314 research outputs found

    Spaces of Encounter: Community and the Public Library

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    In our increasingly globalized world, the space of the public library is changing. This poster sheds light on and discusses two different sorts of negotiations of space and how they relate to the public library. The first is the concept of the low-intensive meeting place, in which people are exposed to ideas and values different from their own. The second is the idea of Third Space, where people encounter a culture and redefine themselves in relation to the discourse of the space. Taken together, these two models suggest how public library users relate to the space of the library and how librarians can understand and manage the construction of the symbolic library space to benefit the diverse communities that they serve

    R.Gosuen automação de portaria

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)Plano de negócios referente à um sistema de automação de portaria da empresa R.Gosuen situada na cidade de Uberlândia-MG

    Aplicação da Metodologia Scrum em uma equipe de desenvolvimento de software: limites e alcances

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)A aplicação de abordagens ágeis como o Scrum tem auxiliado na melhoria da produtividade de equipes de desenvolvimento de software e em diversas outras áreas. Neste trabalho é realizado um estudo da aplicação dessa framework em uma pequena equipe de desenvolvi- mento de software, buscando avaliar os impactos sobre o desempenho e a comunicação interna dos membros. Foram propostos dois indicadores para avaliar quantitativamente o desempenho da equipe a cada Sprint. A comunicação foi avaliada de forma qualitativa. Observou-se que apesar da ocorrência de vários fatores externos, a implementação desta framework teve um impacto significativo na comunicação da equipe e na transparência de informações

    Study of the Phosphatase Test and Its Use as an Indication of Pasteurization

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    Dairy Manufacturin

    Role of cryptochrome-1 and cryptochrome-2 in aldosterone-producing adenomas and adrenocortical cells

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    Mice lacking the core-clock components, cryptochrome-1 (CRY1) and cryptochrome-2 (CRY2) display a phenotype of hyperaldosteronism, due to the upregulation of type VI 3β-hydroxyl-steroid dehydrogenase (Hsd3b6), the murine counterpart to the human type I 3β-hydroxyl-steroid dehydrogenase (HSD3B1) gene. In the present study, we evaluated the role of CRY1 and CRY2 genes, and their potential interplay with HSD3B isoforms in adrenal pathophysiology in man. Forty-six sporadic aldosterone-producing adenomas (APAs) and 20 paired adrenal samples were included, with the human adrenocortical cells HAC15 used as the in vitro model. In our cohort of sporadic APAs, CRY1 expression was 1.7-fold [0.75–2.26] higher (p = 0.016), while CRY2 showed a 20% lower expression [0.80, 0.52–1.08] (p = 0.04) in APAs when compared with the corresponding adjacent adrenal cortex. Type II 3β-hydroxyl-steroid dehydrogenase (HSD3B2) was 317-fold [200–573] more expressed than HSD3B1, and is the main HSD3B isoform in APAs. Both dehydrogenases were more expressed in APAs when compared with the adjacent cortex (5.7-fold and 3.5-fold, respectively, p < 0.001 and p = 0.001) and HSD3B1 was significantly more expressed in APAs composed mainly of zona glomerulosa-like cells. Treatment with angiotensin II (AngII) resulted in a significant upregulation of CRY1 (1.7 ± 0.25-fold, p < 0.001) at 6 h, and downregulation of CRY2 at 12 h (0.6 ± 0.1-fold, p < 0.001), through activation of the AngII type 1 receptor. Independent silencing of CRY1 and CRY2 genes in HAC15 cells resulted in a mild upregulation of HSD3B2 without affecting HSD3B1 expression. In conclusion, our results support the hypothesis that CRY1 and CRY2, being AngII-regulated genes, and showing a differential expression in APAs when compared with the adjacent adrenal cortex, might be involved in adrenal cell function, and in the regulation of aldosterone production

    A investigação-ação como estratégia privilegiada no contexto da inserção sociolaboral de reclusos: uma leitura a partir da pedagogia social

