217 research outputs found

    Combating Diabetes in Chittenden County: A Healthcare Provider Referral Campaign to Increase Patient Participation in the Vermont Diabetes Prevention Program

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    As of 2016, diabetes affects more than 29 million people in the United States and is the 7th leading cause of death nationwide. In Vermont, 1/10 people are diagnosed with either diabetes or prediabetes, with 6% of Vermonters affected by prediabetes and 5% of Chittenden Country affected by prediabetes. The public health burden of this chronic disease is immense: diabetes costs Vermont an estimated $543 million each year and is the leading cause of kidney failure, lower limb amputations, and adult-onset blindness. Prediabetes occurs when blood sugar is higher than normal but not at the diagnostic threshold of diabetes. Prediabetes does not definitely progress to type 2 diabetes if interventions are made, including healthier eating and physical activity to promote modest weight loss. The CDC has developed evidence-based curricula for lifestyle intervention in prediabetics with intensive individual counseling and motivational support on effective diet, exercise, and behavior modification. One of these curricula is currently run through the CDC-led National YMCA Diabetes Prevention Program (YDPP). Participation in this program reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 58% across all ethnic groups and sexes overall and by 71% in individuals over age 60. The Vermont YDPP had 325 participants in 2016, with only 21% (n=70) of those referrals to the program coming from healthcare providers. Healthcare providers have a unique role in the community of being the voices of health promotion. With the correct provider awareness of the YDPP and patient identification, awareness, and education, an increase in the percentage of YDPP-referring healthcare providers can increase the overall YDPP participation in Chittenden county. As of 2016, 60,038 people in Chittenden county have prediabetes, but only 8,026 are diagnosed, and an additional 52,012 people could be diagnosed with prediabetes by their healthcare professional and referred to the YDPP. This campaign intends to serve as a pilot project to create provider and patient awareness of the YDPP, identify patients with prediabetes, and ensure providers screen and refer prediabetic patients to the YDPP. Through exam room posters, panel query management, electronic medical record reprogramming, and targeted patient intervention, this study aims to increase YDPP patient participation via healthcare provider referral and refine the model for adaptation and implementation in other healthcare centers throughout Chittenden County.https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/fmclerk/1301/thumbnail.jp

    The Yemen Manuscript Digitization Initiative

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    The Yemen Manuscript Digitization Initiative (YMDI) is a collaborative project between Princeton University Library and the Freie Universität Berlin. YMDI's mission is the preservation and dissemination of the Arabic manuscripts in the private libraries of Yemen. Working closely with a Yemeni non-profit organization which has endeavored to save Yemeni manuscripts for the past decade, during the grant period, YMDI will digitally preserve three private libraries in the capital city of Sana'a, a total of 236 manuscripts. These digitized sources will then be virtually conjoined to twelve manuscripts in the rare book collections of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin and the Princeton University Library, creating a freely accessible repository of Islamic manuscripts whose scope is unparalleled in the world. This infrastructure maintained at Princeton University Library will be the basis of additional rare manuscripts targeted for preservation by YMDI's advisory board in the coming years

    Opracowanie zasobu w opinii archiwistów archiwów państwowych w Polsce w świetle wyników ankiety z 2018 roku

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    Due to the digital and post-humanist revolution observed over the recent years, the Polish state archives have faced a difficult problem of choosing the right direction in organizing archival records. A temporary break in their typical activity, which has been caused by the transfer of records to the digital version (retroconversion), enables archivists to reflect upon the ultimate way of organizing files. The first suggestions of methodological changes have already been put forward. How do archivists respond to these changes? The following article is based on a survey conducted among state archives’ employees and discusses their opinions on the way records are and should be organized.Polskie archiwa państwowe pod wpływem rewolucji cyfrowej i zwrotu posthumanistycznego stoją na przed trudnym wyborem kierunku działań w zakresie opracowania materiałów archiwalnych. Okresowe odejście od opracowania, spowodowanego procesem przenoszenia ewidencji archiwalnej do wersji cyfrowej (retrokonwersja) sprzyja próbie zastanowienia się, jakie to opracowanie po zakończeniu tej akcji ma być. Pierwsze propozycje metodycznych zmian ujrzały już światło dzienne. Co o kierunku tych zmian myślą archiwiści? Artykuł powstał na podstawie analizy ankiety przeprowadzonej wśród pracowników archiwów państwowych i omawia ich stosunek do opracowania akt

