128 research outputs found

    Influencias arquitectónicas en el mundo virtual. Transcendencia del espacio en los videojuegos

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    En la actual era de lo virtual, los numerosos y diferentes mundos que se plasman en videojuegos, son infinitos, un arte que no tiene límite, una capacidad que ha dado pinceladas de lo que puede llegar a ser, dando lugar a que cada día se incorpora a más disciplinas. La creación de herramientas en ámbito de la arquitectura, como en los videojuegos ha ido ligada a la hora de representar el espacio en el que nos vamos a desenvolver. Gracias a éstas, la relación entre espacio físico y virtual es cada vez más estrecha, e incluso la experiencia que tenemos de uno y de otro es cada vez más parecida, mediante la arquitectura o la representación de ésta en el espacio inmaterial, creando un contexto a los espacios desarrollados para los usuarios. El videojuego nos ofrece diferentes maneras de percibir nuevos entornos, desconocidos para el jugador, o acercarnos a una manera de captarlo distinta a como los entendemos y los utilizamos. Uno de los aspectos más interesantes de algunos juegos es el darle la capacidad a los usuarios de modificar dicho entorno, pudiendo generar nuevos espacios, pensando como arquitectos, modificando y jugando con y en él, siendo creadores del espacio que deseemosGrado en Fundamentos de la Arquitectur

    Synaptic processes and immune-related pathways implicated in Tourette syndrome

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    Tourette syndrome (TS) is a neuropsychiatric disorder of complex genetic architecture involving multiple interacting genes. Here, we sought to elucidate the pathways that underlie the neurobiology of the disorder through genomewide analysis. We analyzed genome-wide genotypic data of 3581 individuals with TS and 7682 ancestry-matched controls and investigated associations of TS with sets of genes that are expressed in particular cell types and operate in specific neuronal and glial functions. We employed a self-contained, set-based association method (SBA) as well as a competitive gene set method (MAGMA) using individual-level genotype data to perform a comprehensive investigation of the biological background of TS. Our SBA analysis identified three significant gene sets after Bonferroni correction, implicating ligand-gated ion channel signaling, lymphocytic, and cell adhesion and transsynaptic signaling processes. MAGMA analysis further supported the involvement of the cell adhesion and trans-synaptic signaling gene set. The lymphocytic gene set was driven by variants in FLT3, raising an intriguing hypothesis for the involvement of a neuroinflammatory element in TS pathogenesis. The indications of involvement of ligand-gated ion channel signaling reinforce the role of GABA in TS, while the association of cell adhesion and trans-synaptic signaling gene set provides additional support for the role of adhesion molecules in neuropsychiatric disorders. This study reinforces previous findings but also provides new insights into the neurobiology of TS

    La justicia restaurativa en la ejecución penitenciaria

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    The participation of the victim in the execution phase of the criminal process in our legal order is a novel fact that, beyond civil reparation, stems from the 2015 Statute of the victim, and introduces Restorative Justice within that procedural moment. This instrument may become an important alternative or complement to traditional Justice in order to achieve a better satisfaction of the interests of the victim. A Program dealing with inmates subject to conditional parole, convicts classified in third degree and sentenced to community services has been  developed in the CIS «Máximo Carrera» of Valladolid since 2019, with the aim of drawing up an action protocol that may be extended to other prisons.La participación de la víctima en la fase de ejecución del proceso penal en nuestro ordenamiento es un hecho novedoso que, más allá de la reparación civil, arranca del Estatuto de la víctima en año 2015, el cual introduce la Justicia Restaurativa en ese momento procesal. Este instrumento puede ser una importante alternativa o complemento a la Justicia tradicional en aras de lograr una mejor satisfacción de los intereses de la victima. Siendo este el objetivo, se viene desarrollando desde el año 2019 una experiencia en el CIS “Máximo Carrera” de Valladolid en la cual se trabaja con liberados condicionales, penados clasificados en tercer grado y condenados a la pena de trabajos en beneficio de la comunidad, con el objetivo de elaborar un protocolo de actuación extensible a otros centros. The participation of the victim in the execution phase of the criminal process in our legal order is a novel fact that, beyond civil reparation, starts from the Statute of the victim in 2015, and introduces Restorative Justice at that procedural moment. This instrument may become an important alternative or complement to traditional Justice in order to achieve a better satisfaction of the interests of the victim. A Program dealing with conditional parole inmates, convicts classified in third degree and sentenced to comunity services has been developed in the CIS “Máximo Carrera” of Valladolid since 2019, with the aim of drawing up an action protocol that may be extended to other prisons

