162 research outputs found

    Educação Positiva: Inovação em Intervenções Educacionais Baseadas na Psicologia Positiva

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    School is configured as a social space that can essentially contribute to cognitive and emotional evolvement. Furthermore, it emerges as an important resource for Positive Psychology. This review aimed to evaluate studies that present interventions based on Positive Education. Databases searched were MEDLINE, LILACS, Psycinfo, SciELO, and Scopus, using the terms "Positive Education" and "Intervention". The study's analysis was descriptive, and the characteristics of the interventions were reported. Fourteen studies that met the proposed eligibility criteria were included. As a result, nine studies were focused on positive education in the children's and adolescents, three were directed to college students, and two exclusively meant for teachers and school leaders. The importance of stimulating the development of strength of character among students were apparent.A escola é um ambiente social que essencialmente pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento cognitivo e emocional dos sujeitos, surgindo como um importante recurso da Psicologia Positiva. A presente revisão objetivou avaliar estudos que apresentam intervenções baseadas em Eduação Positiva. As bases acessadas foram MEDLINE, LILACS, Psycinfo, SciELO e Scopus, por meio dos termos "Positive Education" e "Intervention". Os estudos foram analisados de forma descritiva e as características das intervenções foram descritas. Quatorze estudos satisfizeram os critérios de inclusão desta revisão. Como resultado, 9 estudos focalizaram a eduação positiva de crianças e adolescentes, 3 foram direcionados para estudantes universitários e 2 consideraram exclusivamente professores e líderes escolares. Evidenciou-se a importância de estimular o desenvolvimento da força de caráter entre os alunos

    Total Mercury Determination in Muscle and Liver Tissue Samples from Brazilian Amazon Fish Using Slurry Sampling

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    This paper presents a slurry sampling method for total mercury determination by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) in tissue of fish from the Amazon. The tissue samples were lyophilized and macerated, and then the slurry samples were prepared by putting 20 mg of tissue, added to a solution containing Triton X-100, Suprapur HNO3, and zirconium nitrate directly in sampling vials of a spectrometer. Mercury standard solutions were prepared under the same conditions as the slurry samples. The slurry samples and the mercury standard solutions were sonicated for 20 s. Twenty microliters of slurry samples were injected into the graphite tube, which contained an internal wall lined with tungsten carbide. Under these conditions, it was possible to thermally stabilize the mercury up to an atomization temperature of 1700 °C. The method was validated by mercury determination in reference materials DORM-4 and DOLT-4. The LOD and LOQ were 0.014 and 0.045 mg kg−1, respectively, and recovery percentages in relation to the concentration values were certified in the order of 98%

    Efeitos terapêuticos de Anacardium occidentale: uma revisão da literatura

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    Anacardium occidentale is characterized as a medicinal plant, member of the Anacardiaceae family. Different parts of the plant have multiple pharmaceutical properties, which are related to their derivatives and high levels of secondary metabolites. Thus, the aim of the study is to identify evidence available in the literature about the herbal properties of A. occidentale in articles published in the last ten years. This is an integrative literature review using descriptors in the Virtual Health Library (VHL) used in the PubMed and SciELO databases. In such a way, the research resulted in 603 articles and, after employing the inclusion and exclusion criteria, totaled 51 publications for the full analysis. 97 different properties of A. occidentale were found: anti-inflammatory; antioxidant; antimicrobial; antidiabetic; healing; analgesic; effects on the digestive tract; in the autonomic nervous, respiratory and blood system; hypotensive and cardio inhibitory effects; protective against male sexual dysfunction; antimutagenic, antimetastatic and clastogenic; odontological use; toxic and non-toxic effect and others. The antimicrobial effect was the main one to be reported, however, its applicability in phytotherapy is diverse, having a significant capacity to act in pharmacological treatments if there is adequate contribution to research and development of new drugs.Anacardium occidentale Linn is a medicinal plant, member of the family Anacardiaceae. Several parts of the plant have therapeutic properties, enabling its use as an herbal medicine. Thus, this review identified the available literature data on the herbal properties of A. occidentale, considering articles published in the last twelve years. This is an integrative literature review using descriptors of the Virtual Health Library (VHL), considering the PubMed and SciELO databases. The search resulted in 694 articles and, after employing the inclusion and exclusion criteria, totaled 66 publications for full analysis. We found 98 different properties of A. occidentale: anti-inflammatory; antioxidant; antimicrobial; antidiabetic; healing; analgesic; effects on the digestive tract and on the autonomic nervous, respiratory, and blood systems; hypotensive and cardioinhibitory effects; protective against male sexual dysfunction; antimutagenic, antimetastatic, and clastogenic; odontological use; toxic and nontoxic effects; and others. The main effects were antioxidant and antimicrobial. However, the phytotherapeutic use of A. occidentale is wide, requiring further contributions to herbal medicine research and development for promoting and integrating traditional medicine


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    Editorial do número 25 da Revista Criação & Crítica,  Literatura e artes visuais: entre o lisível e o visível, organizado pelos editores Jérôme Glicenstein (Paris VIII), Aline Magalhães dos Santos Silvério Ishii (USP), Josias Padilha (USP/Paris VIII) e Amayi Luiza Soares Koyano (USP).&nbsp

    Evaluation of the Biotechnological Potential of Monteverdia salicifolia (Mart ex. Reissek) Biral

