154 research outputs found

    Vidaus kontrolės sistemos elementų raiška: grafinis vaizdavimas

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    The results of the analysis of scientific literature showed that scientists disagree and do not share the same opinion on the expression of the elements of the internal control system. That is the situation that determines the transformation of internal control system models, its speed and variety. Thus, the analysis of the expression of graphical annotations of the internal control systems, provided in the scientific literature, allows to state that the internal control system can be depicted as a table with four legs, where each of them represents an element of the internal control system, whose existence is equivalent to the functioning of the internal control system. Another often found graphical annotation of the internal control system is the representation of its five elements in the form of an umbrella, which aims to demonstrate the precedence of the control environment over the other elements, i.e. the control environment encloses and protects the other four elements: risk assessment, control procedures, information and its transmission, and control monitoring. Meanwhile, the most common way to present the internal control system in the scientific literature is showing it in the form of a triangular pyramid, which clearly shows that the internal control system is based on the environment of the control. Therefore, to summarize all the internal control system models, provided in the scientific literature, it can be said that the company's system of internal control is designed to manage the risks, associated with the business environment; it is constantly changing and as a result must be continuously monitored and improved. It should be noted, that the analysis of the internal control models allow to state that the offered models are still not only very different from each other, but also do not specify any particular sequence of internal control effectiveness’ assessment; they only identify certain guidelines for the assessment, as a result, a new principal structurogram of the internal control effectiveness’ assessment model has been created. It should be stressed that the latter newly includes the coordination element, which was lacking in the identified models, presented in the scientific literature. It should be emphasized that the coordination of all the factors of employees is required in order to properly use the available resources and to save them, to guarantee high quality of products and services, to reduce all kinds of expenses, to obtain the best possible financial results.Egzistuojant sąlyginai didelei verslo konkurencijai šalies rinkoje, kuomet daugelis įmonių akcentuoja vidaus kontrolės svarbą, vis aktualesne problematika tampa aiškaus ir paprasto vidaus kontrolės modelio poreikis. Vidaus kontrolės sistema straipsnyje pateikiama kaip visuma koordinuotų būdų ir priemonių, naudojamų įmonės numatytiems tikslams pasiekti, todėl tyrimui iškelta vidaus kontrolės sistemos elementų skaičiaus ir jų grafinio vaizdavimo problema. Reikia pažymėti, kad remiantis pateikiamais įvairių autorių ir profesinių organizacijų sukurtais vidaus kontrolės sistemų paveikslais, rodančiais didelę jų įvairovę, sudarytas rekomenduojamas originalus vidaus kontrolės modelis oktagramos pavidalu, kurį sudaro septyni elementai: išorės aplinka, informacijos sistema, kontrolės veiksmai, vidaus aplinka, kontrolės procedūrų stebėsena, koordinavimas

    The Fraud Tree and its Investigation in Audit

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    The purpose of the present research paper is to introduce a new structure of the Fraud Tree and to suggest certain audit procedures possibly employed in examining its branches. For the purpose of the present paper the authors thereof have referred to the analysis of related research literature, also applied the information comparison and generalization methods. Fraud is being committed in every part of the world, and in every sphere of human activities. Often fraud leads to financial nightmare and collapse of major international corporations which cause spill-off after-effects not only upon corporations and their employees, but also upon other related businesses and organizations, governments and societies. In view of globalization of economy, increasingly dynamic and competitive business fraud has changed in character though has not downscaled in its scope. Today fraudsters elaborate their attempts making use of the most state-of-the-art science achievements and innovative technologies. This largely facilitates the growth of the “Fraud Tree” with its new branches ever springing up. The present article represents an attempt to investigate individual fraud cases and the groups of persons committing this kind of crime. A new concept of “Fraud Tree” has been introduced with the following basic branches: i) material misstatements in financial statements; ii) asset misappropriation; iii) corruption; iv) tax evasion; and v) others. Every branch on the Fraud Tree has several sub-branches, and significant efforts should be devoted in the course of audit to examine the scope, formation conditions of each such sub-branch. The present paper includes guidelines for the principal actions and procedures to be followed by an auditor in view of the risks related to misstatements in financial statements, asset misappropriation, corruption and tax evasion

    Prof. Vlado Jurgučio įžvalgos apie bankus ir jų plėtotė lietuvių auditorių darbuose