    La problemática del procedimiento en España de la prisión preventiva acordada en procedimientos penales seguidos en otros países de la UE

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    In Spain, the crediting of pre-trial detention to other cases is a judicial creation that was not reflected in the Law until the 1995 Criminal Code. In practice, the problem has arisen of crediting to sentences handed down by Spanish courts those precautionary measures agreed in other EU states, with judicial pronouncements admitting such a possibility. This article sets out the arguments against such decisions.En España, el abono de la prisión preventiva a causa distinta a aquélla en la cual se acordó es una creación judicial que no tiene reflejo en la Ley hasta el Código Penal de 1995. En la práctica ha surgido el problema del abono a condenas dictadas por los tribunales españoles de aquellas medidas cautelares acordadas en otros estados de la UE, existiendo pronunciamientos judiciales que admiten tal posibilidad. En este artículo se exponen los argumentos contrarios a tales decisiones


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    O processo decisório é fundamental para a administração das organizações e mapear o perfil predominante de decisão possibilita o gerenciamento de melhorias a partir da análise de atitudes perante a gestão e seus resultados. Este artigo apresenta o perfil de tomada de decisão dos gestores de um campus de uma Instituição de Ensino Superior Pública e estabelecer uma relação com o desenvolvimento organizacional. Trata-se de um estudo de caso a partir de pesquisa aplicada, descritiva e com abordagens qualitativa e quantitativa. A coleta de dados foi através de questionários e sua análise resultou da interpretação de gráficos e das respostas das questões abertas. Os resultados obtidos mostraram o estilo de decisão predominante e as dificuldades encontradas no processo de tomada de decisão. Com isso ressalta-se a importância do estudo na área do processo decisório para que seja intensificada a busca pela missão desta instituição

    Extending the phenotypes associated with TRIO gene variants in a cohort of 25 patients and review of the literature

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    TRIO gene; Macrocephaly; PhenotypeGen TRIO; Macrocefàlia; FenotipGen TRIO; Macrocefalia; FenotipoThe TRIO gene encodes a rho guanine exchange factor, the function of which is to exchange GDP to GTP, and hence to activate Rho GTPases, and has been described to impact neurodevelopment. Specific genotype-to-phenotype correlations have been established previously describing striking differentiating features seen in variants located in specific domains of the TRIO gene that are associated with opposite effects on RAC1 activity. Currently, 32 cases with a TRIO gene alteration have been published in the medical literature. Here, we report an additional 25, previously unreported individuals who possess heterozygous TRIO variants and we review the literature. In addition, functional studies were performed on the c.4394A > G (N1465S) and c.6244-2A > G TRIO variants to provide evidence for their pathogenicity. Variants reported by the current study include missense variants, truncating nonsense variants, and an intragenic deletion. Clinical features were previously described and included developmental delay, learning difficulties, microcephaly, macrocephaly, seizures, behavioral issues (aggression, stereotypies), skeletal problems including short, tapering fingers and scoliosis, dental problems (overcrowding/delayed eruption), and variable facial features. Here, we report clinical features that have not been described previously, including specific structural brain malformations such as abnormalities of the corpus callosum and ventriculomegaly, additional psychological and dental issues along with a more recognizable facial gestalt linked to the specific domains of the TRIO gene and the effect of the variant upon the function of the encoded protein. This current study further strengthens the genotype-to-phenotype correlation that was previously established and extends the range of phenotypes to include structural brain abnormalities, additional skeletal, dental, and psychiatric issues.This work was supported by grants from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche to Anne Debant (ANR-2019 TRIOTISM). Diana Baralle is supported by National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) (RP-2016-07-011) research professorship

    Collaborative model for diagnosis and treatment of very rare diseases: experience in Spain with thymidine kinase 2 deficiency

