141 research outputs found

    Un liberalismo per il XXI secolo: le sfide della contemporaneità

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    I contributi presenti in questo Quaderno di Biblioteca della Libertà intendono valutare le sfide non risolte del liberalismo, inteso sia nei termini di un paradigma socio-politico di stampo ideale-normativo, che come insieme di pratiche e istituzioni a cui ha costantemente fatto riferimento la maggior parte dei regimi democratici occidentali. Le sfide del XXI secolo richiedono un aggiornamento e ripensamento del liberalismo, che deve e dovrà rendersi disponibile anche alla possibilità di accettare revisioni radicali di alcuni dei pilastri centrali della teoria liberale. L’obiettivo primario di questo Quaderno consiste nel rivendicare l’importanza della teoria liberale, e pur tuttavia segnalare la necessità e l’urgenza di affrontare le sfide tutt’oggi irrisolte del liberalismo contemporaneo, con lucidità e flessibilità intellettuale

    Circulating Levels of Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin Type 9 and Arterial Stiffness in a Large Population Sample: Data From the Brisighella Heart Study

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    Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) circulating levels are significantly associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events. This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between circulating levels of PCSK9 and arterial stiffness, an early instrumental biomarker of cardiovascular disease risk, in a large sample of overall healthy participants

    Addressing the Passenger Transport and Accessibility Enablers for Sustainable Development

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    Sustainable Development (SD) is a fundamental objective in the European Union (EU) and transport is considered one of the key challenges necessary to achieve it. Although transport is mostly contested from the environmental dimension, an investigation of peer-reviewed literature along with EU policy documents suggests that the transport and accessibility (T&A) criteria of infrastructure, accessibility distance, and multimodality can positively contribute to SD. However, despite this synergetic relation between T&A and SD, a practical analysis of such enablers is unknown at the regional European level. Therefore, this study investigates the Mediterranean as a study area by analyzing 79 identified passenger ports as passenger transport land-sea interaction points. Based on open access data, port infrastructure and ship accessibility, hinterland accessibility, and multimodality are evaluated as the passenger T&A enablers for SD. Comparative geo-spatial analyses are also carried out among the passenger ports\u2019 levels of enablers by using the data normalization method. These data driven comprehensive analytical results can bring added value to SD policy and planning initiatives in the Mediterranean. This study may also contribute to the development of relevant passenger port performance indicators for boosting port or regional competition and attractiveness towards SD

    Characterization and Determination of Interesterification Markers (Triacylglycerol Regioisomers) in Confectionery Oils by Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

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    Interesterification is an industrial transformation process aiming to change the physico-chemical properties of vegetable oils by redistributing fatty acid position within the original constituent of the triglycerides. In the confectionery industry, controlling formation degree of positional isomers is important in order to obtain fats with the desired properties. Silver ion HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) is the analytical technique usually adopted to separate triglycerides (TAGs) having different unsaturation degrees. However, separation of TAG positional isomers is a challenge when the number of double bonds is the same and the only difference is in their position within the triglyceride molecule. The TAG positional isomers involved in the present work have a structural specificity that require a separation method tailored to the needs of confectionery industry. The aim of this work was to obtain a chromatographic resolution that might allow reliable qualitative and quantitative evaluation of TAG positional isomers within reasonably rapid retention times and robust in respect of repeatability and reproducibility. The resulting analytical procedure was applied both to confectionery raw materials and final products

    Control of magnetic vortex states in FeGa microdisks : Experiments and micromagnetics

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    Magnetic vortices have been an interesting element in the past decades due to their flux-closure domain structures which can be stabilized at ground states in soft ferromagnetic microstructures. In this work, vortex states are shown to be nucleated and stabilized in FeGa and FeGa disks, which can be an upcoming candidate for applications in strain-induced electric field control of magnetic states owing to the high magnetostriction of the alloy. The magnetization reversal in the disks occurs by the formation of a vortex, double vortex or S-domain state. Micromagnetic simulations have been performed using the FeGa material parameters and the simulated magnetic states are in good agreement with the experimental results. The studies performed here can be essential for the use of FeGa alloy in low-power electronics

    Physical mapping integrated with syntenic analysis to characterize the gene space of the long arm of wheat chromosome 1A

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    Background: Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the most important crops worldwide and its production faces pressing challenges, the solution of which demands genome information. However, the large, highly repetitive hexaploid wheat genome has been considered intractable to standard sequencing approaches. Therefore the International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium (IWGSC) proposes to map and sequence the genome on a chromosome-by-chromosome basis. Methodology/Principal Findings: We have constructed a physical map of the long arm of bread wheat chromosome 1A using chromosome-specific BAC libraries by High Information Content Fingerprinting (HICF). Two alternative methods (FPC and LTC) were used to assemble the fingerprints into a high-resolution physical map of the chromosome arm. A total of 365 molecular markers were added to the map, in addition to 1122 putative unique transcripts that were identified by microarray hybridization. The final map consists of 1180 FPC based or 583 LTC based contigs. Conclusions/Significance: The physical map presented here marks an important step forward in mapping of hexaploid bread wheat. The map is orders of magnitude more detailed than previously available maps of this chromosome, and the assignment of over a thousand putative expressed gene sequences to specific map locations will greatly assist future functional studies. This map will be an essential tool for future sequencing of and positional cloning within chromosome 1A

    A single polyploidization event at the origin of the tetraploid genome of Coffea arabica is responsible for the extremely low genetic variation in wild and cultivated germplasm

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    The genome of the allotetraploid species Coffea arabica L. was sequenced to assemble independently the two component subgenomes (putatively deriving from C. canephora and C. eugenioides) and to perform a genome-wide analysis of the genetic diversity in cultivated coffee germplasm and in wild populations growing in the center of origin of the species. We assembled a total length of 1.536 Gbp, 444 Mb and 527 Mb of which were assigned to the canephora and eugenioides subgenomes, respectively, and predicted 46,562 gene models, 21,254 and 22,888 of which were assigned to the canephora and to the eugeniodes subgenome, respectively. Through a genome-wide SNP genotyping of 736 C. arabica accessions, we analyzed the genetic diversity in the species and its relationship with geographic distribution and historical records. We observed a weak population structure due to low-frequency derived alleles and highly negative values of Taijma's D, suggesting a recent and severe bottleneck, most likely resulting from a single event of polyploidization, not only for the cultivated germplasm but also for the entire species. This conclusion is strongly supported by forward simulations of mutation accumulation. However, PCA revealed a cline of genetic diversity reflecting a west-to-east geographical distribution from the center of origin in East Africa to the Arabian Peninsula. The extremely low levels of variation observed in the species, as a consequence of the polyploidization event, make the exploitation of diversity within the species for breeding purposes less interesting than in most crop species and stress the need for introgression of new variability from the diploid progenitors

    Clinical, anamnestic, and sociodemographic predictors of positive SARS-CoV-2 testing in children: A cross sectional study in a tertiary hospital in Italy

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    ObjectivesWe aimed to identify clinical, anamnestic, and sociodemographic characteristics associated with a positive swab for SARS-CoV2, and to provide a predictive score to identify at risk population in children aged 2-14 years attending school and tested for clinical symptoms of COVID-19.DesignCross sectional study.SettingOutpatient clinic of the IRCCS Burlo Garofolo, a maternal and child health tertiary care hospital and research centre in Italy.Data collection and analysisData were collected through a predefined form, filled out by parents, and gathered information on sociodemographic characteristics, and specific symptoms, which were analysed to determine their association with a positive SARS-CoV-2 swab. The regression coefficients of the variables included in the multivariate analysis were further used in the calculation of a predictive score of the positive or negative test.ResultsBetween September 20th and December 23rd 2020, from 1484 children included in the study, 127 (8.6%) tested positive. In the multivariate analysis, the variables retained by the model were the presence of contact with a cohabiting, non-cohabiting or unspecified symptomatic case (respectively OR 37.2, 95% CI 20.1-68.7; 5.1, 95% CI 2.7-9.6; 15.6, 95% CI 7.3-33.2); female sex (OR 1.49, 95% CI 1.0-2.3); age (6-10 years old: OR 3.2, 95% CI 1.7-6.1 p<0.001; >10 years old: OR 4.8, 95% CI 2.7-8.8 p<0.001); fever (OR 3.9, 95% CI 2.3-6.4); chills (OR 1.9, 95% CI 1.1-3.3); headache (OR 1.45, 95% CI 0.9-2.4); ageusia (OR 1.3, 95% CI 0.54.0); sore throat (OR 0.48, 95% CI 0.3-0.8); earache (OR 0.4, 95% CI 0.1-1.3); rhinorrhoea (OR 0.8, 95% CI 0.5-1.3); and diarrhoea (OR 0.52, 95% CI 0.2-1.1). The predictive score based on these variables generated 93% sensitivity and 99% negative predictive value.ConclusionsThe timely identification of SARS-CoV2 cases among children is useful to reduce the dissemination of the disease and its related burden. The predictive score may be adopted in a public health perspective to rapidly identify at risk children

