186 research outputs found

    Impacto do Trauma Relacional Precoce nos Processos Psíquicos em Famílias Vulneráveis: Implicações para o Tratamento de Crianças e Famílias

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    Numerous works and clinical research conducted in various institutions have cast fresh light on the notion of trauma and have contributed to the emergence of the concept of early relational trauma. Early relational trauma is a form of trauma rendered complex by the multiplicity of its sources and its modes of expression. Its main features are often attachment and acting-out disturbances. In families where such trauma occurs, links could sometimes be perverted and form a narcissistic configuration. This mode of functioning, organized around negativity, impacts the plurality of psychic processes and interferes with the treatment approaches of multidisciplinary teams. In order to promote a multifocal approach to care tailored to differences in situations, educational and socio-judicial practitioners.Inúmeros trabalhos e pesquisas clínicas realizados em diversas instituições trouxeram à luz a noção de trauma e contribuíram para o surgimento do conceito de trauma relacional precoce. O trauma relacional precoce é uma forma de trauma complexo pela multiplicidade de suas fontes e seus modos de expressão. Suas principais características são frequentemente distúrbios de apego e atuação. Nas famílias onde ocorre tal trauma que às vezes pode ser pervertido em configurações narcísicas, esse modo de funcionamento organizado em torno da negatividade impacta a pluralidade do psíquico e interfere nas abordagens de tratamento das equipes multidisciplinares. Para promover uma abordagem multifocal de cuidados adaptados às diferenças de situações, profissionais de educação e sócio judiciais

    Aqueous Processes and Microbial Habitability of Gale Crater Sediments from the Blunts Point to the Glenn Torridon Clay Unit

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    A driving factor for sending the Mars Science Laboratory, Curiosity rover to Gale Crater was the orbital detection of clay minerals in the Glen Torridon (GT) clay unit. Clay mineral detections in GT suggested a past aqueous environment that was habitable, and could contain organic evidence of past microbiology. The mission of the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument onboard Curiosity was to detect organic evidence of past microbiology and to detect volatile bearing mineralogy that can inform on whether past geochemical conditions would have supported microbiological activity. The objective of this work was to 1) evaluate the depositional/alteration conditions of Blunts Point (BP) to GT sediments 2) search for evidence of organics, and 3) evaluate microbial habitability in the BP, Vera Rubin Ridge (VRR), and GT sedimentary rock

    Federal Judicial Selection

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    “The First Two Centuries”: The first panel explored the provisions that the drafters made in the United States Constitution for federal judicial selection and traced the two-century history of the selection process following the constitution\u27s adoption. The panel consisted of Charles Cooper, Esq. of Cooper & Kirk PLLC; Gary L. McDowell, Haynes Professor of Leadership Studies and Political Science at the University of Richmond’s Jepson School of Leadership Studies; and Ms. Maeva Marcus, of the United States Supreme Court Historical Society. Rodney A. Smolla, the George E. Allen Chair in Law, served as program coordinator and moderator. “Modern Federal Judicial Selection”: The second panel explored modern federal judicial selection, tracing the selection process over the last two decades and analyzing how it has grown increasingly contentious. The panel consisted of Theresa M. Beiner, of the William H. Bowen School of Law at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock; Sheldon Goldman, Department of Political Science University of Massachusetts; Judge Edith Jones, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit; and William P. Marshall, the Kenan Professor of Law University of North Carolina School of Law. Carl W. Tobias, Williams Professor of Law at the University of Richmond School of Law, served as moderator. “The Prospects of Reform”: The third panel explored numerous suggestions for remedying or ameliorating the difficulties that pervade modern federal judicial selection and the prospects for these measures\u27 success. The panel consisted of Terry Eastland, Publisher of The Weekly Standard; Michael Gerhardt, Hanson Professor of Law at the Marshall-Wythe School of Law, College of William and Mary; and Sanford V. Levinson, The W. St. John Garwood Centennial Chair in Law and Professor of Government at the University of Texas School of Law. Gary L. McDowell, the Haynes Professor of Leadership Studies and Political Science at the University of Richmond’s Jepson School of Leadership Studies, served as moderator

    (New) Bulgarian Enlighteners and Ambassadors? The Reinvention of National Identity in Times of Crisis

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    Drawing on empirical data from 37 Bulgarian students and young professionals in the UK, this article explores the intersection of the discourses produced by the European crises and migrants' national identity. In Bulgaria, the crisis narrative is embedded in the arguably never‐ending democratic transition, manifested in socio‐economic instability and political volatility. Simultaneously, “Brexit Britain” is enveloped in strong Eurosceptic sentiments, propelled by a combination of austerity measures and intensified Eastern European migratory flows. Both contexts subject Bulgarian migrants to stigmatizing representations. Looking at migrants' everyday practices, the data reveals that young Bulgarians draw on the related ideas of the “new” Enlightener and Ambassador to counterbalance negative discourses. Thus, the article explores the meanings and significance attributed to the Enlighteners and the Ambassadors, arguing that the participants engage in “social creativity” and “individual mobility” strategies that lead to reinvention of national identity

    Bullying y rendimiento académico de los alumnos de educación secundaria de la I:E Santa Rosa de Lima Cabracancha- Chota 2015