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    Malaltia mitocondrial; Medicina mitocondrial; Deficiència de timidina cinasa 2 (TK2d)Mitochondrial disease; Mitochondrial medicine; Thymidine kinase 2 deficiency (TK2d)Enfermedad mitocondrial; Medicina mitocondrial; Deficiencia de timidina cinasa 2 (TK2d)Background Mitochondrial diseases are difficult to diagnose and treat. Recent advances in genetic diagnostics and more effective treatment options can improve patient diagnosis and prognosis, but patients with mitochondrial disease typically experience delays in diagnosis and treatment. Here, we describe a unique collaborative practice model among physicians and scientists in Spain focused on identifying TK2 deficiency (TK2d), an ultra-rare mitochondrial DNA depletion and deletions syndrome. Main Body This collaboration spans research and clinical care, including laboratory scientists, adult and pediatric neuromuscular clinicians, geneticists, and pathologists, and has resulted in diagnosis and consolidation of care for patients with TK2d. The incidence of TK2d is not known; however, the first clinical cases of TK2d were reported in 2001, and only ~ 107 unique cases had been reported as of 2018. This unique collaboration in Spain has led to the diagnosis of more than 30 patients with genetically confirmed TK2d across different regions of the country. Research affiliate centers have led investigative treatment with nucleosides based on understanding of TK2d clinical manifestations and disease mechanisms, which resulted in successful treatment of a TK2d mouse model with nucleotide therapy in 2010. Only 1 year later, this collaboration enabled rapid adoption of treatment with pyrimidine nucleotides (and later, nucleosides) under compassionate use. Success in TK2d diagnosis and treatment in Spain is attributable to two important factors: Spain’s fully public national healthcare system, and the designation in 2015 of major National Reference Centers for Neuromuscular Disorders (CSURs). CSUR networking and dissemination facilitated development of a collaborative care network for TK2d disease, wherein participants share information and protocols to request approval from the Ministry of Health to initiate nucleoside therapy. Data have recently been collected in a retrospective study conducted under a Good Clinical Practice–compliant protocol to support development of a new therapeutic approach for TK2d, a progressive disease with no approved therapies. Conclusions The Spanish experience in diagnosis and treatment of TK2d is a model for the diagnosis and development of new treatments for very rare diseases within an existing healthcare system.This study was sponsored by Zogenix, Inc., and ERN EURO-NMD. The sponsors reviewed the drafts and provided medical writing support for draft preparation


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    !-- /* Font Definitions */ @font-face {font-family:Calibri; panose-1:2 15 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4; mso-font-charset:0; mso-generic-font-family:swiss; mso-font-pitch:variable; mso-font-signature:-1610611985 1073750139 0 0 159 0;} /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:""; margin-top:0cm; margin-right:0cm; margin-bottom:10.0pt; margin-left:0cm; line-height:115%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:Calibri; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-language:EN-US;} @page Section1 {size:612.0pt 792.0pt; margin:70.85pt 3.0cm 70.85pt 3.0cm; mso-header-margin:36.0pt; mso-footer-margin:36.0pt; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} -- O padro alimentar vegetariano definido como a abstinncia da carne nas refeies. Existem subgrupos no vegetarianismo: veganos, ovolactovegetarianos, lactovegetarianos e ovovegetarianos. A adeso a essa dieta pode ser referida como atrelada a sade, direitos animais, questes sociais (ou/e ticas e ambientais), economia e religio. A alimentao dos vegetarianos abundante em frutas, cereais integrais, legumes, nozes, carboidratos e fibras. A pesquisa objetivou identificar os benefcios e as implicaes da dieta vegetariana sobre a sade humana. A metodologia segue os princpios da pesquisa bibliogrfica qualitativa. Foram pesquisadas as bases de dados online LILACS (Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Cincias da Sade) e MEDLINE (Literatura Internacional em Cincias da Sade), durante o ms de setembro de 2010, atravs dos descritores dieta vegetariana e vegetarianismo. Foram encontradas 190 publicaes, excluindo-se aquelas que no contemplavam o tema, ou com mais de 5 anos de publicao, no disponibilizavam os trabalhos na ntegra, no estivessem escritas em lngua portuguesa e inglesa, e artigos em duplicidade. Conforme esses critrios obtiveram-se 11 artigos, que foram submetidos leitura crtica. Observou-se que a metodologia predominante foi 82% quantitativa e os profissionais que desenvolveram os estudos tratavam-se de 35,3% nutricionistas e 64,7% outros. Em relao ao sexo dos sujeitos dos estudos, houve predomnio de mulheres e os indivduos se tornaram vegetarianos por motivos religiosos. Os benefcios encontrados foram: VLDL-colesterol, triglicerdeos, glicemia e presso arterial menores nesse grupo quando comparado aos onvoros. As crianas possuam maiores quocientes de inteligncia e os vegetarianos apresentaram menos relato de emoes pessimistas e negativas. J os malefcios relacionados dieta foram: anemia ferropriva (principalmente em mulheres), deficincia de zinco, clcio e vitamina B12. Portanto, os enfermeiros podem desenvolver projetos visando promoo e educao em sade, voltados s mulheres vegetarianas no que tange a anemia, considerando medidas personalizadas e diferenciadas, as quais no inflijam as ideologias religiosas ou comportamentais. Palavras-chave: Dieta Vegetariana. Vegetarianismo. Benefcios


