371 research outputs found

    Thermalization of a Trapped Single Atom with an Atomic Thermal Bath

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    We studied a single atom trapped in an optical tweezer interacting with a thermal bath of ultracold atoms of a different species. Because of the collisions between the trapped atom and the bath atoms, the trapped atom undergoes changes in its vibrational states occupation to reach thermal equilibrium with the bath. By using Monte Carlo simulations, we characterized the single atom's thermalization process, and we studied how this can be used for cooling. Our simulations demonstrate that, within known experimental limitations, it is feasible to cool a trapped single atom with a thermal bath

    Sul "Senso della fine" di Frank Kermode

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    Una sintesi ragionata e commentata del maggior testo teorico di Frank Kermode

    Atlante degli allegati grafici alle schede d’ambito paesaggistico

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    L’Atlante degli allegati grafici alle schede d’ambito paesaggistico è uno strumento complementare agli elaborati del Piano Territoriale a valenza paesaggistica della Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia che, attraverso elaborazioni grafiche e apparati iconografici selezionati, consente una visualizzazione immediata dei caratteri molteplici del paesaggio regionale. Nelle tavole dell’Atlante le informazioni contenute nella prima sezione delle schede degli ambiti paesaggistici - Analisi del territorio ed individuazione di valori e fattori di rischio paesaggistico (art. 143, comma 1, lett. a), c), D. Lgs. 42/2004), sono associate a materiali iconografici e diagrammi che descrivono la morfologia dei luoghi. Le planimetrie schematiche di ciascun ambito consentono un’agevole localizzazione di questo all’interno del territorio regionale, e nel contempo evidenziano le relazioni che all’interno di quest’ultimo derivano dalla rete delle infrastrutture. Le sezioni diagrammatiche degli elementi notevoli del paesaggio, mediante simboli e didascalie, consentono di leggere nel dettaglio configurazioni specifiche, modificazioni del suolo e assetti insediativi. La cartografia storica, che comprende la Kriegskarte (redatta tra il 1798 ed il 1805) e la Carta Corografica del Litorale (risalente alla prima metà del XIX sec.), consente una lettura della morfologia e degli elementi caratterizzanti del paesaggio in una fase precedente alle grandi trasformazioni insediative del secolo scorso. I caratteri naturali, agricoli e insediativi sono documentati attraverso una selezione della documentazione fotografica predisposta dal personale del Servizio Tutela Beni Paesaggistici della Regione, integrata ove necessario da materiali originali. I valori e i fattori di rischio paesaggistico, anch’essi esplicitati nelle schede d’ambito, sono visualizzati mediante documentazione fotografica e localizzati graficamente sullo stralcio planimetrico dell’ortofoto

    Sound Water Masking to Match a Waterfront Soundscape with the Users’ Expectations: The Case Study of the Seafront in Naples, Italy

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    In the last decades, the soundscape approach has attracted the attention of architects and urban planners, leading them to incorporate the acoustic features into the enjoyment of their creations. One of the key aspects for an appreciated urban environment is to match the expectations of the users. In this study, the matching of the waterfront soundscape with the users’ expectations is evaluated by laboratory tests using semantic differential scales applied to reproduced virtual scenarios obtained adding different water sound pressure levels (SPLs) to the original in-situ setting. The tests were carried out by an immersive virtual reality (IVR) device, using 360◦ videos and spatial audio recorded in two sites of the waterfront in Naples, Italy. The scenarios were presented to the participants according to three experimental protocols, namely audio-only (A), video-only (V), and simultaneous audio-video (AV) reproduction. The examined different acoustic scenarios were the original one recorded in situ and others obtained adding seawater sounds at SPL increments of 5 dB. The results show that all the scenarios with water sounds added are rated more pleasant than the original one for the audio-only scenario. When video and audio are displayed simultaneously, two scenarios are more pleasant than the original one, likely because there is a need for coherence between the water sound SPL heard and the visible noise sources. Sounds coherent with the type of shore show a higher matching with expectations and pleasantness appraisals, rather than those that are uncoherent with the layout scenario

    Realizing the Frenkel-Kontorova model with Rydberg-dressed atoms

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    We propose a method to realize the Frenkel-Kontorova model using an array of Rydberg dressed atoms. Our platform can be used to study this model with a range of realistic interatomic potentials. In particular, we concentrate on two types of interaction potentials: a springlike potential and a repulsive long-range potential. We numerically calculate the phase diagram for such systems and characterize the Aubry-like and commensurate-incommensurate phase transitions. Experimental realizations of this system that are possible to achieve using current technology are discussed.Comment: Added a few reference

