45 research outputs found

    Agrupaciones de larvas de peces en aguas costeras de la zona central de Grecia: reflejo de la heterogeneidad en la topografía y la oceanografía

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    Patterns in the mesoscale distribution of larval fish in the coastal waters of central Greece, an area of high topographic and bathymetric complexity, were analysed using samples collected during two ichthyoplankton surveys in July 1998 and June 1999. Salinities were lower in the eastern (Aegean) part of the study area due to the influence of waters originating from the Black Sea. In this region, larvae of many epipelagic and benthopelagic (typically summer spawning) species were less abundant in June 1999, when waters were significantly cooler, compared to July 1998. Multivariate analyses identified ‘neritic’ and ‘pelagic’ groups of stations dominated by larvae of epipelagic/bethopelagic (typically shelf dwelling) and mesopelagic species. In the west (Ionian Sea), a prominent third group of stations located in the deep and highly enclosed Korinthiakos Gulf was also defined with very high abundances of mesopelagic fish larvae. However, the genera Cyclothone and Vinciguerria that dominated the neighbouring offshore assemblage of the Ionian Sea were absent from this gulf. In the study area, Korinthiakós Gulf ( > 900 m) and North Evoikos ( > 400 m) Gulf comprise unique ‘fjord-like’ ecosystems in the Mediterranean with increased productivity and significantly cooler deep waters compared to adjacent open sea basins.Se analizaron los patrones de distribución de mesoescala de larvas de peces en aguas costeras de Grecia central (un área de alta complejidad topográfica y batimétrica) mediante el estudio de muestras recogidas en el transcurso de dos muestreos de ictioplancton (julio de 1998 y junio de 1999). En la zona este del área de estudio (mar Egeo), las salinidades fueron menores debido a la influencia de aguas procedentes del mar Negro. En esta región, las larvas de muchas especies epipelágicas y bentopelágicas (normalmente de desove en verano) fueron menos abundantes en junio de 1999, cuando las aguas eran significativamente más frías, en comparación con julio de 1998. Un análisis multivariante identificó los grupos ‘nerítico’ y ‘pelágico’ en las estaciones dominadas por larvas de especies epipelágicas/betopelágicas (típicas de plataforma) y mesopelágicas. En el oeste (mar Jónico) se definió un tercer grupo de estaciones con altas abundancias de larvas de peces mesopelágicos ubicadas en el Golfo Korinthiakós, zona muy profunda y cerrada. Sin embargo, los géneros Cyclothone y Vinciguerria, que dominaban en la comunidad de aguas abiertas del Mar Jónico, estaban ausentes en este golfo. Dentro del área de estudio, los golfos de Korinthiakós ( > 900 m de profundidad) y el del Norte de Evoikos ( > 400 m) comprenden ecosistemas únicos en el Mediterráneo, semejantes a fiordos, con una productividad elevada y aguas profundas significativamente más frías que las de cuencas adyacentes del mar abierto

    Descartes de la pesca de cerco enfocadas en peces pequeños pelágicos en el mar Mediterráneo Oriental