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    The current article describes an action/research project within the context of the (re)insertion of released prison inmates into the workplace in Nampula (Mozambique). Faced with the necessity of training the social actor who executes their professional activities within a prison environment, the trainers themselves decided to conduct research on their own pedagogic actions. Th e project aim is the training of Social Workers who work directly with prison inmates, either in prisons or during the transition phase of being released from incarceration and entering society to the point of entering the employment market. Research which focuses and refl ects on the practices employed in a given community of actors has been shown to be a fruitful area of research as it produces knowledge which has a personal, social and professional utility. In this aspect, we employ an action research approach with the purpose of improving the educational practices developed by various professional and social actors, and which allows them to voice what is experienced within the context of the their interventions. In this respect, we recommend an interpretive reading of this example of action research from the Social Pedagogy perspective. Taking into account that the project is still in the process of implementation, the current study aims to highlight the potential of the adopted methodology as an appropriate intervention strategy in the promotion of community development.O presente artigo procura dar conta de um projeto de investigação-ação no contexto da (re)inserção sociolaboral de reclusos em Nampula (Moçambique). Perante a necessidade de formação e capacitação dos atores que exercem a sua atividade profissional em contexto prisional, o grupo de formadores, responsáveis por este projeto, optou por investigar a sua própria intervenção pedagógica. Este projeto visa capacitar, do ponto de vista profissional, Operadores Sociais que trabalham diretamente com os reclusos, quer em contexto prisional, quer em contexto de transição para a vida em sociedade e, ainda, para a inserção no mercado de trabalho. Esta modalidade de investigação centrada nos “práticos” revela-se bastante promissora, uma vez que tenta produzir conhecimento com utilidade pessoal, social e profissional. Estamos, deste modo, face uma conceção investigativa que procura melhorar as práticas educativas desenvolvidas pelos diversos atores sociais (e/ou profissionais), dando “voz” aos que vivem e sentem nos seus contextos de intervenção. Neste sentido, propomo-nos sugerir uma leitura interpretativa desta experiência de investigação-ação a partir da Pedagogia Social. Considerando que o projeto ainda está a ser implementado, o presente texto procura, nesta fase, realçar as potencialidades deste tipo de metodologia como estratégia privilegiada para intervir numa ótica de promoção de desenvolvimento comunitário

    O Paradigma Open Innovation e as Metodologias de Software de Código Aberto: Fenômenos Idênticos?

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    This paper aims to analyze the main aspects regarding innovations emerging paradigm: open innovation. Given that the idea of a vertical and self-sufficient structure of research and development (R&D), inherent to the business models based on the so far dominant paradigm (closed innovation), is being substituted by the believe that valuable ideas may surface and also get to the market internally or externally from/ to the enterprises active in this scenario. This approach assigns great importance to knowledge exchange and to a collaborative perspective, besides highlighting the advantages of a decrease on costs with research and development. Thereby, the present work seeks to investigate if open source software methodologies are identical expressions of open innovation strategies, mainly concerning intellectual propertys role. Therefore, the proposed exam takes the form of a qualitative theoretical research, based on a content analysis methodology.O presente artigo busca analisar as principais características do paradigma emergente no que tange à inovação: open innovation (inovação aberta). Tendo em vista que a ideia de que uma estrutura totalmente vertical e autossuficiente de pesquisa e desenvolvimento, inerente aos modelos fulcrados no paradigma até então dominante (closed innovation ou inovação fechada), vem dando lugar à crença de que ideias valiosas podem surgir e chegar ao mercado tanto de maneira interna quanto externa às sociedades empresárias atuantes nesse cenário. Essa abordagem atribui grande relevância ao intercâmbio de conhecimento e à perspectiva colaborativa, destacando como principal vantagem a diminuição dos custos com pesquisa e desenvolvimento (P&D). Por conseguinte, o objetivo deste artigo é investigar se as metodologias de código-fonte aberto de software representam expressões idênticas às estratégias de inovação aberta, sobretudo no que tange ao tratamento conferido à propriedade intelectual. Para tanto, o exame proposto traduz-se em uma pesquisa qualitativa do tipo teórico, pautada no método da análise de conteúdo.

    On the biological and genetic diversity in Neospora caninum

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    Published: 22 March 2010Neospora caninum is a parasite regarded a major cause of foetal loss in cattle. A key requirement to an understanding of the epidemiology and pathogenicity of N. caninum is knowledge of the biological characteristics of the species and the genetic diversity within it. Due to the broad intermediate host range of the species, worldwide geographical distribution and its capacity for sexual reproduction, significant biological and genetic differences might be expected to exist. N. caninum has now been isolated from a variety of different host species including dogs and cattle. Although isolates of this parasite show only minor differences in ultrastructure, considerable differences have been reported in pathogenicity using mainly mouse models. At the DNA level, marked levels of polymorphism between isolates were detected in mini- and microsatellites found in the genome of N. caninum. Knowledge of what drives the biological differences that have been observed between the various isolates at the molecular level is crucial in aiding our understanding of the epidemiology of this parasite and, in turn, the development of efficacious strategies, such as live vaccines, for controlling its impact. The purpose of this review is to document and discuss for the first time, the nature of the diversity found within the species Neospora caninum.Sarwat E. Al-Qassab, Michael P. Reichel and John T. Elli