    How do school disciplinary approaches and student perceptions of school support relate to youth cannabis use? A cross-sectional analysis of Year 7 (2017-2018) of the COMPASS study

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    Background: In the school year immediately following cannabis legalization in Canada, the objectives of this thesis were: (1) to examine the disciplinary approaches being used in secondary schools for students who violate school substance use policies, and associations with cannabis use among youth; and (2) to investigate youth perceptions of school support for the prevention and cessation of substance use, if perceptions vary by school disciplinary approaches, and whether they are associated student cannabis use. Methods: School- and student-level survey data from Year 7 (2018/2019) of the COMPASS study were used, including 74,501 grade 9-12 students attending 136 secondary schools. A framework for classifying schools into disciplinary approach styles was established based on school-reported response measures used for student first-offence violations of the school cannabis policies. Multilevel logistic regression models examined associations between school disciplinary approach styles, student perceptions of school support for the prevention/cessation of student substance use, and student cannabis use. Results: Despite all schools reporting always/sometimes using a progressive discipline approach, punitive consequences (suspension, alert police) remain prevalent as first-offence options, with fewer schools indicating supportive responses (counselling; cessation/educational programs). Most schools were classified as using Authoritarian and Authoritative approaches, followed by Neglectful and Permissive/Supportive styles. No disciplinary approach styles were associated with cannabis use. Students attending schools classified as Permissive/Supportive (high supportive; low punitive) had a higher likelihood of perceiving their school as supportive for substance use prevention/cessation than their peers at Authoritarian (high punitive; low supportive) schools. Students who perceived their school as “supportive” were less likely to report current cannabis use than their peers who perceived their school as unsupportive. Conclusions: This study is the first to classify school discipline approach styles using school-level measures. Unlike previous studies using classifications based on student perceptions, results do not support direct associations between school disciplinary styles and student cannabis use. Greater use of supportive approaches (e.g., counselling referrals, educational programs) over punitive consequences may promote student perceptions of school supportiveness for the cessation/prevention of substance use. Further research is needed to explore additional factors promoting student perceptions of school supportiveness, given associations with cannabis use

    Отношение архивоведения к цифровой революции: польские вызовы и опыт Запада

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    Рассматриваются проблемы оцифровки исторических источников и влияние на практику и модели познания историка современных технологий, электронных архивов. Уточняются задачи и роль архивов в новых условиях.The article deals with the problems of digitization of historical sources and the impact on practice and models of knowledge of the historian connected with modern technology, electronic archives. The attention is paid to the tasks and role of archives in the new conditions

    Cooperative Collection Development Requires Access: SALToC—A Low‐Tech, High‐Value Distributed Online Project for Article‐Level Discovery in Foreign‐Language Print‐Only Journals

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    Foreign‐language journals are an essential component of interdisciplinary area studies collections at research libraries but are, by definition, low‐use materials. Librarians who select them seek to broaden these collections, reduce duplication, and enable shared access to them. The challenge is lack of article‐level discoverability: these are print‐only journals, not covered in online indexing/abstracting services. If users cannot discover these articles, then how can cooperating libraries share them, and distribute responsibility for collecting them, which is essential to coordinated collection development? The SALToC project collaboratively address this issue by creating simple, centrally browsable tables of contents for target journals, through a low‐tech, low‐cost distributed process that benefits users at all participating libraries. For journals not available online nor included in article databases or indexes, this kind of discovery facilitates research by enabling scholars to use previously undiscoverable holdings of other libraries: they can now issue interlibrary loan, document delivery, and/or offsite retrieval requests, with full citations for desired articles. (Many libraries provide article document delivery, if the requester has a citation). Coordinated collection development (via planned reduction of duplication coupled with broader collective coverage) becomes supportable in the research library community only when shared access (and its prerequisite—discovery) is provided. The South Asian Language Journals Table of Contents (SALToC) project represents a proof‐of‐concept demonstration of the value of this approach. This paper shows how simple, grass‐roots distributed efforts can contribute significantly to discoverability of hard to discover resources, thereby making coordinated collection development cost‐effective, popular among users, and sustainable

