1,862 research outputs found

    Sistema físico de produção de leite da UEPAE Porto Velho: análise dos resultados zootécnicos e econômicos referentes ao período de dezembro/84 a setembro/89.

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    No campo experimental da Unidade de Execução de Pesquisa de Âmbito Estadual de Porto Velho (UEPAE de Porto Velho), da EMBRAPA, em Porto Velho, RO, vem sendo conduzido, desde 1984, um modelo físico de sistema de produção de leite. Este modelo tem por objetivo precípuo viabilizar a atividade leiteira na região, elevando sua produtividade e rentabilidade através da utilização de técnicas integradas de modo que se tomem instrumento de difusão de tecnologia. Atualmente, a produtividade leiteira do rebanho na região é muito baixa, situando-se em tomo de 540 l de leite/vaca/lactação de 180 dias. A partir de um rebanho mestiço Holando x Zebu, com graus de sangue 112,9/16 e 5/8, pretende-se alcançar índices econômicos de produtividade, através de tecnologias que possam ser adotadas pelos produtores locais. Dentre as tecnologias utilizadas destacam-se: inseminação artificial, pastagens diversificadas, pastejo rotacionado, suplementação dos animais com volumosos e concentrados regionais, banco de proteína e desmama precoce. Até o presente, os resultados alcançados vêm superando as metas préestabelecidas, confirmando, desse modo, a eficiência das técnicas aplicadas no sistema.bitstream/item/54885/1/SP210001.pd

    Estimativas de parâmetros genéticos para características de crescimento em ovinos da raça Somalis Brasileira.

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    Resumo: Objetivou-se estimar parâmetros genéticos para características de crescimento em ovinos da raça Somalis Brasileira. Os dados utilizados neste estudo foram provenientes do rebanho da Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos, localizado na cidade de Sobral - CE. Os dados continham registros de 1.120 animais no arquivo de pedigree. As características analisadas foram: peso ao nascer (PN), peso ao desmame (PD), ganho de peso do nascimento ao desmame (GND) e peso adulto (PA). As estimativas dos componentes de (co)variâncias e os parâmetros genéticos foram obtidos pelo método da Máxima Verossimilhança Restrita não Derivativa (DFREML), utilizando o programa MTDFREML. Nas análises unicaracterística, as herdabilidades foram de magnitude baixa a moderada. As magnitudes das herdabilidades maternas foram todas superiores às herdabilidades diretas. As herdabilidades das análises multicaracterísticas entre PN, PD e GND superaram as análises unicaracterísticas. As correlações genéticas apresentaram grande variação quanto aos seus valores. [Genetic parameters estimates for growth traits in Somalis Brasileira hair sheep breed]. Abstract: The aim of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for growth traits in Somalis Brasileira hair sheep breed. The data used in this study were from the flock of Embrapa Caprinos and Ovinos, located in the city of Sobral - CE, Brazil. Data contained records of 1,120 animals in the pedigree file. The analyzed traits were birth weight (PN), weaning weight (PD), weight gain from birth to weaning (GND) and adult weight (PA). Estimates of (co)variances and genetic parameters were obtained by Derivative Free Restricted Maximum Likelihood Method (DFREML) using the MTDFREML software. The heritabilities were low to moderate in univariate analysis. The maternal heritabilities were higher than direct heritabilities. The heritabilities in multivariate analysis exceeded those in univariate analysis. The values of genetic correlations varied widely

    Estimativas de componentes de variâncias e de valores genéticos para características de crescimento, reprodução e habilidade materna em ovinos da raça Somalis Brasileira.

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    Resumo - Os objetivos deste trabalho foram estimar parâmetros genéticos para características de crescimento, reprodutivas e de habilidade materna e avaliar diferentes ajustes de efeitos fixos na predição de valores genéticos para o peso e ganho de peso ao desmame de ovinos Somalis Brasileira, criados no semi-árido nordestino. Foram utilizados dados do Núcleo de Conservação da Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos, localizado na cidade de Sobral, região norte do estado do Ceará, controlado dentro do Programa de Melhoramento Genético de Caprinos e Ovinos de Corte - GENECOC. As características de crescimento analisadas foram peso ao nascer (PN), peso ao desmame (PD), ganho de peso do nascimento ao desmame (GND), peso ajustado aos 84 dias (P84), ganho de peso do nascimento aos 84 dias (GN84) e peso adulto (PA). As características relacionadas à habilidade materna foram peso total das crias ao nascer (PTCN), peso total das crias ao desmame (PTCD), peso da mãe ao desmame das crias (PW) e relação de desmame (REL), que é representado pela divisão do peso total das crias ao desmame pelo peso metabólico da mãe. As características reprodutivas analisadas foram intervalo de partos (IP), dias para o parto (DP) e número de serviços por concepção (NSC). Os modelos fixos de análise foram definidos com auxílio do procedimento MIXED do pacote estatístico SAS, após a verificação das restrições e limitações dos dados. As estimativas dos componentes de (co)variâncias e os parâmetros genéticos foram obtidas pelo método da Máxima Verossimilhança Restrita não Derivativa (DFREML), utilizando o programa MTDFREML. Inicialmente foram realizadas análises unicaracterística e posteriormente foram feitas análises multicaracterísticas entre características relacionadas. Foi realizada análise de correlação de Spearman para comparar a ordem de classificação dos animais para PD, P84, GND e GN84, com base nos valores genéticos aditivos, direto e materno. As herdabilidades para as características de crescimento estimadas nas análises unicaracterísticas foram de baixa magnitude, variando de 0,00 a 0,22. Houve tendência de aumento da herdabilidade nas análises multicaracterísticas. Nas análises multicaracterísticas para as características de crescimento, as herdabilidades para PN-PD-GND e PN-P84-GN84 variaram de 0,00 a 1,00. As correlações genéticas também apresentaram grandes variações, desde negativas, nulas a altas e positivas, com uma variação entre PN-PD-GND de -1,00 a 0,94 e entre PN-P84-GN84 de -0,45 a 0,97. As características reprodutivas apresentaram baixa herdabilidade. As herdabilidades para as características de habilidade materna foram maiores nas análises multicaracterísticas, com valores moderados e correlação alta entre PTCN e PTCD e negativa e igual à unidade entre PW e REL. O peso ao desmame ajustado pela covariável idade no dia da pesagem e o peso ajustado para a idade padrão ao desmame, no caso deste estudo, 84 dias, são características com naturezas distintas sob análise. O uso destes critérios promove diferentes respostas à seleção, com diferentes ordens de classificação dos animais. Entretanto, não foi possível indicar o critério com melhor eficiência de uso, uma vez que as diferenças entre os resultados não foram totalmente esclarecidas. [Estimates of Variance Components and Breeding Values for Growth, Reproductive and Maternal Traits of Brazilian Somali Hair Sheep]. Abstract - The aims of this study were to estimate genetic parameters for growth, eproductive and maternal traits and assess the different adjustments of fixed effects the prediction of breeding values for weight and weight gain at weaning of Brazilian omali sheep, reared in semi-arid. Data from the Núcleo de Conservação da Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos, located in the city of Sobral, north of Ceará state, uported by Programa de Melhoramento Genético de Caprinos e Ovinos de Corte GENECOC). The analyzed growth traits were birth weight (PN), weaning weight PD), weight gain from birth to weaning (GND), adjusted weight at 84 days (P84), eight gain from birth to 84 days (GN84) and adult weight (PA). The traits related to aternal ability were litter weight at birth (PTCN), litter weight at weaning (PTCD), other's weight at weaning of the lambs (PW) and ratio of weaning (REL), which is epresented by the rate between the total weight of lambs at weaning and the other's metabolic weight. The analyzed reproductive traits were lambing interval P), lambing date (DP) and number of services per conception (NSC). The fixed odels of analysis were defined by the MIXED procedure of SAS software, after hecking the constraints and limitations of the data. (Co) variances and genetic arameters were estimated by Derivative Free Restricted Maximum Likelihood DFREML) method using the MTDFREML software. Initially, univariate analyses were erformed for each trait and then multivariate analyses were performed. An analysis correlation of classification or "rank", using the Spearman coefficient, was erformed to compare the rank of animals by PD, P84, GND and GN84, based on e additives genetic direct and maternal values. Heritabilities for growth traits stimated in univariate analysis were of low magnitude, ranging from 0.00 to 0.22. here was a trend of increasing of heritabilities in the multivariate analysis. In ultivariate analysis for the growth traits, heritabilities for PN-PD-GND and PN-P84-N84 ranged from 0.00 to 1.00. Genetic correlations also showed large variations, from negative, zero to high and positive, ranging among PN-PD-GND from -1.00 to 0.94 and from -0.45 to 0 97 among PN-P84-GN84. The reproductive traits showed low heritabilities. The heritabilities for maternal traits were higher in the multivariate analysis, with moderates values and high correlation between PTCN and PTCD and unitary negative value between PW and REL. The weaning weight adjusted for the covariate age on the day of weighing and the weaning weight adjusted for standard age at weaning, in this study, 84 days, are traits of distinct natures under analyses. Using these criteria promotes different responses to selection, with different rank orders of animals. However, it was not possible to specify the criteria with better efficiency since the differences between the results were not fully understood.Dissertação (Mestrado em Zootecnia. Área de concentração: Produção e Melhoramento Genético Animal) - Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza. Orientador: Raimundo Nonato Braga Lobo, Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos (CNPC)

