15 research outputs found

    Quantum information processing with mesoscopic photonic states

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    Experimental determination of the degree of quantum polarisation of continuous variable states

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    We demonstrate excitation-manifold resolved polarisation characterisation of continuous-variable (CV) quantum states. In contrast to traditional characterisation of polarisation that is based on the Stokes parameters, we experimentally determine the Stokes vector of each excitation manifold separately. Only for states with a given photon number does the methods coincide. For states with an indeterminate photon number, for example Gaussian states, the employed method gives a richer and more accurate description. We apply the method both in theory and in experiment to some common states to demonstrate its advantages.Comment: 5 page

    Parsing polarization squeezing into Fock layers

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    We investigate polarization squeezing in squeezed coherent states with varying coherent amplitudes. In contrast to the traditional characterization based on the full Stokes parameters, we experimentally determine the Stokes vector of each excitation subspace separately. Only for states with a fixed photon number do the methods coincide; when the photon number is indefinite, we parse the state in Fock layers, finding that substantially higher squeezing can be observed in some of the single layers. By capitalizing on the properties of the Husimi Q function, we map this notion onto the Poincaré space, providing a full account of the measured squeezing

    Experimental Demonstration of Squeezed State Quantum Averaging

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    We propose and experimentally demonstrate a universal quantum averaging process implementing the harmonic mean of quadrature variances. The harmonic mean protocol can be used to efficiently stabilize a set of fragile squeezed light sources with statistically fluctuating noise levels. The averaged variances are prepared probabilistically by means of linear optical interference and measurement induced conditioning. We verify that the implemented harmonic mean outperforms the standard arithmetic mean strategy. The effect of quantum averaging is experimentally tested both for uncorrelated and partially correlated noise sources with sub-Poissonian shot noise or super-Poissonian shot noise characteristics.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    A quantum heat machine from fast optomechanics

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    We consider a thermodynamic machine in which the working fluid is a quantized harmonic oscillator that is controlled on timescales that are much faster than the oscillator period. We find that operation in this `fast' regime allows access to a range of quantum thermodynamical behaviors that are otherwise inaccessible, including heat engine and refrigeration modes of operation, quantum squeezing, and transient cooling to temperatures below that of the cold bath. The machine involves rapid periodic squeezing operations and could potentially be constructed using pulsed optomechanical interactions. The prediction of rich behavior in the fast regime opens up new possibilities for quantum optomechanical machines and quantum thermodynamics

