47 research outputs found

    Current‐voltage curves of bipolar membranes

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    Bipolar membranes consist of a layered ion‐exchange structure composed of a cation selective membrane joined to an anion selective membrane. They are analogous to semiconductor p‐n devices as both of them present current‐voltage curves exhibiting similar rectification properties. In this article, we present some current‐voltage curves obtained for different bipolar membranes at several temperatures. The results can be interpreted in terms of a simple model for ion transport and field‐enhanced water dissociation previously developed. The mechanism responsible for water splitting is assumed to be a catalytic proton transfer reaction between the charged groups and the water at the membrane interface. The effects of temperature are taken into account by introducing an Arrhenius‐type relationship for the dependence of the forward rate constant of the reaction on temperature. Finally, comparison between theory and experiments provides reasonable values for the parameters introduced in the theoretical model. The analysis aims at developing a better physical understanding of a process in which chemical reactions and transport phenomena are coupled in such a way that the potential technological applications depend strongly on this [email protected]

    Perceived value of advanced mobile messaging services: A cross-cultural comparison of Greek and Spanish users

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyse the role of perceived value on post-acceptance behaviour for users of advanced mobile messaging services (AMMS). The paper also compares differences in the influence of perceived value on satisfaction and of satisfaction on loyalty to AMMS in Spain and Greece, to test the moderating effect of culture. Design/methodology/approach Partial least squares path modelling is used to test the model. Perceived value is modelled as a multidimensional reflective construct with four dimensions. Culture is studied at a national level. Differences between countries are tested using the multigroup analysis approach proposed by Henseler et al. (2009). Findings Perceived value contributes significantly to satisfaction. Satisfaction also has a significant effect on loyalty. Regarding the moderating effect of culture, the influence of perceived value on satisfaction is higher in Greece than in Spain. The authors report similar findings for the effect of satisfaction on loyalty, demonstrating the relevant moderating role of cultures with different degrees of masculinity, uncertainty avoidance and collectivism. Practical implications This cross-cultural comparison enables mobile phone companies to understand how to provide the greatest value with AMMS in each country in order to increase user satisfaction and loyalty to the service. Originality/value This is one of the first studies that develops cross-cultural research to analyse the post-acceptance of mobile services. It analyses the effect of perceived value and satisfaction, making an original comparison of two countries generally considered too similar to be compared

    Synchronization of coupled single-electron circuits based on nanoparticles and tunneling junctions

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    We explore theoretically the synchronization properties of a device composed of coupled single-electron circuits whose building blocks are nanoparticles interconnected with tunneling junctions. Elementary nanoscillators can be achieved by a single-electron tunneling cell where the relaxation oscillation is induced by the tunneling. We develop a model to describe the synchronization of the nanoscillators and present sample calculations to demonstrate that the idea is feasible and could readily find applications. Instead of considering a particular system, we analyze the general properties of the device making use of an ideal model that emphasizes the essential characteristics of the concept. We define an order parameter for the system as a whole and demonstrate phase synchronization for sufficiently high values of the coupling [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

    Universal restrictions to the conversion of heat into work derived from the analysis of the Nernst theorem as a uniform limit

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    We revisit the relationship between the Nernst theorem and the Kelvin-Planck statement of the second law. We propose that the exchange of entropy uniformly vanishes as the temperature goes to zero. The analysis of this assumption shows that is equivalent to the fact that the compensation of a Carnot engine scales with the absorbed heat so that the Nernst theorem should be embedded in the statement of the second law. ----- Se analiza la relaci{\'o}n entre el teorema de Nernst y el enunciado de Kelvin-Planck del segundo principio de la termodin{\'a}mica. Se{\~n}alamos el hecho de que el cambio de entrop{\'\i}a tiende uniformemente a cero cuando la temperatura tiende a cero. El an{\'a}lisis de esta hip{\'o}tesis muestra que es equivalente al hecho de que la compensaci{\'o}n de una m{\'a}quina de Carnot escala con el calor absorbido del foco caliente, de forma que el teorema de Nernst puede derivarse del enunciado del segundo principio.Comment: 8pp, 4 ff. Original in english. Also available translation into spanish. Twocolumn format. RevTe

    On-line tools to improve the presentation skills of scientific results

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    [EN] In experimental sciences and engineering it is essential to communicate and present the results effectively. The authors have participated in several educational innovation projects since 2016, aimed at developing of materials to improve the communication skills of scientific results. An exhaustive and updated compilation of the international rules that constitute the basis for the writted and oral scientific presentations was carried out. The good teaching practices in these fields were also identified. The results of those previous projects have shown the need to incorporate web questionnaires and other interactive content into the educational program. These are adapted to the demands of the students and provide a training feeback. In this contribution, the new materials that are being developed within the innovation project UV-SFPIE_PID19-1096780, funded by the University of Valencia, are presented. They are devoted to facilitate the acquisition of communication skills of scientific results. In particular, these tools combine ICT self-learning environments with traditional classroom teaching (blended learning). The project methodology includes educational data mining aimed at identifying the most effective materials and activities to achieve its objectives. The aim of these mixed learning tools is to facilitate the acquisition by the students of the necessary skills of oral and written communication, improve their presentation skills and, consequently, also their employability as university graduates.This work has been supported by the University of Valencia through project SFPIE_PID19-1096780.Campos-Taberner, M.; Gilabert, M.; Manzanares, J.; Mafé, S.; Cervera, J.; García-Haro, F.; Martínez, B.... (2020). On-line tools to improve the presentation skills of scientific results. IATED. 4907-4910. https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2020.1342S4907491

    Notes on the Third Law of Thermodynamics.I

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    We analyze some aspects of the third law of thermodynamics. We first review both the entropic version (N) and the unattainability version (U) and the relation occurring between them. Then, we heuristically interpret (N) as a continuity boundary condition for thermodynamics at the boundary T=0 of the thermodynamic domain. On a rigorous mathematical footing, we discuss the third law both in Carath\'eodory's approach and in Gibbs' one. Carath\'eodory's approach is fundamental in order to understand the nature of the surface T=0. In fact, in this approach, under suitable mathematical conditions, T=0 appears as a leaf of the foliation of the thermodynamic manifold associated with the non-singular integrable Pfaffian form ÎŽQrev\delta Q_{rev}. Being a leaf, it cannot intersect any other leaf S=S= const. of the foliation. We show that (N) is equivalent to the requirement that T=0 is a leaf. In Gibbs' approach, the peculiar nature of T=0 appears to be less evident because the existence of the entropy is a postulate; nevertheless, it is still possible to conclude that the lowest value of the entropy has to belong to the boundary of the convex set where the function is defined.Comment: 29 pages, 2 figures; RevTex fil

    A Simple Model for Ac Impedance Spectra in Bipolar Membranes

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