325 research outputs found

    LIES: Experiências significativas imersivas de aprendizagem

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    Virtual education is progressively replacing the classrooms, then having a face-to-face class is becoming a luxury. This paper proposes a way to take advantage of this opportunity for direct human exchange with technological support, but focusing the pedagogical activity on a living experience where the apprentice is the protagonist. Although pedagogical mediation requires a lot of preparatory work, has advantages: make simple its implementation and facilitate its replica by almost any individual who had received enough training. High-level educational experiences in many scenarios are enabled, joining the virtues of both: tangible and intangible worlds. A particular case, where a methodological structure based on the breathing –with its expansions and its contractions– as pedagogical process is proposed, and its educational components are explainedLos contenidos virtuales han empezado a reemplazar a las aulas, por ello tener una clase presencial es cada vez más un lujo. En este artículo se propone una manera de aprovechar esa oportunidad de intercambio humano directo con apoyo tecnológico, centrando la actividad pedagógica en una experiencia viva donde el aprendiz es el protagonista. La mediación pedagógica requiere mucho trabajo preparativo, pero tiene las ventajas de facilitar su implementación y lograr que pueda ser replicada por casi cualquier individuo con suficiente entrenamiento, lo que hace posibles experiencias educativas de alto nivel, en muchos escenarios, uniendo las virtudes de los mundos de lo tangible y de lo intangible. Se presenta un caso particular donde se propone una estructura metodológica que tiene como base la respiración, con sus expansiones y contracciones, como proceso pedagógico, y se explican sus componentes educativosOs conteúdos virtuais têm começado a substituir as salas de aula. Ter uma aula presencial tornou-se um luxo. Este artigo tem como objetivo mostrar uma maneira de aproveitar essa oportunidade de intercâmbio humano direto, com suporte tecnológico, mas focando a atividade pedagógica na vivência, onde o aprendiz é o protagonista. A mediação pedagógica requer muito trabalho preparatório, mas tem a vantagem de facilitar sua implementação, o que pode ser replicado por quase qualquer indivíduo que receba formação suficiente, possibilitando experiências educativas de alto nível, em muitos cenários, unindo as virtudes do mundo tangível e intangível. Analisarei um caso particular em que se propõe uma estrutura metodológica baseada na respiração do processo pedagógico, com sua expansão e sua contração. Finalmente, são explicados. os componentes educacionais contidos na propost

    Factors of Concern Regarding Zika and Other Aedes aegypti-Transmitted Viruses in the United States

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    The recent explosive outbreaks of Zika and chikungunya throughout the Americas has raised concerns about the threats that these and similar diseases may pose to the United States (U.S.). The commonly accepted association between tropical climates and the endemicity of these diseases has led to concerns about the possibility of their redistribution due to climate change and transmission arising from cases imported from endemic regions initiating outbreaks in the United States. While such possibilities are indeed well founded, the analysis of historical records not only confirms the potential critical role of traveling and globalization but also reveals that the climate in the United States currently is suitable for local transmission of these viruses. Thus, the main factors preventing these diseases from occurring in the United States today are more likely socioeconomic such as lifestyle, housing infrastructure, and good sanitation. As long as such conditions are maintained, it seems unlikely that local transmission will occur to any great degree, particularly in the northern states. Indeed, a contributing factor to explain the current endemicity of these diseases in less-developed American countries may be well explained by socioeconomic and some lifestyle characteristics in such countries

    History of Mosquitoborne Diseases in the United States and Implications for New Pathogens

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    The introduction and spread of West Nile virus and the recent introduction of chikungunya and Zika viruses into the Americas have raised concern about the potential for various tropical pathogens to become established in North America. A historical analysis of yellow fever and malaria incidences in the United States suggests that it is not merely a temperate climate that keeps these pathogens from becoming established. Instead, socioeconomic changes are the most likely explanation for why these pathogens essentially disappeared from the United States yet remain a problem in tropical areas. In contrast to these anthroponotic pathogens that require humans in their transmission cycle, zoonotic pathogens are only slightly affected by socioeconomic factors, which is why West Nile virus became established in North America. In light of increasing globalization, we need to be concerned about the introduction of pathogens such as Rift Valley fever, Japanese encephalitis, and Venezuelan equine encephalitis viruses

