Prodi Teknik Kimia, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta
Coconut palm ts a very useful plant. Almost every parts of the tree cqn be used by people. The most important
part is its fruit. From coconut fruit we cqn get ils oil as oil-wqter emulsion with protein emulsion fier.Coconut
oil is the most vqlue part of coconut fruit. Oil content of coconut fruit is 34,7 %. In order to extracl its oil
fom the Jiuit, we ctn use electrcchemical way. First the fruit make into coconut milk and then coconul milk
put into electroche:mical tool. Electrochemical is q process in which colloid particles are moved under
inJluence of electric current. When a pair of electrodes are given electric current, the protein which has
fitnction as q emulsi /ier will be destroyed and it causes the separaction oil from water. Good relurively.
condition is reached in : eleclrochemical time 60 minutes, electric current 4 ampere, cathode width 40 cm"
and the coconut oil result is 38.5 ml, the presentage oil result I I o% equivalent to 0,01 103 mgrek / grant oil
free futty acid oil.
Keyu,ord: Coconutp oIn oil, electrocltemical