65 research outputs found

    Histórias contadas no feminino em três romances de Jane Urquhart

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    Mestrado em Estudos InglesesAssistiu-se nas últimas décadas do século XX a um assinalável ressurgimento da ficção histórica, um interessante fenómeno que se estendeu a várias literaturas (da anglo-saxónica à latino-americana) e que devolveu a este género literário o prestígio e a relevância de que tinha gozado quando, no século XIX, Walter Scott lhe deu forma. Este interesse da literatura pela história e pelo passado foi acompanhado por intenso trabalho teórico desenvolvido sob a influência do pós-modernismo, pós-colonialismo e do movimento feminista acerca do processo de escrita da história, tendo-se salientado a forma como têm sido tradicionalmente excluídos da historiografia oficial grupos sociais desprovidos de poder e de influência política: as mulheres, as minorias étnicas, as classes trabalhadoras e os povos colonizados. O presente trabalho irá debruçar-se sobre esta temática, abordando, numa primeira parte, as questões de natureza teórica que problematizam a escrita da história e a sua relação com a literatura e, numa segunda parte, irá analisar três romances históricos da escritora canadiana Jane Urquhart que dão voz a grupos usualmente marginalizados pelas versões oficiais da história: imigrantes, trabalhadores e, sobretudo, mulheres.The last decades of the twentieth century witnessed a great revival of historical fiction, an interesting phenomenon stretching across literatures as diverse as, for example, the Anglo-Saxon or the Latin-American one, and which restored the prestige and prominence this literary genre had enjoyed when Walter Scott gave it shape in the nineteenth century. Contemporary literature’s interest in the past and in history has been paralleled by an intensive theoretical work, carried out under the influence of postmodernism, postcolonialism and feminism, focusing on the writing of history and exposing the exclusion of powerless, marginalised social groups from official historiography: women, ethnic minorities, the working classes and colonised peoples. This dissertation will deal with these issues, focusing in part I on the theoretical discussions which problematise historical representation and history’s relation with literature; in part II it will analyse three historical novels by Canadian author Jane Urquhart which foreground groups traditionally kept out of the historical record: immigrants, workers and, above all, women

    Capabilities exchange through business interaction: An empirical investigation of a client-IT supplier relationship

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    This article focuses on the opportunities for capabilities exchange within a specific business-to-business context: the relationship between a client and an information technology (IT) supplier. Research on the features of this type of relationship, although fairly extensive, has focused on IT implementation issues, relationship between IT resources, organisation performance and competitive advantage, IT outsourcing relationships and definition of IT capabilities. However, our understanding of the context where IT capabilities are exchanged within consultancy projects and how this exchange emerges is rather limited. The paper aims to bridge this gap by adopting the Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) group's interaction approach as a tool for conducting an in-depth investigation of a case study to analyse the context, the parties and the interactions through which IT capabilities are exchanged. The research reveals that interpersonal relationships between users and consultants within consultancy projects are crucial to establish a long-lasting and stable relationship. As a result, during consultancy projects IT-related resources, in the form of IT physical infrastructures, human IT resources and IT intangible resources are exchanged and combined to create or enhance IT capabilities. Furthermore, we also claim that the success of such an exchange depends very much on the degree of social and interpersonal exchange