    Long-term oral L-arginine administration improves peripheral and hepatic insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetic patients

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    WSTĘP. Celem badania była ocena wpływu przewlekłego doustnego stosowania L-argininy, działającej przez normalizację szlaku NO/cykliczny 3’,5’-guanozyno monofosforan (cGMP), na poprawę insulinowrażliwości obwodowej i wątrobowej u 12 szczupłych osób chorych na cukrzycę typu 2. MATERIAŁ I METODY. Badanie, przeprowadzone metodą podwójnie ślepej próby, trwało 3 miesiące. W pierwszym miesiącu chorych leczono typową dietą cukrzycową. Następnie losowo przydzielono ich do dwóch grup. W grupie 1 przez 2 miesiące stosowano typową dietę i placebo (doustnie 3 × d.). W grupie 2 pacjentów leczono przez miesiąc dietą i placebo (doustnie 3 × d.) i następnie przez miesiąc dietą i L-argininą (3 g 3 × d.). Po pierwszymi i drugim miesiącu wykonano badanie za pomocą klamry euglikemiczno-hiperinsulinemicznej z jednoczesnym wlewem dożylnym znakowanej izotopowo glukozy (glukoza 6,6- 2H2). Grupą kontrolną stanowiło 10 zdrowych osób, u których również wykonano badanie za pomocą klamry. WYNIKI. W grupie 1 w czasie badania nie zaobserwowano zmian podstawowego stężenia cGMP, skurczowego ciśnienia tętniczego, przepływu krwi w przedramieniu, wykorzystania glukozy i endogennej produkcji glukozy. W grupie 2 przyjmowanie L-argininy spowodowało normalizację podstawowego stężenia cGMP, poprawę przepływu w przedramieniu o 36%, oraz wykorzystania glukozy w badaniu metodą klamry metabolicznej o 34%, jak również obniżenie skurczowego ciśnienia tętniczego i endogennej produkcji glukozy odpowiednio o 14 i 29%. Pomimo tego w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną podawanie L-argininy nie normalizuje całkowicie metabolizmu glukozy. WNIOSKI. Podawanie L-argininy u chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 znacznie poprawia insulinowrażliwość obwodową i wątrobową, lecz nie normalizuje jej całkowicie.INTRODUCTION. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether long-term administration of L-arginine acting through a normalization of NO/cyclic-guanosine- 3’,5’-cyclic monophosphate (cGMP) pathway was able to ameliorate peripheral and hepatic insulin sensitivity in 12 lean type 2 diabetic patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS. A double-blind study was performed for 3 months. In the first month, patients were treated with their usual diet. Then they were randomly allocated into two groups. In group 1, patients were treated with diet plus placebo (orally three times per day) for 2 months. In group 2 patients were treated for 1 month with diet plus placebo (orally, three times per day) and then for 1 month with diet plus L-arginine (3 g three times per day). At the end of the first and the second month of therapy, patients underwent a euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp combined with [6,6-2H2] glucose infusion. A total of 10 normal subjects underwent the same test as control subjects. RESULTS. In group 1, no changes in basal cGMP levels, systolic blood pressure, forearm blood flow, glucose disposal, and endogenous glucose production were observed throughout. In group 2, L-arginine normalized basal cGMP levels and significantly increased forearm blood flow by 36% and glucose disposal during the clamp by 34%, whereas it decreased systolic blood pressure, and endogenous glucose production by 14 and 29%, respectively. However, compared with normal subjects, L-arginine treatment was not able to completely overcome the defect in glucose disposal. CONCLUSIONS. L-arginine treatment significantly improves but does not completely normalize peripheral and hepatic insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetic patients