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    Plant extracts are a good alternative of reducing agents in the synthesis of metal nanoparticles. In this paper, we report the evaluation of the cytotoxic activity against T3 cell lines of the ethanolic extract of Monteverdia salicifolia (Mart ex. Reissek) Biral roots (MS) as well as a green one-pot route of synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) using that extract as reducing and stabilizing agent. The extract exhibited dose dependent activity. The smallest particle size (48.01 nm) was achieved in just 25 minutes by employing a temperature of 65 °C and AgNO3 and MS concentrations equal to 0.9 mmol.L−1 and 0.67 mg.mL−1, respectively. The AgNPs-MS nanocomposite was characterized by UV–vis spectroscopy, FEG microscope and zeta potential, which proved that MS was effective at reducing and capping the AgNPs. In order to emphasize the advantage of the methodology applied in this synthesis, it was compared to a usual procedure using NaBH4 as a reducing agent and the greenness analysis was also carried out, using the Green Star. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v13i2.154

    Síndrome de down e os aspectos envolvendo a fertilidade

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    A ligação entre os portadores da Síndrome de Down e a fertilidade, apesar do pouco esclarecimento intelectual na literatura científica, tem sido foco pertinente de relevância reprodutiva. A síndrome de Down é um distúrbio genético, também nomeado “trissomia do cromossomo 21”, motivada pela mutação numérica a nível do cromossomo 21, devido a um erro celular durante a divisão embrionária. Além disso, a trissomia é apontada como a mais comum nos indivíduos nascidos vivos e tem como características fenotípicas o atraso no desenvolvimento intelectual e motor, face achatada, excesso de pele no pescoço, fenda palpebral oblíqua, dentre outros. No entanto, os fatores comportamentais dependem da natureza social, psicológica ou biológica. No tocante às características reprodutivas, as mulheres portadoras dessa síndrome são consideradas como férteis ou subférteis, apesar do número de folículos ovarianos reduzidos, e o feto possui a probabilidade de 50% de nascer com a mesma síndrome que a mãe, e 50% sem a anomalia. Na menarca, o tempo de sangramento menstrual e o ciclo das mulheres portadoras da doença são considerados semelhantes ao das mulheres sem essa síndrome. Com relação aos homens, eles são considerados inférteis, mesmo existindo mínimos casos de paternidade com essa síndrome. Ainda é desconhecido o fato da infertilidade no sexo masculino, tendo em vista que a puberdade deles é considerada relativamente igual à dos homens sem a Síndrome de Down. Diante do exposto, é possível concluir que os homens são considerados inférteis, mesmo existindo casos raros de paternidade e em mulheres a fertilidade é semelhante as de não portadoras da anomalia

    Effect of sequential medium on in vitro culture of goat ovarian cortical tissue

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    A sequential medium was evaluated on the survival, activation and growth rates of caprine preantral follicles submitted to a long-term culture period, aiming to establish an ideal in vitro culture system. Ovarian fragments were cultured for 16 days in α-MEM+ alone or supplemented with hormones (GH and/or FSH) added sequentially on different days of culture. Ovarian fragments were cultured in the first (days 0–8) and second (days 8–16) halves of the culture period, generating 10 treatments: α-MEM+/α-MEM+, FSH/FSH, FSH/GH, FSH/FSH + GH, GH/GH, GH/FSH, GH/FSH + GH, FSH + GH/FSH + GH, FSH + GH/FSH and FSH + GH/GH. Follicle morphology, viability and ultrastructure were analyzed. After day 1 of culture, FSH treatments maintained the percentage of normal follicles similar to the fresh control. At day 16 of culture, the treatment FSH/GH showed the highest (P < 0.05) percentage of normal follicles. The ultrastructure of follicles was preserved in the fresh control and FSH/GH treatment. Follicles cultured with FSH/GH had a higher (P < 0.05) viability than α-MEM+; however the viability was lower (P < 0.05) when compared to the fresh control. The FSH/GH treatment showed the highest (P < 0.05) percentage of follicular activation and secondary follicle formation and produced the largest (P < 0.05) mean follicular diameter after 16 days of culture. In conclusion, a sequential medium supplemented with FSH followed by GH during a long-term culture maintains the survival, viability and ultrastructure of goat preantral follicles, and promotes activation and secondary follicles

    Rotulagem da goma de tapioca

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    A partir da mandioca bruta (Manihot esculenta), origina-se uma gama de derivados, inicialmente descobertos pelos indígenas, como a fécula, extraída de suas raízes e posterior decantação, resulta no material sólido que chamamos de goma de tapioca. Devido ao grande consumo na região pernambucana, com a popularização de seus subprodutos, como a tapioca, preparação fácil e rápida, sem glúten e sem lactose, levou essa raiz tuberosa a ser comercializada em todo o país. Este estudo objetivou analisar os rótulos das gomas de tapioca comercializadas na Região Metropolitana do Recife. O grupo amostral foi de 20 embalagens íntegras, que foram analisadas seguindo as Normas Técnicas e Legislações vigentes sobre rotulagem quanto este produto. rótulos de goma de tapioca, sejam gerais ou nutricionais, exercem um papel fundamental para a construção de um novo paradigma de alimentação, pois permite que os consumidores obtenham garantia de segurança alimentar e nutricional, ao analisar e comparar informações inscritas nas embalagens dos alimentos. As regulamentações e normas possuem uma linguagem extremamente não-didática, produzidas apenas para pessoas habilitadas quanto ao conhecimento das legislações pertinentes. Foi confirmada a existência de contradições sobre um mesmo aspecto, dificultando a análise dos rótulos. A ausência de fiscalização da regulamentação pelos órgãos competentes é reforçada pelas incoerências da rotulagem e falta de orientação para os produtores da goma de tapioca. É necessária promoção de ações educativas que permitam o entendimento das informações para que o consumidor possa se beneficiar da escolha do produto