
Research on Marine Sciences under Core University Marine Science Program in the Period of 2001-2005 : The Bibliometrics Approach


This research aims to analyze the contribution of collaboration research under Core University Marine Science Program sponsored by Japan Society for Promotion of Sciences (JSPS) over a period of 2001-2005. The data were papers of JSPS seminars. We used co-word technique of bibliometrics methods to identify the research topics. Then we calculated which topics are core and prominence levels based on method of Sujit Battarcharja and Moh’d Taiyab Rashid Khan. In-depth interviews were also carried out to explore problems on Indonesian marine research besides getting confirmation, comments and ideas related to the result of bibliometrics analysis. The informants were experts in marine science from a research institution, a government ministry, and a university. The results of this study could be employed to evaluate the research collaboration program between LIPI and Japanese institutions especially under JSPS program in the future

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