    The effect of marketing messages on changing behaviour disorders

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    Behaviour disorders such as over-eating and smoking have been a constant debate in many societies throughout the years, being prejudicial not only for the individuals’ health but also resulting in heavy burdens on the society. Consequently, regulators and public authorities have been trying to implement warning messages that can guide consumers to stop embracing such behaviour disorders. Hence, the main purpose is to understand how public regulators can more effectively use different messages’ framing to address different behaviour scenarios, which ultimately will decrease the effect these disorders have on society. Additionally, there is also the goal to understand if there are any differences between consumers’ characteristics, as low and high self-regulated consumers, understanding which message frame is more effective among both types. With these objectives in mind, six in-depth interviews and an online experimental study was used to reach insightful results. The main conclusions taken from the present study indicate that smoking disorder is considered as an addictive behaviour, and that a loss-framed message would work best on prevention warnings and a gain-framed message in medical detection warnings. Furthermore, high self-regulated smokers tend to be less influenced by these warnings, due to their intrinsic self-control. Smokers knowingly keep smoking, not being motivated to quit, preferring to endure in medical examinations to monitor health. Contrarily, overweight consumers do not consider over-eating as an addictive behaviour, believing to be able to lose the excess weight at any time. Hence, framing conditions do not influence their behaviour like in the smoking disorder.Vícios comportamentais como obesidade e tabaco são um debate recorrente na sociedade. Estes comportamentos são prejudiciais não só para a saúde dos consumidores, como acarretam consequências para a sociedade. Autoridades reguladoras têm feito esforços para desenvolver e implementar mensagens que orientem consumidores a cessar estes comportamentos. Assim, este estudo tem como objetivo entender como utilizar diferentes tipos de mensagens, de forma a controlar vícios comportamentais, procurando diminuir os seus efeitos nefastos na sociedade. Adicionalmente, é relevante entender se existe alguma diferença entre caraterísticas pessoais dos consumidores, mais concretamente entre consumidores com baixo e alto controlo pessoal. Tendo em vista estes objetivos, foram realizadas seis entrevistas e um questionário, de forma a produzir um conjunto de resultados mais detalhado. Em conclusão, verificou-se que fumar é aceite como um vicio, onde uma mensagem formulada em termos de perda funcionará melhor na prevenção do comportamento, enquanto que mensagens formuladas em termos de ganhos funcionarão melhor na detecção de doenças. Como esperado, consumidores com um elevado nível de controlo são menos influenciados por este tipo de mensagens, não se verificando o acima descrito. Os fumadores mantêm o seu comportamento, conscientes das implicações na sua saúde, preferindo fazer exames médicos a parar de fumar. Contrariamente, consumidores com excesso de peso não consideram comer demais como um vicio, acreditando que conseguem perder o excesso de peso a qualquer momento. Estes consumidores têm mais motivação para perder peso do que fazer exames médicos, pelo que os diferentes tipos de mensagens estudados não influenciam o seu comportamento

    The power of CSR and its implications on employees’ satisfaction, motivation and happiness at work : the case of Starbucks

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    Starbucks is an American company created in 1971, in Seattle. Starbucks is “(…) not just passionate purveyors of coffee, but everything else that goes with a full and rewarding coffeehouse experience.”1 Starbucks also offers “a selection of premium teas, fine pastries and other delectable treats to please the taste buds. (…)”2. Starbucks’ stores are strategically located near the neighborhoods for meeting friends and family. Thus, the company has been creating a strong customer relationship management (CRM), integrating communication with customers and this way developing long term relationships with them. This continuous work on CRM raised customers’ awareness of the company’s environmental and social responsibility by sourcing ethically and sustainably, creating opportunities, leading in green retail3 and encouraging service and citizenship.4 The aim of this dissertation is to have a greater focus on Corporate Social Responsibility, developing a deeper knowledge on employees perceived responsibility of the company, its mission and values, and how the involvement on social and environmental causes can boost their motivation, commitment and happiness at work.Starbucks é uma empresa Americana criada em 1971, em Seattle. Na Starbucks “...café e bebidas com café de forma entusiasta assim como (...) uma experiência gratificante e única.” Para além do café, a empresa tem disponível “...uma seleção de chás (...), pastelaria variada americana e portuguesa assim como outras surpresas deliciosas.”5 As lojas Starbucks estão estrategicamente localizadas perto de zonas onde seja comum o encontro entre famílias e amigos. Assim, a empresa tem vindo a criar uma forte gestão de relação com o cliente, apostando na comunicação com os consumidores e, deste modo, desenvolvendo relações de longa duração com os mesmos. Este trabalho contínuo tem feito com que os consumidores reconheçam que a empresa cumpre as suas responsabilidades sociais e ambientais, apostando no ambiente, comunidade, cultivo e compra ética e responsável, e diversidade.6 O principal objetivo desta dissertação consiste num maior foco na Responsabilidade Social Corporativa, a perceção da mesma, da sua missão e valores na perspetiva dos colaboradores, e de que modo é que as iniciativas e participação em causas sociais e ambientais impulsionam a motivação, empenho e felicidade dos colaboradores no trabalho

    Spirituality in Agri-food sector: a complementary vision of slow food principles

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    The goal of this paper is to develop a better understanding on the potential to recognise a fourth principle encompassed by the slow food movement – agri-food philosophy – supported in three factors: spirituality, socialization, and knowledge. Twenty-four national experts from business, administration and academic backgrounds have contributed their thoughts over three rounds: the first round was to auto-evaluate the degree of knowledge and the contributions of each expert, improving the design of the final questionnaire, which was answered in two successive rounds in a set of 105 statements. Statistical measures (arithmetic mean, standard deviation and coefficient of variation) were used. The results allowed to predict that until 2027 for the new principle purposed – Philosophical Dimension, the value of food will involve, the "training of taste" and the "wise gourmand" of food traditions and artisans. This scenario can occur in (89.4%) as a Socialization factor.On the other hand, based on the spirituality factor, the experts panel states that food associated with physical exercise and meditation will be, in 2027, the most important axes for achieving harmony of being. It will be a trend with the possibility of occurring around 82.8%.In contrast, one of the trends pointed out by the expert panel is that the food purchase decision will be based on individual beliefs. This trend has an 80.4% probability of occurring.Additionally, in 2027, the several forms of human sensations (e.g., smell, taste, vision) will influenced the perception of food consumption. This trend has an 76.5% probability of occurring.As a result of the knowledge factor, it was concluded that a standard of conduct assumed by all stakeholders will be possible based on full transparency (from raw materials to consumption) and access to true information. This trend can occur in 88.9%