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    El estudio titulado “Bullying y rendimiento académico de los alumnos de educación secundaria de la I. E. Santa Rosa de Lima Cabracancha – Chota, 2015” tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre bullying y rendimiento académico de los alumnos de educación secundaria. Estudio de enfoque cuantitativa, de tipo descriptiva, no experimental, diseño transversal y correlacional. La muestra estuvo conformada por 97 alumnos. Se utilizó un cuestionario de 12 preguntas sobre las características socioeconómicas y familiares, la escala índice global del bullying de Chávez, C y Delgado, F. (2013) y ficha de rendimiento académico. Como resultados tenemos que los alumnos se encuentran entre la edad de 12 a 14 años (47,4%), predominando las mujeres con el 52,6%, los grados de estudios con más altos porcentajes están primero, segundo y tercero con 22,7% respectivamente, el 44,3%, proceden del caserío de Cabracancha, pertenece a la religión católica (88,7%) y provienen de familias nucleares (73,2%), el 73,2% de los padres son casados, el 67% se dedican a la agricultura y tienen primaria incompleta (48,5%). En cuanto a las madres de los alumnos el 95,9% son amas de casa, el 50,5% tienen grado de instrucción primaria incompleta; el 68% de las familias cuentan con ingreso económico mensual menor de 750 soles. En cuanto al bullying el 99% sufren de bullying medio, el 1% sufre de bullying alto. Respecto al rendimiento académico el 39,2% se encontró en la categoría medio y el 1,0% en deficiente. Estos resultados permitieron contrastar la hipótesis nula que no existe relación entre el bullying y el rendimiento académico a un nivel de significancia del 5% con un valor p = 0.581. Se concluye que existe la presencia de bullying pero no hay relación con el rendimiento académico.Tesi

    Evolutionarily diverse origins of deformed wing viruses in western honey bees

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    Novel transmission routes can allow infectious diseases to spread, often with devastating consequences. Ectoparasitic varroa mites vector a diversity of RNA viruses, having switched hosts from the eastern to western honey bees (Apis cerana to Apis mellifera). They provide an opportunity to explore how novel transmission routes shape disease epidemiology. As the principal driver of the spread of deformed wing viruses (mainly DWV-A and DWV-B), varroa infestation has also driven global honey bee health declines. The more virulent DWV-B strain has been replacing the original DWV-A strain in many regions over the past two decades. Yet, how these viruses originated and spread remains poorly understood. Here, we use a phylogeographic analysis based on whole-genome data to reconstruct the origins and demography of DWV spread. We found that, rather than reemerging in western honey bees after varroa switched hosts, as suggested by previous work, DWV-A most likely originated in East Asia and spread in the mid-20th century. It also showed a massive population size expansion following the varroa host switch. By contrast, DWV-B was most likely acquired more recently from a source outside East Asia and appears absent from the original varroa host. These results highlight the dynamic nature of viral adaptation, whereby a vector's host switch can give rise to competing and increasingly virulent disease pandemics. The evolutionary novelty and rapid global spread of these host-virus interactions, together with observed spillover into other species, illustrate how increasing globalization poses urgent threats to biodiversity and food security

    Effects of Hormone Agonists on Sf9 Cells, Proliferation and Cell Cycle Arrest

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    Methoxyfenozide and methoprene are two insecticides that mimic the action of the main hormones involved in the control of insect growth and development, 20-hydroxyecdysone and juvenile hormone. We investigated their effect on the Spodoptera frugiperda Sf9 cell line. Methoxyfenozide was more toxic than methoprene in cell viability tests and more potent in the inhibition of cellular proliferation. Cell growth arrest occurred in the G2/M phase after a methoprene treatment and more modestly in G1 after methoxyfenozide treatment. Microarray experiments and real-time quantitative PCR to follow the expression of nuclear receptors ultraspiracle and ecdysone receptor were performed to understand the molecular action of these hormone agonists. Twenty-six genes were differentially expressed after methoxyfenozide treatment and 55 genes after methoprene treatment with no gene in common between the two treatments. Our results suggest two different signalling pathways in Sf9 cells

    BMJ Open

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    Objectives Presently, those outcomes that should be prioritised for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exacerbation studies remain unclear. In order to coordinate multicentre studies on eosinophilia-driven corticosteroid therapy for patients hospitalised for acute exacerbation of COPD (AECOPD), we aimed to find consensus among experts in the domain regarding the prioritisation of outcomes. Design A modified Delphi study was proposed to recognised COPD experts. Two brainstorming questionnaires were used to collect potential outcomes. Four subsequent rounds of questionnaires were used to rank items according to a six-point Likert scale for their importance in the protocol, as well as for being the primary outcome. Priority outcome criteria were predefined as those for which ≥70% of experts indicated that the outcome was essential for interpreting study results. Setting COPD exacerbation management in France. Participants 34 experts recommended by the French Language Pulmonology Society were invited to participate. Of the latter, 21 experts participated in brainstorming, and 19 participated in all four ranking rounds. Results 105 outcomes were ranked. Two achieved consensus as candidate primary outcomes: (1) treatment failure defined as death from any cause or the need for intubation and mechanical ventilation, readmission because of COPD or intensification of pharmacologic therapy, and (2) the time required to meet predefined discharge criteria. The 10 secondary priority outcomes included survival, time with no sign of improvement, episodes of hospitalisation, exacerbation, pneumonia, mechanical or non-invasive ventilation and oxygen use, as well as comorbidities during the initial hospitalisation. Conclusions This Delphi consensus project generated and prioritised a great many outcomes, documenting current expert views concerning a diversity of COPD endpoints. Among the latter, 12 reached consensus as priority outcomes for evaluating the efficacy of eosinophil-driven corticosteroid therapy in AECOPD inpatients