21 research outputs found

    Znaczenie nowych nowych mediów w procesie zarządzania informacją

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    The importance of new media in the information management processThe shape of modern PR, beyond social and organizational networking and hypertextuality, is also influenced by new new media. A specialist in public relations, when conducting discourse with the environment in a professional manner, not only cannot ignore the new new media, but must exist in it and also earn favor and trust of the users. It is these users that make the new media community. Membership to this community allows the individuality of its members to be saved. The ability to expose opinions and personality is an important feature of new new media, which a public relations specialist can skillfully use in the information management process. A contemporary PR specialist open to technological progress takes part in the creation of new new media. In this area, discourse has a dynamic character and the engagement of interlocutors does not allow for passivity. Passivity, however, may cause exclusion from the new media community. Existence and survival in new new media requires constant activity from an entity. The reward for this effort and also for the care for the course of dialogue is the effective management of the selected “crowd” within communication competence

    Finite element method assisted stiffness design procedure for non-circular profile composite wastewater pipe linings

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    The elastic behaviour of filament wound egg shape profile glass/polyester composite wastewater pipe linings was analysed with the scope of developing a simple stiffness sizing method. Ring compression tests were executed and simulated with the finite element (FE) method to verify the modelling concept. Good agreement has been confirmed, and a more realistic pipe-in-pipe type model was developed to simulate the operational loads and deformations of the liner pipes. Using the FE model outputs a 10 parameter function of the three most important material and geometric parameters was fitted to describe the defined stiffness of specific pipe cross sections. A unique design chart was developed representing the deformations of given cross section liner pipes of a wide range of stiffness values in function of the applied outer pressure

    Selecting utilities placement techniques in urban underground engineering

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    Placement of utilities has not been generally accomplished in any sustainable technique resulting in a veritable maze in high density urban areas. As underground space scarcity grows in our cities due to the increasing demands for utility services, subsurface facilities such as utility tunnels are becoming more efficient in providing the required infrastructure. There is a growing public awareness of aesthetic considerations and impatience with street cuts and their associated costs, traffic interferences, noise and accidental utility cuts. Unfortunately the lack of data and the difficulty in quantifying the intangibles has made it impossible to arrive at a reasonably accurate figure of overall negative impact on the urban environment of street cuts. Due to this, current practices of traditional trenching depending only on cost indicators remain as first option in urban planning instead of more sustainable techniques, like utility tunnels. However, it is well known that intangible costs to the public and the utilities might make the utility tunnel concept to be economically feasible in the long run. This paper presents a methodology based on AHP and Delphi processes for the selection of utilities placement techniques in which the intangibles are also assessed to avoid short-sighted urban underground planning.Curiel Esparza, J.; Cantó Perelló, J. (2013). Selecting utilities placement techniques in urban underground engineering. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering. 13(2):276-285. doi:10.1016/j.acme.2013.02.001S27628513

    Assessing governance issues of urban utility tunnels

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    Throughout the centuries, utilities have been an important and sometimes decisive instrument in human development. Municipal policy-makers and engineers have been playing a key role in improving management and technology of urban utilities. With the growth of urban areas and the corresponding increased demand for utility services, available underground space will continue to diminish. Therefore, planning for an urban subsurface sustainable future consists of the ability to lessen the use of raditional trenching techniques and developing coordinated installations of utilities. As an innovative problem-solving technique, utility tunnels become inevitable to reduce congestion of the shallow underground. Utilities management becomes more complex as many public authorities and private companies are involved. Because of the complexity of ownership of the various utility tunnel potential occupants, some form of governmental ownership would probably be the most practicable, although other orms (individual private, joint private, or condominium) of ownership must be nalyzed. Whatever the form of financing and ownership, some single entity must be made esponsible not only for initial construction but also for security, access control, and operation and maintenance throughout the life of the project. The purpose of this paper is to point out some of the utility tunnels innovation and organizational advantages to encourage municipal engineers to demand sustainable solutions for services congestion. Proper adequate governance and security management should be key elements of every decision undertaken in utility tunnels.Cantó Perelló, J.; Curiel Esparza, J. (2013). Assessing governance issues of urban utility tunnels. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 33:82-87. doi:10.1016/j.tust.2012.08.007S82873

    Ponowna instytucjonalizacja public relations a błędy popełniane przez strażników „ducha informacjonizmu”