    Promoção do raciocínio matemático com recurso a applets: um estudo de caso no 2º ciclo do ensino básico

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    Mestrado em Ensino do 1º e 2º Ciclos do Ensino BásicoNos últimos anos, temos assistido a um desenvolvimento cada vez mais acelerado das Novas Tecnologias, provocando alterações profundas no nosso dia-a-dia e nas mais diversas áreas. No que diz respeito ao ensino, mais concretamente ao ensino da Matemática, as novas tecnologias são vistas por muitos investigadores como uma porta para a inovação. Todavia, existe a importância de que no ensino de matemática sejam desenvolvidas capacidades matemáticas, como por exemplo, o raciocínio hipotético-dedutivo, ou seja, o raciocínio matemático (RM). Assim, aliaram-se as novas tecnologias, nomeadamente as applets, às capacidades de raciocínio matemático, de forma a desenvolver atividades matemáticas em situação de aulas de apoio ao estudo. O estudo insere-se numa abordagem qualitativa seguindo um design de estudo de caso, sendo o caso, um grupo de alunos do 6.º ano de escolaridade no 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Para recolher os dados, recorreu-se a vários instrumentos: i) testes, ii) diário do investigador, iii) a instrumentos de análise das produções escritas dos alunos e iv) questionários. Os resultados obtidos indicam que as atividades matemáticas, com foco na exploração de applets e visando o raciocínio matemático, contribuíram para o desenvolvimento/mobilização de capacidades de raciocínio matemático e conhecimentos matemáticos no âmbito de Geometria e Medidas. Os alunos afirmam que gostaram de realizar as atividades propostas, classificando-as como desafiantes, divertidas e motivadorasIn recent years, we have witnessed an accelerated development of new technologies, provoking profound changes in our day-to-day and in the most different areas. With regard to teaching, more specifically the teaching of Mathematics, new technologies are seen by many researchers as a door to innovation in this field. However, it is important that in process of teaching mathematics, mathematical skills are developed, such as hypothetical-deductive reasoning, that is, mathematical reasoning. Thus, the new technologies, namely the applets, were combined with the mathematical reasoning abilities, in order to develop mathematical activities in a teaching environment. The study is part of a qualitative approach following a case study design, being the case, a group of students of the 6th year of schooling in the 2nd cycle of Basic Education. In order to collect the data, several instruments were used: i) test, ii) the diary of the researcher, iii) the instruments for analyzing the written productions of the students, and iv) the questionnaires. The results show that mathematical activities, focusing on the exploration of applets and aiming at mathematical reasoning, contributed to the development / mobilization of mathematical reasoning capacities and mathematical knowledge in the subjects of Geometry and Measures. Students say they enjoy carrying out the proposed activities, classifying them as challenging, fun and motivating

    Tratamento da Má Oclusão de Classe II com Aparelhos Funcionais

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    Neste relatório pretende-se evidenciar através de um caso clínico, o tratamento de uma Classe II com retrusão mandibular, deglutição atípica e interposição do lábio inferior, onde o paciente foi acompanhado desde da fase de dentição mista até à fase de dentição permanente. Para o tratamento precoce desta má oclusão foi utilizado um aparelho funcional removível tipo Sanders e um Trainer for kids, que se relevelaram de grande importância no tratamento desta má oclusão de Classe II divisão I de Angle

