2,252 research outputs found

    On algebraic construction of certain integrable and super-integrable systems

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    We propose a new construction of two-dimensional natural bi-Hamiltonian systems associated with a very simple Lie algebra. The presented construction allows us to distinguish three families of super-integrable monomial potentials for which one additional first integral is quadratic, and the second one can be of arbitrarily high degree with respect to the momenta. Many integrable systems with additional integrals of degree greater than two in momenta are given. Moreover, an example of a super-integrable system with first integrals of degree two, four and six in the momenta is found.Comment: 37 page

    Potential of thermal analysis in preparation and characterization of solid catalysis

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    Supported catalysts contain often only small amounts of active component(s) which renders their characterization difficult, particularly because they usually contain a substantial amount of water. Thermal analysis (TA) coupled with mass spectrometry (MS) offers an interesting potential for characterizing such material, various steps of catalyst preparation as well as crucial properties of fresh and used catalysts can be investigated. Some examples illustrating the versatility of TA-MS in catalysis research, such as solid-state reactions occurring upon exposure of the precursors or catalysts to reducing, oxidizing or inert atmosphere, are presented in this study. The combined use of TA and MS allows in many cases a much more detailed interpretation of the observed phenomena than could be achieved by one of these methods alon

    Role and distribution of different Ba-containing phases in supported Pt-Ba NSR catalysts

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    Pt-Ba/MeO (where MeO=Al2O3, CeO2, SiO2 and ZrO2) NO x storage-reduction catalysts with Ba-loading varying from 0wt.% to 28wt.% were investigated concerning stability of Ba phases and NO x storage-reduction efficiency. For Pt-Ba/Al2O3 three different Ba-containing phases with different thermal stability are distinguished based on their interaction with the support. The relative concentration of these phases varies with the Ba-loading and NO x storage tests indicated that the BaCO3 phase decomposing between 400°C and 800°C (LT-BaCO3) is the most efficient Ba containing phase for NO x storage. Similar investigations of Pt-Ba catalysts supported on CeO2, SiO2 and ZrO2 showed that the relative amount of LT-BaCO3 phase depends also on the support material. NO x storage measurements confirmed a correlation between the concentration of LT-BaCO3 and NO x storage efficiency. Basicity and textural properties of the support are identified as crucial parameters for efficient NO x storage catalyst

    Bound and unbound substructures in Galaxy-scale Dark Matter haloes

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    We analyse the coarse-grained phase-space structure of the six Galaxy-scale dark matter haloes of the Aquarius Project using a state-of-the-art 6D substructure finder. Within r_50, we find that about 35% of the mass is in identifiable substructures, predominantly tidal streams, but including about 14% in self-bound subhaloes. The slope of the differential substructure mass function is close to -2, which should be compared to around -1.9 for the population of self-bound subhaloes. Near r_50 about 60% of the mass is in substructures, with about 30% in self-bound subhaloes. The inner 35 kpc of the highest resolution simulation has only 0.5% of its mass in self-bound subhaloes, but 3.3% in detected substructure, again primarily tidal streams. The densest tidal streams near the solar position have a 3-D mass density about 1% of the local mean, and populate the high velocity tail of the velocity distribution.Comment: Submitted to MNRAS on 12/10/2010, 11 pages, 10 figure

    Planets Around the K-Giants BD+20 274 and HD 219415

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    We present the discovery of planet-mass companions to two giant stars by the ongoing Penn State- Toru\'n Planet Search (PTPS) conducted with the 9.2 m Hobby-Eberly Telescope. The less massive of these stars, K5-giant BD+20 274, has a 4.2 MJ minimum mass planet orbiting the star at a 578-day period and a more distant, likely stellar-mass companion. The best currently available model of the planet orbiting the K0-giant HD 219415 points to a Jupiter-mass companion in a 5.7-year, eccentric orbit around the star, making it the longest period planet yet detected by our survey. This planet has an amplitude of \sim18 m/s, comparable to the median radial velocity (RV) "jitter", typical of giant stars.Comment: 5 figures, 13 pages, accepted by the Astrophysical Journal. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1110.164

