743 research outputs found

    Performance Measurement Systems, Competitive Priorities, and Advanced Manufacturing Technologies: Some Evidence from the Aeronautical Sector

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    Purpose – When acquiring advanced manufacturing technologies (AMT), the greatest caution should be taken regarding the performance measurement system to be used: the decision regarding new investments should not be conditioned by the excessive use of financial indicators to the detriment of the strategic objectives that motivated the investments. It is intended to analyze the aeronautical sector, for which the purchase of AMT is qualifying criteria, with two intentions: first, to identify the performance measurement systems that are used, and second, to test their correspondence with the objectives that motivated the investments. Design/methodology/approach – A survey of the 20 plants in the population was conducted via a postal questionnaire plus a structured interview. The unit of analysis has been maintained through the triangulation of data sources. Findings – The findings suggest that both financial and non-financial indicators are used, with the latter gaining predominance over the former on some occasions, even though there is no clear correspondence between strategy and the measurement of performance. In the light of the findings, the question of what inspires a company’s performance measurement system is still open, especially in those cases where there is no explicit strategy. With regard to practical implications, what seems to be indispensable is an improvement in the determination of the critical variables that should be used to measure performance. Research limitations/implications – Being valuable for academics and practitioners, this contribution relies, rather, on the possibility of a logical extrapolation to circumstances where the findings might apply, and researchers can judge whether the particular findings would be valid. Originality/value – Provides new evidence on the adaptation of the make-up and combination of the type of performance measures currently used by plants in the aeronautical industry, one of the sectors in which technological innovation is of the utmost importance.Publicad

    How peoples' ratings of dental implant treatment change over time

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    Objectives: Dental implant treatment (DIT) improves peoples’ oral health-related quality of life (OHQoL). Assessment of changes in OHRQoL may be undermined by response shift (RS). RS is the process by which quality of life change, independent of health status as a result recalibration, reprioritization or reconceptualization. Thus, this research aimed to identify RS in individuals receiving dental implant treatment and to determine the validity of three approaches to measure it; the then-test, the self-anchored scale and the classification and regression trees (CRT). Methods: OHRQoL was assessed in 100 patients receiving DIT using the OHIP-Edent and the self-anchored scale before placement of the final restoration and 3 to 6 months after the treatment was completed. The OHIP-Edent was also used as a retrospective assessment at the follow-up. CRT examined changes in the OHIP-Edent total score as a dependent variable with global changes in oral health and each OHIP-Edent subscale score as independent variables. Results: OHRQoL improved after treatment. The OHIP-Edent score decreased from 36.4 at baseline to 12.7 after treatment. On average participants recalibrated their internal standard downwards (-4.0 OHIP-Edent points). The CRT detected recalibration (5% downwards and 15% upwards). Reprioritization was observed among the social disability and psychological discomfort aspects of OHRQoL. Conclusions: RS affects longitudinal assessments of OHRQoL in DIT reducing the apparent magnitude of change. Results of this study identified then-test and the CRT as valid complementary methods to assess RS

    Adopting and Implementing AMT: New Data on Key Factors from the Aeronautical Industry.

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    The objective of this paper is to take a greater in-depth look at which factors might be considered to be key to the performance of investments made in advanced manufacturing technologies (AMT), given their supposed positive effects, and on the influence that the time these factors are taken into account during the adoption and implementation process can have on that relationship. It provides a specially devised empirical analysis in the aeronautical sector in the south of Spain. A survey of the 20 plants in the population was conducted via a postal questionnaire between July 1999 and April 2001, with a structured interview being held at a later date. The testing of hypotheses was performed by applying the t-test to independent samples. The results show that the only factor that has a clear and positive effect on performance is the training of personnel. It can also be seen that a lack of strategic planning contributes to dampening the effects of investments. These results may be of some help to management staff and public administrators in charge of promoting the process of technological innovation, by indicating actions that need to be taken in order to successfully adopt and implement AMT.