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    The article analyses prof. V. Jurgutis‘ thoughts, attitudes, ideas and suggestions towards the importance of banks, their management, competition among them, etc. The article presents the development of V. Jurgutis’ insights into bank performance in works of Lithuanian authors. The study reveals that V. Jurgutis’ insights into banks’ performance is inestimable for Lithuanian banking science and practice professionals. Especially valuable are his thoughts and ideas towards the organization and rationalization of banks, their employee structure and relations, the competition and the expansion of banks. Statements formulated in prof. V. Jurgutis work "Banks" have encouraging influences on the growth of the effectiveness of bank performance, and are relevant to both the regulation of bank performance in Lithuania and the transition to Euro. Therefore, with the consideration of today's realities, it is necessary to further analyse V. Jurgutis‘ scientific heritage and implement his ideas into practice.Be bankų negali egzistuoti nė viena valstybė. Iš jų veiklos galima spręsti apie šalies ekonomikos būklę. Bankų veiklos įvairius aspektus nagrinėjo daugelis pasaulio ir Lietuvos mokslininkų. Tarp jų ypač svarbią vietą užima Lietuvos bankų sistemos kūrėjas prof. Vladas Jurgutis (1885-1966), parašęs originalų veikalą „Bankai“ (1940). Straipsnyje nagrinėjama prof. V. Jurgučio mintys, nuostatos, idėjos ir patarimai apie bankų reikšmę, jų valdymą, darbuotojų sudėtį ir darbo organizavimą, apie bankų tarpusavio santykius bei konkurencinę kovą ir kt. Straipsnyje pateikiama V. Jurgučio įžvalgų apie bankų veiklą plėtotė lietuvių autorių darbuose

    Įmonių veiklos analizė – informacijos rinkimo, tyrimo ir vertinimo sistema

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    A new definition of the analysis of companies’ business was formulated: the analysis of companies’ business is a collection, investigation and evaluation of economic information in order to achieve the goals set by the management of the company. The analysis of companies’ business collects, investigates and evaluates information about all company’s business operations, including its main activities (production, commercial), financing and investment activities. Thus, a new formula was suggested: the analysis of companies’ business = the analysis of main activities + the analysis of financial activities + the analysis of investment activities.Based on the research data of foreign and Lithuanian, the content of the analysis of main, financial and investment activities was presented. This content includes the most important topics the detailed analysis of which would help to evaluate companies’ financial condition, business results, cash flows and to forecast their business perspectives.[straipsnis ir santrauka lietuvių kalba; santrauka anglų kalba] Straipsnyje nagrinėjama įmonių veiklos analizės, kaip svarbaus ekonominės informacijos šaltinio, reikšmė. Pateikiama nauja įmonių veiklos analizės samprata. Išskiriamos trys įmonių veiklos analizės sudedamosios dalys – pagrindinės (gamybinės, komercinės) veiklos analizė, finansinės veiklos analizė ir investicinės veiklos analizė. Atlikta užsienio ir lietuvių autorių įmonių veiklos analizės knygų turinio lyginamoji analizė. Rekomenduojama įmonių veiklos analizės sudedamųjų dalių – pagrindinės (gamybinės, komercinės) veiklos, finansinės veiklos ir investicinės veiklos analizės turinys, užtikrinantis išsamią informaciją vidaus ir išorės vartotojams

    Prof. Vlado Jurgučio įžvalgų apie pinigus analizė ir jų plėtotė lietuvių autorių darbuose

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    Be pinigų negali egzistuoti nei viena valstybė, nei viena įmonė, nei vienas žmogus. Pinigų įvairius aspektus nagrinėjo daugybė pasaulio mokslininkų. Dabartiniu metu, kai nuolat kalbama ir rašoma apie euro įvedimo galimybes Lietuvoje svarbu prisiminti ir panagrinėti žymiausio Lietuvos pinigų sistemos kūrėjo prof. Vlado Jurgučio įžvalgas apie pinigus. Straipsnyje nagrinėjama prof. V. Jurgučio nuomonė ir mokslinių tyrimų išvados apie pinigų sampratą, funkcijas, savybes, vertę, infliaciją ir kt. Pateikiama V. Jurgučio įžvalgų apie pinigus plėtotė lietuvių autorių darbuose.It should be noted that the name of professor V. Jurgutis was written into history for the long year’s research activities – he was one of the most distinguished Lithuanian financiers. Professor submitted interesting opinion about the money, its stability and circulation in his main scientific works: “The essence of the science of finance” (1938), “The money” (1938) and “Banks” (1940). It should be mentioned that the theories about money circulation and its management is very important because he had possibility to implement his theoretical ideas into practice. Analysis of Vladas Jurgutis researches showed that the aim of public finance management is to guarantee the stability of state finance, whereas managing state finance a  significantly  broader  goal  appears  –  to  guarantee “the nation’s welfare”, which includes: stability  of  the  financial  system  of  the  residents; stability of the companies’ finance and balancing of the public finance. Several Lithuanian economists have written papers on the issues of monetary policy and theory. Mainly they were the supporters of banking theory and were praising the stability of the currency parity.  &nbsp

