22 research outputs found

    Renewal of the educational system : a study in Qwaqwa, Republic of South Africa

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    Examines the question of whether kindergarten education has been beneficial to Grade I students in Qwaqwa, a self-governing territory in the Republic of South Africa

    Holistic therapy: the antidote: art and architecture

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    The aim of this thesis is to investigate how art and architecture can inform healing or provide space and events where healing can take place. Mental health has been a debated topic to centuries and still today, the common being has not grasped its complexities that bound us all unique. The stigma created by human perception has hindered our knowledge which has resulted in segregation. The arts and art therapy have, over the years, been used to heal diff erent aliments such as cancer, mental illness, aids, abused woman and children, the elderly and have been successful in doing so as it heals across all ages and race. The question I pose is can architecture do the same? Furthermore, can architecture be used to create spaces that encourage or induce healing? The architectural intervention aims to re-integrate these segregated communities, specifi cally people with mental illness, back into society. The intervention aims to off er a place for rehabilitation, a place for healing, a half way house, a place for economic independence for those with mental illness and challenge traditional mental hospital model in order to de-stigmatise mental disability


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat kesesuaian kurikulum 2013 SMK Akomodasi Perhotelan di Surabaya dengan kurikulum program studi Perhotelan Politeknik NSC Surabaya, dengan target penelitian SMK-SMK Akomodasi Perhotelan di Surabaya. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kuantitatif dan metode kualitatif dengan jumlah validator dua orang dosen. Tahapan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut : tahap pertama peneliti mencari dokumen-dokumen yang diperlukan, melakukan observasi dengan melihat silabus yang dimiliki SMK Akomodasi Perhotelan, menggali sumber-sumber yang terkait tentang tema penelitian yang berkaitan dengan tingkat kesesuaian kurikulum 2013 SMK Akomodasi Perhotelan, tahap kedua penyebaran angket atau kuesioner, dan wawancara kepada subyek yang diteliti, kegiatan ini dilakukan sesuai dengan metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian tentang tingkat kesesuaian kurikulum 2013 SMK akomodasi perhotelan di Surabaya dengan kurikulum program studi perhotelan Politeknik NSC Surabaya adalah adanya keyakinan lulusan dari sekolah kejuruan (SMK) khususnya akomodasi perhotelan melanjutkan kependidikan tinggi yang sejalan yaitu Politeknik,terutama Politeknik NSC Surabaya

    Response to the Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) Pandemic Across Africa: Successes, Challenges, and Implications for the Future

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has already claimed considerable lives. There are major concerns in Africa due to existing high prevalence rates for both infectious and non-infectious diseases and limited resources in terms of personnel, beds and equipment. Alongside this, concerns that lockdown and other measures will have on prevention and management of other infectious diseases and non-communicable diseases (NCDs). NCDs are an increasing issue with rising morbidity and mortality rates. The World Health Organization (WHO) warns that a lack of nets and treatment could result in up to 18 million additional cases of malaria and up to 30,000 additional deaths in sub-Saharan Africa. Objective: Document current prevalence and mortality rates from COVID-19 alongside economic and other measures to reduce its spread and impact across Africa. In addition, suggested ways forward among all key stakeholder groups. Our Approach: Contextualise the findings from a wide range of publications including internet-based publications coupled with input from senior-level personnel. Ongoing Activities: Prevalence and mortality rates are currently lower in Africa than among several Western countries and the USA. This could be due to a number of factors including early instigation of lockdown and border closures, the younger age of the population, lack of robust reporting systems and as yet unidentified genetic and other factors. Innovation is accelerating to address concerns with available equipment. There are ongoing steps to address the level of misinformation and its consequences including fines. There are also ongoing initiatives across Africa to start addressing the unintended consequences of COVID-19 activities including lockdown measures and their impact on NCDs including the likely rise in mental health disorders, exacerbated by increasing stigma associated with COVID-19. Strategies include extending prescription lengths, telemedicine and encouraging vaccination. However, these need to be accelerated to prevent increased morbidity and mortality. Conclusion: There are multiple activities across Africa to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and address misinformation, which can have catastrophic consequences, assisted by the WHO and others, which appear to be working in a number of countries. Research is ongoing to clarify the unintended consequences given ongoing concerns to guide future activities. Countries are learning from each other

    The knowledge of church leaders in Taung, Mohale’s Hoek about the HIV/AIDS pandemic

