184 research outputs found


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    Purpose of the community service activity isto improve the quality of organic manuremade from the waste of milking cow cattleand the marketing management. Problemsolvingmethods used are teaching andtraining about the organic manure makingtechniques, packaging and the marketingmanagement. Community service activitiesshows the results, in accordance with themethod is expected that results from themanufacture of the organic manure productshowed that the participants can understandand practice the manufacture of the productas well, discuss various problems and themanufacture and marketing of the organicmanure product as well as suggestions /feedback from the instructor can beunderstood and accepted manufacturingpractices and extension yhe organic manureproduct carried out simultaneously showedeffective results


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    ABSTRACTThe purpose of the cultivation of earthworms development program  in Keji village West Ungaran is to improve the product quantity and quality  produced by the farmers. The target of this program is a group of earthworm breeder named Margo Mulyo. Over the past three years, the quantity and also the quality of the product is still not match with the demand that is very big. The production capacity  is only arround 30 kg per month wheter the demand is more than 100 kg up to 1.000 kg per month. The main problem is there is the breeder has no appropriate facilities such as special place for breeding the earthworms.  Besides, the packaging is also very simple, which just wrapped in plain plastic. So the result is a  low production capacity and also low quality of the product.  Through the provision of training and an appropriate building for breeding earthworms as a standard specification, the business group is expected to produce earthworms in a better quality and higher quantity and can fullfil the customers demand. The method is to achieve this goal is to construct an appropriate building for breeding earthworms and  technical training in  effective marketing management. The development of  the earthworms building is needs to be done, because there is no adequate house of theearthwors. With the adoption of better production equipment and have certain standards and making adequate packaging, the group hopes can  be able to improve the quantity and quality of the products and ultimately increase sales volume and revenue. Keywords: Development, Cultivation, Earthworms, Capacity, Quality ABSTRAKTujuan dari program pengembangan budidaya cacing tanah di desa Keji Barat Ungaran adalah untuk meningkatkan kuantitas dan kualitas produk yang dihasilkan oleh petani. Sasaran program ini adalah kelompok peternak cacing tanah bernama Margo Mulyo. Selama tiga tahun terakhir, kuantitas dan juga kualitas produk masih belum sesuai dengan permintaan yang sangat besar. Kapasitas produksi hanya diseluruh 30 kg per bulan sedangkan permintaan lebih dari 100 kg hingga 1.000 kg per bulan. Masalah utama adalah belum  ada fasilitas yang sesuai seperti tempat yang khusus untuk pembibitan cacing tanah. Selain itu, kemasan juga sangat sederhana, yang hanya dibungkus plastik polos. Jadi hasilnya adalah kapasitas produksi rendah dan kualitas juga rendah. Melalui penyediaan pelatihan dan bangunan yang tepat untuk beternak cacing tanah sesuai dengan spesifikasi standar, kelompok peternak cacing tanah diharapkan bisa menghasilkan cacing tanah dalam kualitas yang lebih baik dan kuantitas yang lebih tinggi dan dapat memenuhi permintaan pelanggan. Metode untuk mencapai tujuan ini adalah dengan membangun sebuah bangunan yang tepat untuk berkembang biak cacing tanah dan pelatihan teknis dalam manajemen pemasaran yang efektif. Pembuatan bangunan cacing tanah perlu dilakukan, karena belum ada bangunan yang memadai untuk beternak cacing tanah. Dengan menggunakan peralatan produksi yang lebih baik dan memiliki standar tertentu dan kemasan yang memadai, diharapkan kelompok ini dapat meningkatkan kuantitas dan kualitas produk dan pada akhirnya meningkatkan volume penjualan dan pendapatannya. Kata kunci: Pengembangan; Beternak; Cacing tanah; Kuantitas; Kualit

    Exploring EFL Pre-Service Teachers’ Critical Incidents in Microteaching Practicum

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    This paper analyzes pre-service teachers’ critical incidents as reflected in their e-portfolios during their teaching simulation in the microteaching course. Three cycles of teaching practice were scheduled for each student-teacher. Thirty-six student-teacher critical incidents and e-portfolios were analyzed. Data were collected mainly from their e-portfolios containing their critical incidents. In addition, observations and focus group discussions were conducted to triangulate and confirm the students’ critical incidents. Results showed that of the total 130 critical incidents, 60 occurred in their first, 38 in their second, and 34 in their third teaching cycle. It indicates that the pre-service teachers struggle more at the beginning of their teaching practicum, go through the learning process, and develop their understanding of teaching. In addition, the student-teachers are empowered by obtaining the ability to sense the theoretical and practical gaps in teaching, indicate teaching problems and complexity, become aware of the challenging classroom management issues, and future professional development. This study highlights the importance of reflective practices such as critical incident analyses to be induced in teacher training programs. Through critical incident identification, pre-service teachers are trained to develop their reflection-on-action skills, pedagogical awareness, and choices and sharpen their sense of teaching problems, particularly when encountering theory-practice gaps

    Wayang Beber ‘Ki Remeng Mangunjaya’ of Gelaran Village Wonosari, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta

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    This community service is a real effort to preserve and develop Javanese cultural heritage called Wayang Beber. Wayang Beber is a kind of Javanese puppet which is less popular in society. Therefore, it ugently needs preservation and development program to keep it away from extinction. However, this intention might be obstructed by a belief strongly hold by the community that Wayang Beber is a sacred object which cannot be performed publicly. Another problem is that the stories are limited due to the limited number of existing Wayang Beber. Instead of its very long being (since 1283), the presence of Wayang Beber is barely known by people, especially the young generation as it is barely performed. This phenomenon is influenced by the custom in which only the descendants of the original owner are allowed to play it. Regarding of this issue, the authors conducted a community service program to raise awareness among Gelaran villagers that they can develop Wayang Beber existed in their village to become a ‘saleable’ cultural asset. The method applied was duplicating Wayang Beber Wonosari and designing visual communication contents to spread information to wider audiences. Wayang Beberadalah salah satu jenis wayang yang merupakan peninggalan nenek moyang bangsa Indonesia yang perlu untuk dilestarikan. Wayang Beberberbentuk gulungan kertas bergambar yang dibentangkan ke hadapan penonton ketika dipagelarkan. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk membuat duplikasi dua gulungan Wayang BeberWonosari lakon Jaka Tarub serta desain untuk konten media sosial sebagai sarana publikasi Wayang Beber. Metode design thinking digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan tahapan-tahapan dalam pembuatan duplikat dan desain konten media sosial yang dimulai dengan tahapan pencarian data sampai pada proses karya akhir. Pembuatan duplikat Wayang BeberWonosari lakon Jaka Tarub  yang nantinya digunakan dalam pagelaran merupakan upaya untuk mengurangi risiko kerusakan lebih parah lagi pada Wayang Beberyang asli. Di samping itu, juga sebagai lakon pendamping dari Wayang BeberRemeng Mangunjaya yang selama ini telah dipentaskan. Melalui program pengabdian kepada masyarakat berupa penciptaan duplikat Wayang BeberWonosari lakon Jaka Tarub ini, pagelaran Wayang BeberWonosari masih bisa tetap bisa dilestarikan. Selain itu, informasi yang berkaitan dengan Wayang Beberbisa disampaikan kepada masyarakat melalui konten media sosial yang telah dibuat

    Understanding Students' Learning Experiences Through Journalwriting

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    This paper will make attempts to understand students learning experiences through journal writing. How students feel about the subject including materials, lecturers, learning activities, how they experience the learning processes, and identify their difficulties are several issues that will be discussed. Various significant issues found in students' journals will also be used to analyze and evaluate classroom activities.This study is conducted in a particular context of class room first semester undergraduate students of Accounting Department at the Faculty of Economics Universitas Islam Indonesia. The students are obliged to take Output Character Building Program (CCD) which is aimed to prepare new students to readily involve in academic environment and tasks. Data were collected from eight students' journals from two different classes and teacher's journal. They were required to write daily-basis reflective journal at the end of every meeting which is then analyzed to reveal significant issues addressed by students.The result of the class observation shows that regular journal writing function as a tool of effective communication between students-teachers, a media for students to express their feeling towards learning, promote better teacher-student rapport, and good feedback from students for the betterment of teaching and learning process. At further stages, the findings could be used to evaluate and develop better program

    Correlation Between Speaking Strategies of EFL Undergraduates and Their Thinking Styles

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    The present study was conducted to analyze the correlation between speaking strategies of EFL undergraduates and their thinking styles. The researcher used chi-square test analysis which 47 sophomore students (34 female and 13 male) in the English department at the state university of Surabaya. In collecting the data, this study used two adopted questionnaires that was developed from Oxford’s LLS speaking 20 items (1990) and Sternberg and Wagner’s (1992) TSI 65 items included among the side of background information on their gender. As concerns on the analysis, this study found that there were no significant correlation between the speaking strategies of EFL undergraduates and their gender (X2= 1.736), the thinking styles of EFL undergraduates and their gender (X2= 1.043), speaking strategies and thinking styles of EFL undergraduates and their gender (X2= 2.839)


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    This paper examines the role of elements of English sentences by employing the approach ofthematic role assignment. The emphasis is on how the positioning of words and phrases insyntactic structure helps determine the roles that the referents of NPs play in the situationdescribed by the sentences. The results reveal that the position of an NP’s determines itsthematic role and. There is a relevance between deep syntactic structure and the assignmentof thematic roles for every NP in the sentence