    Improving Inland Water Quality Monitoring through Remote Sensing Techniques

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    Chlorophyll-a (chl-a) levels in lake water could indicate the presence of cyanobacteria, which can be a concern for public health due to their potential to produce toxins. Monitoring of chl-a has been an important practice in aquatic systems, especially in those used for human services, as they imply an increased risk of exposure. Remote sensing technology is being increasingly used to monitor water quality, although its application in cases of small urban lakes is limited by the spatial resolution of the sensors. Lake Thonotosassa, FL, USA, a 3.45-km2 suburban lake with several uses for the local population, is being monitored monthly by traditional methods. We developed an empirical bio-optical algorithm for the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) daily surface reflectance product to monitor daily chl-a. We applied the same algorithm to four different periods of the year using 11 years of water quality data. Normalized root mean squared errors were lower during the first (0.27) and second (0.34) trimester and increased during the third (0.54) and fourth (1.85) trimesters of the year. Overall results showed that Earth-observing technologies and, particularly, MODIS products can also be applied to improve environmental health management through water quality monitoring of small lakes

    Jacquin al descubierto:transcripción de la Biographia

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    Portada de la primera edición del Selectarum Stirpium americanarum historia in qua ad Linnaeanum systema determinatae descriptaeque sistuntur plantae illae, quas in insula Martinica, Jamaica, Domingo, aliisque, et in vicinae continentis parte, observavit rariores: adjectis iconibus in solo natali delineatis. Viena: Officina Krausiana (1763). Grabado de [Autor] en el cual se detalla un mapa de las islas del Caribe y continente aledaño visitado por Jacquin sostenido por dos amerindios y adornad..

    Performance of the MODIS FLH algorithm in estuarine waters: a multi-year (2003–2010) analysis from Tampa Bay, Florida (USA)

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    Although satellite technology promises great usefulness for the consistent monitoring of chlorophyll-α concentration in estuarine and coastal waters, the complex optical properties commonly found in these types of waters seriously challenge the application of this technology. Blue–green ratio algorithms are susceptible to interference from water constituents, different from phytoplankton, which dominate the remote-sensing signal. Alternatively, modelling and laboratory studies have not shown a decisive position on the use of near-infrared (NIR) algorithms based on the sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence signal. In an analysis of a multi-year (2003–2010) in situ monitoring data set from Tampa Bay, Florida (USA), as a case, this study assesses the relationship between the fluorescence line height (FLH) product from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) and chlorophyll-α

    Variabilidad espacio-temporal de los nutrientes inorgánicos y orgánicos en cinco rías gallegas (Noroeste España)

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    The spatial variability of inorganic (nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, phosphate and silicate) and organic (dissolved organic carbon) nutrients in five Galician rias (Vigo, Pontevedra, Arousa, Muros and Ares-Betanzos) was assessed by considering average values for the upwelling and downwelling periods. Inner stations were significantly different from middle and outer stations, especially during the downwelling period. Spatial differences between the five rías, tested by means of a multivariate analysis, were found in both periods. The behaviour of inorganic and organic nutrient variables was also significantly different between periods with and without shellfish harvesting closures due to the occurrence of toxic phytoplankton species.La variación espacial de los nutrientes inorgánicos (nitrato, nitrito, amonio, fosfato y silicato) y orgánicos (carbono orgánico disuelto) fue evaluado en las cinco rías gallegas (Vigo, Pontevedra, Arousa, Muros y Ares-Betanzos), considerando los valores medios para los periodos de afloramiento y hundimiento. Las estaciones estuáricas se separaron significativamente de las estaciones intermedias y oceánicas, especialmente durante el periodo de hundimiento. Se encontró para ambos periodos una variabilidad espacial entre las cinco rías, comprobada mediante análisis multivariante. El comportamiento de los nutrientes inorgánicos y orgánicos fue significativamente diferente cuando comparamos periodos con y sin cierres debidos a eventos o episodios de fitoplancton tóxico


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    Composición para orquesta sinfónicaComposition for orchestraMaestro (a) en MúsicaPregrad

    Exploratory Analysis of Dengue Fever Niche Variables within the Río Magdalena Watershed

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    Previous research on Dengue Fever have involved laboratory tests or study areas with less diverse temperature and elevation ranges than is found in Colombia; therefore, preliminary research was needed to identify location specific attributes of Dengue Fever transmission. Environmental variables derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellites were combined with population variables to be statistically compared against reported cases of Dengue Fever in the Río Magdalena watershed, Colombia. Three-factor analysis models were investigated to analyze variable patterns, including a population, population density, and empirical Bayesian estimation model. Results identified varying levels of Dengue Fever transmission risk, and environmental characteristics which support, and advance, the research literature. Multiple temperature metrics, elevation, and vegetation composition were among the more contributory variables found to identify future potential outbreak locations

    Flora de Macondo

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    En las siguientes páginas se presenta un resumen de la geografía y el clima de la región de Macondo, acompañada de la determinación, el nombre científico y los usos de las plantas que García Márquez menciona en Cien años de soledad