147 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Economic, Environmental, and Social Impact of the Valorization of Grape Pomace from the Wine Industry

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    The increase in the world population has led to intensive food production systems that are generating increasing amounts of solid waste. In this work, the valorization of the most important waste generated during wine production, grape pomace, is evaluated. Eight processes are proposed to approach different types of valorization (production of energy and value-added products), from economic, environmental, and social points of view. The best process depends on the budget available, the production capacity, and the weight of each impact produced by the factory (economic, environmental, or social). For small (less than 0.1 kg/s) or very large (greater than 10 kg/s) capacities, the production of high-value-added products outperforms the other processes in all three impacts and in profitability. For intermediate capacities, combustion and gasification stand out as having the highest greenhouse emissions and intermediate economic benefits. Anaerobic digestion is remarkable for its low greenhouse gas emissions, while tannin production is the best-balanced process from both economic and environmental points of view. Pyrolysis is the worst process of all three impacts

    Comparison of safety indexes for chemical processes under uncertainty

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    PresentationThe fatal consequences of industrial incidents have made evident the need for suitable tools to develop inherently safer process designs. Traditionally, in a process design project, the evaluation of safety aspects is left for analysis after the detailed design has been completed. This approach leads to the use of control loops, barriers and protection layers as the only ways to prevent incidents and to reduce the possible outcomes. An alternative to this approach is the application of the concept of inherent safety, which was introduced to set up several principles that aim to enhance process safety by eliminating, avoiding or minimizing sources of risk. In this work, we present a comparison of different safety metrics in their role to evaluate the risk associated with a given process design. The indices selected for consideration are better applied at the conceptual stage of the process design, and they were the Dow’s fire and explosion index (F&EI), the fire and explosion damage index (FEDI), the process route index (PRI) and the process stream index (PSI). All these indices use different input information and their outcomes have different rankings. The metrics were applied to an ethylene production process to identify risk levels, and the location of streams and pieces of equipment that pose the highest risk within the process. An evaluation of the indices in their capability to track design changes in operating conditions aiming to improve the safety level of the process was developed. To perform the assessment of the safety metrics in a more extensive manner, an uncertainty analysis based on a Monte Carlo simulation framework was implemented and compared to the traditional use of single-value design variables. Within this context, an insightful assessment of uncertainty’s effect on process safety characteristics was achieved because of the identification of ranges of safety- relevant performance outcomes (zones of risks and opportunities) that can be probabilistically characterized. The approach was applied to a case study related to the production of ethylene from shale gas. The results showed how some indexes are better suited to capture the risk characteristics associated with the process when changes in the operating conditions of the section with highest risk were implemented. The methodology can be extended to other processes of interest, and may serve as a basis for the safety and process design community to propose adjustments in the structure of the safety indices based on a better understanding of their performance and reliability as part of the efforts towards the continued improvement of those safety metrics

    Optimal Design of Thermal Membrane Distillation Systems for the Treatment of Shale Gas Flowback Water

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    Shale gas production is associated with the significant consumption of fresh water and discharge of wastewater. The flowback wastewater is tied to the hydraulic fracturing technology used for completing and stimulating the horizontal wells in the very tight formations characterizing the shale formation. Treatment and reuse of these large volumes of wastewater can lead to substantial savings in fresh water usage and reduction of the negative environmental impact thereby enhancing sustainability of the shale gas industry. Such treatment requires selective and cost-effective technology.Thermal membrane distillation (TMD) is an emerging technology that offers several advatanges such as high selectivity in separating water from inorganic solutes and modular nature that can accommodate a wide range of flows. It can also utilize low-level heats that are typically available from shale-gas production and processing.The objective of this work is to develop an optimization approach for the design of TMD systems to treat flowback water. A multi-period formulation is developed to account for the time-based variation in the flowrate and concentration of the flowback water. Modeling equations are used to relate design and operating variables to performance and cost. The optimization formulation also accounts for the period-based changes in the required design and operating variables and reconciles them over the selected periods. Other constraints include quality of the permeate and water-recovery ratio. The optimization formulation and design approach are applied to a case study for the treatment of flowback water for the Marcellus Shale Play. For 75% water recovery, the cost of the permeate is about $2.6/m3. As higher recoveries are sought, the cost per m3 of permeate increases due to capital productivity factors in dealing with the decreasing amount of flowback water over time. The results are reported using a Pareto chart that trades off recovery objectives with cost of treated water