    Įmonių veiklos rizikų valdymo ir vertinimo modelis

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    It should be noted that in this article the enterprise‘s activity risk management and evaluation problem is defined. The risk classification is defined in these criteries: coming way, effect, activity‘s area, time, probability of result, probability of management, importance and misuses. The model of evaluation of enterprise risk management is recommended. The model consists of these stages of risk management and evaluation: 1) identification of enterprise activity internals, 2) identification of risk determinants, 3) risk identification, 4) evaluation of risk level, 5) evaluation of risk consequence, 6) system of risk management tools, 7) evaluation of costs of risk management, 8) choice of strategy of risk management, 9) evaluation of results.Straipsnyje nagrinėjama įmonių veiklos rizikų valdymo ir vertinimo problema. Pateikiama rizikų klasifikacija pagal šiuos požymius: atsiradimo būdą, poveikį, veiklos sritis, laiką, rezultato tikimybę, valdymo galimybę, reikšmingumą, piktnaudžiavimus. Rekomenduojamas įmonių veiklos rizikų valdymo ir vertinimo modelis, kurį sudaro šie rizikos valdymo ir vertinimo etapai: 1) įmonės veiklos ypatybių nustatymas, 2) riziką lemiančių veiksnių nustatymas, 3) rizikos identifikavimas, 4) rizikos lygio įvertinimas, 5) rizikos pasekmių vertinimas, 6) rizikos valdymo priemonių sistema, 7) rizikos valdymo priemonių išlaidų naudos įvertinimas, 8) rizikos valdymo strategijos pasirinkimas, 9) rezultatų vertinimas ir stebėsena. &nbsp

    Išlaidų klasifikavimo informacijos naudojimas įvairiems įmonių veiklos tikslams

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    Understanding the essence and significance of costs, as well as the possibilities of how to decrease them, is one of the most important conditions for enterprises to succeed. The article analyzes the nature, importance, and description of costs. The volume, dynamics, and structure of Lithuanian enterprises’ costs for the period of 2013–2017 is provided. Features of costs classification, based on which one can determine on what purposes the information on costs may be used, are systematized. The methodology of the usage of information on costs classification for specific purposes is provided. It is comprised of three stages: 1) the foresight of opportunities for the usage of the information fund of costs classification; 2) the setting of goals for the usage of information on costs classification; 3) the evaluation of the effectiveness of the usage of the information fund of costs classification. The second stage should be considered the most important one in this process, because when the information fund of costs classification is being shaped and used, the set goals determine the need and purpose of such information. Taking this aspect into account, it is suggested to distinguish the three main goals of the information on costs classification: the administration and improvement of the accounting system, the improvement of the enterprise’s management system, as well as the establishment and improvement of the enterprise’s activity results.Išlaidų esmės, reikšmės ir galimybių jas mažinti suvokimas yra vienas svarbiausių verslo įmonių sėkmės veiksnių. Straipsnyje nagrinėjama išlaidų prigimtis, svarba ir jų apibūdinimas. Pateikiama Lietuvos verslo įmonių išlaidų apimtis, dinamika ir struktūra 2013–2017 metais. Susisteminti išlaidų klasifikavimo požymiai, kuriais remiantis galima nustatyti, kokiems tikslams išlaidų informaciją panaudoti. Pateikiama išlaidų klasifikavimo informacijos naudojimo konkretiems tikslams metodika, kurią sudaro trys etapai: 1) išlaidų klasifikavimo informacijos fondo panaudojimo galimybių numatymas; 2) išlaidų klasifikavimo informacijos panaudojimo tikslų nustatymas; 3) išlaidų klasifikavimo informacijos fondo panaudojimo efektyvumo įvertinimas. Svarbiausiu šiame procese laikytinas antrasis etapas, nes formuojant ir naudojant išlaidų klasifikavimo informacijos fondą iškelti tikslai nulemia šios informacijos poreikį ir paskirtį. Atsižvelgiant į šį aspektą siūloma išskirti tris pagrindinius išlaidų klasifikavimo informacijos tikslus: buhalterinės apskaitos sistemai tvarkyti ir tobulinti, įmonės valdymo sistemai tobulinti ir įmonės veiklos rezultatams nustatyti ir gerinti


