15 research outputs found

    Variabilit? genetica in popolazioni di Tortrix viridana L. (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) associate alle diverse querce della Sardegna

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    A preliminary analysis of COI and COII gene variability was carried out in Sardinian populations of Tortrix viridana. The aim of the study was to investigate the genetic structure and mitochondrial haplotype variation in populations associated with deciduous (Quercus pubescens) and evergreen (Q. suber and Q ilex) oaks. Forty-four haplotypes out of 87 individuals were found: three haplotypes showed a high frequency (23%, 16% and 10%) and were largely shared among populations. Hierarchical AMOVA showed no significant differentiation grouping populations for geographic areas or oak species, in spite of significant divergences structuring populations for different duration in egg development (early- vs late-hatching). However a high haplotype diversity and a low nucleotide diversity have been observed

    Application of a new method for GWAS in a related case/control sample with known pedigree structure: identification of new loci for nephrolithiasis

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    In contrast to large GWA studies based on thousands of individuals and large meta-analyses combining GWAS results, we analyzed a small case/control sample for uric acid nephrolithiasis. Our cohort of closely related individuals is derived from a small, genetically isolated village in Sardinia, with well-characterized genealogical data linking the extant population up to the 16(th) century. It is expected that the number of risk alleles involved in complex disorders is smaller in isolated founder populations than in more diverse populations, and the power to detect association with complex traits may be increased when related, homogeneous affected individuals are selected, as they are more likely to be enriched with and share specific risk variants than are unrelated, affected individuals from the general population. When related individuals are included in an association study, correlations among relatives must be accurately taken into account to ensure validity of the results. A recently proposed association method uses an empirical genotypic covariance matrix estimated from genome-screen data to allow for additional population structure and cryptic relatedness that may not be captured by the genealogical data. We apply the method to our data, and we also investigate the properties of the method, as well as other association methods, in our highly inbred population, as previous applications were to outbred samples. The more promising regions identified in our initial study in the genetic isolate were then further investigated in an independent sample collected from the Italian population. Among the loci that showed association in this study, we observed evidence of a possible involvement of the region encompassing the gene LRRC16A, already associated to serum uric acid levels in a large meta-analysis of 14 GWAS, suggesting that this locus might lead a pathway for uric acid metabolism that may be involved in gout as well as in nephrolithiasis

    Vanadium affects vacuolation and phosphate metabolism in <i>Hansenula polymorpha</i>

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    The yeast Hansenula polymorpha is able to grow on vanadate concentrations that are toxic to other organisms. Transmission electron microscopy analysis showed that H. polymorpha cells growing on a vanadate-containing medium undergo a significant increase in cell vacuolation and a thickening of the cell wall; the presence of small cytoplasmic vesicles and an increase in cristae at the level of the plasma membrane were also observed. These ultrastructural modifications were accompanied by a change in the intracellular polyphosphate level, as shown by in vivo 31P-NMR. The involvement of these observed changes in vanadium detoxification is discussed

    Archival, demographic and genetic studies define a Sardinian sub-isolate as a suitable model for mapping complex traits

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    Genetic isolates represent exceptional resources for the mapping of complex traits but not all isolates are similar. We have selected a genetic and cultural isolate, the village of Talana from an isolated area of Sardinia, and propose that this population is suitable for the mapping of complex traits. A wealth of historical and archive data allowed the reconstruction of the demographic and genealogical history of the village. Key features of the population, which has grown slowly with no significant immigration, were defined by using a combination of historical, demographic and genetic studies. The genealogy of each Talana inhabitant was reconstructed and the main maternal and paternal lineages of the village were defined. Haplotype and phylogenetic analyses of the Y chromosome and characterisation of mitochondrial DNA haplogroups were used to determine the number of ancestral village founders. The extent of linkage disequilibrium (LD) was evaluated by the analysis of several microsatellites in chromosomal region Xq13.3, which was previously used to asses the extension of LD. Genealogical reconstructions were confirmed and reinforced by the genetic analyses, since some lineages were found to have merged prior to the beginning of the archival records, suggesting an even smaller number of founders than initially predicted. About 80% of the present-day population appears to derive from eight paternal and eleven maternal ancestral lineages. LD was found to span, on average, a 5-Mb region in Xq13.3. This suggests the possibility of identifying identical-by-descent regions associated with complex traits in a genome-wide search by using a low-density marker map. The present study emphasises the importance of combining genetic studies with genealogical and historical information

    A New Essential Hypertension Susceptibility Locus on Chromosome 2p24-p25, Detected by Genomewide Search