    Estágio no gabinete Areabranca

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    O presente documento apresenta o relatório de estágio curricular, realizado no gabinete de Arquitetura e Design de Interiores Areabranca, em Santa Maria da Feira, como meio de conclusão do Mestrado de Design de Interiores e Mobiliário, da Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas, do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco. Ao longo do documento, irá observar-se diversos benefícios provenientes da realização do estágio, e com este, a interligação dos conhecimentos adquiridos no percurso académico com os adquiridos no gabinete, retirando o máximo da experiência prática no mercado de trabalho. São abordados a maioria dos projetos desenvolvidos, desde setembro de 2020 a março de 2021, assim como as tarefas realizadas, nomeadamente o conteúdo para redes sociais, reuniões com clientes e fornecedores, levantamentos, desenhos técnicos de interiores e mobiliário, design de interiores e mobiliário, modelação 3D, fichas técnicas, orçamentos e execuções de projeto. Fatores como a compreensão e adaptação à metodologia e mecanismo da empresa foram essenciais para houvesse total integração, não só na empresa, como nas diversas fases projetuais, para que fosse possível conseguir participar em todas, de forma a compreender as diferentes etapas pela qual um projeto passa segundo o método do gabinete. A comunicação e interação com clientes, assim como fornecedores foi também bastante importante, melhorando a capacidade de argumentação de projeto, face a um cliente, fundamentando as escolhas, não só ao nível estético como funcional. As reuniões com os fornecedores alargaram bastante a visão, podendo conhecer as tendências, os novos materiais e conhecer melhor os produtos que a empresa vende Todo o estágio trouxe benefícios, mas aprender a lidar com limites orçamentais foi essencial, algo que não foi muito explorado academicamente e por isso teve um impacto de aprendizagem muito maior, sendo visível, ao longo dos meses de estágio, a evolução a perceção e visualização do custo de um projeto É também de destacar a relação de proximidade que foi criada com os membros da equipa, que desde o início foram excecionais e a quem tenho de agradecer, principalmente às arquitetas fundadoras que possibilitaram a realização do estágio. Assim, com a finalização do estágio é possível afirmar que todos os objetivos delimitados anteriormente foram concluídos com sucesso e que toda a realização do estágio, o que com ele foi aprendido e desenvolvido permitiu uma evolução exponencial tanto a nível pessoal como profissional.Abstract : This document presents the internship report, held at of Architecture and Interior Design office Areabranca, in Santa Maria da Feira, as a means of completion of the master of Interior Design and Furniture, the School of Applied Arts, the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco. Throughout the document you will aknowledge the several benefits that accrue from the completion of the internship, and with this, the interconnection of knowledge acquired in the academic path with those acquired in the office, taking the maximum of practical experience in the labor market. Most of the projects developed from September to March are discussed here, as well as the tasks carried out, namely content for social networks, meetings with customers and suppliers, surveys, technical drawings of interiors and furniture, interior and furniture design, 3D modeling, technical sheets, budgets and project executions. Factors such as understanding and adapting to the methodology and mechanism of the company were essential for there to be total integration, not only in the company, but also in the various project phases, so that it was possible to participate in all of them, in order to understand the different stages through which a project goes according to the office method. Communication and interaction with clients, as well as suppliers, was also very important, improving the ability to argue a project with a client, justifying the choices, not only at the aesthetic but also at the functional level. The meetings with suppliers broadened a lot the vision, being able to know the trends, the new materials and know better the products that the company sells Everything about the internship brought benefits, but learning to deal with budget limits was essential, something that was not much explored academically and therefore had a much greater learning impact, being visible, over the months of internship, the evolution in the perception and visualization of the cost of a project It is also worth mentioning the close relationship that was created with the team members, who were exceptional from the beginning and to whom I have to thank, especially the founding architects who made the internship possible. Thus, with the completion of the internship it is possible to say that all the objectives outlined above were successfully completed and that the entire realization of the internship, what was learned and developed with it allowed an exponential evolution both personally and professionally

    Academic background as an influencing factor in the Gen Y’s sustainable consumption habits

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    The main goal of this paper is to understand if a different academic background can have an influence in the Millennials’ perceptions regarding sustainability and their ‘green’ consumption habits of footwear in Portugal. The research method will be through the analysis of two focus groups, one with marketing students and other with fashion students. The analysis of the focus groups allows a better understanding between the gap of what Millennials think about sustainability and how they perceive it, with their actual consumption habits regarding footwear. In order to design a solid focus group, some influencing factors were selected from the literature review and will be further subject of analysis: Consumption habit; Economic availability; Physical availability; Personal benefits; Consumer consciousness and Personal perceived importance.This work is financed by FEDER funds through the Competitivity Factors Operational Programme - COMPETE and by national funds through FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology within the scope of the project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007136info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Millennials: is ‘green’ your colour ?

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    Millennials are defined as the group of people born between 1980 and 2000 and maintain a positive attitude in relation to sustainability. However, there is a contradiction between how Millennials think and act when it comes to sustainable consumption. It is interesting to determine which factors can influence their sustainable attitude and behaviour, and those influences can be personal and situational. Six different factors were selected from the literature review and were subject of analysis. The research method will be through three different focus groups with Millennial participants. After the analysis of the focus groups it was possible to understand that Millennials show a very positive attitude towards sustainability but this attitude is not translated in ‘green’ footwear purchasing behaviour.This work is financed by FEDER funds through the Competitivity Factors Operational Programme - COMPETE and by national funds through FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology within the scope of the project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007136info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio