1,451 research outputs found

    Field trial to compare different therapies for retained fetal membranes

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    Deckblatt-Impressum persönlicher Dank Inhaltsverzeichnis Abkürzungsverzeichnis Einleitung Literatur Material und Methoden Ergebnisse Diskussion Zusammenfassung Summary Literaturverzeichnis Anlage Danksagung SelbstständigkeitserklärungZum Vergleich verschiedener Therapieformen der Nachgeburtsverhaltung wurde auf 5 milcherzeugenden Betrieben in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Brandenburg und Sachsen-Anhalt eine kontrollierte prospektive Feldstudie durchgeführt. Tiere, bei denen 24 Stunden nach der Abkalbung die Nachgeburt noch nicht abgegangen war, wurden in die Studie aufgenommen. Zusätzlich wurden aus allen Betrieben Tiere ohne Nachgeburtsverhaltung als Kontrolltiere aufgenommen. Von allen Tieren wurden die Fruchtbarkeitsparameter der laufenden Laktation dokumentiert. Die Studientiere wurden fortlaufend in 4 Studiengruppen eingeteilt und an den ersten 10 Studientagen täglich thermometriert. Tiere aller Gruppen mit einer Rektaltemperatur von mehr als 39,5 C° wurden systemisch mit dem Antibiotikum Ceftiofur (1 mg/kg Körpergewicht) für drei bis fünf Tage behandelt. In der Studiengruppe A erfolgte keine weitere Behandlung. In Gruppe B wurden zusätzlich an den ersten drei Studientagen lokal jeweils zwei antibiotische Uterusstäbe (1000 mg Ampicillin und 1000 mg Cloxacillin) aufgelegt. In Gruppe C wurde an den ersten drei Studientagen jeweils ein Abnahmeversuch unternommen. Es erfolgte keine lokale Antibiose. In der Studiengruppe D wurde an den ersten drei Studientagen antibiotische Uterusstäbe aufgelegt und Abnahmeversuche unternommen. Tiere aller Gruppen, die nach dreitägiger Behandlung mit Ceftiofur noch Fieber aufwiesen, wurden für weitere zwei Tage mit Ceftiofur behandelt. Bestand dann immer noch Fieber, wurden sie als Misserfolge gewertet und mit einem Ausweichantibiotikum behandelt. Die Tiere in den vier Studiengruppen erhielten in der Zeit vom 18.-24 Tag und in der Zeit vom 32.-38. Tag post partum (p. p.) jeweils 25 mg Dinoprost. Am 32.-38. Tag p. p. wurde eine rektale Kontrolle aller Studientiere durchgeführt. Der Behandlungserfolg setzte sich aus der klinischen Heilungsrate, dem Anteil an Endometritiden und den Fruchtbarkeitskennzahlen (Rastzeit, Güstzeit Erstbesamungserfolg, Trächtigkeitsrate, Konzeptionsrate) zusammen. In den Studiengruppen trat insgesamt bei 79,8% der Tiere Fieber auf. Dabei war der Unterschied von Gruppe A (85,5%) zu Gruppe D (71,5%) statistisch signifikant (p < 0,05). Das Fieber trat zu 77,0% innerhalb der ersten drei Studientage auf. Alle Tiere mit Fieber wurden systemisch mit Ceftiofur behandelt. Ein Behandlungserfolg trat bei 88,2% der behandelten Tiere auf. Bei der Puerperalkontrolle wurde bei insgesamt 38,3% der Studientiere eine Endometritis festgestellt. Zwischen den Gruppen konnten keine statistisch signifikanten Unterschiede festgestellt werden. Zwischen den Betrieben gab es z. T signifikante Unterschiede in der Häufigkeit des Auftretens von Endometritiden. Hinsichtlich der meisten Fruchtbarkeitskennzahlen gab es zwar numerische aber keine statistisch signifikanten Unterschiede. Zwischen den Behandlungsgruppen fällt nur die Gruppe D mit überwiegend den schlechtesten Ergebnissen auf. Die Rastzeiten unterschieden sich zwischen den vier Studiengruppen und der Kontrollgruppe kaum (Gruppe A 76,7 d, Gruppe B 80,7 d, Gruppe C 79,2 d, Gruppe D 78,2 d, Kontrolle 75,1 d). Die Güstzeiten der Studiengruppen waren geringfügig kürzer als die der Kontrollgruppe. Auch hier waren keine statistisch signifikanten Unterschiede feststellbar (Gruppe A 106,4 d, Gruppe B 111,1 d, Gruppe C 103,4 d, Gruppe D 108,5 d, Kontrolle 113,1 d). Den höchsten