63 research outputs found

    Effect of Forest Biomass Pretreatment on Essential Oil Yield and Properties

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    Essential oils (EOs) are natural and economically valuable aromatic compounds obtained from a variety of crops and trees, including forest trees, which have different therapeutic and biological activities. This project aims to assess the impact of different residual forest biomass pretreatments on the yield and the properties of EOs, including their antibacterial and antioxidant characteristics. Forest biomass from black spruce (BS, Picea mariana Mill.), balsam fir (BF, Abies balsamea), and jack pine (JP, Pinus banksiana Lamb.) was processed mechanically by (i) shredding, (ii) grinding, (iii) pelletizing, and (iv) bundling. EOs were then extracted by hydro- and steam distillation. The densification into bundles was found to improve EOs yield compared to the other residual forest biomass pretreatments. For example, the yield of bundled BF was improved by 68%, 83%, and 93% compared to shredded, ground, and granulated biomass, respectively. The highest yield was obtained when densification into bundles was combined with extraction through hydrodistillation. As for EOs' chemical composition, JP had the highest polyphenol content and consequently the greatest antioxidant activity. EOs derived from BS inhibited the growth of Grampositive Staphylococcus aureus bacteria and Gram-negative Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli bacteria. The densification of forest biomass into bundles did not affect the antioxidant capacity or the antibacterial activity of EOs, thereby preserving both properties. Thus, the pretreatment of forest biomass residue could have an impact on the volume and the transport costs and therefore improve the bioproducts market and the bioeconomy in Canada

    Recent advances in microbial biosynthesis of C3 – C5 diols: Genetics and process engineering approaches

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    Diols derived from renewable feedstocks have significant commercial interest in polymer, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, flavors and fragrances, food and feed industries. In C3-C5 diols biological processes of 1,3-propanediol, 1,2-propanediol and 2,3-butanediol have been commercialized as other isomers are non-natural metabolites and lack natural biosynthetic pathways. However, the developments in the field of systems and synthetic biology paved a new path to learn, build, construct, and test for efficient chassis strains. The current review addresses the recent advancements in metabolic engineering, construction of novel pathways, process developments aimed at enhancing in production of C3-C5 diols. The requisites on developing an efficient and sustainable commercial bioprocess for C3-C5 diols were also discusse

    Copper-Doped Carbon Nanodots with Superior Photocatalysis, Directly Obtained from Chromium-Copper-Arsenic-Treated Wood Waste

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    An ecofriendly approach was developed for preparing copper-doped carbon dots (CDs) with superior photocatalysis using chromium-copper-arsenic (CCA)-treated wood waste as a precursor. Original wood (W-CDs), CCA-treated wood (C-CDs), and bioremediation CCA wood (Y-CDs) were used as the precursors. The chemical composition and structural, morphological, and optical properties, as well as the photocatalytic ability of the synthesized CDs varied with wood type. The C-CDs and W-CDs had similar characteristics: quasispherical in shape and with a diameter of 2 to 4.5 nm. However, the Y-CDs particles were irregular and stacked together, with a size of 1.5–3 nm. The presence of nitrogen prevented the formation of an aromatic structure for those CDs fabricated from bioremediation CCA wood. The three synthesized CDs showed a broad absorption peak at 260 nm and a weak absorption peak at 320 nm. Proof of the model study for the fabrication of luminescent CDs from CCA wood waste for bioimaging was provided. The degradation rate of CD photocatalytic MB was 97.8% for 30 min. Copper doping gives the CDs electron acceptor properties, improving their photocatalytic efficiency. This study provides novel ways to prepare nanomaterials from decommissioned wood as a nontoxic and low-cost alternative to fluorescent dots

    Agricultural waste materials for adsorptive removal of phenols, chromium (VI) and cadmium (II) from wastewater: A review

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    Management of basic natural resources and the spent industrial and domestic streams to provide a sustainable safe environment for healthy living is a magnum challenge to scientists and environmentalists. The present remedial approach to the wastewater focuses on recovering pure water for reuse and converting the contaminants into a solid matrix for permanent land disposal. However, the ground water aquifers, over a long period slowly leach the contaminants consequently polluting the ground water. Synthetic adsorbents, mainly consisting of polymeric resins, chelating agents, etc. are efficient and have high specificity, but ultimate disposal is a challenge as most of these materials are non-biodegradable. In this context, it is felt appropriate to review the utility of adsorbents based on natural green materials such as agricultural waste and restricted to few model contaminants: phenols, and heavy metals chromium(VI), and cadmium(II) in view of the vast amount of literature available. The article discusses the features of the agricultural waste material-based adsorbents including the mechanism. It is inferred that agricultural waste materials are some of the common renewable sources available across the globe and can be used as sustainable adsorbents. A discussion on challenges for industrial scale implementation and integration with advanced technologies like magnetic-based approaches and nanotechnology to improve the removal efficiency is included for future prospects