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    Essential hypertension (EH) is a complex disorder that results from the interaction of a number of susceptibility genes and environmental factors. We studied an isolated Sardinian village (Talana) in which the prevalence of hypertension is comparable to that in most Western populations. Talana exhibits features, such as slow demographic growth, high inbreeding, a low number of founders, stable lifestyle and culture, and accurate genealogical records, that make it suitable for the study of complex disorders. Clinical assessment of the entire adult population (N=∼1,000) identified ∼100 hypertensive subjects. For our study, we selected the individuals with the most-severe EH (i.e., diastolic blood pressure >100 mm Hg), belonging to a single deep-rooted pedigree (12 generations), whose common ancestors lived in the 17th century. We performed a three-stage genomewide search using 36 affected individuals, by means of parametric linkage and allele-sharing approaches. LOD scores >1 were observed on chromosomes 1, 2, 13, 15, 17, and 19 (stage I). The most striking result was found in a 7.57-cM region on chromosome 2p24-p25. All five nonparametric linkage statistics estimated by the SimWalk2 program lie above the significance threshold of P<.008 for the whole region. Similar significance was obtained for 2p24-25 when parametric linkage (LOD score 1.99) and linkage disequilibrium mapping (P=.00006) were used, suggesting that a hypertension-susceptibility locus is located between D2S2278 and D2S168. This finding is strengthened by a recent report of linkage with marker D2S168 in a hypertensive sib-pair sample from China

    Novel and recurrent <i>JAG1</i> mutations in patients with tetralogy of Fallot

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    Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) (MIM #187500) is a congenital heart disease (CHD) observed in 7–13% of individuals affected by Alagille syndrome (ALGS; MIM #118450) (1, 2), an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by abnormalities of liver, heart, skeleton, eye and distinct facial features. ALGS is predominantly caused by mutations in JAGGED1 (JAG1; MIM +601920) gene (3, 4), but individuals with JAG1 mutations may also have apparently non-syndromic cardiac disease (5–8). In this study, we used denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography to analyze for mutations the entire coding region of the JAG1 gene (RefSeq: NM_000214.2) in 112 non-syndromic patients with TOF and 11 patients with TOF and multiple anomalies in the setting of an unidentifiable syndrome

    Six Novel Loci Associated with Circulating VEGF Levels Identified by a Meta-analysis of Genome-Wide Association Studies

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    Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is an angiogenic and neurotrophic factor, secreted by endothelial cells, known to impact various physiological and disease processes from cancer to cardiovascular disease and to be pharmacologically modifiable. We sought to identify novel loci associated with circulating VEGF levels through a genome-wide association meta-analysis combining data from European-ancestry individuals and using a dense variant map from 1000 genomes imputation panel. Six discovery cohorts including 13,312 samples were analyzed, followed by in-silico and de-novo replication studies including an additional 2,800 individuals. A total of 10 genome-wide significant variants were identified at 7 loci. Four were novel loci (5q14.3, 10q21.3, 16q24.2 and 18q22.3) and the leading variants at these loci were rs114694170 (MEF2C, P = 6.79x10(-13)), rs74506613 (JMJD1C, P = 1.17x10(-19)), rs4782371 (ZFPM1, P = 1.59x10(-9)) and rs2639990 (ZADH2, P = 1.72x10(-8)), respectively. We also identified two new independent variants (rs34528081, VEGFA, P = 1.52x10(-18); rs7043199, VLDLR-AS1, P = 5.12x10(-14)) at the 3 previously identified loci and strengthened the evidence for the four previously identified SNPs (rs6921438, LOC100132354, P = 7.39x10(-1467); rs1740073, C6orf223, P = 2.34x10(-17); rs6993770, ZFPM2, P = 2.44x10(-60); rs2375981, KCNV2, P = 1.48x10(-100)). These variants collectively explained up to 52% of the VEGF phenotypic variance. We explored biological links between genes in the associated loci using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis that emphasized their roles in embryonic development and function. Gene set enrichment analysis identified the ERK5 pathway as enriched in genes containing VEGF associated variants. eQTL analysis showed, in three of the identified regions, variants acting as both cis and trans eQTLs for multiple genes. Most of these genes, as well as some of those in the associated loci, were involved in platelet biogenesis and functionality, suggesting the importance of this process in regulation of VEGF levels. This work also provided new insights into the involvement of genes implicated in various angiogenesis related pathologies in determining circulating VEGF levels. The understanding of the molecular mechanisms by which the identified genes affect circulating VEGF levels could be important in the development of novel VEGF-related therapies for such diseases