    Crecimiento in vitro de Lactarius deliciosus en medio de cultivo BAF y MNM

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    - Chávez, D.; Pereira, G. ; Machuca, A. Laboratorio de Biotecnología de Hongos. Departamento Forestal, Campus Los Ángeles, Universidad de Concepción. J. A. Coloma 0201, Casilla 341. Los Ángeles-Chile.Lactarius deliciosus (L. Gray) es un hongo ectomicorrícico que crece asociado a Pinus radiata, constituyendo sus cuerpos fructíferos un producto muy apetecido desde el punto de vista gastronómico en la alta cocina. Desde esta perspectiva es un hongo que puede entregar valor agregado al bosque, siendo necesario entonces, conocer y caracterizar su comportamiento en laboratorio, y posteriormente, en las inoculaciones en viveros. En el presente estudio se aisló Lactarius deliciosus a partir de carpóforos jóvenes, recolectados de plantaciones de Pinus radiata de la Comuna de Ninhue, Provincia de Ñuble, VIII Región. Dicha cepa se caracterizó in vitro, en dos medios de cultivo sólido, Melin-Norkrans-modificado (MNM) y Aneurina-Acido fólico- Agar (BAF), incubándose a 24 ºC en oscuridad, en donde se determinó velocidad de crecimiento radial (mm/día), y en medio de cultivo líquido BAF, se evaluó crecimiento miceliar, variación del pH y determinación del consumo de azúcares en el medio. Todos los medios de cultivos empleados (sólidos y líquidos) fueron ajustados a pH 5,8. Los resultados del estudio muestran un mayor incremento en velocidad media de crecimiento radial en el medio de cultivo BAF, mostrando diferencias significativas respecto al medio de cultivo MNM. La producción de biomasa miceliar en el medio líquido aumentó progresivamente a medida que avanzaban los días de incubación, induciendo ello una disminución moderada del pH del medio de cultivo, y un aumento en el consumo de azúcar producto del crecimiento del hongo

    Dinámica de sistemas, política económica y política monetaria

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    System Dynamics, Economic Policy, and Monetary Policy. The advances in the Systems Approach and its tools are, in our view, well-known and undeniable. Altogether, they possess a great capacity, both for the understanding of the complex reality of social systems, and for permitting computer-simulated experiments with a considerable degree of realism, at low cost and with little risk. However, traditional Economic Analysis would appear to be impervious to these advances, remaining for the most part within an analytical-reductionist framework at some distance from reality. In the present study, our aim is to use the Systems Approach, and within it the instrumentation offered by the conceptualization phase of System Dinamics modelling, in orderto inter-relate the various objectives of Economic Policy in Spain, and to relate these to Monetary Policy, whose objectives must be subordinated to the former. The transparency and clarity of this approach and its tools facilitate significantly an understanding of the complex economic reality of this country, representing, in our judgment, a powerful tool for the transmission and assimilation of knowledge in Economics.El avance experimentado por el Enfoque de Sistemas y sus instrumentos resulta, a nuestro juicio, notorio e indiscutible. El conjunto posee una gran capacidad, tanto para la comprensión de la compleja realidad de los sistemas sociales, como para permitir experimentos simulados en ordenador con un notable grado de realismo y con escaso coste y riesgo. Sin embargo, el Análisis Económico convencional parece permanecer impermeable a tales avances y se mantiene, por lo general, dentro de un marco analítico-reduccionista bastante alejado de la realidad. En el presente trabajo, pretendemos utilizar el Enfoque de Sistemas y, dentro de él, la instrumentación ofrecida por la fase de conceptualización del modelado con Dinámica de Sistemasl, para relacionar los distintos objetivos de la Política Económica en España y a éstos con la Política Monetaria, cuyas metas deben supeditarse a los primeros. La transparencia y claridad ofrecida por dicho enfoque y sus instrumentos facilitan, de forma importante, la comprensión de la compleja realidad económica de este país pudiendo constituir, a nuestro juicio, un potente utensilio para la transmisión y asimilación del conocimiento en Economía

    Advanced oxidation processes with Uv-H2O2 for nitrification and decolorization of dyehouse wastewater

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    In this work, a UV/H2O2 system was evaluated using an experimental design 2 level I-optimal response surface design to analyze the effect of temperature, pH, UV lamp power (W), and H2O2 concentration on dye load removal and nitrification from industrial cleaning wastewater. Results showed that the optimum conditions were 80 °C, pH 4, PW-UV 60 W, and H2O2 3.1 Mol*L-1. Removal percentages of 45% for COD, 47.5% color, 87% Fe, 82% Cr and 91% ammonium oxidation to nitrate were achieved. It can be concluded that the effluents treated by this process could be promising for reuse and exploitation in biotechnological tools through microalgae and cyanobacteria