    Thermal Performance of an Electric-Driven Smart Window: Experiments in a Full-Scale Test Room and Simulation Model

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    This paper reports the results of experimental tests and numerical simulations aimed at evaluating the performance of an electric-driven smart window with respect to solar control in buildings. The experimental performances of the electric-driven smart window were evaluated using a south oriented full scale experimental facility designed and realized. The tests were carried out during the summer under real sky conditions upon varying the state of the electricdriven smart window (clear and milky). In the first part of the paper, the experimental results are discussed in terms of surface temperature of glazings as well as indoor air temperature in order to highlight the potential benefits on thermal comfort associated to the application of electric-driven smart windows. In the second part of this paper, the experimental data are compared to the numerical results generated through a simulation model of the electric-driven smart window in order to assess its reliability under different operating scenarios. Finally, the simulation model is used to quantify the potential cooling load reduction deriving from the integration of electric-driven smart windows in an office façade located in Naples (Italy)

    Virtual reality for smart urban lighting design: Review, applications and opportunities

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    More and more cities are evolving into smart cities, increasing their attractiveness, energy efficiency, and users satisfaction. Lighting systems play an important role in the evolution process, thanks to their ability to affect city life at night along with people s mood and behaviour. In this scenario, advanced lighting design methods such as virtual reality (VR) became essential to assess lighting systems from different points of view, especially those linked with the city users expectations. Initially, the review highlights a list of objective and subjective parameters to be considered for the lighting design of three main city areas/applications: roads, green areas and buildings. Besides, the state-of-Art in using VR for outdoor lighting design is established. Finally, the Unreal game engine is used to analyse the ability of VR to take into account the lighting parameters, not yet investigated in current literature and to highlight the VR potential for augmenting lighting design. The results confirm the benefit of using VR in lighting design, even if further investigations are needed to establish its reliability, especially from the photometrical point of view

    The antidepressant fluoxetine acts on energy balance and leptin sensitivity via BDNF

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    Leptin and Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) pathways are critical players in body weight homeostasis. Noninvasive treatments like environmental stimulation are able to increase response to leptin and induce BDNF expression in the brain. Emerging evidences point to the antidepressant selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor Fluoxetine (FLX) as a drug with effects similar to environmental stimulation. FLX is known to impact on body weight, with mechanisms yet to be elucidated. We herein asked whether FLX affects energy balance, the leptin system and BDNF function. Adult lean male mice chronically treated with FLX showed reduced weight gain, higher energy expenditure, increased sensitivity to acute leptin, increased hypothalamic BDNF expression, associated to changes in white adipose tissue expression typical of "brownization". In the Ntrk2tm1Ddg/J model, carrying a mutation in the BDNF receptor Tyrosine kinase B (TrkB), these effects are partially or totally reversed. Wild type obese mice treated with FLX showed reduced weight gain, increased energy output, and differently from untreated obese mice, a preserved acute response to leptin in terms of activation of the intracellular leptin transducer STAT3. In conclusion, FLX impacts on energy balance and induces leptin sensitivity and an intact TrkB function is required for these effects to take place

    Depression and cardiovascular disease: The deep blue sea of women's heart

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    Abstract Cardiovascular disease (CVD) constitutes a leading worldwide health problem, with increasing evidence of differences between women and men both in epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical management, and outcomes. Data from the literature suggest that women experience a doubled incidence of CVD related deaths, while angina, heart failure and stroke are increasingly prevalent in females. About 20–25% of women go through depression during their life, and depressive symptoms have been considered a relevant emergent, non-traditional risk factor for CVD in this part of the general population. Underlying mechanisms explaining the link between depression and CVD may range from behavioral to biological risk factors, including sympathetic nervous system hyperactivity and impairment in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal function. However, the neuroendocrine-driven background could only partially explain the differences mentioned above for chronic systemic inflammation, altered hemostasis and modulation of cardiac autonomic control. In addition, some evidence also suggests the existence of gender-specific differences in biological responses to mental stress. Given these premises, we here summarize the current knowledge about depression and CVD relationship in women, highlighting the sex differences in physiopathology, clinical presentation and treatments
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