan turunnya sel kekebalan tubuh. Penyakit ini mengakibatkan penurunan produktivitas di bidang kesehatan dan ekonomi di suatu negara. Bahkan apabila penyakit ini terus meningkat maka lemahnya perkembangan ekonomi akan menjadi menurun akibat pengobatan penyakit HIV/AIDS dan resiko kematian dari orang yang terinfeksi virus HIV/AIDS tersebut semakin tinggi di Jawa Timur. Disamping faktor kualitas kesehatan dan ekonomi tersebut, faktor seperti pengetahuan warga terhadap penyakit HIV/AIDS. Dengan mengetahui faktor-faktor laju bertahan hidup penyakit HIV/AIDS dapat dilakukan pemodelan matematis untuk memperkirakan durasi daya survival secara aktual, dan komprehensif. Tujuan artikel dalam penelitian ini adalah menjelaskan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi laju bertahan hidup pasien terhadap penyakit HIV/AIDS dengan menggunakan model Survival Lognormal 3 parameter Link Function. Metode estimasi parameter yang digunakan adalah metode Bayesian MCMC-Gibbs Sampling. Model Survival Lognormal 3 Parameter dengan Frailty yang berdistribusi normal menghasilkan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi laju bertahan hidup pasien HIV/AIDS di Jawa Timur adalah pendidikan(X3), status perkawinan (X5), stadium penderita (X8), kepatuhan terapi (X10), infeksi oportunitis (X11) dan resiko penularan (X13)


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    Cervical cancer is the most common cancer that causes death in women. This cancer is mainly caused by Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). It is estimated that 52 million of Indonesian women are at risk of having cancer, and 36% of female cancer patients suffer from cervical cancer. This type of cancer cannot be diagnosed immediately as there is several years of pre-malignancy phase; thus, early detection or screening is needed to prevent it from turning into malignant. Pap test as a screening program can detect cancer, precancer, and normal condition. To understand the predicting factors of the test results, a comprehensive mathematical modelling was created using the link function of Bayesian Ordinal Logistic Regression. This study observed several possible factors that may affect Pap test results in Tuban regency, namely Age (X1), Education (X2), Childbirth Experience (X3), Use of Contraceptives (X4), Menstrual Cycle (X5), Age of First Menstruation (X6), History of Miscarriage (X7), Anemia (X8) and Number of Sexual Partners (X9) . The outcomes indicated that the predicting factors of Pap cervical cancer results are Age (X1), Education (X2), Childbirth Experience (X3), Use of Contraceptives (X4), Menstrual Cycle (X5), and Anemia (X8). In this model, there is an inexplainable error dependency as indicated by the varied constance values of alpha

    Representasi Makna Iklan Mi Lemonilo Tahun 2020 Episode “Mie Hebat Untuk Keluarga Sehat” (Analisis Semiotik Charles Morris)

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    Iklan pada dasarnya bertujuan untuk memengaruhi masyarakat. Dalam prosesnya, iklan dapat bersifat informatif atau manipulatif. iklan juga bertujuan memberikan gambaran kepada konsumen agar konsumen tertarik kepada produk yang di iklankan. Perbedaan sifat tersebut tergantung pada upaya dalam mencapai tiga tujuan komunikasi massa dalam periklanan yaitu tujuan kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotorik. Iklan Mi Lemonilo berisikan informasi verbal dan visual yang bertujuan promosi bahwa mi tersebut sehat. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan analisis semiotik model Charles Morris dimana hasil penelitian tersebut akan mengetahui bentuk semantic, sintaksis, dan pragmatik dari iklan Mi Lmonilo tahun 2020 episode “Mie Hebat Untuk Keluarga Sehat”. Bentuk semantik guna mengetahui hubungan tanda dengan maksud disampaikan sebenarnya. Bentuk pragmatik guna mengetahui hubungan dengan penggunaan tanda dan akibatnya dalam satu tingkah lagu yang nyata. Sedangkan, bentuk sintaksis berhubungan dengan tata cara Menyusun tanda secara bersama untuk membentuk satu gabungan tanda yang bisa berupa kata, frasa, kalimat, dan pikiran utuh suatu teks atau konteks
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