7 research outputs found

    Preservation of nitric oxide availability as nitrite and nitrosothiols

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    Nitric Oxide (NO) has been known for long to regulate vessel tone. However, the close proximity of the site of NO production to sinks of NO such as hemoglobin (Hb) in blood suggest that blood will scavenge most of the NO produced. Therefore, it is unclear how NO is able to play its physiological roles. The current study deals with means by which this could be understood. Towards studying the role of nitrosothiols and nitrite in preserving NO availability, a study of the kinetics of glutathione (GSH) nitrosation by NO donors in aerated buffered solutions was undertaken first. Results suggest an increase in the rate of the corresponding nitrosothiol (GSNO) formation with an increase in GSH with a half-maximum constant EC50 that depends on NO concentration, thus indicating a significant contribution of NO2 mediated nitrosation in the production of GSNO. Next, the ability of nitrite to be reduced to NO in the smooth muscle cells was evaluated. The NO formed was inhibited by sGC inhibitors and accelerated by activators and was independent of O2 concentration. Nitrite transport mechanisms and effects of exogenous nitrate on transport and reduction of nitrite were examined. The results showed that sGC can mediate nitrite reduction to NO and nitrite is transported across the smooth muscle cell membrane via anion channels, both of which can be attenuated by nitrate. Finally, a 2-D axisymmetric diffusion model was constructed to test the accumulation of NO in the smooth muscle layer from reduction of nitrite. It was observed that at the end of the simulation period with physiological concentrations of nitrite in the smooth muscle cells (SMC), a low sustained NO generated from nitrite reduction could maintain significant sGC activity and might affect vessel tone. The major nitrosating mechanism in the circulation at reduced O2 levels was found to be anaerobic and a Cu+ dependent GSNO reduction activity was found to deliver minor amounts of NO from physiological GSNO levels in the tissue

    Investigation of the Dermal Absorption and Irritation Potential of Sertaconazole Nitrate Anhydrous Gel

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    Effective topical therapy of cutaneous fungal diseases requires the delivery of the active agent to the target site in adequate concentrations to produce a pharmacological effect and inhibit the growth of the pathogen. In addition, it is important to determine the concentration of the drug in the skin in order to evaluate the subsequent efficacy and potential toxicity for topical formulations. For this purpose, an anhydrous gel containing sertaconazole nitrate as a model drug was formulated and the amount of the drug in the skin was determined by in vitro tape stripping. The apparent diffusivity and partition coefficients were then calculated by a mathematical model describing the dermal absorption as passive diffusion through a pseudo-homogenous membrane. The skin irritation potential of the formulation was also assessed by using the in vitro Epiderm™ model. An estimation of the dermal absorption parameters allowed us to evaluate drug transport across the stratum corneum following topical application. The estimated concentration for the formulation was found to be higher than the MIC100 at the target site which suggested its potential efficacy for treating fungal infections. The skin irritation test showed the formulation to be non-irritating in nature. Thus, in vitro techniques can be used for laying the groundwork in developing efficient and non-toxic topical products

    Quantitative systems pharmacology model of GITR-mediated T cell dynamics in tumor microenvironment.

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    T cell interaction in the tumor microenvironment is a key component of immuno-oncology therapy. Glucocorticoid-induced tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR)-related protein (GITR) is expressed on immune cells including regulatory T cells (Tregs) and effector T cells (Teffs). Preclinical data suggest that agonism of GITR in combination with Fc-γ receptor-mediated depletion of Tregs results in increased intratumoral Teff:Treg ratio and tumor shrinkage. A novel quantitative systems pharmacology (QSP) model was developed for the murine anti-GITR agonist antibody, DTA-1.mIgG2a, to describe the kinetics of intratumoral Tregs and Teffs in Colon26 and A20 syngeneic mouse tumor models. It adequately captured the time profiles of intratumoral Treg and Teff and serum DTA-1.mIgG2a and soluble GITR concentrations in both mouse models, and described the response differences between the two models. The QSP model provides a quantitative understanding of the trade-off between maximizing Treg depletion versus Teff agonism, and offers insights to optimize drug design and dose regimen

    Systematic in silico analysis of clinically tested drugs for reducing amyloid‐beta plaque accumulation in Alzheimer's disease

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    INTRODUCTION: Despite strong evidence linking amyloid beta (Aβ) to Alzheimer's disease, most clinical trials have shown no clinical efficacy for reasons that remain unclear. To understand why, we developed a quantitative systems pharmacology (QSP) model for seven therapeutics: aducanumab, crenezumab, solanezumab, bapineuzumab, elenbecestat, verubecestat, and semagacestat. METHODS: Ordinary differential equations were used to model the production, transport, and aggregation of Aβ; pharmacology of the drugs; and their impact on plaque. RESULTS: The calibrated model predicts that endogenous plaque turnover is slow, with an estimated half-life of 2.75 years. This is likely why beta-secretase inhibitors have a smaller effect on plaque reduction. Of the mechanisms tested, the model predicts binding to plaque and inducing antibody-dependent cellular phagocytosis is the best approach for plaque reduction. DISCUSSION: A QSP model can provide novel insights to clinical results. Our model explains the results of clinical trials and provides guidance for future therapeutic development