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    Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study intended to ascertain the knowledge level of the church leaders in Taung Mohale's Hoek, Lesotho about HIV/AIDS and identify the constraints for church leaders to make a meaningful contribution to fight against HIV/AIDS. There were 27 churches in Taung of which 19 were sampled based on the number of members. The qualitative approach and in-depth questions were used to interview the church leaders to ascertain their HIV/AIDS level of knowledge. To ensure the reliability and validity of this study, the interview guide was designed to cover dimensions of knowledge on HIV/AIDS and what the church is currently doing in the fight against HIV/AIDS and what they can do to fight HIV/AIDS. The result of the study indicated that most church leaders in Taung area still do not have thorough knowledge about HIV/AIDS and transmission modes. The majority of the church leaders could not differentiate between HIV and AIDS. Some of the church leaders did not know about ARVs. The study further reveals that the Sunday pack guide is existent in both Sesotho and English, however, this guide is not known by most churches in Taung. The general finding was that churches only feel it‟s enough to mention HIV/AIDS at congregational level and dedicate one Sunday tiethe in a year for orphaned and vulnerable children. Only a few churches have sound strategies and procedures to fight this disease beyond just mentioning it on Sundays. The recommendation is that since there is a Sunday pack already in place for guiding the church leaders about how to preach about HIV/AIDS, the Sunday pack should be revised to include information on care and support so that churches can have a clear strategy with goals and objectives of how they are going to play their role in the fight against HIV/AIDS. The Sunday pack should also be popularised so that all church leaders could know about it.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie was om kerkleiers in Taung Mohale Hoek in Lesotho se vlak van kennis rakende MIV/VIGS te ondersoek en om die struikelblokke te bepaal wat hul verhinder om 'n betekenisvolle bydrae te maak tot die stryd teen MIV/VIGS. Daar was 27 kerke in Taung, waarvan 19 in die studie gebruik is, gebaseer op die aantal lidmate van die kerk. The kwalitatiewe benadering en in-diepte vrae is gebruik om onderhoude met die kerkleiers te voer met die doel om hul MIV/VIGS kennis te bepaal. Om die geldigheid en betroubaarheid van die studie te verseker is die onderhoudsgids so ontwerp om kennis rondom MIV/VIGS te dek sowel as om te bepaal wat die kerk huidiglik doen in die stryd teen MIV/VIGS en wat hul moontlik nog kan doen. Die studie het getoon dat meeste kerkleiers in Taung steeds nie voldoende kennis rakende MIV/VIGS het nie en hoe dit oorgedra word nie. The meerderheid van die kerkleiers kon nie tussen MIV en VIGS onderskei nie. Sommige van die kerkleiers het nie geweet wat antiretrovirale middels is nie. Die studie het verder getoon dat die Sondag-pakket, wat in Sesotho en Engels beskikbaar is, nie aan meeste van die kerke bekend is nie. Die algemene gevoel onder die kerke was dat dit is voldoende is om net na MIV/VIGS te verwys in die kerk en een Sondag in die jaar se kollete te skenk aan wees- en kwesbare kinders. Slegs 'n aantal kerke het strategiee en prosedures in plek om meer te doen as om net daarna te verwys op 'n Sondag. Aangesien die Sondag-pakket beskikbaar is om leiding te gee oor hoe om oor MIV/VIGS te preek, word daar aanbeveel dat die pakket nagegaan moet word om inligting rakende sorg en ondersteuning in te sluit sodat kerke 'n duidelike strategie met doelwitte het oor watter rol hul in die stryd teen MIV/VIGS kan speel. Dit is ook nodig dat die Sondag-pakket bekend gestel moet word onder die kerke wat tans nie daarvan bewus is nie

    Improving the teaching and learning of ESL in under performing schools of the North-West Province

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    Thesis (Ph.D. (English))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.The purpose of this study was to: • determine what makes ESL teaching and learning effective. • identify the problems experienced in English Second Language (ESL) teaching and learning in the under-performing schools. • develop a framework for the improvement of the teaching and learning of ESL in under-performing schools. This study followed a three-pronged approach, viewing the effective ESL teacher as possessing certain knowledge, skills and personal qualities. The effective ESL teacher was regarded as possessing personal qualities that enabled him/her to develop genuine relationships with his/her learners, parents/community, his/her colleagues as well as democratic classrooms. It was indicated that it was critical for the ESL teacher to have knowledge of both the subject matter and human development. The study also indicated that teachers needed certain didactic skills to execute teaching and learning effectively in an ESL classroom. The principal and his/her Senior Management Team play an important supporting role in the effective teaching and learning of ESL. Empirical data were collected in order to identify typical problems experienced by ESL teachers in under-performing schools. Data were collected through interviews with learners, teachers, the subject heads of the languages department (HODs), principals and an Education Department official. The analyses of the data indicated that there was a need for an in-service course in order to improve teaching and learning in under-performing schools. This study then proposes a growth and development programme framework for the improvement of the teaching and learning of ESL in under-performing schools. The growth and development programme framework provides a detailed in-service training programme as well as general recommendations for the improvement of ESL teaching and learning in these schools of the North West province. Suggestions are made on how to implement and monitor the growth and development programme framework.Doctora

    The role of teacher unions in education with specific reference to South Africa

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    The role of teacher unions in education is of utmost significance. The state alone cannot achieve everything in the field of education in a country. The support of interested stakeholders in education, such as teachers is therefore desirable.Teacher unions as organised labour or pressure groups in education are legally constituted to play meaningful roles in education, especially with regard to bargaining for teachers and ensuring quality of education by means of engaging teachers in improving teaching approaches and maintaining a high standard.This paper is therefore focused on the extent to which teacher unions improve the quality of education or not. This paper makes use of mixed research method. Structured questionnaires and focused interviews will be employed in the investigation of this topic. Conclusions include inter alia, that teacher unions and the Department of Basic Education must strive to have a working relationship at all times in terms of curricula teacher development and policy matters in South Africa.Keywords: teacher unions, teaching and learning, collaboration and anti-corruptio

    SA needs postgraduates - the Unversity of Johannesburg has established a centre to support students at these levels

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    SA needs postgraduates. The University of Johannesburg has established a centre to support students at these levels