457 research outputs found

    Towards End-to-End Acoustic Localization using Deep Learning: from Audio Signal to Source Position Coordinates

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    This paper presents a novel approach for indoor acoustic source localization using microphone arrays and based on a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The proposed solution is, to the best of our knowledge, the first published work in which the CNN is designed to directly estimate the three dimensional position of an acoustic source, using the raw audio signal as the input information avoiding the use of hand crafted audio features. Given the limited amount of available localization data, we propose in this paper a training strategy based on two steps. We first train our network using semi-synthetic data, generated from close talk speech recordings, and where we simulate the time delays and distortion suffered in the signal that propagates from the source to the array of microphones. We then fine tune this network using a small amount of real data. Our experimental results show that this strategy is able to produce networks that significantly improve existing localization methods based on \textit{SRP-PHAT} strategies. In addition, our experiments show that our CNN method exhibits better resistance against varying gender of the speaker and different window sizes compared with the other methods.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, 8 table

    A template-based approach for responsibility management in executable business processes

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    Process-oriented organisations need to manage the different types of responsibilities their employees may have w.r.t. the activities involved in their business processes. Despite several approaches provide support for responsibility modelling, in current Business Process Management Systems (BPMS) the only responsibility considered at runtime is the one related to performing the work required for activity completion. Others like accountability or consultation must be implemented by manually adding activities in the executable process model, which is time-consuming and error-prone. In this paper, we address this limitation by enabling current BPMS to execute processes in which people with different responsibilities interact to complete the activities. We introduce a metamodel based on Responsibility Assignment Matrices (RAM) to model the responsibility assignment for each activity, and a flexible template-based mechanism that automatically transforms such information into BPMN elements, which can be interpreted and executed by a BPMS. Thus, our approach does not enforce any specific behaviour for the different responsibilities but new templates can be modelled to specify the interaction that best suits the activity requirements. Furthermore, libraries of templates can be created and reused in different processes. We provide a reference implementation and build a library of templates for a well-known set of responsibilities

    Acción del propóleos sobre el tiempo de cicatrización en heridas postquirúrgicas

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es evaluar los procesos de cicatrización de los tejidos blandos de la mucosa oral, ante la aplicación en forma tópica de propóleos.Facultad de Odontologí

    Jugando Aprendo Inglés

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    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo determinar cuáles son los conocimientos previos que tienen los estudiantes del sexto grado en el colegio INEM Simón Bolívar del idioma inglés, diseñar una propuesta teniendo en cuenta el juego como estrategia metodológica y aumentar la creatividad de los estudiantes a través del juego. Esta investigación tuvo como marco de referencia la problemática de la poca utilización de estrategias creativas para desarrollar metodológicamente el área de inglés, un área a la que los estudiantes no se han adoptado y genera aversión en ellos, con la realización de este proyecto no se pretende sentar cátedra, sino, abrir un espacio de reflexión sobre la práctica pedagógica en la cual más que necesario, es urgente transformarla por un acto creativo,distinto, significativo que permite de verdad materializar el desarrollo integral del alumno

    Elaboración y diseño del proceso contable para la empresa euroconstrucciones s.a. ubicada en la ciudad de Guayaquil para el año 2014”

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    "La contabilidad es una herramienta de gran alcance en el convivir diario de las pequeñas y grandes empresas, transformándose en un instrumento primordial para una correcta toma de decisiones y así alcanzar resultados favorables al realizar inversiones económicas, y de esta manera se garantiza el conveniente control en las actividades y negocios. Mediante el trabajo de investigación elaborado a la empresa Euroconstrucciones S.A. se conoció que la entidad no poseía un proceso contable adecuado para su manejo financiero. Asimismo para conseguir una información real, se utilizó técnicas como la encuesta, la entrevista y la observación, efectuadas a todo el personal administrativo; una vez recopilados los datos se efectúo un análisis, el mismo que ayudo a establecer que sí es necesario implementar esta propuesta, la cual proporcionará información confía ble para una acertada toma de decisiones y de esta manera impulsar el crecimiento y desarrollo de la empresa Euroconstrucciones S.A

    3D Digital techniques applied to new design products based on cultural heritage elements