    Study of FSRU-LNGC System Based on a Quantitative Multi-cluster Risk Informed Model

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    PresentationThe offshore LNG terminal, referred to as LNG floating storage unit or floating storage and re- gasification unit (FSRU), performs well on both building process and operation process. The LNG FSRU is a cost-effective and time efficient solution for LNG transferring in the offshore area, and it brings minimal impacts to the surrounding environment as well. This paper proposed a systematic method to integrate chemical process safety with maritime safety analysis. The evaluation network was adopted to process a comparison study between two possible locations for LNG offshore FSRU. This research divided the whole process into three parts, beginning with the LNG Carrier navigating in the inbound channel, the berthing operation and ending with the completion of LNG transferring operation. The preferred location is determined by simultaneously evaluating navigation safety, berthing safety and LNG transferring safety objectives based on the quantitative multi-cluster network multi-attribute decision analysis (QMNMDA) method. The maritime safety analysis, including navigational process and berthing process, was simulated by LNG ship simulator and analyzed by statistical tools; evaluation scale for maritime safety analysis were determined by analyzing data from ninety experts. The chemical process safety simulation was employed to LNG transferring events such as connection hose rupture, flange failure by the consequence simulation tool. Two scenarios, i.e., worst case scenario and maximum credible scenario, were taken into consideration by inputting different data of evaluating parameters. The QMNMDA method transformed the evaluation criteria to one comparable unit, safety utility value, to evaluate the different alternatives. Based on the final value of the simulation, the preferred location can be determined, and the mitigation measures were presented accordingly

    Pollution prevention through process integration

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    Process Design, Integration, and Intensification

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    With the growing emphasis on enhancing the sustainability and efficiency of industrial plants, process integration and intensification are gaining additional interest throughout the chemical engineering community. Some of the hallmarks of process integration and intensification include a holistic perspective in design, and the enhancement of material and energy intensity. The techniques are applicable for individual unit operations, multiple units, a whole industrial facility, or even a cluster of industrial plants. This book aims to cover recent advances in the development and application of process integration and intensification. Specific applications are reported for hydraulic fracturing, palm oil milling processes, desalination, reactive distillation, reaction network, adsorption processes, herbal medicine extraction, as well as process control

    Optimal Multiscale Capacity Planning in Seawater Desalination Systems

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    The increasing demands for water and the dwindling resources of fresh water create a critical need for continually enhancing desalination capacities. This poses a challenge in distressed desalination network, with incessant water demand growth as the conventional approach of undertaking large expansion projects can lead to low utilization and, hence, low capital productivity. In addition to the option of retrofitting existing desalination units or installing additional grassroots units, there is an opportunity to include emerging modular desalination technologies. This paper develops the optimization framework for the capacity planning in distressed desalination networks considering the integration of conventional plants and emerging modular technologies, such as membrane distillation (MD), as a viable option for capacity expansion. The developed framework addresses the multiscale nature of the synthesis problem, as unit-specific decision variables are subject to optimization, as well as the multiperiod capacity planning of the system. A superstructure representation and optimization formulation are introduced to simultaneously optimize the staging and sizing of desalination units, as well as design and operating variables in the desalination network over a planning horizon. Additionally, a special case for multiperiod capacity planning in multiple effect distillation (MED) desalination systems is presented. An optimization approach is proposed to solve the mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) optimization problem, starting with the construction of a project-window interval, pre-optimization screening, modeling of screened configurations, intra-process design variables optimization, and finally, multiperiod flowsheet synthesis. A case study is solved to illustrate the usefulness of the proposed approach
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