    An analysis of the variables that provide a supply chain with sustainable competitiveness

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    Objeto: Una cadena de suministro (CS) ágil, adaptable y alineada (Triple A) parece clave para la obtención de ventajas competitivas sostenibles. Sin embargo, hay escasa investigación previa sobre el tema, observándose incluso discrepancias a nivel conceptual. Por ello, el objetivo del presente trabajo es proponer un marco de referencia que determine las dimensiones y factores que definen la agilidad, adaptabilidad y alineación en la CS y facilite a los gestores e investigadores la evaluación del estado de la misma en lo que respecta a estas variables, así como el desarrollo de investigaciones empíricas que determinen su impacto en el rendimiento. Diseño/metodología/enfoque: Se realiza una revisión sistemática de bibliografía en revistas especializadas en Dirección de Operaciones, Logística, Administración y Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro utilizando la base de datos ABI/Inform. Los artículos obtenidos fueron revisados, seleccionándose los relevantes para este estudio. Con ellos se realizó un análisis cualitativo que nos llevó a la consecución del objetivo planteado. Aportaciones y resultados: En la presente investigación se establecen y agrupan, por primera vez, las definiciones, dimensiones y factores de la triple A en la CS, ofreciendo un marco conceptual que apoyará a investigadores y gestores a evaluar el desempeño de la CS. Aunque los artículos que analizan alguna de estas variables van en aumento, siguen siendo escasos. La agilidad es la variable más estudiada, siendo la adaptabilidad la menos analizada. Limitaciones / implicaciones: Se propone un marco de referencia teórico para la triple A en la CS construido a partir de estudios previos que no evalúan de manera conjunta las tres variables. El modelo será analizado empíricamente en futuras investigaciones. Originalidad / Valor añadido: La escasez de trabajos sobre agilidad, adaptabilidad y alineación en la CS, así como la falta de consenso respecto a las dimensiones y factores que las definen, hacen necesarios estudios como el que se presenta.Purpose: An agile, adaptable and aligned (Triple A) supply chain (SC) would seem to be key to obtaining sustainable competitive advantages. Little previous research has been done into the topic, however, and there are even discrepancies on the conceptual level. For this reason this study aims to propose a reference framework to determine the dimensions and factors that define agility, adaptability and alignment in the SC and to facilitate both the evaluation of its state by managers and researchers with respect to these variables and also the development of empirical research that determines its impact on performance. Design/methodology: A systematic literature review was carried out of specialist Operations Management, Logistics, Management and Supply Chain Management journals using the ProQuest (Abi/Inform Global) database. The articles retrieved were examined and those that were relevant for this study were selected. Using these, a qualitative analysis was done that led to the proposed goal being achieved. Findings: This study sets out the definitions, dimensions and factors of the three variables and groups them together for the first time, thus providing a solid conceptual frame. Although the number of articles that analyse one or other of the variables is growing, it is still low. Agility is the variable on which most research has been done, while adaptability is the least analysed. Research limitations/implications: A theoretical reference framework is proposed for the Triple A in the SC based on earlier studies which do not discuss the joint effect of three variables, as a result of which there is no tested theoretical base. The model will be analysed empirically in future research. Originality/value: The lack of papers on agility, adaptability and alignment in the supply chain and the lack of a consensus regarding the dimensions and factors to define them reveal a need for studies such as this.Peer Reviewe