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    The aim of this paper is to present the 3D digitalization and posterior treatment of complex heritage elements existing in the Alhambra Palace, so that they can be used as the starting point for the development of new products. Not only are the direct results of 3D digitalization exploitable and essential for the documentation, recording and research of heritage elements, but also these 3D files compiling the original elements are to be used as the blueprints for the future development of new products and designs, such as constructive elements regarding their application at interior design and architecture projects. The enrichment provided in new products is undeniable as they will depart from the same provenance as the heritage element, which allows the product to increase its market value, and the opening of new Market niches. It is very important to highlight that any new product creation process will be grounded in full respect and protection of cultural heritage. For this reason, under no circumstances will the original elements be completely reproduced, not even partial developments of them since this action could undergo the risk of a non-responsible reproduction of the heritage elements.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Variables utilizadas por investigadores en Tributaria: revisión documental 2016-2020

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    The accounting profession is one of the most regulated, especially in the tax area where professional activities are normally governed based on regulations. This has created a blurred vision of what can be investigated in that area. The objective of this work is to analyze the variables used by researchers in the tax area who publish their work in specialized journals in the SCOPUS database (2016-2020). For this, a documentary review work of the SCOPUS database is carried out, which compiles more than 95% of the total impact scientific publications specialized in accounting. The main results allow us to define fiscal redirection and innovation as the explanatory variables, contingency, socioeconomic well-being and trade as moderating variables and economic events as the main mediating variable. These results allow a reflection on the trends in tax research and have repercussions on aspects such as the reorientation in the construction of research problems around the tax issue, even a wide range of possibilities that were not considered before. As most of the publications come from North America and Europe, concerns arise about the realities of tax research in Latin America.La profesión contable es una de las más reguladas, especialmente en el área de tributaria donde el actuar profesional normalmente se rige con base en la normatividad. Esto ha generado una borrosa visión de lo que se puede investigar en dicha área. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar cuáles son las variables que han utilizado los investigadores en el área de tributaria que publican sus trabajos en revistas especializadas en la base de datos SCOPUS (2016-2020). Para esto se realiza un trabajo de revisión documental de la base de datos de SCOPUS la cual compila más del 95% del total de las publicaciones científicas de impacto especializada en contabilidad. Los principales hallazgos permiten definir el re direccionamiento e innovación fiscal como las principales variables explicativas, la contingencia, bienestar socioeconómico y el comercio como variables moderadoras y los hechos económicos como la principal variable mediadora. Estos resultados permiten realizar una reflexión sobre las tendencias de investigación en tributaria y repercuten en aspectos como la reorientación en la construcción de problemas de investigación alrededor del tema impositivo, proporcionando una gran gama de posibilidades que antes no eran considerados. Como la mayoría de las publicaciones provienen de Norte América y Europa, surgen inquietudes sobre las realidades de investigación en tributarias en América Latina

    Temperature-dependent photoluminescence of surface-engineered silicon nanocrystals

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    In this work we report on temperature-dependent photoluminescence measurements (15–300 K), which have allowed probing radiative transitions and understanding of the appearance of various transitions. We further demonstrate that transitions associated with oxide in SiNCs show characteristic vibronic peaks that vary with surface characteristics. In particular we study differences and similarities between silicon nanocrystals (SiNCs) derived from porous silicon and SiNCs that were surface-treated using a radio-frequency (RF) microplasma system

    Specification and Automated Design-Time Analysis of the Business Process Human Resource Perspective

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    The human resource perspective of a business process is concerned with the relation between the activities of a process and the actors who take part in them. Unlike other process perspectives, such as control flow, for which many different types of analyses have been proposed, such as finding deadlocks, there is an important gap regarding the human resource perspective. Resource analysis in business processes has not been defined, and only a few analysis operations can be glimpsed in previous approaches. In this paper, we identify and formally define seven design-time analysis operations related to how resources are involved in process activities. Furthermore, we demonstrate that for a wide variety of resource-aware BP models, those analysis operations can be automated by leveraging Description Logic (DL) off-the-shelf reasoners. To this end, we rely on Resource Assignment Language (RAL), a domain-specific language that enables the definition of conditions to select the candidates to participate in a process activity. We provide a complete formal semantics for RAL based on DLs and extend it to address the operations, for which the control flow of the process must also be taken into consideration. A proof-of-concept implementation has been developed and integrated in a system called CRISTAL. As a result, we can give an automatic answer to different questions related to the management of resources in business processes at design time