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    We analysed data collected on board commercial purse seine vessels in the Aegean and Ionian Seas (eastern Mediterranean Sea, Greece) in 13 seasonal sampling periods from 2003 to 2008 in order to describe the composition of the retained and discarded catch and shed light on discarding practices. In each area, five species constituted the majority of the marketable catch (> 97%): sardine (Sardina pilchardus), anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus), round sardinella (Sardinella aurita), bogue (Boops boops) (in both areas), mackerel (Scomber japonicus; in the Aegean Sea) and picarel (Spicara smaris; in the Ionian Sea). Discarded quantities were on average 4.6% and 2.2% of the total catch in terms of weight in the Aegean and Ionian Seas respectively. Discards on the marketable ratio fluctuated over years and seasons without showing any particular trend. At the species level, sardine and mackerel were seldom discarded while large amounts of anchovy were discarded only during its recruitment period (autumn), when juvenile fish dominate the population. The discarding ratio for bogue, picarel and round sardinella ranged from zero to total discarding because they constitute a supplementary source of income for the fishers. Discarded fish comprised mainly small individuals for all species considered with the exception of round sardinella. However, the lengths at which 50% of the individuals were discarded were generally small, often smaller than the species minimum landing sizes. Geographical coordinates and marketable catch explained part of the variability of the discarded quantities, as revealed by generalized additive models. Discarding practices and implications for management of purse seine fisheries are also discussed.Analizamos datos recogidos a bordo de pesqueros comerciales de cerco en el mar Egeo y el mar Jónico (Mediterráneo Oriental, Grecia) durante 13 estacionales de muestreo desde 2003 hasta 2008, con el objetivo de describir la composición de las capturas conservadas y de las descartadas con el fin de arrojar luz sobre la práctica del descarte. En cada zona, la mayor parte de la captura comercial (> 97%) consistía en cinco especies, a saber: la sardina (Sardina pilchardus), el boquerón (Engraulis encrasicolus), la alacha (Sardinella aurita), la boga (Boops boops) (en ambas zonas), la caballa (Scomber japonicus; en el mar Egeo) y el caramel (Spicara smaris; en el mar Jónico). Las cantidades descartadas representaban un promedio del 4.6% y 2.2% de la captura total en términos de peso, en el mar Egeo y en el Jónico respectivamente. La proporción de la captura descartada sobre la captura comercializable fluctuó mucho en todos los años y estaciones sin mostrar ninguna tendencia particular. Con respecto a las especies, en el caso de la sardina y de la caballa, los descartes ocurrieron raramente e incluso los individuos más pequeños se conservaron, mientras que grandes cantidades de boquerón fueron descartadas solamente durante su temporada de reclutamiento (otoño), cuando la población está dominada por peces jóvenes. La proporción descartada en el caso de la boga, del caramel y de la alacha fluctuó mucho, desde un descarte de cero hasta un descarte total, ya que estas especies representan una fuente de ingresos complementaria para los pescadores. Las coordenadas geográficas y la captura comercial explicaban parte de la variabilidad de las cantidades descartadas, como se demuestra con modelos aditivos generalistas. Asimismo, presentamos una discusión sobre la práctica del descarte así como de las consecuencias sobre la gestión de la pesca de cerco

    Can we actually monitor the spatial distribution of small pelagic fish based on Sentinel-3 data? An example from the North Aegean Sea (Eastern Mediterranean Sea)

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    Fish population spatial distribution data provide essential information for fleet monitoring and fishery spatial planning. Modern high resolution ocean color remote sensing sensors with daily temporal coverage can enable consistent monitoring of highly productive areas, giving insight in seasonal and yearly variations. Here is presented the methodology to monitor small pelagic fish spatial distribution by means of 500m resolution satellite data in a geographically and oceanographically complex area. Specifically, anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) and sardine (Sardina pilchardus) acoustic biomass data are modeled against environmental proxies obtained from the Sentinel-3 satellite mission. Three modeling techniques (Logistic Regression, Generalized Additive Models, Random Forest) were applied and validated against the in-situ measurements. The accuracy of anchovy presence detection peaked at 76% and for sardine at 78%. Additionally, the spatial distribution of the models’ output highlighted known fishing grounds. For anchovy, biomass modeling highlighted the importance of bathymetry, SST, and the distance from thermal fronts, whereas for sardine, bathymetry, CHL and chlorophyll fronts. The models are applied to a sample dataset to showcase a potential outcome of the proposed methodology and its spatial characteristics. Finally, the results are discussed and compared to other habitat studies and findings in the area

    Catch of pelagic hauls in Mediterranean acoustic surveys: Is it the same between day and night?

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    Fish sampling is a critical aspect of acoustic surveys, because it is directly related to the “transformation” of echo into species biomass and subsequently affects the accuracy of acoustic estimates. In the present study, we investigated the differences between day and night sampling in a) the catch composition through certain diversity indices and b) the length frequency distribution of anchovy and sardine using catch data of pelagic hauls collected from four different regions of the European Mediterranean waters. In addition, the possible bias in trawl efficiency due to sampling time and the possible error introduced in acoustic estimates were investigated. No statistically significant differences were found between day and night in any of the parameters examined. The results showed that a more flexible strategy can be adopted to reduce the duration and the cost of acoustic sampling for small pelagic species. The advantages and disadvantages of the two sampling strategies are discussedPublicado

    Discards of the purse seine fishery targeting small pelagic fish in the eastern Mediterranean Sea