    Three red giants with substellar-mass companions

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    We present three giant stars from the ongoing Penn State-Toru\'n Planet Search with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope, which exhibit radial velocity variations that point to a presence of planetary --mass companions around them. BD+49 828 is a M=1.52±0.22M=1.52 \pm 0.22 MM_{\odot} K0 giant with a msinim sini=1.60.2+0.41.6^{+0.4}_{-0.2} MJM_{J} minimum mass companion in a=4.20.2+0.32a=4.2^{+0.32}_{-0.2} AU (2590180+3002590^{+300}_{-180}d), e=0.350.10+0.24e=0.35^{+0.24}_{-0.10} orbit. HD 95127, a logLL/LL_{\odot}=2.28±0.382.28 \pm 0.38, R=20±9R = 20\pm 9 RR_{\odot}, M=1.20±0.22M=1.20 \pm 0.22 MM_{\odot} K0 giant has a msinim sini=5.010.44+0.615.01^{+0.61}_{-0.44} MJM_{J} minimum mass companion in a=1.280.01+0.01a=1.28^{+0.01}_{-0.01} AU (4825+5482^{+5}_{-5}d), e=0.110.06+0.15e=0.11^{+0.15}_{-0.06} orbit. Finally, HD 216536, is a M=1.36±0.38M=1.36 \pm 0.38 MM_{\odot} K0 giant with a msini=1.470.12+0.20m sin i=1.47^{+0.20}_{-0.12} MJM_{J} minimum mass companion in a=0.6090.002+0.002a=0.609^{+0.002}_{-0.002} AU (148.60.7+0.7148.6^{+0.7}_{-0.7}d), e=0.380.10+0.12e=0.38^{+0.12}_{-0.10} orbit. Both, HD 95127 b and HD 216536 b in their compact orbits, are very close to the engulfment zone and hence prone to ingestion in the near future. BD+49 828 b is among the longest period planets detected with the radial velocity technique until now and it will remain unaffected by stellar evolution up to a very late stage of its host. We discuss general properties of planetary systems around evolved stars and planet survivability using existing data on exoplanets in more detail.Comment: 47 pages, 11 figures. Accepted by Ap

    TAPAS IV. TYC 3667-1280-1 b - the most massive red giant star hosting a warm Jupiter

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    We present the latest result of the TAPAS project that is devoted to intense monitoring of planetary candidates that are identified within the PennState-Toru\'n planet search. We aim to detect planetary systems around evolved stars to be able to build sound statistics on the frequency and intrinsic nature of these systems, and to deliver in-depth studies of selected planetary systems with evidence of star-planet interaction processes. The paper is based on precise radial velocity measurements: 13 epochs collected over 1920 days with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope and its High-Resolution Spectrograph, and 22 epochs of ultra-precise HARPS-N data collected over 961 days. We present a warm-Jupiter (Teq=1350KT_{eq}=1350 K, m2sini=5.4±m_{2} sin i=5.4\pm0.4MJM_{J}) companion with an orbital period of 26.468 days in a circular (e=0.036e=0.036) orbit around a giant evolved (logg=3.11±0.09\log g=3.11\pm0.09, R=6.26±0.86RR=6.26\pm0.86R_{\odot}) star with M=1.87±0.17MM_{\star}=1.87\pm0.17M_{\odot}. This is the most massive and oldest star found to be hosting a close-in giant planet. Its proximity to its host (a=0.21aua=0.21au) means that the planet has a 13.9±2.0%13.9\pm2.0\% probability of transits; this calls for photometric follow-up study. This massive warm Jupiter with a near circular orbit around an evolved massive star can help set constraints on general migration mechanisms for warm Jupiters and, given its high equilibrium temperature, can help test energy deposition models in hot Jupiters.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted by A&