119 research outputs found

    ¿Teología sin sacrificio? Un análisis del documento Deus Caritas Est de Benedicto XVI de diciembre, 2005

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    En este artículo se hace un análisis del documento Deus Caritas Est (DCS) de Joseph Ratzinger, el actual Papa Benedicto XVI. El amor cristiano parece estar marcado, según nuestro análisis,  por el sacrificio y la renuncia y se deja de lado la dimensión de la gratuidad, según la cual, el amor divino se manifiesta sin esperar nada a cambio, ni  ofrecimiento de sacrificios o mortificaciones para merecer el don o favor de Dios. ¿Será que la consideración de la diferencia entre el amor entendido como “eros” y como “ágape” se ha transformado  en una destrucción del eros dentro del cristianismo? El amor de Dios que hace llover sobre justos e injustos, sin embargo, se materializa en la acogida de los insignificantes y en la liberación de los oprimidos. El énfasis sacrificial del documento parece desvalorizar  la dimensión del eros, en necesidad de purificación,  y no muestra ni  atención ni preocupación por  la dimensión  de amor como compromiso por la justicia.   Palabras clave Teología, teología práctica, amor, sacrificio, espiritualidad.   Abstract This article provides an analysis of the  document Deus Caritas Est (DCS) by  Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI.  Christian love seems to be marketed, according to  our analysis,  by sacrifice and renunciation and neglects the dimension of gracefulness by which the divine love manifests itself  without the expectation of anything in return  neither through the offering of sacrifices nor through the mortification to deserve the Gods favor. Could it be that the consideration of the difference between the comprehension  of love  understood as Eros and as agape has turned into a destruction of the Eros dimension  in Christianity?   The love of God that sends rain on the just and unjust, however, is embodied in the reception of the insignificant and the liberation of the oppressed. The sacrificial emphasis of the document seems to devalue the dimension of Eros, in need of purification, and shows no care or concern for the dimension of love and commitment to justice. Keywords Theology, practical theology, love, sacrifice, spirituality

    Una aproximación a la filosofía intercultural de Raúl Fornet-Betancourt: retos que se le plantean a la Teología

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    En este artículo se presenta la filosofía intercultural como unmovimiento de carácter teórico y práctico a la vez. Es la propuesta de un nuevo modelo de filosofía y de una racionalidad al servicio de liberar la polifonía cultural latinoamericana, la cual le plantea importantes retos a la teología.Palabras claveFilosofía intercultural, teología.AbstractThis article presents the intercultural philosophy of RaulFornet-Betancourt as a theoretical and practical movement. It isabout a new model of philosophy and rationality at the service ofliberating the cultural polyphony of Latin American which presents important challenges to theology.Key wordsintercultural philosophy, latin american philosophy

    Documentos fundamentales de los Cristianismos contemporáneos

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    Documento PDF, 43 páginasGuía de estudio para el curso Documentos fundamentales de los Cristianismos contemporáneos, código 0502, que imparte la Escuela de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades de la UNED.Universidad Estatal a Distancia de Costa Ric

    Prácticas de los cristianismos contemporáneos

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    Documento PDF, 61 páginasGuía de estudio para el curso Prácticas de los cristianismos contemporáneos, código 0503, que imparte la Escuela de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades de la UNED.Universidad Estatal a Distancia de Costa Ric

    Hacia una teología saludable. Bases teológicas para la protección y cuidado de la niñez

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    En este artículo se analizan algunos aspectos del enfoque sacrificial de la teología tradicional cristiana que aunque no ha sido el único enfoque teológico, si se ha constituido en el enfoque más poderosamente influyente   en el cristianismo  y que se vincula, conscientemente o no, con un  tipo de espiritualidad que  privilegia el sufrimiento como un valor que al final redime, purifica, prepara y dispone a las personas para el encuentro con Dios. Sugerimos un lenguaje teológico que enfatice la dimensión de la gratuidad para fundamentar nuevas prácticas educativas orientadas a la protección y cuidado de la niñez. Palabras clave Sacrificio, teología sacrificial, gratuidad, educación.   Abstract This article discusses some aspects of  a sacrificial approach of traditional Christian theology that although it was not being the only theological approach, it has become one of the most powerfully  influential  in  Christianity  and that is linked, consciously or not, with a type  of spirituality that  emphasizes suffering as a value which at the end redeems, purifies,  prepares  and disposes  people to encounter God. We suggest a theological language that emphasizes grace to support new educational practices aimed at the protection and care for children.  Keywords Sacrifice, sacrificial theology, grace, education.  