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     Another institutionalisation of public relations and the mistakes made by the guardians of the “spirit of informationism”The article focuses on a new, hypertextual model of public relations created by the author, who confronts it with the practice of information management in contemporary organisations. The theoretical foundation of the concept of public relations proposed by the author can be found in the division which was introduced by the classics J. Grunig and T. Hunt and which has been expanded to include the virtual new media layer of communication as well as an analysis of its impact on corporate dialogue.Despite the fact that the author’s model of information management helps with putting into practice the model of symmetrical bilateral communication — sometimes seen as utopian in the literature on the subject — and turning PR into a function of strategic management, this does not protect organisations from mistakes made by PR specialists. In such a perspective the main aim of the article is to demonstrate the significance of the right choice of PR personnel to an organisation’s communication success. Another institutionalisation of public relations and the mistakes made by the guardians of the “spirit of informationism”The article focuses on a new, hypertextual model of public relations created by the author, who confronts it with the practice of information management in contemporary organisations. The theoretical foundation of the concept of public relations proposed by the author can be found in the division which was introduced by the classics J. Grunig and T. Hunt and which has been expanded to include the virtual new media layer of communication as well as an analysis of its impact on corporate dialogue.Despite the fact that the author’s model of information management helps with putting into practice the model of symmetrical bilateral communication — sometimes seen as utopian in the literature on the subject — and turning PR into a function of strategic management, this does not protect organisations from mistakes made by PR specialists. In such a perspective the main aim of the article is to demonstrate the significance of the right choice of PR personnel to an organisation’s communication success

    The structures of underground space in urban areas

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    Styl życia i pracy mieszkańców współczesnych miast oraz ich oczekiwania i wymagania powodują, że wzrasta popyt na wysokiej jakości usługi, szybką i wygodną komunikację, miejsca parkingowe, a także na szerszą niż dotąd obsługę podziemną infrastrukturą sieciową, tzn. zapewnienie łączności, dostaw wody i energii oraz odprowadzania ścieków. Coraz bardziej ujawnia się zapotrzebowanie na miasta 24-godzinne, czyli takie, w których pewne obszary funkcjonują całą dobę. Jest zatem oczywiste, że dostosowywana do takich celów infrastruktura techniczna musi być zdolna nie tylko do spełnienia podstawowych wymagań egzystencji ludzkiej, jak to ma miejsce obecnie, ale musi także zapewniać wysoki komfort i bezpieczeństwo, co jest możliwe tylko wtedy, jeżeli będzie kierowana przez rozwinięte systemy informacyjno-kontrolne.Global trends in the area of using urban underground space, functions which are located in such space and types of buildings assigned to them, were discussed. Basic principles of segregation of underground space in cities including the relation between the type of investment and depth of structure foundations were highlighted. On this basis, the analysis of the ways of using underground space in Polish cities was carried out and the case studies of more interesting underground structures built in our country or ones which are under construction, were presented. Directions and prospects for further development of underground building construction in Polish cities in the context of global solutions, civilization requirements and aspirations of our society were also indicated

    Przewody betonowe w podziemnej infrastrukturze sieciowej

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    Analysis of the structure of liners used for the modernisation of brick collectors

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    Brick sewers were designed as egg-shaped, pear-shaped, bell-shaped, vaulted, and even rectangular (sometimes with granite ceilings and floor slabs). In exceptional cases, circular sections were also made of brick. Efforts were made in order to ensure optimal flow conditions, and also that the cross-section was adapted to the shape of the rock mass pressure line. This is due to the fact that the most advantageous shapes for masonry collectors are shapes in which no tensile stresses will occur in any part of the cross-section under the influence of external loads. Nevertheless, sewage conduits degrade over time. The boundary conditions of their use also change, which affects the magnitude of mechanical and hydraulic loads. Further use of a sewer in such a case requires its renewal, and less frequently, modernization that results from the necessity to change its function. This is usually done by introducing a new conduit into the interior of the renovated or modernized sewer, which in literature is called a liner. The aim of the analysis was to determine the thickness of the liners that strengthen the structures of brick channels with an inverted egg cross-section and with dimensions of 1050 × 700 mm, which are intended for gravitational sewage systems. The analysis included the performance of variant static and strength calculations for the assumption that the conduit after its modernization will be replaced with a conduit operating in the pressure system, which is a very rare requirement. It was assumed that the best solution would be to use a CIPP (Cured In Place Pipe) liner

    Teaching of underground structures and urban infrastructures at Civil Engineering Department of Wrocław University of Technology

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    W artykule przedstawiono system nauczania budownictwa podziemnego i inżynierii miejskiej na Wydziale Budownictwa Lądowego i Wodnego Politechniki Wrocławskiej. Omówiono kursy prowadzone na I stopniu studiów i na stopniu drugim. Zwrócono uwagę na różny zakres tematyczny kursu Budownictwo podziemne i inżynieria miejska w zależności od specjalności, w której kształceni są studenci II stopnia. Szczegółowo omówiono zawartość wykładów prowadzonych dla studentów studiów magisterskich specjalności BPIM.The paper presents education system of underground structures and urban infrastructures courses guided at Civil Engineering Department of Wroclaw University of Technology. Namely, the content of the courses of the first-degree study (engineering) as well as the second-degree study (master of science) are discussed. Special attention is paid to the courses content guided for students of master study of BPIM specialization. Teaching of underground structures and urban infrastructures at other specialization of the master study of Wrocław University of Technology are only presented in a superficial manner