    Comparative analysis of Front-End Code Playground tools

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    This article contains comparative analysis of selected Front-End Code Playground tools. The included tables were performed on the results of tests of the considered applications and the analysis of their documentation. The comparison was made for several criteria (including: features of code editors, custom modes of creating projects, support for preprocessors and project export methods). The conclusions drawn from the comparison allowed dividing the considered tools into three groups (applications with: high, moderate and low level of advancement)

    Wiedza milcząca: jawne versus utajone: nowe spojrzenie na poznawcze i społeczne funkcjonowanie człowieka

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    tekst zamieszczony w czasopiśmie "Zagadnienia naukoznawstwa" nr 4 (162), 2004

    Монастырь Св. Лейбовица, или Архив как центр локальной вселенной памяти

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    Роль провинциального государственного архива обсуждалась в течение многих лет. Это связано с существовавшей официальной позицией властей по вопросу статуса всей сети польских государственных архивов: предполагалось, что на местах это должны быть госучреждения, выполняющие два вида работ – «офисную» и «полевую». В настоящее время вновь идут дискуссии, а также предпринимаются попытки централизовать государственные архивы и, таким образом, маргинализировать (и, возможно, даже ликвидировать) «полевые» ячейки. Статья представляет собой обзор исследований по данной проблеме с 1940-х гг. до наших дней, который автор положил в основу собственного видения региональной роли государственного архива, иногда единственного мемориального учреждения в области, где других культурных и научных учреждений нет. С этой точки зрения архив подобен монастырю Св. Лейбовица из знаменитой книги Вальтера Миллера-младшего Кантичка для Лейбовица о культурной пустоте постапокалиптического мира.Rola prowincjonalnego archiwum państwowego stanowi przedmiot dyskusji od lat. Związana jest ona z wizją całej polskiej sieci archiwów państwowych: stanowić ma placówkę administracji państwa w terenie – ów dychotomiczny na poły urząd na poły placówka naukowa – czy też jeszcze inny byt niźli archiwum metropolitarne. Dzisiaj te dylematy powracają na nowo wraz z próbami centralizacji archiwów państwowych i tym samym próbą marginalizacji (a może nawet likwidacji) komórek terenowych. Artykuł jest przeglądem literatury archiwalnej dotyczącej tego zagadnienia od lat 40. XX w. do dnia dzisiejszego, który autor uczynił podstawą do przedstawienia własnej wizji regionalnej roli archiwum państwowego, stanowiącego niejednokrotnie jedyną instytucję pamięci na wyjałowionej kulturowo i naukowo prowincji. W tej wizji są niczym klasztor św. Leibowitza na kulturowej pustce postapokaliptycznego świata ze słynnej książki Kantyczka dla Leibowitza Waltera Millera jr.The role of provincial archives as centres of local memory has been a widely discussed topic in Poland. This debate centres around the Polish government’s view that archives should be state owned and perform two types of functions – ‘office work’ and ‘field work’. In particular, much criticism surrounds the government’s attempts to centralize state archives and thus marginalize (and, in all likelihood, even abolish) the units engaging in ‘field work’. The article provides an overview of the studies on this problem from the 1940s till present and substantiates the author’s own view of the regional role of state archives, which are sometimes the only memorial institutions in areas lacking other cultural or research institutions. In this respect, an archive can be compared to the Monastery of Saint Leibowitz from the famous book by Walter Miller Jr. ‘A Canticle for Leibowitz’ about the cultural void of the post-apocalyptic world