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    In modern conditions for dynamic and competitive businesses, more and more companies face financial problems and eventually go bankrupt. A noteworthy trend: not only new companies that have not yet managed to establish themselves in the market go bankrupt but also large companies operating for years and maintaining good traditions. Bankruptcies of companies cause many problems not only for the companies themselves but also for the state and many members of society. Thus, it is crucial to evaluate the financial state of a company and its activity results as accurately and early as possible when forecasting the possibility of a bankruptcy. The paper recommends a complex analysis methodology for forecasting company bankruptcies. It consists of the following elements: 1) study of the external and internal environments; 2) evaluation of changes of absolute financial indicators;3) calculation and evaluation of financial ratios; 4) application of bankruptcy prediction models; 5) research of bankruptcy causes and 6) application of operational and prospective measures to avoid bankruptcy. By carrying out a thorough analysis of each of these elements, it is possible to obtain detailed and objective information about the company's financial status, activity results and cash flows as early as possible and anticipate the possibilities of the company's business continuity

    Jono Bukevičiaus, Daivos Burkšaitienės, Narimanto Kazimiero Paliulio, Jono Žaptoriaus vadovėlio "Apskaita vadybininkams" recenzija

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    VGTU leidykla "Technika" išleido vadovėlį "Apskaita vadybininkams" (Vilnius: Technika, 2009. 318 p.), kurį parašė šio universiteto dėstytojai – doc. J. Bukevičius, doc. D. Burkšaitienė, prof. N. K. Paliulis ir doc. J. Žaptorius. Tai pirmasis apskaitos vadovėlis vadybininkams Lietuvoje. Anksčiau išleisti apskaitos vadovėliai ar mokomosios knygos1 buvo skirti buhalterinės apskaitos specialistams. Šio vadovėlio tikslas – pateikti vadybos studentams žinių apie apskaitą, jos informacijos rūšis, duomenų kaupimą ir naudojimą. Vadovėlyje atskleidžiamos pagrindinės apskaitos pagrindų, finansinės ir valdymo apskaitos sąvokos, nagrinėjami apskaitos informacijos ypatumai ir jos pateikimo būdai

    Įmonės bankroto priežasčių klasterizavimas

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    Bankruptcies of enterprises are among the most common events in the market economy. They cause a lot of negative effects not only for the company and its employees, but also for other companies and institutions, the state and society. Although the researchers have examined the reasons for bankruptcy, there is no list of the signs clearly indicating the likelihood of bankruptcy. Or such list is impossible due to the fact that causes of bankruptcy are related to the complex and constantly changing external environment of the company. That is why various features are only the symptoms pointing to the fact that the company is in danger of going bankrupt. It should be mentioned that some signs indicate that the company may face a number of difficulties, including bankruptcy, if the company’s management will not take appropriate action to eliminate causes of bankruptcy or to adjust to them. Reasons for bankruptcy can be divided into: 1) internal, 2) external. External reasons are such reasons that cannot be affected by company’s executives because they do not depend on the executives’ will. Internal reasons are such reasons that depend on the company’s executives and their level of professionalism, initiative, and ability to lead and to make the right decisions. In order to take the lowest risk, company’s analysts should monitor and investigate all internal and external causes. As it has been already mentioned, there are many internal and external reasons for companies’ bankruptcy but it is not clear which are the most important ones. To answer this question the authors of this article, on the basis of Lithuanian and foreign scientific research, have compiled a theoretical list and the tree of the internal and external causes of bankruptcy. The tree and its components are improved with clusters of reasons for bankruptcy of enterprises.Straipsnyje nagrinėjamos įmonių vidaus ir išorės bankroto priežasčių išskyrimo ir grupavimo teorinės nuostatos tam pasitelkiant daugiamatės analizės metodus. Straipsnyje teigiama, kad konkurencinės aplinkos sąlygomis spartėja ūkio subjektų kūrimosi ir likvidavimosi procesai, o dėl to formuojasi itin platus bankroto priežasčių spektras, kuriame kokybinės analizės būdu išskiriamos tokių priežasčių grupės. Objektyvioms bankroto priežasčių grupėms – klasteriams formuoti šį kelią racionalu papildyti kiekybiniais tyrimais