13 research outputs found


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    Limbahi kanl aut( kepala,e kor)telahd iketahumi engandunpgr oteind engankadaryanrge latift inggi.U ntuk rnemanfaatkapnr oteiny ang terkandungd alaml imbahi kan,r nakad apatd iolahm enjadtie pungi kan.T epung ikans ebagaisumbeprr oteinh ewanis angabt aikj ika dijadikanp roduko lahanm akananu ntukm enunjangg izi yang dibutuhkanm anusiaL. imbahi kan diolahn renjaditepungik and enganc arad ilarutkanm emakaNi aOH, kemudiand iendapkamn enrakaHi CI padap H tertentuS. elaind ihasilkatne pungi kany angb etprtrtcitni nggi, juga tahand alamp enyimpananka renas elamap rosesk andungana ir dan lemaki kut berkurangs .irrrp'ai kandungaani rnyak urangd ari l0olo.P rosesh idrolisism emakaiNaOHd ilakukanp adak ondisisuhu- bu"tl, waktu= 2 iam pH: 3, denganju mlahl imbahi kan = 20 gramd an NaOH 0,5 N sebanyak2 00 ml, i.ii'.rrt diperolehte pungi kand engank adarp roteins ekitar3 8,82y o


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    ABSTRAK Salah satu pengembangan penggunaan minvak kelapa sawit adalah dialkoholisis nrenjarji gliserol dan ester. Alkoholisis minyak nabati sudah banyak dilakukan, tetapi dengan menganggap reaksi terjadi secara homogen. Pada perielitian ni kinetilta reaksi akan ditinjau secara heterogen. Alkoholisis mnyak kelapa sawit'dengan katalisator campuran NaOH + KOH dijalankan dalam reaktor autoklaf'yang dilengkapi pemanas" pengaduk yang diputar, termometer, pengambil cuplikan, saluran pemasukan etanol, manometer, yang dilakukan secara batch. Suhu dan kecepatan pengadukan diatur dengan powerstat. Cuplikan diambil setiap selang-waktu 10 menit, lalu dianalisis kadar gliserolnva dengan cara asetin. Berdasarkan nilai k1, k2 dan keBAc yang diperoleh, perubahan k1 dan k2 terhadap suhu pada setiap kenaikan suhu- l0'C_ dan. .energi aktivasi, ternyata yang nengendalikan reaksi keseluruhan adalah reaksi kima yang berorder 1 terhadap minyak, etanol, gliserol dan ester Hubungan konstante kecepatan reaksi (k1 dan k2) dengan suhu (T) dinyatakan dengan persamaan


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    Coconut palm ts a very useful plant. Almost every parts of the tree cqn be used by people. The most important part is its fruit. From coconut fruit we cqn get ils oil as oil-wqter emulsion with protein emulsion fier.Coconut oil is the most vqlue part of coconut fruit. Oil content of coconut fruit is 34,7 %. In order to extracl its oil fom the Jiuit, we ctn use electrcchemical way. First the fruit make into coconut milk and then coconul milk put into electroche:mical tool. Electrochemical is q process in which colloid particles are moved under inJluence of electric current. When a pair of electrodes are given electric current, the protein which has fitnction as q emulsi /ier will be destroyed and it causes the separaction oil from water. Good relurively. condition is reached in : eleclrochemical time 60 minutes, electric current 4 ampere, cathode width 40 cm" and the coconut oil result is 38.5 ml, the presentage oil result I I o% equivalent to 0,01 103 mgrek / grant oil free futty acid oil. Keyu,ord: Coconutp oIn oil, electrocltemical

    Sintesis dan Karakteristik Bioplastik dari Tepung Sorghum – Tepung Kanji dengan Penambahan Kitosan dan Plasticizer Gliserol

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    Sorghum is an Indonesia agricultural product which is still rarely used by Indonesia citizen. A lot content of starch that found in a sorghum can be used as raw material for making biodegradable plastic which is interesting solutions as a innovative food wrapper. Starch from sorghum were chosen because they can be degraded well, and eatable. Biodegradable plastic prepared by dissolving sorghum starch and tapioca starch with total starch ratio 10g in 100 ml of aquadest at a temperature of 60°C to 70°C then stirred for 20 minutes. Sorghum starch and tapioca starch ratios are 3:7, 4:6, 5:5, 6:4, 7:3. Chitosan variables are 0,5g, 1g, 2g, 2,5g, and 3g, and sorbitol variables are 3ml, 4ml, 5ml, 6ml, and 7ml. The analysis includes tensile strength and percent elongation. Then continued with the biodegradable analysis for 14 days. Good composition for this biodegradable plastic are 10 g starch with sorghum starch and tapioca starch ratio at 5:5, 100 ml acetic acid 1%, , 1,5g chitosan, and 4ml sorbitol with the result of tensile strength is 2,2812 MPa and 43,95 % for percent elongation. Biodegradable plastic could degraded well at day 10. So this biodegradable plastic proved more eco friendly than synthetic plastic

    Teknologi Bersih Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) dari Limbah Cair Tempe Sebagai Sumber Energi Listrik Terbarukan

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    Microbial Fuel Cell represent one of the technology convert energi exploiting ability of  bakteri catalise used to metabolism in form of bacterium.  Abacterium here is anaerob bacterium, where its bacterium can convert assortedly of organic compound become CO2, water, and energi. Through MFC some of yielded energi can be taken in in the form of electrics. MFC consist of two room which consist of anodize and cathode room, bacterium live at anodize room and alter substrat like glucose, acetate also liquid waste become CO2, proton, and electron. This attempt is conducted by including tempe liquid waste media into chamber counted each 400 ml and 800 ml., dominant microbe in tempe liquid waste is Clostridium sp microbe. Electrolyte condensation 0,1N  also passed to each volume 400 ml and this 800 research ml.  it is got by highest voltage that is  tempe liquid waste volume 800 ml electrode diameter and ml 0,4 cm equal to 675.  best Power Density mV  at  tempe liquid waste volume 800 ml that is at electrode diameter 0,4 cm at second hour equal to 244,11 mW / cm2

