150 research outputs found


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    Tanah Longsor merupakan gerakan massa tanah pembentuk lereng. Penyebab dan sifat dari gerakan massa tanah atau longsor umumnya tidak bisa terlihat, karena penyebabnya tertutup oleh endapan geologi dan sistem air tanah. Wilayah Kabupaten Bogor Selatan merupakan kawasan dengan intensitas kejadian longsor yang tinggi selama lima tahun terakhir. Daerah yang di maksud adalah Kecamatan Ciawi, Kecamatan Caringin, Kecamatan Cijeruk, dan Kecamatan Cigombong. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap peluang terjadinya longsor, zonasi wilayah berdasarkan tingkat kerawanan longsor, serta menganalisis hubungan antara faktor mekanika tanah dengan tingkat kerawanan. Analisis spasial dilakukan dengan sistem informasi geografis (SIG) dan menggunakan metode clustering k-means. Berdasarkan sebaran spasial, faktor curah hujan, jenis batuan, kemiringan lahan, dan penggunaan lahan merupakan faktor dominan yang dapat memicu kejadian longsor dengan peluang yang tinggi

    An approach to filtering RFID data streams

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    RFID is gaining significant thrust as the preferred choice of automatic identification and data collection system. However, there are various data processing and management problems such as missed readings and duplicate readings which hinder wide scale adoption of RFID systems. To this end we propose an approach that filters the captured data including both noise removal and duplicate elimination. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach improves missed data restoration process when compared with the existing method.<br /

    Untuk Mendeteksi Anemia : Apakah Sama Hasil Test Hemoglobin Dengan Hasil Test Hematokrit ?

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    General medical and nutritional practice usually use hemoglobin value for the detection of anemia. Hematocrit test is rarely used, because the cutoff values for each segment of population still remain unclear. This study examined anemia prevalence rates using hemoglobin and hematocrit tests performed in underfive children, adult women and men. These data indicate that hemoglobin and hematocrit screening tests are highly correlated (r = 0.90) and are indeed comparable in detecting anemia in the same population. Using only hematocrit tests, the cutoff values for underfive children is 36 % or equal to 11 g/dl of hemoglobin, for adult women is 38 % or equal to 12 g/dl of hemoglobin, and for adult men is 42 % or equivalent to 13 g/dl of hemoglobin concentration. The hemoglobin and hematocrit tests are equally useful in detecting anemia, and that they can be used interchangeably for anemia screening

    A review on missing tags detection approaches in RFID system

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    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system can provides automatic detection on very large number of tagged objects within short time. With this advantage, it is been using in many areas especially in the supply chain management, manufacturing and many others. It has the ability to track individual object all away from the manufacturing factory until it reach the retailer store. However, due to its nature that depends on radio signal to do the detection, reading on tagged objects can be missing due to the signal lost. The signal lost can be caused by weak signal, interference and unknown source. Missing tag detection in RFID system is truly significant problem, because it makes system reporting becoming useless, due to the misleading information generated from the inaccurate readings. The missing detection also can invoke fake alarm on theft, or object left undetected and unattended for some period. This paper provides review regarding this issue and compares some of the proposed approaches including Window Sub-range Transition Detection (WSTD), Efficient Missing-Tag Detection Protocol (EMD) and Multi-hashing based Missing Tag Identification (MMTI) protocol. Based on the reviews it will give insight on the current challenges and open up for a new solution in solving the problem of missing tag detection

    RFID data reliability optimiser based on two dimensions bloom filter

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    Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a flexible deployment technology that has been adopted in many applications especially in supply chain management. RFID system used radio waves to perform wireless interaction to detect and read data from the tagged object. However, RFID data streams contain a lot of false positive and duplicate readings. Both types of readings need to be removes to ensure reliability of information produced from the data streams. In this paper, a single approach, which based on Bloom filter was proposed to remove both dirty data from the RFID data streams. The noise and duplicate data filtering algorithm was constructed based on bloom filter. There are two bloom filters in one algorithm where each filter holds function either to remove noise data and to recognize data as correct reading from duplicate data reading. Experimental results show that our proposed approach outperformed other existing approaches in terms of data reliability

    Information extraction from semi and unstructured data sources: a systematic literature review