    Comportamiento y desarrollo del sector turístico en México

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    The world tourism sector has had a significant growth in recent years, which has allowed countries to generate more economic resources. In Mexico this economic activity has helped the development of tourism services such as: accommodation, transportation and restaurants. This economic sector, is of great importance to Mexico because it is important to analyze the influx of international tourists, being considered in the ranking of the first 6 destinations visited. It was necessary to resort to a review of the literature, to the analysis of statistical data and their interpretation to generate the conclusions. The results of the work made it possible to highlight the importance of the tourism sector, due to the influx of tourists, the generation of jobs and the increase in tourist spending. The objective of this work was to analyze the situation of tourism and the growth it has had in recent years, as well as its contribution to the economy in Mexico. For which data on the behavior and development of the tourism sector were collected in 2017 and 2018.El sector turístico mundial, ha tenido un crecimiento significativo en los últimos años, lo cual ha permitido a los países generar más recursos económicos. En México esta actividad económica ha ayudado al desarrollo en  servicios turísticos como son: alojamientos, transporte y restaurantes. Este sector económico, reviste de gran importancia a México por su importante para analizar la afluencia de turistas internacionales, siendo considerado en el ranking de los primeros 6 destinos visitados. Fue necesario recurrir a una revisión de la literatura, al análisis de datos estadísticos e interpretación de los mismos para generar las conclusiones. Los resultados del trabajo permitieron destacar la importancia del sector turístico, debido a la afluencia de turistas, la generación de empleos y el incremento del gasto del turista. El objetivo de este trabajo consistió en analizar la situación que guarda el turismo y el crecimiento que ha tenido en los últimos años, así como su aportación a la economía en México. Para cual se recolectaron  datos sobre el comportamiento y el desarrollo del sector turístico en 2017 y 2018

    Constructing Recursions by Similarity

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    A formal specification can describe software models which are difficult to program. Transformational methods based on fold/unfold strategies have been proposed to palliate this problem. The objective of applying transformations is to filter out a new version of the specification where recursion may be introduced by a folding step. Among many problems, the “eureka” about when and how to define a new predicate is difficult to find automatically. We propose a new version of the folding rule which decides automatically how to introduce new predicates in a specification. Our method is based on finding similarities between formulas represented as parsing trees and it constitutes an assistance to the complex problem of deriving recursive specifications from non recursive ones

    Deep-seated gravitational slope deformations triggered by extreme rainfall and agricultural practices (eastern Michoacan, Mexico)

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    "The study of deep-seated gravitational slope deformations (DSGSD) in Mexico is scarce; therefore, their localization and causes are highly overlooked. The present paper examines the characterization of the DSGSD of Jungapeo and Las Pilas in eastern Michoacan state, currently active and endangering their inhabitants. An integrated study, including detailed lithology, morpho-structural inventories, analysis of land use, and pluviometric regime, was performed and complemented with differential global positioning system monitoring networks. Both landslides developed over highly weathered volcano-sedimentary rocks. On the one hand, the Jungapeo landslide has an estimated volume of 990,455 m3 with steady decreasing velocity rates from 41 to 15 cm/month in the first monitoring period to 13–3 cm/month in the last one. On the other hand, the Las Pilas landslide estimated volume is about 1,082,467 m3 with a stable velocity rate of 1.3 to 0.1 cm/month. Despite the multi-storeyed style of activity, two behaviors of instability were distinguished: slow deformation and secondary landslide stages. The conditioning factors for slow deformation in both DSGSD are the combination of weathered lithology with clay- and sand-rich content, and the shift toward intensive monoculture. The triggering factor is related to excess water produced by an inefficient flood-irrigation system that also generates an atypical acceleration behavior in both landslides during the dry season. The DSGSD activity thus predisposes the generation of tension cracks and secondary scarps from which the collateral landslides are triggered by atypical rainfall, such as that of 2010.

    Needle senescence affects fire behavior in Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) stands: a simulation study

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    Research Highlights: Pre-programmed cell death in old Aleppo pine needles leads to low moisture contents in the forest canopy in July, the time when fire activity nears its peak in the Western Mediterranean Basin. Here, we show, for the first time, that such needle senescence may increase fire behavior and thus is a potential mechanism explaining why the bulk of the annual burned area in the region occurs in early summer. Background and Objectives: The brunt of the fire season in the Western Mediterranean Basin occurs at the beginning of July, when live fuel moisture content is near its maximum. Here, we test whether a potential explanation to this conundrum lies in Aleppo pine needle senescence, a result of pre-programmed cell death in 3-years-old needles, which typically occurs in the weeks preceding the peak in the burned area. Our objective was to simulate the effects of needle senescence on fire behavior. Materials and Methods: We simulated the effects of needle senescence on canopy moisture and structure. Fire behavior was simulated across different phenological scenarios and for two highly contrasting Aleppo pine stand structures, a forest, and a shrubland. Wildfire behavior simulations were done with BehavePlus6 across a wide range of wind speeds and of dead fine surface fuel moistures. Results: The transition from surface to passive crown fire occurred at lower wind speeds under simulated needle senescence in the forest and in the shrubland. Transitions to active crown fire only occurred in the shrubland under needle senescence. Maximum fire intensity and severity were always recorded in the needle senescence scenario. Conclusions: Aleppo pine needle senescence may enhance the probability of crown fire development at the onset of the fire season, and it could partly explain the concentration of fire activity in early July in the Western Mediterranean Basin.We acknowledge funding from the Natural Science Foundation in China (31850410483), the talent proposals from Sichuan Province (2020JDRC0065), the Southwest University of Science and Technology talents fund and the Spanish MICINN (AGL2015-69151-R). R.B.-R. acknowledges the Community of Madrid for the predoctoral contract PEJD-2019-PRE/AMB-15644 funded by the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI)