2,643 research outputs found

    Tidal stability of giant molecular clouds in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    Star formation does not occur until the onset of gravitational collapse inside giant molecular clouds. However, the conditions that initiate cloud collapse and regulate the star formation process remain poorly understood. Local processes such as turbulence and magnetic fields can act to promote or prevent collapse. On larger scales, the galactic potential can also influence cloud stability and is traditionally assessed by the tidal and shear effects. In this paper, we examine the stability of giant molecular clouds (GMCs) in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) against shear and the galactic tide using CO data from the Magellanic Mopra Assessment (MAGMA) and rotation curve data from the literature. We calculate the tidal acceleration experienced by individual GMCs and determine the minimum cloud mass required for tidal stability. We also calculate the shear parameter, which is a measure of a clouds susceptibility to disruption via shearing forces in the galactic disk. We examine whether there are correlations between the properties and star forming activity of GMCs and their stability against shear and tidal disruption. We find that the GMCs are in approximate tidal balance in the LMC, and that shear is unlikely to affect their further evolution. GMCs with masses close to the minimal stable mass against tidal disruption are not unusual in terms of their mass, location, or CO brightness, but we note that GMCs with large velocity dispersion tend to be more sensitive to tidal instability. We also note that GMCs with smaller radii, which represent the majority of our sample, tend to more strongly resist tidal and shear disruption. Our results demonstrate that star formation in the LMC is not inhibited by to tidal or shear instability.Comment: 18 pages, 10 Figures, Accepted in PAS

    What is the Veterinary Professional Identity? Preliminary findings from web-based continuing professional development in veterinary professionalism

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    Professionalism and professional skills are increasingly being incorporated into veterinary curricula; however, lack of clarity in defining veterinary professionalism presents a potential challenge for directing course outcomes that are of benefit to the veterinary professional. An online continuing education course in veterinary professionalism was designed to address a deficit in postgraduate support in this area; as part of this course, delegates of varying practice backgrounds participated in online discussions reflecting on the implications of professional skills for their clinical practice. The discussions surrounding the role of the veterinary professional and reflecting on strengths and weaknesses in professional skills were analysed using narrative methodology, which provided an understanding of the defining skills and attributes of the veterinary professional, from the perspectives of those involved (i.e. how vets understood their own career identity). The veterinary surgeon was understood to be an interprofessional team member, who makes clinical decisions in the face of competing stakeholder needs and works in a complex environment comprising multiple and diverse challenges (stress, high emotions, financial issues, work–life balance). It was identified that strategies for accepting fallibility, and those necessary for establishing reasonable expectations of professional behaviour and clinical ability, are poorly developed

    New constraints on the millimetre emission of six debris discs

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    The presence of dusty debris around main-sequence stars denotes the existence of planetary systems. Such debris discs are often identified by the presence of excess continuum emission at infrared and (sub-)millimetre wavelengths, with measurements at longer wavelengths tracing larger and cooler dust grains. The exponent of the slope of the disc emission at submillimetre wavelengths, ‘q’, defines the size distribution of dust grains in the disc. This size distribution is a function of the rigid strength of the dust producing parent planetesimals. As a part of the survey ‘PLAnetesimals around TYpical Pre-main seqUence Stars’, we observed six debris discs at 9 mm using the Australian Telescope Compact Array. We obtain marginal (∼3σ) detections of three targets: HD 105, HD 61005 and HD 131835. Upper limits for the three remaining discs, HD 20807, HD 109573 and HD 109085 provide further constraint of the (sub-)millimetre slope of their spectral energy distributions. The values of q (or their limits) derived from our observations are all smaller than the oft-assumed steady-state collisional cascade model (q = 3.5), but lie well within the theoretically expected range for debris discs q ∼ 3–4. The measured q values for our targets are all <3.3, consistent with both collisional modelling results and theoretical predictions for parent planetesimal bodies being ‘rubble piles’ held together loosely by their self-gravity

    Meningococcal genetic variation mechanisms viewed through comparative analysis of Serogroup C strain FAM18

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    Copyright @ 2007 Public Library of ScienceThe bacterium Neisseria meningitidis is commonly found harmlessly colonising the mucosal surfaces of the human nasopharynx. Occasionally strains can invade host tissues causing septicaemia and meningitis, making the bacterium a major cause of morbidity and mortality in both the developed and developing world. The species is known to be diverse in many ways, as a product of its natural transformability and of a range of recombination and mutation-based systems. Previous work on pathogenic Neisseria has identified several mechanisms for the generation of diversity of surface structures, including phase variation based on slippage-like mechanisms and sequence conversion of expressed genes using information from silent loci. Comparison of the genome sequences of two N. meningitidis strains, serogroup B MC58 and serogroup A Z2491, suggested further mechanisms of variation, including C-terminal exchange in specific genes and enhanced localised recombination and variation related to repeat arrays. We have sequenced the genome of N. meningitidis strain FAM18, a representative of the ST-11/ET-37 complex, providing the first genome sequence for the disease-causing serogroup C meningococci; it has 1,976 predicted genes, of which 60 do not have orthologues in the previously sequenced serogroup A or B strains. Through genome comparison with Z2491 and MC58 we have further characterised specific mechanisms of genetic variation in N. meningitidis, describing specialised loci for generation of cell surface protein variants and measuring the association between noncoding repeat arrays and sequence variation in flanking genes. Here we provide a detailed view of novel genetic diversification mechanisms in N. meningitidis. Our analysis provides evidence for the hypothesis that the noncoding repeat arrays in neisserial genomes (neisserial intergenic mosaic elements) provide a crucial mechanism for the generation of surface antigen variants. Such variation will have an impact on the interaction with the host tissues, and understanding these mechanisms is important to aid our understanding of the intimate and complex relationship between the human nasopharynx and the meningococcus.This work was supported by the Wellcome Trust through the Beowulf Genomics Initiative

    The fundamental problem of command : plan and compliance in a partially centralised economy

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    When a principal gives an order to an agent and advances resources for its implementation, the temptations for the agent to shirk or steal from the principal rather than comply constitute the fundamental problem of command. Historically, partially centralised command economies enforced compliance in various ways, assisted by nesting the fundamental problem of exchange within that of command. The Soviet economy provides some relevant data. The Soviet command system combined several enforcement mechanisms in an equilibrium that shifted as agents learned and each mechanism's comparative costs and benefits changed. When the conditions for an equilibrium disappeared, the system collapsed.Comparative Economic Studies (2005) 47, 296–314. doi:10.1057/palgrave.ces.810011

    An attempt to observe economy globalization: the cross correlation distance evolution of the top 19 GDP's

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    Economy correlations between the 19 richest countries are investigated through their Gross Domestic Product increments. A distance is defined between increment correlation matrix elements and their evolution studied as a function of time and time window size. Unidirectional and Bidirectional Minimal Length Paths are generated and analyzed for different time windows. A sort of critical correlation time window is found indicating a transition for best observations. The mean length path decreases with time, indicating stronger correlations. A new method for estimating a realistic minimal time window to observe correlations and deduce macroeconomy conclusions from such features is thus suggested.Comment: to be published in the Dyses05 proceedings, in Int. J. Mod Phys C 15 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    High-resolution survey for planetary companions to young stars in the Taurus Molecular Cloud

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    Direct imaging in the infrared at the diffraction limit of large telescopes is a unique probe of the properties of young planetary systems. We survey 55 single class I and class II stars in Taurus in the L' filter using natural and laser guide star adaptive optics and the near-infrared camera (NIRC2) of the Keck II telescope, in order to search for planetary mass companions. We use both reference star differential imaging and kernel phase techniques, achieving typical 5-sigma contrasts of ~6 magnitudes at separations of 0.2" and ~8 magnitudes beyond 0.5". Although we do not detect any new faint companions, we constrain the frequency of wide separation massive planets, such as HR 8799 analogues. We find that, assuming hot-start models and a planet distribution with power-law mass and semi-major axis indices of -0.5 and -1, respectively, less than 20% of our target stars host planets with masses >2 MJ at separations >10 AU.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Trypanosoma brucei gambiense group 1 is distinguished by a unique amino acid substitution in the HpHb receptor implicated in human serum resistance

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    Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense (Tbr) and T. b. gambiense (Tbg), causative agents of Human African Trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness) in Africa, have evolved alternative mechanisms of resisting the activity of trypanosome lytic factors (TLFs), components of innate immunity in human serum that protect against infection by other African trypanosomes. In Tbr, lytic activity is suppressed by the Tbr-specific serum-resistance associated (SRA) protein. The mechanism in Tbg is less well understood but has been hypothesized to involve altered activity and expression of haptoglobin haemoglobin receptor (HpHbR). HpHbR has been shown to facilitate internalization of TLF-1 in T.b. brucei (Tbb), a member of the T. brucei species complex that is susceptible to human serum. By evaluating the genetic variability of HpHbR in a comprehensive geographical and taxonomic context, we show that a single substitution that replaces leucine with serine at position 210 is conserved in the most widespread form of Tbg (Tbg group 1) and not found in related taxa, which are either human serum susceptible (Tbb) or known to resist lysis via an alternative mechanism (Tbr and Tbg group 2). We hypothesize that this single substitution contributes to reduced uptake of TLF and thus may play a key role in conferring serum resistance to Tbg group 1. In contrast, similarity in HpHbR sequence among isolates of Tbg group 2 and Tbb/Tbr provides further evidence that human serum resistance in Tbg group 2 is likely independent of HpHbR functio

    High yielding biomass ideotypes of willow (Salix spp.) show differences in below ground biomass allocation.

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    Willows (Salix spp.) grown as short rotation coppice (SRC) are viewed as a sustainable source of biomass with a positive greenhouse gas (GHG) balance due to their potential to fix and accumulate carbon (C) below ground. However, exploiting this potential has been limited by the paucity of data available on below ground biomass allocation and the extent to which it varies between genotypes. Furthermore, it is likely that allocation can be altered considerably by environment. To investigate the role of genotype and environment on allocation, four willow genotypes were grown at two replicated field sites in southeast England and west Wales, UK. Above and below ground biomass was intensively measured over two two-year rotations. Significant genotypic differences in biomass allocation were identified, with below ground allocation differing by up to 10% between genotypes. Importantly, the genotype with the highest below ground biomass also had the highest above ground yield. Furthermore, leaf area was found to be a good predictor of below ground biomass. Growth environment significantly impacted allocation; the willow genotypes grown in west Wales had up to 94% more biomass below ground by the end of the second rotation. A single investigation into fine roots showed the same pattern with double the volume of fine roots present. This greater below ground allocation may be attributed primarily to higher wind speeds, plus differences in humidity and soil characteristics. These results demonstrate that the capacity exists to breed plants with both high yields and high potential for C accumulation