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    Millions of structured, semi structured and unstructured documents have been produced around the globe on a daily basis. Sources of such documents are individuals as well as several research societies like IEEE, Elsevier, Springer and Wiley that we use to publish the scientific documents enormously. These documents are a huge resource of scientific knowledge for research communities and interested users around the world. However, due to their massive volume and varying document formats, search engines are facing problems in indexing such documents, thus making retrieval of information inefficient, tedious and time consuming. Information extraction from such documents is among the hottest areas of research in data/text mining. As the number of such documents is increasing tremendously, more sophisticated information extraction techniques are necessary. This research focuses on reviewing and summarizing existing state-of-theart techniques in information extraction to highlight their limitations. Consequently, the research gap is formulated for the researchers in information extraction domain

    Enhancing RFID data quality and reliability

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    This thesis addressed the problem of data quality, reliability and energy consumption of networked Radio Frequency Identification systems for business intelligence applications decision making processes. The outcome of the research substantially improved the accuracy and reliability of RFID generated data as well as energy depletion thus prolonging RFID system lifetime

    Fitting statistical distribution of extreme rainfall data for the purpose of simulation

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    In this study, several types of probability distributions were used to fit the daily torrential rainfall data from 15 monitoring stations of Peninsular Malaysia from the period of 1975 to 2007. The study of fitting statistical distribution is important to find the most suitable model that could anticipate extreme events of certain natural phenomena such as flood and tsunamis. The aim of the study is to determine which distribution fits well with the daily torrential Malaysian rainfall data. Generalized Pareto, Lognormal and Gamma distributions were the distributions that had been tested to fit the daily torrential rainfall amount in Peninsular Malaysia. First, the appropriate distribution of the daily torrential rainfall was identified within the selected distributions for rainfall stations. Then, data sets were generated based on probability distributions that mimic a daily torrential rainfall data. Graphical representation and goodness of fit tests were used in finding the best fit model. The Generalized Pareto was found to be the most appropriate distribution in describing the daily torrential rainfall amounts of Peninsular Malaysia. The outputs can be beneficial for the purpose of generating several sets of simulated data matrices that mimic the same characteristics of rainfall data in order to assess the performance of the modification method compared to classical method

    Web transcript verification using check digit as secure number

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    The case of fraudulent on academic qualification document is increasing due to the advancement of editing technology. This makes document forgery easy to be done. It has becoming a worldwide problem to verify the academic documents including the degree’s certificate and academic transcript. It is frightening situation when people without the right qualification working as professional in the area that will harm the society. Manual verification can be time consuming and not practical to be implemented. Therefore, it is paramount to have a web-based solution that can function all day long to perform this task. In this paper, dual check digit approach is proposed to verify the authenticity of an academic transcript. Three check digit methods which are Universal Product Code Mod 10 (UPC Mod 10), International Standard Book Number (ISBN Mod 11), and Luhn Mod 10 have been applied to test their reliability in carrying this task. The simulation results show that the combination of ISBN-11 and UPC Mod 10 performed very well to validate the authenticity of the transcripts

    Iman dan Moral dalam Pandangan Nurcholish Madjid

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    Dari semua rangkain pembahasan yang mengemukakan tentang iman dan moral menurut Nurcholish Madjid penelitian ini menemukan bahwa pada tingkat keimanan setiap individu dituntut untuk membangun nilai ber-tauhid secara mendalam. Dalam keber-tauhidan inilah setiap individu harus bertumpu kepada bangunan kepercayaannya untuk meneguhkan nilai kebertuhanan mereka. Dalam memupuk hakikat moral yang harus tertanam dalam diri setiap individu, Nurcholish Madjid menegaskan bahwa Islam yang diwahyukan oleh Tuhan sebagai rahmatan lil-alamin rahmat bagi alam semesta harus diwujudkan dalam kesejatian yang mendalam. Kesejatian tersebut harus diarahkan untuk menjadikan Islam sebagai al-Din al-Hanif agama yang ramah. Untuk itulah, dalam rangka memanifestasikan ke-hanifan Islam itu sendiri, pengertian dan penanaman pluralisme dalam diri setiap Muslim adalah moral utama yang harus terwujud
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