Erstbesamungserfolg erreichte die Studiengruppe C (36,1%), in der Abnahmeversuche unternommen worden waren, jedoch keine lokale Antibiose erfolgte. Hier war der Erstbesamungserfolg statistisch signifikant höher als in der Kontrollgruppe (23,6%; p < 0,05). Der Erstbesamungserfolg aller Studientiere war ebenfalls statistisch signifikant höher als der der Kontrolltiere (31,5% vs. 23,6%; p < 0,05). Die höchste Konzeptionsrate wies die Studiengruppe B (37,4%) und die niedrigste die Gruppe D (26,5%) auf. Insgesamt lag die Konzeptionsrate der Studientiere (31,7%) über der der Kontrolltiere (27,2%). Der höchste Anteil trächtiger Tiere befanden sich in der Studiengruppe B (64,7%), der geringste in der Gruppe D (52,3%). Zwischen den Gruppen konnten jedoch keine statistisch signifikanten Unterschiede festgestellt werden. Insgesamt gingen geringfügig weniger Tiere der Studiengruppen (40,9%) als der Kontrollgruppe (41,6%) ab. Am häufigsten gingen Tiere der Gruppe D (lokale Antibiose, Abnahmeversuche; 47,7%) aus der Herde ab, am seltensten aus der Gruppe B (lokale Antibiose, keine Abnahmeversuche; 35,3%). Die Unterschiede waren aber statistisch nicht signifikant. Bezüglich der Milchleistung gab es zwischen den einzelnen Gruppen keine bedeutenden Unterschiede. Lediglich zur MLP 1 gab die Studiengruppe A statistisch signifikant weniger Milch als die Kontrollgruppe (p < 0,05). Aus ökonomischer Sicht war in allen berechneten Szenarien die Studiengruppe A die kostengünstigste. Aus ökonomischer Sicht war die Gruppe D am ungünstigsten zu bewerten. Es erscheint sinnvoll, bei Tieren mit Nachgeburtsverhaltung an den ersten 7 Tagen post partum die Körperinnentemperatur zu messen, da der überwiegende Anteil der Tiere in dieser Zeit Fieber entwickelt. In der vorliegenden Studie war dies bei etwa 80% der Tiere der Fall. Je eher die erhöhte Temperatur festgestellt werden kann, desto früher kann interveniert werden. Dadurch kann einem gestörten Allgemeinbefinden und den damit verbundenen Verlusten (schlechte Futteraufnahme, Milchrückgang) vorgebeugt werden oder diese zumindest gemildert werden. Hinsichtlich der Ergebnisse zur klinischen Heilung und zu den Fruchtbarkeitskennzahlen müssen alle vier Behandlungsgruppen als gleichwertig gesehen werden. In der Gruppe A konnten der Einsatz von Antibiotika jedoch reduziert werden, ohne dass dies einen negativen Einfluss auf die klinische Heilungsrate, die Fruchtbarkeitskennzahlen oder die Remontierungsrate hatte. Aus ökonomischer Sicht war die Studiengruppe A den anderen Gruppen überlegen. Sie war in jedem berechneten Szenario die kostengünstigste, wogegen die Gruppe D in allen Szenarien am kostenungünstigsten war.The objective of this study was to compare different therapies of retained fetal membranes (RFM) in a controlled prospective field trial. Cows that retained their fetal membranes for 24 hours post partum were assigned to the study. Additional cows without retained fetal membranes served as a control group on all farms. The reproductive performance of all cows was documented until day 200 p.p. The study animals were assigned to one of the four treatments, i.e. groups A, B, C and D. Their body temperature was measured for ten days after calving. Animals of all groups with a body temperature higher then 39.5°C were treated systemically with Ceftiofur (1 mg/kg BW s.c.) on three to five days. In Group A no further treatment was administered. Group B was treated additionally with 2 uterine pills (Aniclox®, 1000 mg Ampicillin, 1000 mg Cloxacillin) for 3 consecutive days. In Group C no uterine pills were administered. However, the RFM were manually removed if possible. If necessary the attempt to remove the RFM was repeated for the next two days. In Group D cows received an intrauterine treatment with 2 uterine pills for 3 days (Aniclox®, 1000 mg Ampicillin, 1000 mg Cloxacillin per treatment). Also an attempt to remove the retained placenta was made for a maximum of 3 days. Cows with fever for more then 3 days received the systemic antibiotic treatment for another 2 days. In case of fever after five days of treatment with Ceftiofur, the cow was considered a treatment failure and received an escape therapy that the herd veterinarian could choose. At day 18-24 and day 32-38 p.p. all study cows received 25 mg Dinoprost, intramusculary. On day 32-38 a post partum examination was conducted by rectal palpation. The treatment success was evaluated by the clinical cure rate, the incidence rate of endometritis and reproductive performance measures (days to first service, days open, first service conception rate, overall conception rate and the percentage of cows pregnant). Of all cows, 79.8% showed w a body temperature of 39.5°C or higher ithin 10 days post partum. The difference between Group A (85.5%) and D (71.5%) was statistical significant (p < 0.05). Mostly fever appeared on the first three days post partum (77.0%). All cows with fever received a systemic treatment with Ceftiofur. A total of 88.2% of all cows were treated successfully. Of all cows 38.3% showed signs of endometritis at the post partum examination. Significant differences were found between the farms but not between the groups. All differences in the reproductive performance measures were not significant between the four study groups. However, for most parameters Group D had the worst results. The study group had slightly longer days to first service compared to the control group (Group A 76.7 d, Group B 80.7 d, Group C 79.2 d, Group D 78.2 d, Control Group 75.1 d). In contrast, days open were shorter as in the control group (Group A 106.4 d, Group B 111.1 d, Group C 103.4 d, Group D 108.5 d, Control Group 113.1 d). The highest first service conception rate showed Group C (36.1%). This was significantly higher as in the control group (23.6%; p < 0.05). Also the first service conception rate of all study cows was significantly higher compared to the control group (31.5 vs. 23.6, p < 0.05). The highest overall conception rate was found in Group B (37.4%), the lowest in Group D (26.5%). The overall conception rate of the study cows (31.7%) was insignificant higher compared to the control group (27.2%). The highest percentage of cows pregnant was found in Group B (64.7%), the lowest in Group D (52.3%). In the control group 58.4% of the animals were pregnant. These differences were not significant. The culling rate of all study animals (40.9%) was insignificantly lower than in the control group (41.6%). The highest culling rate was found in Group D (47.7%), the lowest in Group B (35.3%). Regarding the milk yield no major differences were found except on the day of the first milk recording between Group A and the control group, which had significantly more milk. In the economic analysis Group A had the lowest cost per pregnancy. Group D showed the highest cost per pregnancy. It can be recommended to measure the body temperature of cows with retained fetal membranes for the first seven days postpartum because most of the study animals became fever during the first week post partum. Because of the insignificant differences between the four study groups for the cure rate and the reproductive performance all four treatment strategies must be regarded as equally successful. In Group A the use of antibiotics was reduced without negative effects on the cure rate or the reproductive performance. However, the financial outcome of Group A seemed to be advantageous compared to the other groups. This group showed the lowest costs per pregnancy in different scenarios whereas Group D always had the highest costs per pregnancy