    Effects of activity-based workplace development and planning on organizations

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    Työssä tutkittiin toimintalähtöisen työympäristökehittämisen vaikutuksia kohdeorganisaatioihin, niiden toimintaan ja työympäristöön. Empiirinen osio toteutettiin tapaustutkimuksena kahta toteutunutta työympäristökehittämistapausta tutkimalla. Tiedonkeruu tapahtui pääasias-sa puolistrukturoiduin tutkimushaastatteluin (n=15). Lisäksi tapauksista kerättiin tietoa dokumenteista, ryhmäkeskustelusta sekä tilavarausjärjestelmästä. Haastattelu- ja ryhmäkeskustelu-aineisto litteroitiin ja teemoiteltiin. Analysoidusta tapaustutkimusaineistosta muodostettiin tapaustutkimustulokset. Teoreettiset tulokset muodostettiin niiden ja teorian synteesinä. Toimintalähtöisellä työympäristökehittämisellä on merkittäviä vaikutuksia kohdeorganisaatioissa. Ne ilmenevät organisaation toiminnan ja sen sisäisen toimintaympäristön rakenteissa sekä organisaation päivittäisessä työssä, toiminnassa, toimintatavoissa ja niiden suunnittelussa ja organisoinnissa. Ne ilmenevät reaalitodellisuuden ja yhteisöllisen todellisuuden tasoilla työn teoriakehyksen mukaisesti. Vaikutukset selittyvät (1) työympäristökehittämisen olosuhteilla, (2) työympäristökehittämisen yhteistoiminnallisella ja dialogisella organisaation kehittämisin-terventio -luonteella sekä (3) kehitetyn ja/tai säilytetyn työympäristön ohjaus- ja stabilointivaikutuksilla organisaatioon. Toimintalähtöisellä työympäristökehittämisellä on merkittävää hyötypotentiaalia organisaatiolle ja sen johtamiselle etenkin muutostarvetilanteissa. Se toimii muutoskeinona mahdollistaen organisaatiolle toiminnan kehittämistä ja muutoksia sekä olevan säilyttämistä tai vahvistamista. Se auttaa luomaan taloudellisesti kestäviä toiminta-toimitilapäätöksiä ja -ratkaisuja, luo organisaatioon muutostarveymmärrystä ja muutosvisiota, sitouttaa muutoksiin, saattaa organisaatiota muutosliikkeeseen ja auttaa tekemään muutoksista pysyviä.In the thesis, effects on organizations, their functioning and working environment caused by activity-based workplace development and planning was researched. The empirical part of the research was conducted as a case study on two real-life workplace development cases. Data was gathered mainly via semi-structured research interviews (n = 15). In addition, data was gathered from formal documentation, a group discussion and a space reservation system. The interviews and the group discussion data was transcribed and theme-tagged. Based on analysed case study data, case study results were construed. After that, theoretical results were construed based on the synthesis between literature and the case study results. Activity-based workplace development and planning have significant effects on organizations. The effects are apparent in the structures of organizations, in their functioning, daily work and practices as well as in the processes of planning and organizing. In accordance with the theoretical framework, in an organization the effects are apparent both on physical and social reality levels. The three explaining factors for the effects are (1) circumstances, (2) the nature of the workplace development like as a collaborative, dialogic OD-intervention and (3) developed workplace as a structural element that steers and stabilizes the functioning of an organization. Activity-based workplace development offers significant possibilities for organizations, especially when planned and managed organizational change is needed in addition to workplace changes. It is like a change management practice enabling development and changes in organization as well as preserving or strengthening organizational features. The development helps to make cost-efficient decisions and solutions concerning functioning-workplace -issues, creates understanding about need for changes, helps to create vision for and commitment to changes, moves organization toward changed situation and helps to freeze the changes

    Sodobni iskalec med vagabundom in romarjem

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    Čas, v katerem živimo, izredno močno zaznamuje ideologija liberalizma, ki po besedah papeža Janeza Pavla II. pogosto prehaja v "neobrzdani liberalizem". Temeljne značilnosti liberalizma so imanentizem, antropocentizem, etična skepsa in vase zaprti individualizem. Kljub takšnim razmeram v sodobni družbi, ki jo močno obvladuje sekularizacija, pa sodobni človek ostaja iskalec, tako na etičnem kakor na religioznem področju. Metafora nomada, vagabunda, turista in romarja ponazarja tega sodobnega iskalca, ki za svoja hrepenenja in iskanja na religioznem področju pogosto išče različne nadomestke. Za Cerkev je ta iskalec izziv, da ga nagovarja v jeziku, ki mu bo razumljiv v njegovi konkretni eksistencialni situaciji, saj je v sámo bit človeka vendarle položeno hrepenenje po božjem in po prizadevanju za dobro. Presegati je treba tudi miselnost fatalizma, češ nič se ne more spremeniti, in spodbujati človeka, da v občestvu prejema notranjo moč za odgovornost. Prav v tem pa se skriva globoko upanje, ki ni pogojeno s trenutnimi možnostmi, ampak izhaja iz vere v Boga Stvarnika in Odrešenika. Bog je odrešil prav ta svet in prav ta svet je tudi naša priložnost za pričevanje in razumevanje ter poslušanje sočloveka.The time we are living in is strongly marked by the ideology of liberalism, which, with the words of pope John Paul II, often turns into "unbridled liberalism". The main features of liberalism are immanentism, anthropocentrism, ethical scepticism and self-regarding individualism. In spite of such conditions in the modern society strongly marked by secularisation, the modern man remains a seeker in the areas of ethics as well as religion. The metaphors of a nomad, a vagabond, a tourist and a pilgrim illustrate this modern seeker, who often looks for different substitutes when trying to realize his yearnings and searchings. For the Church this seeker is a challenge to be addressed in a language that he can understand in his concrete existential situation since the longing for the Divine and endeavouring to do good is placed in the very essence of man. It is also necessary to overcome the fatalistic mentality that nothing can be changed and to make the man find the inner power to assume responsibility within the community. This is the source of a deep hope that does not depend on the immediate conditions but is based on faith in God the Creator and Redeemer, who saved just this world. And just this world is also our opportunity for bearing witness and understanding and listening to our fellow men