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    The seed is a vehicle for high productivity crops, as it carries the genetic potential and technology necessary for the success of a crop. For this reason, it is considered the main input in the implementation of a crop. The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of seed treatment with Cruiser Opti insecticide associated with the biostimulant EpívioTM at different dosages and during 0, 60, 90, 135 and 180 days after seed treatment. Rice seeds of the cultivar IRGA 424 RI were used. The treatments were: Control: Permit + Standk + Gaucho, T2- Cruiser Opti (0.5 L/100 Kg of seeds), T3 - EpivioTM (0.1 L/100 Kg of seeds), T4 - Cruiser Opti + EpivioTM (0.5 + 0.05 L/100 kg of seeds), T5 - Cruiser Opti + EpivioTM (0.5 + 0.1 L/100 kg of seeds) and T6 – (0.5 + 0.2 L/100 kg of seeds). Seed quality was monitored through the germination test, cold test and emergence in trays. Under the conditions in which the work was carried out, we can conclude that the treatment composed of Cruiser Opti + EpivioTM, at a dose of 0.5 + 0.1 L/100Kg of seeds, respectively, provided better performance in the germination test in the evaluated periods when compared to the other treatments.A semente é veículo para lavouras de alta produtividade, pois carrega em si o potencial genético e tecnologia necessários para o sucesso de uma safra. Por este motivo, é considerada o principal insumo na implementação de uma lavoura. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência do tratamento de sementes, com inseticida Cruiser Opti associado ao bioestimulante EpívioTM em diferentes dosagens e durante 0, 60, 90, 135 e 180 dias após o tratamento de sementes. Utilizou-se sementes de arroz da cultivar IRGA 424 RI. Os tratamentos foram: Testemunha: Permit + Standk + Gaucho, T2- Cruiser Opti (0,5 L/100 Kg de sementes), T3 -  EpívioTM (0,1 L/100 Kg de sementes), T4 - Cruiser Opti + EpivioTM (0,5 + 0,05 L/100 kg de sementes),  T5 - Cruiser Opti + EpivioTM (0,5 + 0,1 L/100 kg de sementes) e T6 – (0,5 + 0,2 L/100 kg de sementes). A qualidade das sementes foi monitorada através do teste germinação, teste de frio e emergência em bandejas. Nas condições de realização do trabalho podemos concluir que o tratamento composto por Cruiser Opti + EpivioTM, na dose de 0,5 e 0,1 L/100Kg de sementes, respectivamente, conferiram melhor desempenho no teste de germinação nos períodos avaliados quando comparado aos demais tratamentos


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    Pesquisas têm indicado que atividade em ambiente virtual tem a capacidade de entreter e melhorar diversos aspectos em relação a deficiências, sendo o mesmo agregado às possibilidades terapêuticas para outras populações. Objetivo: O objetivo desta pesquisa foi desenvolver um programa de atividade físicas para pessoas com deficiências de maneira a explorar o gameplay dos exergames e dessa forma relatar o desenvolvimento das atividades e os resultados obtidos a fim de oferecer espaços de diversão e lazer para esses indivíduos. Metodologia: A amostra constitui-se de 26 alunos com Deficiências (intelectual e físicas), Transtorno do Espectro Autista, Paralisia Cerebral, Síndromes e Distúrbios de aprendizagem. Durante as atividades os integrantes puderam experimentar e manipular jogos dos consoles Wii U, Xbox360 e Xbox One, como os games Mario kart 8, kinect sports e just dance, respectivamente. Para mensuração e avaliação das atividades foi aplicado um questionário para ser respondido pelos pais/ responsáveis, professoras e/ou monitoras. Resultados: Os pais e professores tiveram um contato com realidades digitais inclusivas e ativas, o que possibilitou uma nova percepção acerca das possibilidades de desenvolvimento das pessoas com deficiências. Além do desenvolvimento bio-psico-social dos alunos, percebeu-se que os exergames se constituem em uma nova ferramenta digital para a educação física