    The Best Way to Utilize MakerSpace in a 6th Grade Science Classroom

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    The research question addressed in this capstone project is: “How can the MakerSpace model be implemented in a sixth grade science classroom successfully?” This paper follows a sixth grade science teacher\u27s journey into learning more about MakerSpace and how to implement the MakerSpace model in a science classroom. This paper also follows how this learning influenced the creation of a MakerSpace guide intended for educators that are interested in implementing a MakerSpace in their classroom, specifically a sixth grade science classroom. The topics of focus are: what is MakerSpace, what makes it different from other science programs, research behind MakerSpace, benefits and pitfalls of implementation, and what a successful MakerSpace needs. The project includes: teacher materials, a variety of classroom materials - including posters with project ideas, vocabulary and QR codes for student resources, and a design journal for students

    Meaning and metaphor in John Donne\u27s elegies

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    HiMARC 3D- High-speed, Multispectral, Adaptive Resolution Stereographic CubeSat Imaging Constellation

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    We present a novel, low cost solution that addresses the fundamental aperture limitation of all current CubeSat-based imagers while providing rapid, multispectral, high-resolution stereographic imaging of terrestrial and astronomical targets using an unconnected array of four 3U synthetic aperture optical telescopes. With proprietary optical system, dithering algorithms, drizzle methods, lucky imaging and a new method of spatial oversampling and atmospheric lensing, HiMARC overcomes the atmospheric seeing problem to image terrestrial targets, surpass the optical diffraction limit and greatly increase the signal available for aperture-limited systems without the need for an aligned interferometric array. We provide unprecedented high-resolution images of planetary targets as captured from 8’’ and 90mm Earth-based amateur telescopes using these techniques as proof of concept with lunar resolutions capable of resolving features left by the Apollo missions and solar images in hydrogen alpha that allow for real time dynamic studies at a fraction of the cost of traditional systems. This corresponds to a theoretical resolution of 5 cm for HiMARC looking at Earth from Low Earth Orbit. Through further ground testing, we demonstrate new technologies that allow for optical performance beyond the diffraction limit, potentially redefining modern optical telescope theory and obviating the need for future monolithic large aperture missions. To explain observed features beyond the diffraction limit, we posit that turbulent eddies with large separation distances act as a synthetic aperture, effectively serving as a large aperture refracting element in the telescope’s optical path. These theories, with further development and implementation, may provide an order of magnitude resolution boost to existing ground and space-based telescopes at optical wavelengths using a simple piece of proprietary hardware. Each of the 3U CubeSats is designed with a 670mm baseline synthetic aperture f/2 Ritchey-Chretien optical system with zero deployables beyond a single hinge solar array and uses existing CubeSat buses and technology. Together, the constellation has the equivalent light gathering capability of a traditional 16’’ RC telescope while maintaining a 3U form factor and a highly fractionated design. Each satellite telescope is coupled to a monochrome CCD sensor, optimized for a particular optical bandwidth from IR (2000 nm) to optical to UV (200nm). The constellation is capable of simultaneously imaging a target in multiple wavelengths, providing high-speed multispectral video for terrestrial and other high signal targets. Lastly, we discuss the stereographic imaging capability of the independent four-satellite telescope design and propose further ground tests using an array of amateur telescopes to stereograph lunar surface features and satellites

    Transition from Swifterbant to Funnelbeaker — A chronological model

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    In the area of the northern Netherlands and northwestern Germany, the introduction of the Neolithic is delayed for about two millennia compared to the southern neighbour areas. The transition from the late Swifterbant culture to the first appearance of the Funnelbeaker Groups (TRB) in the eastern Netherlands, the western part of Lower Saxony to the northern Westphalia raises numerous questions, from cultural discontinuities to gradual transitions. This process describes the transformation from the Subneolithic of hunter-gatherer societies to a fully neolithic society in northwestern Europe, which can be understood here (delayed to the Middle and South German region) as the Early Neolithic. The Swifterbant phenomenon (approx. 5000–4000 BC) is proofed to perform a gradual integration of Neolithic features, like the introduction of ceramics, animal husbandry and horticulture. The Early Neolithic in this area marks a technological and socio-cultural transition zone, which we can identify around 4000–3500 BC. Although the first megalithic buildings of the TRB West Group were erected around 3600 BC, Swifterbant sites and findings can still be traced

    The Accuracy of Job Seekers' Wage Expectations

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    Job seekers' misperceptions about the labor market can distort their decision-making and increase the risk of long-term unemployment. Our study establishes objective benchmarks for the subjective wage expectations of unemployed workers. This enables us to provide novel insights into the accuracy of job seekers' wage expectations. First, especially workers with low objective earnings potential tend to display excessively optimistic beliefs about their future wages and anchor their wage expectations too strongly to their pre-unemployment wages. Second, among long-term unemployed workers, overoptimism remains persistent throughout the unemployment spell. Third, higher extrinsic incentives to search more intensively lead job seekers to hold more optimistic wage expectations, yet this does not translate into higher realized wages for them. Lastly, we document a connection between overoptimistic wage expectations and job seekers' tendency to overestimate their reemployment chances. We discuss the role of information frictions and motivated beliefs as potential sources of job seekers' optimism and the heterogeneity in their beliefs

    Status quo und Entwicklungstendenzen interner Unternehmensberatungen:Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung

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    Das vorliegende Arbeitspapier gründet sich auf eine Befragung zum Thema "Funktion und Organisation interner Unternehmensberatungen" unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Bankensektors. Es verfolgt das Ziel, die momentane Bedeutung sowie die zukünftige Entwicklung der Beratungsleistungen, Funktionen und Organisation zu identifizieren. Daraus wird abgeleitet, auf welche Weise die besonderen Stärken von internen Beratungen wahrgenommen werden und welche Richtung die weitere Entwicklung nehmen könnte


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    Chebyshev Interpolation for Parametric Option Pricing

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    Function approximation with Chebyshev polynomials is a well-established and thoroughly investigated method within the field of numerical analysis. The method enjoys attractive convergence properties and its implementation is straightforward. We propose to apply tensorized Chebyshev interpolation to computing Parametric Option Prices (POP). This allows us to exploit the recurrent nature of the pricing problem in an efficient, reliable and general way. For a large variety of option types and affine asset models we prove that the convergence rate of the method is exponential if there is a single varying parameter and of any arbitrary polynomial order in the multivariate case. Numerical experiments confirm these findings and show that the method achieves a significant gain in efficiency