85 research outputs found

    Olive Mill Wastewater Valorization through Steam Reforming Using Multifunctional Reactors: Challenges of the Process Intensification

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    Olive oil mill wastewater (OMW) is a polluting stream derived from the production of olive oil and is a source of environmental pollution; this is relevant in many countries around the world, but particularly in all the Mediterranean region where major producers are located. In this effluent, several pollutants are present-namely, sugars, fatty acids, and polyphenols, among others. Nowadays, to reduce the pollutant load, several treatment techniques are applied, but these technologies have numerous cost and efficiency problems. For this reason, the steam reforming of the OMW (OMWSR) presents as a good alternative, because this process decreases the pollutant load of the OMW and simultaneously valorizes the waste with the production of green H-2, which is consistent with the perspective of the circular economy. Currently, the OMWSR is an innovative treatment alternative in the scientific field and with high potential. In the last few years, some groups have studied the OMWSR and used innovative reactor configurations, aiming to improve the process' effectiveness. In this review, the OMW treatment/valorization processes, the last developments on catalysis for OMWSR (or steam reforming of similar species present in the effluent), as well as the last advances on OMWSR performed in multi-functional reactors are addressed

    Catalytic Steam Reforming of Biomass-Derived Oxygenates for H2 Production: A Review on Ni-Based Catalysts

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    The steam reforming of ethanol, methanol, and other oxygenates (e.g., bio-oil and olive mill wastewater) using Ni-based catalysts have been studied by the scientific community in the last few years. This process is already well studied over the last years, being the critical point, at this moment, the choice of a suitable catalyst. The utilization of these oxygenates for the production of green H2 is an interesting alternative to fuel fossils. For this application, Ni-based catalysts have been extensively studied since they are highly active and cheaper than noble metal-based materials. In this review, a comparison of several Ni-based catalysts reported in the literature for the different above-mentioned reactions is carried out. This study aims to understand if such catalysts demonstrate enough catalytic activity/stability for application in steam reforming of the oxygenated compounds and which preparation methods are most adequate to obtain these materials. In summary, it aims to provide insights into the performances reached and point out the best way to get better and improved catalysts for such applications (which depends on the feedstock used)

    Use of Pillared Clay-Based Catalysts for Wastewater Treatment through Fenton-Like Processes

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    Clays, both natural and physical-chemically modified, are attractive materials for the preparation of supported catalysts. In this chapter, a review is made regarding the use of pillared interlayered clays (PILCs) in heterogeneous Fenton-like advanced oxidation processes. Their applications in pollutants degradation is summarized, with particular emphasis on the effect of the main operating conditions (e.g., initial H2O2 or parent compound concentration, catalyst load, pH, or temperature) on oxidation efficiency. Special attention is also given to the type of catalyst or precursor used, to the importance and advantages of the heterogeneous versus homogeneous process, and to significant aspects like catalyst stability. Among the technological issues that are of concern, the importance of using continuous flow reactors (e.g., fixed-bed) is discussed. Finally, some mechanistic studies are reviewed as well as modeling works, based on phenomenological or semi-empiric models (e.g., using statistic tools like design of experiments)

    Treatment of cork boiling wastewater using chemical oxidation and biodegradation

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    Three cultures were enriched from cork boiling wastewater using tannic acid as the selective carbon substrate, at 25 C and pH 7.2, 25 C and pH 4.7 and 50 C and pH 4.7. The enrichment culture obtained at neutral pH was composed of five culturable isolates, whereas from each acidic enrichment two bacterial strains were isolated. Mesophilic isolates were Gram negative bacteria belonging to the genera Klebsiella, Pseudomonas, Stenotrophomonas and Burkholderia. Thermophilic isolates were members of the genus Bacillus. Despite the capability of the enrichment cultures to use tannic acid as single carbon and energy source, those cultures were unable to reduce the total polyphenols or the total organic carbon content of cork boiling wastewater. In order to increase the bioavailability of the organic carbon in cork boiling wastewater, biodegradation was preceded by Fenton oxidation. It was demonstrated that the combined process, using small amounts of Fenton reagents and biodegradative inoculum added almost simultaneously to cork boiling wastewater, leads to TOC reductions of more than 90%

    Folklore and traditional ecological knowledge of geckos in Southern Portugal: implications for conservation and science

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    Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) and folklore are repositories of large amounts of information about the natural world. Ideas, perceptions and empirical data held by human communities regarding local species are important sources which enable new scientific discoveries to be made, as well as offering the potential to solve a number of conservation problems. We documented the gecko-related folklore and TEK of the people of southern Portugal, with the particular aim of understanding the main ideas relating to gecko biology and ecology. Our results suggest that local knowledge of gecko ecology and biology is both accurate and relevant. As a result of information provided by local inhabitants, knowledge of the current geographic distribution of Hemidactylus turcicus was expanded, with its presence reported in nine new locations. It was also discovered that locals still have some misconceptions of geckos as poisonous and carriers of dermatological diseases. The presence of these ideas has led the population to a fear of and aversion to geckos, resulting in direct persecution being one of the major conservation problems facing these animals. It is essential, from both a scientific and conservationist perspective, to understand the knowledge and perceptions that people have towards the animals, since, only then, may hitherto unrecognized pertinent information and conservation problems be detected and resolved