    Sintesis dan Karakteristik Bioplastik dari Tepung Sorghum – Tepung Kanji dengan Penambahan Kitosan dan Plasticizer Gliserol

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    Sorghum is an Indonesia agricultural product which is still rarely used by Indonesia citizen. A lot content of starch that found in a sorghum can be used as raw material for making biodegradable plastic which is interesting solutions as a innovative food wrapper. Starch from sorghum were chosen because they can be degraded well, and eatable. Biodegradable plastic prepared by dissolving sorghum starch and tapioca starch with total starch ratio 10g in 100 ml of aquadest at a temperature of 60°C to 70°C then stirred for 20 minutes. Sorghum starch and tapioca starch ratios are 3:7, 4:6, 5:5, 6:4, 7:3. Chitosan variables are 0,5g, 1g, 2g, 2,5g, and 3g, and sorbitol variables are 3ml, 4ml, 5ml, 6ml, and 7ml. The analysis includes tensile strength and percent elongation. Then continued with the biodegradable analysis for 14 days. Good composition for this biodegradable plastic are 10 g starch with sorghum starch and tapioca starch ratio at 5:5, 100 ml acetic acid 1%, , 1,5g chitosan, and 4ml sorbitol with the result of tensile strength is 2,2812 MPa and 43,95 % for percent elongation. Biodegradable plastic could degraded well at day 10. So this biodegradable plastic proved more eco friendly than synthetic plastic

    Penurunan Kadar Krom (Cr) dalam Limbah Cair Industri Penyamakan Kulit dengan Metode Elektrokoagulasi secara Batch

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    Some industries produce wastewatercontaining heavy metals, such as chromium, that can pollutethe environment and is harmful to the living things. An alternativewayto treat such wasteis electro-coagulationwhichis an integration of both electrochemical andcoagulation processes by passing a direct electrical current. This research was aimed to treat wastewater containing chromium from a leather tanning industry by applying electro-coagulation process and to obtain the optimum voltage and time, as well. This laboratory work was carried outon the wastewaterfromPTAdiSatriaAbadiBantul withhigh content ofchromium(about761.504ppm). It was conducted in a batch mode by processing 7.5liters of waste in a glass tuband by using an electrode of aluminum (Al) plate (20cmx30cmx0.12cm). The electrical voltagewas variedat 2,4, 6, and 8volts,while thetime of electro-coagulation was variedfor 1, 2, 3, 4, and5hours. Content of chromium in the wastewater was therefore analyzed byAAS(atomic adsorptionspectroscopy) method. This study concluded that theelectro-coagulationprocess was effectively able to reduce the contentof chromiumin the wastewater. In addition, the variations ofvoltage and processing time significantly influenced on the decreasing of content ofchromium. The optimum voltageandtimeofelectro-coagulationwas obtained at 6volts and 8 volts for 3hours and 2 hours, respectively. The best result of electro-coagulation process of the wastewater performed on the voltage of 8 volts for 5 hours yielded the chromium content of 1.76 ppm. Such condition has promisingly reduced the content of chromium until 99.77% ofthe initial waste


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    Limbah ikan laut ( kepala, ekor ) telah diketahui mengandung protein dengan kadar yang relatif tinggi. Untuk memanfaatkan protein yang terkandung dalam limbah ikan, maka dapat diolah menjadi tepung ikan. Tepung ikan sebagai sumber protein hewani sangat baik jika dijadikan produk olahan makanan untuk menunjang gizi yang dibutuhkan manusia. Limbah ikan diolah menjadi tepung ikan dengan cara dilarutkan memakai NaOH,kemudian diendapkan memakai HCI pada pH tertentu. Selain dihasilkan tepung ikan yang berprotein tinggi, juga tahan dalam penyimpanan karena selama proses kandungan air dan lemak ikut berkurang sampai kandungan airnya berkurang dari 10%. Proses hidrolisis memakai NaOH dilakukan pada kondisi suhu 60oC, waktu 2 jarm, pH = 3; dengan jumlah limbah ikan : 20 gram dan NaOH 0,5 N sebanyak 200 ml, akan diperoleh tepung ikan dengan kadar protein sekitar 38,82 %


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    Coconut palm is a very usefitl plant. Almost every parts of the tree can be used by people. The most important part is its fruit. From coconut fruit we can get its oil as oil-water emulsion with protein emulsion fier. Coconut oil is the most value part of coconút fruit. Oil content of coconut fruit is 34,7 %. In order to extract its oil front the fruit, we can use electrochemical way. First the fruit make into coconut milk and then coconut milkput inlo electrochemical tool. Electrochemical is a process in which colloid particles are moved under influence of electric current, When a pair of electrodes are given electric current, the protein which has function as a emulsifìer will be destroyed and it causes the separaction oil from wøter. Good relativity condition is reached in : electrochemical time 60 minules, electric current 4 ampere, cathode width 40 cm2 and the coconut oil result is 38.5 ml, the presentage oil result I I % equivalent to 0,01103 mgrek / granr oil free futty acid oi

    Pengaruh Katalisator Asam pada Proses Pembuatan Gliserol dari Minyak Kelapa Sawit dengan Metanol

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    Pengaruh Katalisator Asam pada Proses Pembuatan Gliserol dari Minyak Kelapa Sawit dengan Metano