    Functionalizing self-assembled GaN quantum dot superlattices by Eu-implantation

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    Self-assembled GaN quantum dots (QDs) stacked in superlattices (SL) with AlN spacer layers were implanted with Europium ions to fluences of 1013, 1014, and 1015 cm−2. The damage level introduced in the QDs by the implantation stays well below that of thick GaN epilayers. For the lowest fluence, the structural properties remain unchanged after implantation and annealing while for higher fluences the implantation damage causes an expansion of the SL in the [0001] direction which increases with implantation fluence and is only partly reversed after thermal annealing at 1000 °C. Nevertheless, in all cases, the SL quality remains very good after implantation and annealing with Eu ions incorporated preferentially into near-substitutional cation sites. Eu3+ optical activation is achieved after annealing in all samples. In the sample implanted with the lowest fluence, the Eu3+ emission arises mainly from Eu incorporated inside the QDs while for the higher fluences only the emission from Eu inside the AlN-buffer, capping, and spacer layers is observed. © 2010 American Institute of PhysicsFCT-PTDC/CTM/100756/2008program PESSOA EGIDE/GRICESFCT-SFRH/BD/45774/2008FCT-SFRH/BD/44635/200

    Raça Somalis brasileira: origem, características reprodutivas e desenvolvimento ponderal.

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    Applying semantic web technologies to knowledge sharing in aerospace engineering

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    This paper details an integrated methodology to optimise Knowledge reuse and sharing, illustrated with a use case in the aeronautics domain. It uses Ontologies as a central modelling strategy for the Capture of Knowledge from legacy docu-ments via automated means, or directly in systems interfacing with Knowledge workers, via user-defined, web-based forms. The domain ontologies used for Knowledge Capture also guide the retrieval of the Knowledge extracted from the data using a Semantic Search System that provides support for multiple modalities during search. This approach has been applied and evaluated successfully within the aerospace domain, and is currently being extended for use in other domains on an increasingly large scale


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    Maximal joint range of motion (ROM) represents the muscular flexibility level. However, different methods are used to measure the ROM at clinic and laboratory. So, the aim of this study was correlate a clinical and a laboratorial measurement of hamstring flexibility. The flexibility of both lower limbs of thirty-six young and healthy subjects was assessed by two apparatus: modified knee extension test (clinical measure) and Flexmachine (laboratorial measure). The results showed a moderate positive and significant correlation (r=0.693;

    Magnetic reconfiguration of MnAs/GaAs(001) observed by Magnetic Force Microscopy and Resonant Soft X-ray Scattering

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    We investigated the thermal evolution of the magnetic properties of MnAs epitaxial films grown on GaAs(001) during the coexistence of hexagonal/orthorhombic phases using polarized resonant (magnetic) soft X-ray scattering and magnetic force microscopy. The results of the diffuse satellite X-ray peaks were compared to those obtained by magnetic force microscopy and suggest a reorientation of ferromagnetic terraces as temperature rises. By measuring hysteresis loops at these peaks we show that this reorientation is common to all ferromagnetic terraces. The reorientation is explained by a simple model based on the shape anisotropy energy. Demagnetizing factors were calculated for different configurations suggested by the magnetic images. We noted that the magnetic moments flip from an in-plane mono-domain orientation at lower temperatures to a three-domain out-of-plane configuration at higher temperatures. The transition was observed when the ferromagnetic stripe width L is equal to 2.9 times the film thickness d. This is in good agreement with the expected theoretical value of L = 2.6d.Comment: 16 pages in PD

    Chemical control of stem-end rot on mango fruits in the San Francisco river Valley.

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    The objective of this study was to assess the efficacy of some fungicides in reducing the incidence of stem-end rot when applied after flowering onset

    Astrometry of the main satellites of Uranus: 18 years of observations

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    We determine accurate positions of the main satellites of Uranus: Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, and Oberon. Positions of Uranus, as derived from those of these satellites, are also determined. The observational period spans from 1992 to 2011. All runs were made at the Pico dos Dias Observatory, Brazil. We used the software called Platform for Reduction of Astronomical Images Automatically (PRAIA) to minimise (digital coronography) the influence of the scattered light of Uranus on the astrometric measurements and to determine accurate positions of the main satellites. The positions of Uranus were then indirectly determined by computing the mean differences between the observed and ephemeris positions of these satellites. A series of numerical filters was applied to filter out spurious data. These filters are mostly based on the comparison between the positions of Oberon with those of the other satellites and on the offsets as given by the differences between the observed and ephemeris positions of all satellites. We have, for the overall offsets of the five satellites, -29 (+/-63) mas in right ascension and -27 (+/-46) mas in declination. For the overall difference between the offsets of Oberon and those of the other satellites, we have +3 (+/-30) mas in right ascension and -2 (+/-28) mas in declination. Ephemeris positions for the satellites were determined from DE432+ura111. Comparisons using other modern ephemerides for the solar system -INPOP13c- and for the motion of the satellites -NOE-7-2013- were also made. They confirm that the largest contribution to the offsets we find comes from the motion of the barycenter of the Uranus system around the barycenter of the solar system, as given by the planetary ephemerides. Catalogues with the observed positions are provided.Comment: 13 pages, 21 figure