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    We analysed data collected on board commercial purse seine vessels in the Aegean and Ionian Seas (eastern Mediterranean Sea, Greece) in 13 seasonal sampling periods from 2003 to 2008 in order to describe the composition of the retained and discarded catch and shed light on discarding practices. In each area, five species constituted the majority of the marketable catch (> 97%): sardine (Sardina pilchardus), anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus), round sardinella (Sardinella aurita), bogue (Boops boops) (in both areas), mackerel (Scomber japonicus; in the Aegean Sea) and picarel (Spicara smaris; in the Ionian Sea). Discarded quantities were on average 4.6% and 2.2% of the total catch in terms of weight in the Aegean and Ionian Seas respectively. Discards on the marketable ratio fluctuated over years and seasons without showing any particular trend. At the species level, sardine and mackerel were seldom discarded while large amounts of anchovy were discarded only during its recruitment period (autumn), when juvenile fish dominate the population. The discarding ratio for bogue, picarel and round sardinella ranged from zero to total discarding because they constitute a supplementary source of income for the fishers. Discarded fish comprised mainly small individuals for all species considered with the exception of round sardinella. However, the lengths at which 50% of the individuals were discarded were generally small, often smaller than the species minimum landing sizes. Geographical coordinates and marketable catch explained part of the variability of the discarded quantities, as revealed by generalized additive models. Discarding practices and implications for management of purse seine fisheries are also discussed

    Habitat Suitability Modeling to Identify the Potential Nursery Grounds of the Atlantic Mackerel and Its Relation to Oceanographic Conditions in the Mediterranean Sea

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    Our knowledge for the distribution of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) in the Mediterranean Sea is limited and fragmented. In the current work habitat suitability modeling was applied to summer acoustic surveys data of Atlantic mackerel juveniles derived from the north part of the Mediterranean (i.e., acoustic data from the Gulf of Lions, pelagic trawls held during acoustic surveys in Spanish Mediterranean waters, south Adriatic Sea, Strait of Sicily, and North Aegean Sea) using generalized additive models (GAMs) along with satellite environmental and bathymetry data. Bathymetry along with sea surface temperature and circulation patterns, expressed through sea level anomaly and the zonal component of the absolute geostrophic velocity, were the environmental variables best to describe nursery grounds. The selected model was used to produce maps presenting the potential nursery grounds of Atlantic mackerel throughout the Mediterranean Sea as a measure of habitat adequacy. However, the assessed potential nursery grounds were generally marked as “occasional,” implying that although there are areas presenting high probability to encounter Atlantic mackerel, this picture can largely vary from year to year stressing the high susceptibility of the species to environmental conditions. In a further step and toward a spatial management perspective, we have estimated and visualized the overlap between Atlantic mackerel and anchovy/ sardine juvenile grounds throughout the basin. Results showed that although the degree of overlapping was generally low, not exceeding 15% in general, this varied at a regional level going up to 30%. The potential of the output of this work for management purposes like the implementation of spatially-explicit management tools is discussedVersión del edito

    Density dependence in the spatial behaviour of anchovy and sardine across Mediterranean systems

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    A spatial indicator—the spreading area index—is used to describe anchovy and sardine spatial distribution in relation to biomass variation and to look for ecosystem differences within the Mediterranean basin. Specifically, the variation in the spreading area index in relation to biomass was examined for different areas of the Mediterranean Sea (i.e. Aegean Sea, western Adriatic Sea, Strait of Sicily, Gulf of Lion, and Spanish Mediterranean waters). In order to capture the spatial variability of the population at different levels of fish density, acoustic survey data for the years of highest, lowest, and intermediate abundance were used. In a subsequent step standardized values of spreading area and biomass were estimated to allow comparisons. Results showed pronounced area differences. A significant relationship was revealed in the case of anchovy for areas with extended continental shelf (i.e. Aegean Sea, Adriatic Sea, and Gulf of Lion), indicating an increase in biomass with an increase in the spreading area. No relationship was found for areas dominated by narrow continental shelf and strong currents (i.e. Spanish Mediterranean waters and the Strait of Sicily). With regard to sardine, an increase in biomass was followed by an increase in the spreading area when estimates from the Aegean Sea, the Adriatic Sea, and the Strait of Sicily were considered together. The relationship was even more Abstracts–Theme Session B 9 pronounced when analysis was limited to the Aegean Sea and the Strait of Sicily. No relationship was found for the Spanish Mediterranean waters and the Gulf of Lion. This clearly implies that spatial indicators should be integrated into ecosystem management, taking into account that they can be area‐ or ecosystem‐dependent