    A Triple-A supply chain measurement model: validation and analysis

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    "This article is (c) Emerald Group Publishing and permission has been granted for this version to appear here https://doi.org/10.1108/IJPDLM-06-2018-0233. Emerald does not grant permission for this article to be further copied/distributed or hosted elsewhere without the express permission from Emerald Group Publishing Limited"[EN] Purpose The purpose of this paper is to establish definitions and dimensions of Triple-A supply chain (SC) variables based on a literature review and to validate a Triple-A SC measurement model using a worldwide multiple informant sample. Design/methodology/approach Following a literature review, Triple-A SC variables (agility, alignment and adaptability) are conceptualized and a list of possible items is created for their measurement. An international 309 plant sample is used to validate the convergent and criterion validities of the composites proposed to measure Triple-A SC. Findings Contributions to the literature: clarification of Triple-A SC variable concepts; identification of key dimensions of Triple-A SC variables; development of a validated Triple-A SC measurement scale for future empirical research and industrial applications. Research limitations/implications A rigorously validated instrument is needed to measure Triple-A SC variables and enable researchers to credibly test theories regarding causal links between capabilities, practices and performance. Practical implications Proposal of a scale for use by managers of different functions to analyze Triple-A SC deployment in the company. Originality/value The only Triple-A SC scale used in the previous literature has serious limitations: scales were not taken from an extended literature review; data were collected from single respondents in a single country. This is the first validated Triple-A SC measurement model to overcome these limitations.This study has been conducted within the frameworks of the following projects: 'Accion especial SGUIT-2015 (SBAPA2015-06) HPM-(Project 2015/148 U.S.)-Junta de Andalucia (Spain); PAIDI Excellence Project P08-SEJ-0384-Junta de Andalucia (Spain); and DPI2009-11148-Spanish National Program of Industrial Design and Production.Marin-Garcia, JA.; Alfalla-Luque, R.; Machuca, JA. (2018). A Triple-A supply chain measurement model: validation and analysis. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management. 48(10):976-994. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJPDLM-06-2018-0233S9769944810Agarwal, A., Shankar, R., & Tiwari, M. K. (2007). Modeling agility of supply chain. Industrial Marketing Management, 36(4), 443-457. doi:10.1016/j.indmarman.2005.12.004Alfalla-Luque, R., & Medina-López, C. (2009). Supply Chain Management: Unheard of in the 1970s, core to today’s company. Business History, 51(2), 202-221. doi:10.1080/00076790902726558Alfalla-Luque, R., Machuca, J. A. D., & Marin-Garcia, J. A. (2018). Triple-A and competitive advantage in supply chains: Empirical research in developed countries. International Journal of Production Economics, 203, 48-61. doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2018.05.020Arana-Solares, I., Machuca, J.A.D. and Alfalla-Luque, R. (2011), “Proposed framework for research in the triple A (agility, adaptability, alignment in supply chains”, in Flynn, B., Morita, M. and Machuca, J.A.D. (Eds), Managing Global Supply Chain Relationships: Operations, Strategies and Practices, IGI Global, Hershey, PA, pp. 306-321, doi: 10.4018/978-1-61692-862-9.ch013.Attia, A. (2015). Testing the effect of marketing strategy alignment and triple-A supply chain on performance in Egypt. EuroMed Journal of Business, 10(2), 163-180. doi:10.1108/emjb-07-2014-0020Bagozzi, R. P., Yi, Y., & Phillips, L. W. (1991). Assessing Construct Validity in Organizational Research. 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Information Technology, Mutual Trust, Flexibility, Agility, Adaptability: Understanding Their Linkages and Impact on Humanitarian Supply Chain Management Performance. Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy, 7(2), 79-103. doi:10.1002/rhc3.12096Rasoolimanesh, S. M., Roldán, J. L., Jaafar, M., & Ramayah, T. (2016). Factors Influencing Residents’ Perceptions toward Tourism Development: Differences across Rural and Urban World Heritage Sites. Journal of Travel Research, 56(6), 760-775. doi:10.1177/0047287516662354Ringle, C.M., Wende, S. and Becker, J.M. (2015), “Smartpls 3. boenningstedt: SmartPLS GmbH”, available at: www.smartpls.com (accessed July 2018)

    Oral health and depressive symptoms: findings from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing

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    Aim We assessed the cross-sectional association between depressive symptoms and oral health using a nationally representative sample of older adults aged 50 years and older living in England.Methods Data came from wave 7 (2014-2015) of the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing. Multiple logistic regression analyses were conducted to assess the association between depressive symptoms, measured through the eight-item Centre for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale and three oral health outcomes, namely self-rated oral health, edentulousness and oral impacts.Results The analytical sample comprised 3,617 individuals. The proportion of participants that reported poor self-rated oral health, being edentate and having at least one oral health impact in the last six months was 19.8%, 7.7% and 8.9%, respectively. Around a tenth of the participants reported having depressive symptoms (10%). All unadjusted associations between depressive symptoms and the oral health measures were statistically significant. However, after accounting for potential confounders, only the relationship between depressive symptoms and self-rated oral health remained significant (OR = 1.38; 95% CI 1.01-1.89). Socioeconomic and general health-related variables appeared to influence the associations between depressive symptoms and oral health, particularly edentulousness and oral impacts.Conclusion Depressive symptoms were associated with poor self-rated oral health in older English adults