    Sucrose Inversion - An Experiment on Heterogeneous Catalysis

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    llustration of heterogeneous catalysis concepts in laboratory courses is not usually simple or economical. For our undergraduate senior lab course we have developed an environmentally friendly experiment dealing with several aspects of heterogeneous catalysis, having in mind the use of readily available and relatively inexpensive equipment, and chemicals on a compact setup, which students can safely operate. The experiment deals with the acid-catalyzed sucrose inversion, performed in packed bed chemical reactors, where the catalyst is a cation-exchange resin in the H + form. An additional reactor is included for illustrating an enzyme-catalyzed system. The conversion achieved is determined using the Flow Injection Analysis technique

    A Bacia do Algarve: estratigrafia, paleogeografia e tectónica

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    A “Bacia do Algarve” corresponde, segundo a literatura científica tradicional, aos terrenos mesocenozóicos que orlam o Sul de Portugal, desde o Cabo de São Vicente ao rio Guadiana (~140km), penetrando irregularmente para o interior entre 3 km a 25 km, sobre terrenos de idade carbónica da Zona Sul Portuguesa. O hiato, de aproximadamente 70 milhões de anos, materializado pela discordância angular entre as rochas sedimentares de tipo flysch do Carbónico, metamorfizadas e deformadas durante a orogenia varisca, e as rochas sedimentares continentais do Triásico inferior provável, separa dois ciclos de Wilson. Os sedimentos carbónicos metamorfizados resultam do empilhamento orogénico de um possível prisma de acrecção associado à orogenia varisca e ao fecho de um oceano paleozóico e formação da Pangeia, enquanto que os sedimentos continentais triásicos resultam do fim do colapso e do arrasamento do orógeno varisco e início do estiramento continental que viriam a culminar com a separação das placas litosféricas África, Eurásia e América.Os sedimentos mais recentes do Mesozóico e os mais antigos bem datados do Cenozóico encontram-se separados por um outro hiato que ultrapassa ligeiramente os 70 milhões de anos na área emersa. Este hiato resulta duma alteração tectónica radical no contexto onde nessa época geológica se inseria a Bacia do Algarve. Esta mudança, que ocorreu no fim do Cenomaniano, resultou da rotação do vector de deslocamento da trajectória de África em relação à Eurásia, de aproximadamente NW-SE para SW-NE (segundo as coordenadas actuais, e.g. Dewey et al, 1989), poria termo ao regime distensivo e de bacia de tipo rifte na Bacia do Algarve, com o fim do regime transtensivo entre a região noroeste da placa África e sudoeste da placa Eurásia e início da colisão

    A visual analytics approach for understanding biclustering results from microarray data

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    Abstract Background Microarray analysis is an important area of bioinformatics. In the last few years, biclustering has become one of the most popular methods for classifying data from microarrays. Although biclustering can be used in any kind of classification problem, nowadays it is mostly used for microarray data classification. A large number of biclustering algorithms have been developed over the years, however little effort has been devoted to the representation of the results. Results We present an interactive framework that helps to infer differences or similarities between biclustering results, to unravel trends and to highlight robust groupings of genes and conditions. These linked representations of biclusters can complement biological analysis and reduce the time spent by specialists on interpreting the results. Within the framework, besides other standard representations, a visualization technique is presented which is based on a force-directed graph where biclusters are represented as flexible overlapped groups of genes and conditions. This microarray analysis framework (BicOverlapper), is available at http://vis.usal.es/bicoverlapper Conclusion The main visualization technique, tested with different biclustering results on a real dataset, allows researchers to extract interesting features of the biclustering results, especially the highlighting of overlapping zones that usually represent robust groups of genes and/or conditions. The visual analytics methodology will permit biology experts to study biclustering results without inspecting an overwhelming number of biclusters individually.</p

    PDBe-KB: a community-driven resource for structural and functional annotations.

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    The Protein Data Bank in Europe-Knowledge Base (PDBe-KB, https://pdbe-kb.org) is a community-driven, collaborative resource for literature-derived, manually curated and computationally predicted structural and functional annotations of macromolecular structure data, contained in the Protein Data Bank (PDB). The goal of PDBe-KB is two-fold: (i) to increase the visibility and reduce the fragmentation of annotations contributed by specialist data resources, and to make these data more findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR) and (ii) to place macromolecular structure data in their biological context, thus facilitating their use by the broader scientific community in fundamental and applied research. Here, we describe the guidelines of this collaborative effort, the current status of contributed data, and the PDBe-KB infrastructure, which includes the data exchange format, the deposition system for added value annotations, the distributable database containing the assembled data, and programmatic access endpoints. We also describe a series of novel web-pages-the PDBe-KB aggregated views of structure data-which combine information on macromolecular structures from many PDB entries. We have recently released the first set of pages in this series, which provide an overview of available structural and functional information for a protein of interest, referenced by a UniProtKB accession